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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 308.9
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:45 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

People should be free to practice whatever religion/denomination they choose...but not force me to adopt their particular views. -dj

List of Wars by Death Toll

... some Christian fundamentalists (notably in the United States) oppose secularism, often claiming that there is a "radical secularist" ideology being adopted in current days and see secularism as a threat to "Christian rights" and national security. -Wiki: Secularism

It is safe to say, that radical secularists, over time, are committed to the ideal of forcing everyone to adopt their particular views. In fact they are committed to wars of ideas, that are responsible for killing non-believers in the hundreds of millions.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:47 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Yes the "Christian" Fundamentalists aka American Taliban are just as Nuts as the Islam Fundamentalists.  What is the difference?  They both favor Sharia Law style rule, reject or mock Science, hate Jews or non-believers.  Or like you said Stwa...they outright advocate violence or murder of non-believers or political dissidents that do not conform to their Religious ideology.  I actually know someone here in my area that calls himself a "Christian" and told me "there will be blood" meaning exactly what you just said.  

There is virtually no difference between the "Christian" Fundamentalists and Islamic Fundamentalists in that they both advocate Rule of Law under Religious Ideology.  They do not even want a Free Democracy.  They want Government controlled Religious mandated law.

What will the Revolution Change? - Youth Brigade
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:50 am Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Not going to take the bait.

You already did  Wink  

dj wrote (View Post):
We get it you don't like Muslim people that immigrate to your lands.
(that is a very general statement)

Are trying you to build a straw man?

Never said: "i dont like them"

People are ok, its the culture they bring with them

What i don't like is: Islam invading Australia (we did not ask them to come here, they are uninvited and rudely just turn up,..... should we be happy?)

If you read my posts properly you would know that i am specifically complaing about ILLEGAL immigrants, who happen to be mostly Muslims.

2ndly, i am complaing about the fraudulent nature of many of these illegal immigrant boat people.
Many of them are ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS who fraudulently claim to be persecuted refugees seeking asylum.

3rdly i have been complaing that these queue jumbers are disadvantaging genuine refugee asylum seekers because the illegals use much more of our immigration department resourses per capita than those who apply legitimately from OS, who cant even get their applications looked at because our immigration officials are flooded with illegals.

Also, i am complaining about those Muslim immigrantss who want to change our culture, especially those who want to introduce Sharia Law and whose goal is to make Australia an Islamic state!

If they want to live in an islamic country, they should seek refugee status in an islamic country.

But they come here and criticise our culture (reminds me of whinging P.O.H.M.s )

Whats even worse, is that we have to pay for their cultural idiosyncrasies:
RATEPAYERS could be stung up to $45,000 to install curtains at a public pool so Muslim women can have privacy during a female-only exercise classes
Whatever happenned to user pays???????????????

Also, because of their highly sexually discriminative religion, they are allowed to circumvent our anti-sexual discrimination laws.

You know, when i am riding my motorcycle, i am not legally allowed to go into the petrol station cashier's office with my fullface helmut on, but a muslim woman can go in with her burqa on.

Special priveledges for the Muslims.

Guess the laws may change after a series of armed holdups by robbers wearing burqas

If they came here and blended into Australian society, without ruffling feathers, like, for example Indian Hindus, or East asian Budhists, that would be just fantastic.  Very Happy

But no.....

impirical evidence says: where there are Muslims in large numbers, there will be trouble.

Have a look globally, where is most (90%+) of the trouble, violence and general unpleasantness found?

What is the religion that coincides with all the trouble......?

We had a Muslim riot at the US embassy the other day because some yanks made an anti-Islamic film and several Australian policemen were injured.

Christians......., no problem

Budhists......., no problem

Taosist......., no problem

Shintus......., no problem

Hindus......., no problem

Jews......., no problem

Marxists......., no problem

even the neo-Nazi thugs cause less trouble than the Muslims

dj wrote (View Post):
Which non-secular Western nation are you planning on moving to that mandates public schools pitch your particular religious denomination?

Actually, where i am going there are no public schools and most of the private schools are run by churches  Very Happy

dj wrote (View Post):
Just curious because it has been oh...maybe a 100 years or so since a White man's land had State control over Church.

Actually, i think you mean: Church control over State.  Wink

The last state that had control over a church may have been the Roman Empire, or the English King over the Church of England.

dj wrote (View Post):
How is that State-Controlled Religion working out for the Islamic Governments right now?  .

Dunno...., why don't you ask them

dj wrote (View Post):
There is a reason why the Islamic World is in chaos and suffers from poverty, lack of education and violence...it is because they never have been able to implement a Secular Government, with the exception of Turkey..

Actually you are wrong, most of the islamic countries had/have secular governments: Egypt, Libya and Syria to name but a few.
AFAIK, Iran is the only 100% religion controlled state in the world (other than the Vatican City state)

dj wrote (View Post):
There are several reasons why people are trying to get out of the 3rd world and it not just about religion.

Realy, i would never have guessed (sarcasm intended).

Actually religion is a motive that causes only a small fraction of refugees

e.g. the Shiite Hazara people from Afghanistan flee from Sunni Taliban persecution.

In a previous post, i mentioned that i welcomed the muslim Hazara people because they are genuine refugees and they assimilate well into Australian culture.

dj wrote (View Post):
WHAT INFLUENCE?  You meant the influence of those people immigrating into your communities.  Stop trying to sugarcoat it.  Secular Law works.  Religious law does not.

This is a straw man argument because dj is refuting a position that i do not hold

Never have i even suggested, let alone, argued for religious government  Rolling Eyes

dj wrote (View Post):
 How many millions of Christian against Christian soldiers killed each other because they did not have the same denomination?

Less than one million  Laughing  Laughing   Laughing  

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Last edited by ArmeeGruppeSud on Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 9.5
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:57 am Post subject: Re: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote


oh well

may as well make something of this accidental post...........

think i will STWAifying it by adding some video

This is our home church in Victor Harbor


Aking asawa at kanyang ate


This is our home church in Mabinay


The last 3 are just a pastor's children jamming, the boy does a great job on percussion with a box  Very Happy








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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:04 pm Post subject: Re: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

ArmeeGruppeSud wrote (View Post):
dj wrote (View Post):
Not going to take the bait.

i am complaing about the fraudulent nature of many of these illegal immigrant boat people.
Many of them are ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS who fraudulently claim to be persecuted refugees seeking asylum.

