Close Combat Series

Boot Camp #1 - Fine Tune Your Game Part 1
Date: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:05 pm
Topic: Boot Camp

Use these techniques to fine tune your game against an online opponent. Not all these tips will work in every situation but keep them in mind and when the time is right they will help you pull through with a victory. If these tips have helped you, or you have some of your own to add please post them in the forums.

Create numbered teams and groups. Having your mortar sections numbered one and two each game will make it second nature to lob a few mortar rounds at enemy sections that pop their heads up. Just keep scanning the map with your finger over the button for quick kills. Numbering the rest of your support teams in order from North to South will also help in quickly killing enemy units. Alternatively, grouping all your anti-tank guns and tanks with one number will is a good way to immediately override any current orders and have the entire force focus on one target. This works much better than click and dragging for mass selects. It also helps getting your soldier to get down quicker when there's incoming artillery or mortars.

Keep a command team near support sections if you plan on starting the battle shooting. Their influence will increase their accuracy and conduct under fire. When the support team is out of ammo or no longer able to be effective, move your command team up to the front line. Do not use your support teams for cannon fodder when out of ammo, have them hold rear area VL or use them to occupy safe over watch positions.

At the beginning of an engagement have your mortars, vehicles and support teams firing at likely enemy advance routes and hiding spots. Bunkers, church steeples, trenches and VLs are all common areas to fire blind on. On the other side of this, its not wise to deploy in the obvious forward positions. If one side is far stronger than the other, he may not care about revealing his positions to get these blind kills. Meeting engagements are the best time to do this. To save your men, have them sneak or move into position, the drawback is you will gain less ground initially than your opponent.

Choose highly ranked squads. In each squad you pick ranks and attribute levels fluctuate. Keep choosing the teams over and over until the team leader and 2 IC are ranked highly. Pay attention to the attribute levels as well, in most cases the higher ranked the team is the higher the attributes are, but not in every case. When selecting teams like this make sure the team leader is not carrying the support weapon. If the team leader is carrying the heaviest weapon he will lag behind during move fast bounds and may get easily picked off. When choosing command tanks, put them in the top slot, they usually get ranked higher than the lower slots.

It almost goes without saying, keep your teams on ambush when they are in position. Teams on defend, depending on the mod or version may give away their positions early. They may also engage at ineffective ranges. Ambush should be used just to keep your men hidden. The ambush ranges are so close that you should still tell your teams when to fire. Enemy teams can potentially overrun teams that stay in ambush. Defend is best suited when your force is significantly stronger than your opponents.

Victory locations are not all for the taking. Keeping your men in ambush near a neutral VL is a good way to lure in your opponent and score kills. Victory locations that you take will momentarily reveal your positions any may attract indirect fire. During a grand campaign not all VLs will be attainable in the first round of battle. Still pick your objectives, such as areas that would be good jump off points to capture the VL in the following battle. High ground, bunkers and terrain that have good LOS over large areas can be just as important as a VL.

When everything seems to be going wrong, pack up and retreat to a defensible position. If playing with morale on this is a very important move. Morale is usually ready to collapse right after massive losses. After a severe drop in morale, it doesn't take much to make it finally collapse and usually comes as a surprise. Pay close attention to saving the lives of your command teams and any vehicles. Stop attacking and defend fiercely to save the battlegroup.

Keep men ready for the final VL rushes. These are not recommended in grand campaign as they usually turn into blood baths but none the less, some people use them. The most critical spots to watch out for these are exit vls. For the defender, VL rushes are an excellent opportunity to rack up some free kills. If you are desperate and must do a VL rush yourself, use teams that have lost over 60% of their strength. These teams will be removed from the forcepool after the battle is over regardless.

Count your opponents teams. Dead or alive count them all and determine where his weakest points are. If you haven't killed any complete teams or seen many, count the individual dead soldiers and you can get a rough estimate of how much you have weakened him. This can help you figure out whether or not the command, mortar or other support teams have been killed, thus helping your overall strategy to win the map.

Click read more for more game winning tips!

This article comes from Close Combat Series

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