# Strategic Map structure and layout information. Consolidated into one file for consistency. # # Number of maps (max 64) followed by map names (replaces index.mpi) # Map names are limited to 8 characters. 46 port GoldBch junobch Cour sword Ouistre Bayeux Crully Taillevl Basly Bvlle Benouvl Thaon Herman Buron LebiseyW Rauray brettevl Ardenne Caen Lingev TillySS Cristot Hottot Juvigny VB Tourvll Carp Gavrus Esquay AunsOdon Etervll Maltot ThuryH StGer Bour Vimont CagnyN Troarn Colombel Bavent Mervl Ranville Pegasus Arrom Magny # Map Center on the Strategic Map Screen - controls where special gadgets appear on the map tile. # x = center_x - 86 + special gadget offset_x (see below). y = center_y - 44 + special offset_y. 1269,62 1412,198 1473,289 1547,422 1575,581 1539,706 977,155 1209,223 1256,329 1311,448 1308,585 1286,688 1062,315 1091,455 1077,574 1027,686 888,325 815,442 858,564 783,710 611,216 679,307 553,449 339,287 406,381 147,374 352,514 595,584 196,567 279,682 276,816 454,663 455,759 336,957 366,1068 543,873 600,1015 789,864 961,923 1004,783 1164,903 1550,832 1275,839 1241,777 1370,121 1243,146 # Map area tile coordinates (x,y) and tile size (w, h) on the Strategic Map Screen. 1109,0,251,98 1263,136,241,108 1316,210,289,146 1361,320,347,178 1397,493,310,168 1395,628,311,140 754,42,389,194 1073,125,245,141 1122,246,241,138 1153,356,245,165 1114,493,293,135 1112,628,294,109 916,185,235,195 960,379,223,125 958,493,240,131 889,615,227,110 749,230,221,149 651,367,318,128 677,453,293,191 623,612,274,185 418,119,372,177 482,187,344,192 395,352,310,166 186,191,296,158 270,297,243,142 1,241,293,248 172,429,262,167 407,450,307,228 64,471,183,173 123,593,230,137 150,728,211,160 333,569,227,133 317,669,334,119 203,855,213,153 245,985,212,140 317,718,388,268 418,926,339,166 659,780,223,163 716,845,352,184 845,717,271,137 1010,811,523,154 1377,730,329,139 1111,780,278,81 1111,721,290,59 1268,54,167,110 1137,89,173,89 # Number of connections / arrows (max 256). # Each connection is given as 'Start map','End map' and applies both ways. 101 0,45 0,44 0,6 1,7 1,2 2,8 2,3 3,9 3,4 4,10 4,5 5,11 4,11 6,21 6,20 6,16 6,12 6,7 7,12 7,8 8,12 8,9 9,14 9,13 9,10 10,14 10,11 11,43 11,15 10,15 12,16 12,13 13,18 13,17 13,14 14,18 14,15 15,19 15,18 16,21 16,17 17,27 17,22 17,18 18,27 18,19 19,39 19,37 19,35 19,32 19,27 20,23 20,21 21,24 21,22 22,27 22,26 22,24 23,25 23,24 24,26 24,25 25,28 25,26 26,31 26,29 26,28 26,27 28,29 29,32 29,31 29,30 30,35 30,33 30,32 31,32 33,35 33,34 34,36 35,37 35,36 36,38 36,37 37,39 37,38 38,40 38,39 39,42 39,40 40,42 40,41 41,43 41,42 42,43 3,10 8,13 1,44 1,45 6,45 7,45 44,45 # Coordinates (x,y,width,height) on the strat map screen for each arrow gadget 1199,56,50,67 1272,54,59,64 1066,60,82,38 1248,191,82,38 1387,189,59,64 1287,297,110,41 1434,311,59,64 1329,421,110,41 1540,448,58,110 1330,544,134,54 1538,602,41,84 1325,675,134,54 1325,606,134,51 754,196,100,46 724,127,82,38 860,196,55,86 992,184,65,76 1058,127,79,49 1058,221,100,46 1179,227,59,64 1084,310,94,42 1184,340,41,84 1145,485,82,38 1138,428,82,38 1260,473,46,73 1086,537,110,41 1185,581,41,84 1246,704,25,45 1073,651,82,38 1084,591,59,64 905,284,82,38 1023,343,46,73 924,457,82,38 921,396,82,38 1035,480,25,45 926,538,69,32 1016,594,25,45 856,664,69,32 900,603,59,64 741,288,69,32 775,334,50,67 654,445,50,67 622,390,82,38 761,470,25,45 651,542,82,38 772,594,25,45 837,735,82,38 729,762,25,45 637,726,50,67 588,676,82,38 623,610,79,49 408,217,82,38 528,249,59,64 463,305,82,38 547,336,50,67 517,480,59,64 378,453,82,38 371,403,79,49 168,271,82,38 299,304,59,64 309,411,25,45 246,364,79,49 136,465,25,45 173,425,79,49 346,552,59,64 274,573,25,45 197,517,82,38 387,515,79,49 158,606,59,64 302,687,79,49 317,635,69,32 202,705,25,45 320,821,69,32 230,855,59,64 286,743,69,32 467,677,25,45 359,908,82,38 304,972,59,64 394,1012,82,38 620,855,82,38 506,913,50,67 699,958,69,32 666,897,50,67 