Also, i am complaining about those Muslim immigrantss who want to change our culture, especially those who want to introduce Sharia Law and whose goal is to make Australia an Islamic state!

We had a Muslim riot at the US embassy the other day because some yanks made an anti-Islamic film and several Australian policemen were injured.

Christians......., no problem


I am not an expert on Australian immigration policy but based on America's own contentious history, the majority of immigrants enter Western nations on Work Visas.  Either because there is alleged shortage of citizen workers or the Big Corporations want to bring them here because they will take 1/2 the pay of resident with no benefits.  Plus these Muslims frequently have LOTS of $$$ and our governments make a handsome profit by forcing them to pay Big $ to get admitted...I suspect under the premise of "Business" purposes.  If Americans complain, we are accused of being Communists against the Free Market...or labeled as anti-business labor protectionists.  

Regardless it is moot point because all Corporations need to do is set-up shop in Commie-China slave labor sweatshops or India if they can't get enough Visas to import the workers.

Our Right-Wing fanatics also claim the same thing that allegedly these immigrants have conspiracy to make our nation in Islamic State.  That simply is not the case.  First of all, America is the most heavily armed, militant and racist Western nation.  If they tried that, they would be annihilated either by the State or citizen-militias that are armed to the teeth with itchy trigger fingers.  Secondly because it is strictly forbidden under our Constitution to impose Religious law.  Although the Christian Fundamentalist activists are trying to "amend" the Constitution accordingly.

Correction, the U-tube poster is NOT a Yankee but a Coptic Christian immigrant from Egypt of all places.  Just my luck the idiot lives in my neck of the woods and our local communities are bracing for possible reprisals.


What will the Revolution Change? - Youth Brigade
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:01 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Heinrich Himler would be proud:

..."What I was really shocked by was institutionalized dehumanization," he says. "The systems that are put in place are working and the objective of them working is to work people, basically, to death."  Workers are never rotated and end up doing the same task hundreds of thousand of times. "I met many workers whose joints in their hands have disintegrated from doing that work…. [Hands] literally swollen, literally deformed [and] permanently warped," he explains.

...Over the last two decades Western companies have shipped hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs overseas to not only China's Foxconn, but other manufactures in third world countries, in a hunt for cheap labor. Unfortunately in doing so, Corporate America chose to ignore its Western values and high labor standards, says Daisey."


What will the Revolution Change? - Youth Brigade
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Rep: 9.5
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:44 pm Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Yes the "Christian" Fundamentalists aka American Taliban are just as Nuts as the Islam Fundamentalists.  What is the difference?  They both favor Sharia Law style rule, reject or mock Science, hate Jews or non-believers.  Or like you said Stwa...they outright advocate violence or murder of non-believers or political dissidents that do not conform to their Religious ideology.  I actually know someone here in my area that calls himself a "Christian" and told me "there will be blood" meaning exactly what you just said.

"They both favor Sharia Law style rule"

DJ, you are Nuts

There is no comparison  Exclamation

"What is the difference?"

Man...., you really need an ejamakation  Wink

"Christian" Fundamentalists being compared to: Taliban

CSO_DJ and Adolf Hitler, both atheists

What's the difference?


dj wrote (View Post):
There is virtually no difference between the "Christian" Fundamentalists and Islamic Fundamentalists in that they both advocate Rule of Law under Religious Ideology.  They do not even want a Free Democracy.  They want Government controlled Religious mandated law.

There is virtually no difference between the "Secular" Fundamentalists and Islamic Fundamentalists in that they both advocate Rule of Law under their Ideology.  They do not even want a Free Democracy.  They want Government controlled their Ideologically mandated law.

Secular is synomamous with Atheist

Atheism is a Faith in its own right

Secularism and Atheism

What's the difference?


other than secularism is institutionalised atheism

Secularism is Government controlled, Secular Fundamentalist, mandated law

there are many faiths in this country and yours

the majority are christians

but against democratic principles

the atheist faith has all the power and control over the government

that is the problem with the USA and AUST!!!!

WAKE UP DJ  to reality of the real world

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Last edited by ArmeeGruppeSud on Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 9.5
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:55 pm Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Translation:  don't blame our Western Secular government system for the huge influx of Islam's into Anglo-Saxon neighborhoods.  Blame the Corrupt Capitalistic system that controls our elected leaders with heaps of $$$, influence peddling and backroom deals.


Don't blame the system

,                                        instead

,                                                            blame the system
,                   Rolling Eyes

It is only Political CorrEctness, which only exists in secular government systems, which is the cause of the things i complain about (illegal immigration/minority rule), not the corrupt corporations, so you are wrong in regard to the issues i speak of.
It may be an issue in the USA, but it does not work that way here.

Secular political correctness IS the cause of the problems

dj wrote (View Post):
Big Corporations don't give a rat's azz about people or the interests of average citizens.  They will slit our throats to make an extra penny for their greasy selfish paws and for their shareholders.  We've been sold-out.  It is the achilles heel of "Democracy".  It is all about the $.

Yeah, mate i agree with you that the soulless capitalist corporations are just plain evil

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.  (1 Tim 6:10)

democrcy is ok


Capitalism sucks severely

What about marxist communism?

Bring back Sieterayos............?


Shocked  OH GOD NO!  Shocked


The problem is the sinful human nature for which there is only one cure....









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Rep: 9.8

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:10 am Post subject: Re: amiable religious discussion Reply with quote

ArmeeGruppeSud wrote (View Post):

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
From an atheistic perspective, we [humans] will take our position as the dominant species on the planet because we can.
Correct, my poiint exactly

Its good that you can refute yourself and agree with me.

Oh, AGS, you so funny. Making stuff up now, are you?

To put it another way.

By an atheistic moral perspective, the swine flu has every right to wipe out humanity, if it can.

It has nothing to do with rights. If it happens, it happens. I have no idea where you're getting all this talk of rights from.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
And this is why your "joke" about the Aborigines having to leave Australia because other animals were there first utilizes incorrect reasoning.

Remember we are talking about atheistic moral reasoning.

Wrong again. We are talking about what you believe to be atheistic moral reasoning. I have a feeling, however, that you don't really know as much as you think you do about how atheists reason.

Because, hypothetically, humans do not have any God given moral rights, or, right of way, logically animals have as much right to the land as humans.
It was a perfectly rational, legitimate, reasonable, logical and humerous joke  

AGS, you appear to be laboring under the delusion that we need God to give us rights.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
If that happens, it means the microbe was too virulent, or our efforts to contain it were insufficient. Religion doesn't come into it at all.


The context of the hypothetical was atheism, so religion doesn't come into it at all

I'm just curious, AGS. If in the near future, humanity should be wiped out by a pandemic, what would that mean to you?

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
If it does, it would mean that God didn't save us, just as he didn't save the 50-80 million people who died from the Black Death, or the 50-100 million who died from the Spanish flu.  Laughing

Can't believe you would laugh about millions of people dieing from plagues etc.  Sad

Way to avoid my main point, which was that God did nothing to save those people who died. If you're so sad about these people dying, take it up with God, not me.  Laughing  Laughing

ArmeeGruppeSud wrote (View Post):
[quote]We dont want/need islamic influene on our western (Christian) society.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
But my point is, why did you say this in the first place?

the statement is true and i speak the truth

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
It's true for you.?

And for millions of other Australians

Conservitively, i estimate about 90-95% would agree with that statement

With the only people having the opposite opinion would be the muslims

Think about it..........

An opinion without basis in fact.

Let me put it to you in a similar manner as i put it to Stalky

DO YOU LoneRebel WANT (desire/covet/yearn for) islamic influence in your Filipino society?

DO YOU LoneRebel NEED (deem nescesary/essential) islamic influence in your Filipino society?

The answer is either" YES" or "NO"..............

Think about it..........

While you are thinking, consider how much joy  the M.I.L.F. bring to Mindanao  Wink

Maybe you should invite the people of Maguindanaoe to live in your neighborhood in Manila.


Better still, if you want/need islamic influence, you could move to Maguindanaoe

One reason you can get away with your fallacious reasoning is that you make it a yes/no question with only two answers, when in fact it's not a yes/no question at all.

The other reason you can get away with your fallacious reasoning is that you don't specify what "Islamic influence" means.  Laughing

Do you mean Muslims moving into the Philippines? I have no problem if the Muslim population of the Philippines increases, unlike you.

Do you mean forcing the Philippines to adopt Sharia? I would oppose that, just as I would oppose my country adopting any religion's code of law.

Btw, when MF implied that you were an anti-multiculturalist, you attempted to refute him by claiming that you are quite multiculturalist, it's just that Muslim immigrants are somehow different from all other immigrants because they refuse to assimilate and actually seek to turn Australia into an Islamic society.

It's easy to say such things. Now prove it. Evidence would be nice - oh, it seems you missed that part, didn't you?  Laughing

Provide statistics on the percentage of Australia's Muslim population that wants Australia to adopt Sharia law, or any other form of "Islamic influence" in Australia.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
As far as I can tell, you were the first person to bring up, on this thread, the whole issue of "Islamic influence". I still don't understand what made you say this, and I honestly don't feel like reading through the whole thread.

Well, neither do i feel like doing the research for you.

Very well, then I'm going to keep my original opinion of you, since you don't seem to be willing to correct me.

Well, it cant be racist as Muslims can be any racial group: Caucasions, Negroids, or Mongoloids.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Not this argument, please. ... "It's not racist because Islam isn't a race!" As I said before, religion and race are intertwined..

YES, you are right:

ALL Chinese, without exception, are Confusionists or Taoiists


ALL Japanese, without exception, are Shintus or Budhists


ALL Arabs, without exception, are Muslims,


ALL Indians, without exception, are Hindus, or Budhists

because, inescapably
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
religion and race are intertwined.
Rolling Eyes  x infinity

The Straw Man Logic is strong in this one... AGS, I expected better from you...

BUT............., you can call me a religionist

Most of the people on the planet a religionist, so i have plenty of company
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
I regret to say that I'm not one of those people. It may seem to be a strange concept to you, but for me, a person's morals are more important to me than his or her religion.

As i pointed out in an earlier post, a person's morals are shaped by their belief system (faith/religion)
This also includes the faith of atheism , as atheism is indeed a faith.

Religion isn't the only thing that shapes a person's morals.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Let me give you an example. As you know, many Filipinos go abroad to work as domestic help in other countries. I notice that when the news media in "destination" countries, such as the Middle East, Singapore and Hong Kong release an article about Filipino domestic help, it's usually in the context of how lazy and irresponsible Filipinos are, etc. Whereas articles about them written by Philippine media usually focus on the inhumane abuse they receive abroad. This is an example of those Singaporeans and Hong Kongers failing to see things from our point of view. I dunno about you, but I prefer to believe our media over theirs. And being a lazy maid is less morally reprehensible than locking your maid inside the house and then beating her to death.  lol

Must admit that i find it very troubling that you find that amusing

I don't find it amusing at all. Don't put words in my mouth because you can't make a rational argument.

FACT: The Islamic leaders of the muslims in western countries are calling for islamification of those countries

Who are these people?

FACT: Political correctness says we cant stop them

This is a fact? It's more of a conjecture.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Well, AGS, this is a pretty elaborate conspiracy theory you got here. Not that it's original - it sounds exactly like something Ann Coulter or Jean-Marie le Pen would say.

There was no plagiarism involved

I can assure you that it is quite similar to what Ann Coulter would say.

I am not going to argue with you on your elaborate conspiracy theory involving Satan and his myriad plans to eliminate Christianity. It's a faith-based argument, and there's really no point arguing about faith. There is, of course, no scientific proof that Satan is behind all of the events you listed as part of a grand "plan" to annihilate Christianity. Not that this will change your mind. Like I said, it's a faith-based argument. Pointless to argue.