827,804,82,38 802,880,79,49 984,872,82,38 925,818,50,67 1071,778,69,32 1001,814,79,49 1157,821,50,67 1425,834,82,38 1351,742,69,32 1339,795,82,38 1168,751,25,45 1333,464,160,78 1075,338,160,78 1346,119,59,64 1257,150,79,49 1085,93,94,42 1180,143,58,52 1255,118,71,28 # Offset value for special gadgets that appear within a map area on Start map screen # Format is offset_x, offset_y, width, height # Axis BG icon STRBGICONS* 3,18,45,30 # Axis air support marker STRGEAIRSTRIKE 33,48,15,15 # Axis artillery support marker STRGEARTILLERY 18,48,15,15 # Axis naval support marker STRAMNAVALSTRIKE (same graphic for both sides) 3,48,15,15 # Axis air re-supply marker STRGEAIRSUPPLY 3,1,17,17 # Axis BG 'strength' marker STRGEBGMARKER 33,3,15,15 # Map Control Marker STRGERMANMARKER 52,1,19,19 # Resolution marker STRCROSSEDRIFLES 49,21,25,23 # Supply depot marker STRSUPPLYDEPOT 49,45,25,22 # Allied BG icon STRBGICONS* 75,18,45,30 # Allied air support marker STRAMAIRSTRIKE 75,48,15,15 # Allied artillery support marker STRAMARTILLERY 90,48,15,15 # Allied naval support marker STRAMNAVALSTRIKE 105,48,15,15 # Allied air re-supply marker STRAMAIRSUPPLY 103,1,17,17 # Allied BG 'strength' marker STRAMBGMARKER 75,3,15,15 # Remainder of the data is for the Scenario editor screen # Which side do Allied BGs appear on in Scenario Editor (0 = left, 1 = right) 1 # SEMAP coordinate on the Scenario Editor screen (x,y,w,h) for each map 536,50,30,17 583,115,30,17 601,153,30,17 623,211,30,17 626,278,30,17 628,338,30,17 424,96,30,17 509,121,30,17 524,171,30,17 544,225,30,17 544,275,30,17 551,321,30,17 455,159,30,17 466,222,30,17 461,276,30,17 447,325,30,17 390,177,30,17 374,222,30,17 384,280,30,17 363,340,30,17 296,117,30,17 316,165,30,17 281,226,30,17 205,144,30,17 228,188,30,17 146,194,30,17 208,248,30,17 296,285,30,17 146,274,30,17 173,325,30,17 180,388,30,17 248,317,30,17 253,357,30,17 200,440,30,17 212,494,30,17 276,406,30,17 300,471,30,17 368,408,30,17 410,450,30,17 436,377,30,17 497,426,30,17 625,385,30,17 553,389,30,17 519,357,30,17 570,79,30,17 526,88,30,17 # Number of Allied naval-supported maps, followed by the map (0 based) index number 46 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 # Number of Axis naval-supported maps, followed by the map index numbers 46 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 # SESHIP coordinate on the Scenario Editor screen (x,y,w,h) to show maps where naval support is possible. # Number of entries here must match total number of naval supported maps. # Ship gadget locations for Allied naval maps: 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 # Ship gadget locations for Axis naval maps: 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 # Debrief screen map gadget locations, one per map 596,75,96,45 639,103,84,47 667,133,97,51 681,173,95,54 694,227,82,50 692,269,84,43 475,87,133,60 584,112,83,44 600,150,82,43 611,184,84,51 598,226,100,42 597,268,100,33 531,131,79,60 544,191,76,39 545,226,81,41 522,264,76,33 474,144,75,46 440,187,108,40 449,214,100,59 430,263,94,57 361,111,126,54 382,132,117,59 353,183,105,51 281,133,101,49 311,166,82,44 219,149,99,76 277,206,89,52 357,213,104,70 240,220,62,53 260,257,78,42 269,300,72,49 331,250,78,41 325,280,114,37 287,338,73,47 302,378,72,43 326,296,132,82 360,360,117,59 443,315,76,50 462,335,120,56 506,295,92,42 562,324,179,48 687,302,90,40 596,315,94,25 597,296,99,19 650,92,57,33 604,102,61,26 #MAP VIEW screen, overview map, location of red circle that shows which map this is on the strat map 710,353 728,374 738,387 751,405 758,429 751,448 662,367 697,378 706,392 712,410 715,429 714,442 676,389 680,410 677,428 673,444 650,391 639,409 647,426 634,449 608,375 622,390 599,410 567,385 574,402 536,398 565,421 607,432 541,428 555,444 554,464 581,440 586,454 563,483 568,500 597,472 603,494 634,472 657,483 668,461 689,476 754,465 706,466 705,455 722,363 705,365 #End of file