Last edited by LoneRebel on Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:22 am; edited 3 times in total
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Rep: 9.8

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:11 am Post subject: Re: amiable religious discussion Reply with quote

Oh also, AGS, your attacks on Catholicism (which I quoted in an earlier post) seem to me to be an attempt to distance your type of Christianity (Protestantism) from Catholicism. Because of MF's and Stalky's attacks on Christianity, you attempted to attack Catholicism to show them that their criticisms only apply to Catholic Christianity, and not to Protestantism, which is, of course, blameless.

Don't kid yourself, AGS. Protestants are responsible for just as many wrongs as Catholics are. If the Catholic Church did not do enough to oppose the Nazis, the various Protestant churches are even more guilty, especially because most Germans are Protestant. Witch hunts and witch burnings were every bit as rampant in Protestant Europe as they were in Catholic Europe. Anti-semitism was present just as much in Protestant countries as in Catholic countries.

In other words - whatever it was that Protestants were protesting against the Catholic Church about, it wasn't the things that mattered.  Laughing They just continued many of the Church's bad practices themselves.

PS: AGS, for you to accuse others of trolling...it's like the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:40 pm Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Hi LoneRebel

By reading your posts it is obvious that you still have not read this thread through properly because you continue to ask the same questions again and again that stem out of ingnorance of the previous conversations in this thread.

Please do your research, then come back and edit all the unnescesary questions out of your posts.

It still amazes me that you claim to be a believer in the Christian God, yet you attack only those who believe in the christian God and you dont seem to care about atheists' attacks on Christian beliefs.

Who's side are you on?

Are you on the FOR GOD side, or, the AGAINST GOD side?





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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:12 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

That sounds patronizing to assume your God or religious views are automatically superior to others or other denominations.  LoneRebel nailed it by saying how can you claim to be "multiculturalist" (where it suits you) but hate the "culture" of specific groups of immigrants.  You claim these are illegals.  I highly doubt it.  Again it is about the money.  Here is an example from Slick Mitt.  It proves my point that the Capitalist Elitists want to continue to exploit cheap labor while they slit the throats of Citizens with massive layoffs.  The jobs are never coming back.


... I remember...when I was back in my private equity days, we went to China to buy a factory there, employed about 20,000 people, and they were almost all young women between the ages of about 18 and 22 or 23. They were saving for potentially becoming married, and they worked in these huge factories, they made various small appliances, and as we were walking through this facility, seeing them work, the number of hours they worked per day, the pittance they earned, living in dormitories with little bathrooms at the end with maybe ten rooms. And the rooms, they had 12 girls per room, three bunk beds on top of each other. You've seen them.

...And around this factory was a fence, a huge fence with barbed wire, and guard towers. And we said, "Gosh, I can't believe that you, you know, you keep these girls in." They said, "No, no, no—this is to keep other people from coming in. Because people want so badly to come work in this factory that we have to keep them out, or they'll just come in here and start working and try and get compensated. So, we—this is to keep people out."

...the Bain partner I was with turned to me and said, "You know, 95 percent of life is settled if you're born in America." This is an amazing land. And what we have is unique, and fortunately it is so special we're sharing it with the world.

...Gosh, I'd love to bring in more legal immigrants that have skill and [unintelligible]. I'd like to staple a green card to every Ph.D. in the world and say, "Come to America"...


What will the Revolution Change? - Youth Brigade
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:53 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote


I'll answer your question about "Islamic influence".

Some time ago some Muslims went to the city council in Helsinki the capital of Finland and they said that they would like to build a mosque in Helsinki. The council member said to them ok, you can build a mosque but it has to look like a mosque. Meaning it can't be just a high rise building that they renovate into a mosque. So far they haven't gotten together enough money to build a proper mosque. Because to build a proper mosque costs a lot of money.

So yes, my country would like to have some proper Islamic influence, and we want a proper mosque that looks like a mosque, not just some western looking building that houses a mosque.  Smile


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:24 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Salman Rushdie appeared on HBO last night and really nailed it.  When the West is shown to be oppressive against the rights of Muslims that immigrate to our lands, the Govts in the Islamic world manipulate the info to their advantage.  Basically that is my issue with how ALL religions need to be kept totally isolated from the government.
The Islamic world as Salman stated has changed for the worse.  Baghdad, Damascus and even Tehran previous were very liberal, cosmopolitan centres with great scholars, trade and taught the West mathematics and science.  Instead now the Govts in the Islamic world manipulate facts to subjugate people and control them.  So the Govts purposely misinform the masses to make them believe US is great Satan and released that Utube video as official state agenda.  The West has done this as well countless times...blaming certain factions (pick your minority / ethnic immigrant group scapegoat) for everything & indoctrinate the masses to obey the elitists and fear the modern Police-State.  America builds more jails than schools now.


What will the Revolution Change? - Youth Brigade
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:25 pm Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote



LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
From an atheistic perspective, we [humans] will take our position as the dominant species on the planet because we can.
ArmeeGruppeSud wrote (View Post):
Correct, my poiint exactly

Its good that you can refute yourself and agree with me.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Oh, AGS, you so funny. Making stuff up now, are you?

No, i am just pointing out the sheer lunacy of your argument.

1st you say i am wrong, then you make a statement that affirms what i wrote which you said was wrong.
Thus, you have refuted your incorrect judgement that i was wrong.

You are guilty of a "Georgism"

George is a person that i know who will reject a person's statement, then George will make a statement, that sounds a little different, but essentially means the same thing!


Sensible person: The sky is blue in color
Georgist person: NO, you are wrong, the sky is azure in color


Sensible person: The sky is azure in color
Georgist person: NO, you are wrong, the sky is blue in color

Sensible person: There is no water in the bucket
Georgist person: NO, you are wrong, the bucket is empty

Sensible person: The bucket is empty
Georgist person: NO, you are wrong, the bucket is full of air

The following context is atheistic

Sensible person: Man has no more right to the land than the animals
Georgist person: No, you are wrong, there are no such things as rights

In both cases, neither the animals, nor the humans, have a "right" to the land

The Georgist is just being plain silly  Rolling Eyes

To put it another way.

By an atheistic moral perspective, the swine flu has every right to wipe out humanity, if it can.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
It has nothing to do with rights. If it happens, it happens. I have no idea where you're getting all this talk of rights from.

Thats right, you have no idea  Rolling Eyes  

No idea what you are arguing about

Read the whole thread so that you will stop making comments based on ignorance.

The talk of "rights" was begun by the Trolls who pick arguments with me.

The Trolls bring up a topic (i.e. "rights") then a Troll will attack me and accuse me of starting the "rights" topic

Was it you or Blackstump who said the Europeans should leave because the Koori were here 1st (that statement, in itself, is implicative that the Koori have a "right" to ownership of the land)?

So it was either you, or BS, that started the whole land "rights" issue

Oh, here is a conundrum for you.

If, as you say, those, like myself, who are descended from the illegal European invaders should leave and descendants of the original Koori inhabitants can stay in Australia....

What then, of those descended from both?  Confused

What is interestingly pertinent, is that the Koori never made a claim on land rights until well over 150 years after the English invaded.


Because the Koori never considered land ownership to be an issue.

Any educated person, with any real knowledge of Koori culture, will know and understand, that, in the Koori's eyes, the Koori, belonged to the land, not the other way around.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
And this is why your "joke" about the Aborigines having to leave Australia because other animals were there first utilizes incorrect reasoning.

Yes, of course it utilizes incorrect reasoning, because it utilised your reasoning that Europeans should leave Australia because the Koori were here 1st

Remember we are talking about atheistic moral reasoning.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
We are talking about what you believe to be atheistic moral reasoning. I have a feeling, however, that you don't really know as much as you think you do about how atheists reason.

Never trust your feelings.

Especially yours!

Because, hypothetically, humans do not have any God given moral rights, or, right of way, logically animals have as much right to the land as humans.
It was a perfectly rational, legitimate, reasonable, logical and humerous joke  
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
AGS, you appear to be laboring under the delusion that we need God to give us rights.

"appear" is a synonym for the word "seem"

Things are not always as they "seem" (appear)

Please LR, try to avoid the delusion that things are always as they may seem, or may appear, to you, through your eyes
(buy some glasses  Wink ).

Because, hypothetically, humans do not have any God given moral rights, or, right of way, logically animals have as much right to the land as humans.
It was a perfectly rational, legitimate, reasonable, logical and humerous joke

In the hypothetical, nobody, neither humans, nor animals, have any rights.
It implicitly says that both the animals and humans have no right to the land.
Which, basically, is exactly the Georgist's argument

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
If that happens, it means the microbe was too virulent, or our efforts to contain it were insufficient. Religion doesn't come into it at all.

The context of the hypothetical was atheism, so religion doesn't come into it at all
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
I'm just curious, AGS. If in the near future, humanity should be wiped out by a pandemic, what would that mean to you?

It would mean that I'd be dead

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
If it does, it would mean that God didn't save us, just as he didn't save the 50-80 million people who died from the Black Death, or the 50-100 million who died from the Spanish flu.  Laughing
Can't believe you would laugh about millions of people dieing from plagues etc.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Way to avoid my main point, which was that God did nothing to save those people who died.

Not avoid, i simply did not need to refute your statement because, hypothetically, it would be true.

All people who die from any disease, were not saved from that disease by God.

Cant argue with that can i?

So i left it undisputed....

So what?

Am i expected to be like you and irrationally argue with EVERY statement the other person makes?

Can't i just be sensible, rational and reasonable, or must i be like you?

Sorry LR, i wont lower myself to that level

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
If you're so sad about these people dying, take it up with God, not me.

It was you who laughed about their deaths...., not God!
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
50-80 million people who died from the Black Death, or the 50-100 million who died from the Spanish flu.  Laughing

We dont want/need islamic influene on our western (Christian) society.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
But my point is, why did you say this in the first place?
the statement is true and i speak the truth
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
It's true for you.?
And for millions of other Australians

Conservitively, i estimate about 90-95% would agree with that statement

With the only people having the opposite opinion would be the muslims

Think about it..........
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
An opinion without basis in fact.

That is just your uninformed opinion

Unlike yours, my opinion is based on facts.
(A) Living in Australia, i know lots of Australians and, in conversations, i listen to their views
(B) Living in Australia, i watch/hear a lot of Australian media, and listen to the expressed views.
(C) Having studied Psychology, i have an understanding of basic human nature, generally, people don't like change, unless it is a change they have specifically asked for, or, especially desire.
(C) Am not an irrational person who will argue with any and everything that a Christian writes on an internet forum.

We dont want/need islamic influence on our western (Christian) society.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
It's true for you.?


And it would also be true for you too LoneRebel.

The difference between you and i, is that i am honest enough to say it and you are just being a hypocritical fallacite.

Let me put it to you in a similar manner as i put it to Stalky

DO YOU LoneRebel WANT (desire/covet/yearn for) islamic influence in your Filipino society?

DO YOU LoneRebel NEED (deem nescesary/essential) islamic influence in your Filipino society?

The answer is either" YES" or "NO"..............

Think about it..........

While you are thinking, consider how much joy  the M.I.L.F. bring to Mindanao  Wink

Maybe you should invite the people of Maguindanaoe to live in your neighborhood in Manila.


Better still, if you want/need islamic influence, you could move to Maguindanaoe

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
One reason you can get away with your fallacious reasoning is that you make it a yes/no question with only two answers, when in fact it's not a yes/no question at all.

The reason you cant get away with your fallacious answering, is that it IS a Yes or no question.

You are like Stalky and others, who are simply too gutless to give the question a DIRECT ANSWER, because it will expose your hypocracy

Your comment will be taken as yet another pathetic, whimpy effort to avoid answerring the question.

No surprise there  Rolling Eyes

Guess i'll just add your name to the list of irrational, gutless, hypocritical, trolls who use their pseudological arguments to stop me from finishing DOF3 by wasting my time in here

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
you don't specify what "Islamic influence" means. .

You've read my posts, so you must know exactly what i mean, there is no need for me to spell everything out for you, you are not a child, so don't play/act stupid.

Oh, i do hope you are acting, if not, i'm sorry to hear that  Sad

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Btw, when MF implied that you were an anti-multiculturalist, you attempted to refute him by claiming that you are quite multiculturalist, it's just that Muslim immigrants are somehow different from all other immigrants because they refuse to assimilate and actually seek to turn Australia into an Islamic society.

Actually i very successfully refuted MF
(not that refuting MF is a major accomplishment, though it could be for you)

Yes, muslim immigrants are "somehow different", from all the other non-Muslim immigrants

Can you guess the difference?

Here is a clue: The other immigrants are not exactly the same as the Muslims ;)

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
It's easy to say such things. Now prove it. Evidence would be nice - oh, it seems you missed that part, didn't you?

Your google works as good as mine

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Provide statistics on the percentage of Australia's Muslim population that wants Australia to adopt Sharia law, or any other form of "Islamic influence" in Australia..

If you conduct the poll of Australian muslims, i will be happy to collate the statistics for you  Very Happy

Please prove to me that your not a pseudoCatholic atheist.

Here is a question:

Are you a man or a woman?

Yes, there are girls who play CC

In 2006, i had a GF who played CC

My bet, is that LR is a girl, because she argues like one.

She also places an emphasis on feelings, rather than logic
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
I have a feeling, however, that you don't really know as much as you think you do about how atheists reason.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
As far as I can tell, you were the first person to bring up, on this thread, the whole issue of "Islamic influence". I still don't understand what made you say this, and I honestly don't feel like reading through the whole thread.
Well, neither do i feel like doing the research for you.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Very well, then I'm going to keep my original opinion of you, since you don't seem to be willing to correct me.

You may keep your opinion

Better still, keep it to yourself

Your opinion is unimportant to me.

By expecting me to do the research for you, you are just being lazy, just as well you are not a housemaid in HongKong

On the bright side, i am going to continue to maintain my love for, and positive favourable opinion of, the Filipino people, despite your efforts to sully the wonderful reputation that other Filipinos have earned in my eyes.

Well, it cant be racist as Muslims can be any racial group: Caucasions, Negroids, or Mongoloids.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Not this argument, please. ... "It's not racist because Islam isn't a race!" As I said before, religion and race are intertwined..

YES, you are right:

ALL Chinese, without exception, are Confusionists or Taoiists


ALL Japanese, without exception, are Shintus or Budhists


ALL Arabs, without exception, are Muslims,


ALL Indians, without exception, are Hindus, or Budhists

because, inescapably
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
religion and race are intertwined.
Rolling Eyes  x infinity

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
The Straw Man Logic is strong in this one...

Please explain where the strawman logic is (LR does not even know what it means)

Seriously, you say: religion and race are intertwined and accuse me of being RACIST if i express this sentiment:  
"We dont want/need islamic influence on our society"
Which race am i being racist against?

if i say:
We dont want/need Budhist influence on our society
Which race am i being racist against?

if i say:
We dont want/need scientology influence on our society
Which race am i being racist against?

if i say:
We dont want/need Bahai influence on our society
Which race am i being racist against?

Just admit it...

you do not have a sceric of rational argument to justify your malicious slander

You are just being AGSist  Wink

Your pseudological and fallacious reasoning completely ignores rational thinking and proper/correct English language usage

BUT............., you can call me a religionist

Most of the people on the planet a religionist, so i have plenty of company
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
I regret to say that I'm not one of those people. It may seem to be a strange concept to you, but for me, a person's morals are more important to me than his or her religion.
As i pointed out in an earlier post, a person's morals are shaped by their belief system (faith/religion)
This also includes the faith of atheism , as atheism is indeed a faith.
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Religion isn't the only thing that shapes a person's morals.

Now there is an example of strawman argument.

Never did i say a person's relgion was the ONLY thing that shapes a person's morals.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
And being a lazy maid is less morally reprehensible than locking your maid inside the house and then beating her to death.   Laughing  

Must admit that i find it very troubling that you find that amusing
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
I don't find it amusing at all. Don't put words in my mouth

It was you you put the laughing smiley (which symbolises yr laughter) there, so please apologise for falsly accusing me of putting words in your mouth.

FACT: The Islamic leaders of the muslims in western countries are calling for islamification of those countries
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Who are these people?
The Imans of local Mosques (The equivalent of pastors and Priests in Christian Churches).
Do you want a list of their names?
If you do, your google works as well as mine

FACT: Political correctness says we cant stop them
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
This is a fact? It's more of a conjecture.

Its a fact, because Political correctness is the reason regularly given as the reason.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Well, AGS, this is a pretty elaborate conspiracy theory you got here. Not that it's original - it sounds exactly like something Ann Coulter or Jean-Marie le Pen would say.

There was no plagiarism involved
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
I can assure you that it is quite similar to what Ann Coulter would say.
Who is Ann Coulter?

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
I am not going to argue with you on your elaborate conspiracy theory involving Satan and his myriad plans to eliminate Christianity. It's a faith-based argument, and there's really no point arguing about faith. There is, of course, no scientific proof that Satan is behind all of the events you listed as part of a grand "plan" to annihilate Christianity. Not that this will change your mind. Like I said, it's a faith-based argument. Pointless to argue.

It is a feasable interpretation of history through a broad Christian spiritual warfare worldview

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Pointless to argue.

That has not stopped you before  Wink

But it is refreshing to to see an end to your argumentativeness






Last edited by ArmeeGruppeSud on Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:28 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:58 am Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Oh also, AGS, your attacks on Catholicism


Attacks on catholicism?

Talk about a Flamer Troll!

You are misrepresenting me as usual.

The attacks on Catholicism were made by MajorFrank and his offsider.

You should know that i am not particularly fond of being falsely accused, but i'm pretty much used to it here.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Oh also, AGS, your attacks on Catholicism (which I quoted in an earlier post)
You just copied the quotes that a certain troll used as trollbait.

He is probably laughing his head off now.

In fact at least one of those quoted comments was criticism of atheism, not catholicism  Rolling Eyes
(starting to doubt wether you even read the quotes that you copied from uberTroll)

As your brother in Christ, i did warn you about that trap, so that you would not be fooled and fall into it.

But did you heed good advice?

No  Rolling Eyes

You did not just fall into it........., you jumped and dived into the mud head first!

That loathsome troll has got you doing his dirtywork for him..........
(notice those 2 atheists don't need to be here anymore, because you have been attacking/trolling me for them)

UberTroll wanted to start a Catholic V Protestant feud, which i wanted to avoid, because it would not be of any value for the cause of Jesus Christ, which is why i warned you about the trap.

Avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. (Titus 3:9)

Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. (Titus 3:10)

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
seem to me to be an attempt to distance your type of Christianity (Protestantism) from Catholicism. Because of MF's and Stalky's attacks on Christianity,

Of course i wanted to distance Christianity from the actions of people whose actions were not based on Christian teaching, but rather, those actions were in breach of Christian teachings.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
you attempted to attack Catholicism

Not in this forum i haven't, Mr/Ms false accuser, i gave you a sample, in a PM, of the criticism of Catholicism that i would have written, if i had wanted to attack Catholicism.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
to show them that their criticisms only apply to Catholic Christianity, and not to Protestantism, which is, of course, blameless.

Their criticisms that they were specifically pertaining to were those accredited to Catholicism.

but, of course, you would not know that because you did not read the posts that i was responding to.
Guess your argument is based on, ignorance of the facts, as usual  Rolling Eyes

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
to show them that their criticisms only apply to Catholic Christianity, and not to Protestantism, which is, of course, blameless.

True Christianity IS blameless.
Actually i attribute all the evils, that the atheists blame on Christianity, to the sinful human nature which includes individuals' personal selfish ambitions which they achieve by manipulating and misusing religious fervour etc.

Many people, when they think of Christianity, think only of the Catholic Church, so it was nescesary to make the distinction.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Don't kid yourself, AGS. Protestants are responsible for just as many wrongs as Catholics are. If the Catholic Church did not do enough to oppose the Nazis, the various Protestant churches are even more guilty, especially because most Germans are Protestant.

Don't kid yourself, LoneRebel.....

The crimes attributed to the Catholic church outnumber those attributed to Protestant churches with odds somewhere between 1,000/1 and 10,000/1 and i don't think that i am being ingenerous to you  Very Happy

Remember the Catholic Church had over a 1000 years head start on the Protestants, much of which was during the "Dark ages" when humanity was at an all time low.
This period included such grotesque indecencies as the Crusades which were sanctioned by the Vatican.

Then shall we mention Catholic Spain?!

There was the Spanish Inquisition and then the Conquistador invasions of the Americas etc..

Just the Spanish Catholics alone outslaughtered the World's Protestants by themselves by over 1000/1 odds

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Protestants are responsible for just as many wrongs as Catholics are. If the Catholic Church did not do enough to oppose the Nazis, the various Protestant churches are even more guilty, especially because most Germans are Protestant.

STOP being such a RACIST LoneRebel

Remember when you attack a religion like protestant Christianity you are being racist according to your logic  Wink
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Not this argument, please. ... "It's not racist because Islam isn't a race!" As I said before, religion and race are intertwined..

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
Witch hunts and witch burnings were every bit as rampant in Protestant Europe as they were in Catholic Europe. Anti-semitism was present just as much in Protestant countries as in Catholic countries.?

Both of those activities/attitudes are unChristian and had their basis in the sinful human nature.
Anti-Jewish attitudes are unChristian in so many ways, not to mention that Jesus Christ himslef was a JEW
The burning of suspected witches was :
(A) a result of the sinful human nature's for penchant killing
(B) based on fear.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. {1John 4:18}
As Christians, we are not to live/act under the influence of fear.

Worry is a form of fear.

Jesus told us Do not worry (Mat.6:25)

The 10 commandments began with "Do not", therefore if our God tells us Do not worry, then to worry, is a sin!

Jesus also pointed out how pointless worrying is:
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ? (Mat.6:27)

God's word contains the worry immunisation package (Phil.4:6,7)

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
In other words - whatever it was that Protestants were protesting against the Catholic Church about, it wasn't the things that mattered.  Laughing They just continued many of the Church's bad practices themselves..

The protestant movement began as a protest against human corruption within the Catholic church system and a protest against the doctrines of men being given creedence over the explicit teachings of Christianity.

Just as Jesus protested against the extra-Torahl teachings of the pharisees (e.g. Matthew23)

In escence, they protested against all the bad unscriptural practices.

The Reformation, has, of course, been a work in progress, to this very day.

The Lutherens, the 1st protestant church, did not fix everything.

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
PS: AGS, for you to accuse others of trolling...it's like the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?

You accusing me of trolling is like the pot calling the refridgerator black, isn't it?  Wink


& God Bless





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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:14 am Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
You claim these are illegals. I highly doubt it.

So if somebody bypasses all legal avenues of immigration by paying a people smuggler to get them on an unauthorised international boat charter to enter a sovereign nation without an entry visa etc, you doubt they are an illegal immigrant?

So, you must also believe that all the Mexicans, who sneak across the border into the USA without permission, must be legal immigrants too?

dj wrote (View Post):
That sounds patronizing to assume your God or religious views are automatically superior to others or other denominations.

Oh, you mean the same way that atheists' views are automatically superior to all other faiths' belief systems.  

dj wrote (View Post):
LoneRebel nailed it by saying how can you claim to be "multiculturalist" (where it suits you) but hate the "culture" of specific groups of immigrants.

You atheists are certainly totally into "hate speech".

Yet another good example of a Forum Troll using the notorious "Strawman argument"

This is done by misrepresenting a person's position.

Never have i said that i hate the "culture" of specific groups of immigrants.

In fact, in this entire thread, i have only ONCE said that i hate anything at all, and this is it:
"A discerning reader, will easily understand, that i only hate the behaviour of a few trouble making muslims."

In fact, the only genuine Hate Speech in this thread, has come from the keyboards of the atheists.

dj wrote (View Post):
LoneRebel nailed it by saying how can you claim to be "multiculturalist" (where it suits you) but hate the "culture" of specific groups of immigrants.

It is so sad when i must give English lessons to those who claim English as their 1st language.

DJ, do you know the meaning of Multi-Cultural?

Do you know the meaning of Omni-Cultural?

Do you know the meaning of the word mono-cultural?

DJ, Australia is not an Omni-Cultural country, it is a Multi-Cultural country

DJ, i do not claim to be an Omni-Culturalist, i am a Multi-Culturalist

Any ignoramus who says i am anti-Multicultural, or a racist, needs either an english lesson, or a brain transplant, or both, or......

Islam, by its very nature, is Mono-Cultural.

Lets look at this realistically, this is for the sake of the silent audience, not for LR, DJ, BS, MF and my Stalker, because they demonstrate little concept of reality (or reason) when it comes to topics in this thread.

Take the Muslims in Mindanao, in the Philippines, they are mono-cultural

They refuse to be part of a multi-cultural, multi-religion society, they are fighting, shooting and killing other Filipinos because they demand to live in a fully independant Islamic nation/state.

LoneRebel, who is a pseudo-multiculturalists, would never want, or need, more of their islamic influence in the Philipines.
But LoneRebel, who is a racist by his/her own admission (based on his/her own fallicious logic), is not honest enough to face up to his/her own hypocracy, because he/she is blinded by his/her own hatred for Protestant Christians.

Anybody who says that they: want, or need, islamic influence on their society is likely to be a muslim who desires a monocultural society, because that is the probable longterm outcome of increased islamic influence on any society.

Just as an example of my racist anti-multiculturlsim (thats sarcasm for the uneducated)

Among the ethnicities of women in my life (past Girlfriends etc) are:
Dutch, English, Filipino, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Polish, Scottish and Swedish
Amongst my Real Life friends are:
Chinese, Dutch, Estonian, German, Pinoy, Kenyan, Koori, Russian, Swedish, Thai,

When it comes to Cricket, i am a big fan of the Pakistani Cricket team.
Javed Miandad is one of my all time favourite batsmen.
Still have the World Cup Final on video where Javed and Imran Khan led the Pakis to victory over England.
Once i did consider marrying a Christian Pakistani woman

Oh the Vietnamese in Australia have embraced Australian culture wholeheartedly.
Checkout communitychannel on youtube
Miss Tran could not be more Australian unless she was a Koori, she has a beautiful Aussie accent  Very Happy

These hypocritical whimps out there who claim that AGS is anti-multiculturalist or even a racist, probably sit their in their monocultural-societies while AGS literally embraces multiculturalism every day and night.

AGS is a Multi-cultural Australian, married to a Filipina in an multicultural neighborhood (at least 8 distinct ethnicities within 1km) with multicultural friends  et cetera

DJ is probably a monocultural Anglo-European, married to an Anglo-European in an Anglo-European neighborhood with Anglo-European friends  et cetera

LoneRebel is probably a monocultural Philipino, married to a Philipino in a Philipino neighborhood with Philipino friends  et cetera

MF is probably a monocultural Finn, married to a Finn in a Finnish neighborhood with Finnish friends  et cetera

AT_Stalk is probably a monocultural Swede, married to a Swede in a Swedisish neighborhood with Swedish friends  et cetera

Honestly, these guys would not recognise a fact if it ran over them or slapped them in the face.

Come on you hypocritical trolls, give up with the BS slandering me as a anti-muticultural racist.
If you want to see one, look in your bathroom mirror, you may actually find one there  Wink









Very Happy

Very Happy  CHEERS  Very Happy

Very Happy  AGS
 Very Happy

Very Happy



Last edited by ArmeeGruppeSud on Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:28 pm Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
Some time ago some Muslims went to the city council in Helsinki the capital of Finland and they said that they would like to build a mosque in Helsinki. The council member said to them ok, you can build a mosque but it has to look like a mosque. Meaning it can't be just a high rise building that they renovate into a mosque
Well, i must say that may be one very clever/shrewd Council Member, because he succeeded in preventing the Muslims from setting up a mosque in Helsinki.   Laughing    Laughing  
MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
So far they haven't gotten together enough money to build a proper mosque. Because to build a proper mosque costs a lot of money.
 Laughing  The muslims cannot afford to build such an elaborate building, thats exactly the Catch22 that the Council Member may have been counting on  Laughing

Then if they finally do raise enough money, there could be the fall back plan that Helsinki council bylaws may prohibit the building of any Structures whose style conflicts with existing architectural styles.

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
So yes, my country would like to have some proper Islamic influence, and we want a proper mosque that looks like a mosque, not just some western looking building that houses a mosque.  Smile
Even if the Helsinki Council Member is not pulling a con job on the Musims, it would only prove that 1 Council member wanted some islamic influence on architecture, not on Finnish society.

If it was not so pathetic, i may have said "good try MF"  Razz

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
I'll answer your question about "Islamic influence".

OK then, whenever you are ready, please answer:

Do you MajorFrank, want/need islamic influence on Finnish society?

YES or NO?





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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:00 am Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

My, ArmeeGruppeSud is getting quite pumped, isn't he? Look at that wall of text he put out!!

Too long; didn't read.

Yes, AGS, religion has a way of making people antagonistic and confrontational. Thank you very much for proving our point. What a guy! Very Happy

Here's a tip, AGS. Wall of text =/ Being correct.

Also, watch your language, why don't you? Here's some soap to wash out your mouth with.  Rolling Eyes

Your post was so full of personal attacks and ad hominems that I don't know where to begin, although, I assure you, I will get around to covering your abusive behavior in greater detail when I have time.  Smile

After seeing AGS's most recent posts, I must say that I no longer feel the need to rebut each of his points individually, as I did before. It's too time-consuming, and it's obvious that AGS has more time than any of us to spend on pointless Internet arguments.

Now, AGS, you may believe that when I or anyone else ceases to respond to you, it means that you've won the argument.

Well, what can I say? Here's some First Day on the Internet Kid for you.

Last edited by LoneRebel on Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:53 am Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote


nope, it's a real. We also have some really nice Orthodox churces here, pretty buildings. Ev. lut. churces tend to be a bit drab looking. I think the Muslims have some smaller building that is a mosque now, so it's not like that there is a ban on building mosques or something. Also there are some synagogues etc. And to answer your question, I wouldn't mind more Muslims here. Unlike the Jewish they tend to work in fields where labour is needed and they aren't trying to 'govern' Finns like the Jewish always try to do.

Ta ta,

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