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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:57 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Or from the Sun UK - How Anthony Weiner's wiener may shaft Hillary Clinton's hope
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:23 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Next crisis for Clinton - Seth Rich murder via Wikileaks
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:15 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Assange - Pilger interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sbT3_9dJY4
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 12:07 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Wikileaks has certainly added jet fuel to the fire. However, these emails usually prove nothing and just add to the conspiracies. The emails are basically tips or clues and cannot be considered proof.

If released earlier, it would of given law enforcement or investigative journalists time to study them.

Instead they were released in a huge data dump right before election. The immediate after effect was that insane amounts of disinformation was created in a frenzy and the credibility of Wikileaks weakened due to the timing of the dumps. Both of which seem counter intuitive to what it stands for.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:15 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

The "investigations" at Taxpayer expense & conspiracy theories will never end.  First it was the Birth Certificate which was dog-whistle politics for the Alt-Right faction.  And blatantly racist.  Then Benghazi hearings which one of the House leaders admitted on live TV was just for Partisan purposes.  Then that didn't pan out, so they shifted to private emails.  Where were all the cries for investigation with Colin Powell was Secretary of State and did the same?  The Alt Right is destroying the Republicansand will stop at nothing to advance their Partisan agenda.

Sod did you find any more conspiracy theories from James O'Keefe, Fox News or Breitbart radio?  Curt Schilling is going to question why Jews vote for Clinton or some other enlightening right-wing Alt right views.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:52 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

To say these emails, videos etc are conspiracy theories just smacks of naivety and gullibleness.

The videos alone have resulted in 2 from the shadow Clinton Campaign go. Hillary's aid - Huma Abedin step away and countless others running for cover. Several FBI investigations into the Clinton's, the Clinton Foundation and many others like Lynch, Brazile etc. Where there is smoke there is fire. But how much more smoke til it gets in your eyes, for you to see it I wonder. If this were Trump I'm sure you would see the corruption as most of the rest of the would currently is. Sadly main stream media again is only giving the bad on trump and painting Hillary as a saint. Both are a joke and as said before there are other choice not just those two.

Reason for the drip feeding of the emails - for effect. A single hit is gone tomorrow but this way most see it for what it is.
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Rep: 86.6
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:50 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

This 2016 presidential election is a depressing tragedy for both the American population and the entire world.
First off, it should be noted that there are people who don't think like us. Despite all the division, despair, disapproval etc, there are still a lot of people who think we are moving in the right direction. That if we recognize the problems, they think that we just need to keep going in that direction.

These are usually people in the government. That when we talk about reform. They are truly terrified.
Presidents come and go. But they stay. They have the ability to UN grease the wheels and slow things down.  

One problem is information.
A commentator named Dan Carlin put it like this. He said, when he was starting out in journalism in the early 80s he wrote a article about the death of objective truths. That in the past there were certain things that both sides agreed on being a fact, and they could work there way from there and have a debate and solve problems.
He said he felt embarrassed and stupid for writing the article because there never really were such thing has objective truths!
Nevertheless opinion is so divided in so many directions. And a big problem is good information.

He said, I find my self looking at book clubs. You know, the book clubs, popular among house wife's. They all go off, read a book and then all meet up together and drink coffee and talk about the book.
And he said, I feel jealous about the book clubs. Im jealous because we have all read the same book!  
He goes on to say, when he is having a debate about politics and they can't get to square one because we don't even know the same stuff! He rarely sounds like he losses his temper with his audience but he said, when talking with people about politics its like they were born yesterday!!!  And its immensely frustrating!

Now the facts are the media just don't do there job.
So if you want to get to square one, you will need to agree on one thing. America is in deep need for serious reform.

There problems is what they have done and doing to there people. And what they have done and are doing to the world.

Since President Ronald Reagan finished his last term as president we have seen 2 Democrats and 2 Republican presidents. And since this time it should be abudantly obvious that serious reform is needed.

Despite Americas massive decline since the 70s-80s they are still the most powerful state on earth with absolutely no comparison. And quite frankly they are the most serious threat to life on earth. Im sorry if that's to strong of words but the evidence is there.
I don't think people realize how rich and powerful this country is. And the course they have been going on in the last 40 years is dangerous and wreckless.

Lets talk about a thing I like to call the "Neoliberal assault on humanity." You may disagree on the terminology or what ever. But im talking about the trends that have been going on for the last 40 years.
The inequality that is happening is completely extreme. We have seen huge amounts of wealth and power funneled up to the very top 1 percent. And its the one tenth of the one percent that makes this completely off the scale. So its a fraction of the top 1 percent.
And the damage this is doing will eventually become more and more dangerous.  And it shows no sign of stopping.

A very important thing Americans must realise is that America has shifted so far to the political right that democrats today would have passed off as moderate republicans in the past. As for Republicans, they are completely off the spectrum. Even members of conservative think tanks have described today's republicans party as having undergone and radical insurgency by people who completely ignore reality and real politics.
A guy like Ike Eisenhower today, would be considered a dangerous lefty by today's standards.

As soon as Obama took office what did he do? He rewarded his buyers by appointing some of the lead culprits of the 2007-2008 financial crisis to governmental positions. Particularly in finance!
This is pure and utter corruption. Corruption is so bad in the united states and corporations all most completely control the nation for there own interests. Corporations and naturally pcycopathic intuitions and the damages are already being felt in big and evident ways.

If you look at the voters opinion and policy. There is very little correlation between opinion and policy. But the data shows that there is a massive correlation in corporate money and policy.
Therefore, you can argue that 70 percent of the American population is disenfranchised.
Studies show that people who would normally vote labour in the UK, simply do not vote in the US. Nothing represents them. And in fact, I heard voter turn out is similar to what is was in 1820. A time when most people who forbidden to vote.

The problem is the media and intellectual opinion is very sympathetic towards the state and powerful institutions.
This has always been true through out history. Soviet, English, fascist Japan, Nazi Germany. Intellectual opinion has always been infavour of the powerful state.
We are lucky that the United States is such a open society. We can get access to a lot of information.  But still. There are things that the mainstream media simply don't publish. Barely talk about or spin.
Americans are often sheltered from critical opinions. And it creates a toxic atmosphere of distrust and paranoia.

Let me just challenge a few things.
* Iran is actually a threat.
* The war in Vietnam was a mistake because it didn't work. A noble deed gone a muck.
* The problem with the Iraq war is that they didn't have W.O.M.D. If they did, it would have been a different story.
* That America is a benevolent force of good that has just made mistakes along the way.
* That Iraq was unjustified but Afghanistan was okay
* That Russia wasn't treated treated unfair and that Russia actions in Ukraine are completely normal behavior. That they arena being forced to tolerate something that American would tolerate for a second! (They don't no. Not reported)
* That renewable energy is hard to achieve.
*Drone strikes are okay

I mean, when the top government officials started to talk about the international scandal of America engaging in direct torture, what did they talk about?
All across the spectrum they discussed about whether or not it worked? If torture was affective? First and for most-
-These people are complete and utter psychopaths. Nut cases.

Look at the so called sensible administration of Obama. He has continued the policy of squeezing Russia to the point of putting NATO troops where? East Germany? Former satellites? NO. THE FUCKING UKRAINE!
And if you look at the rhetoric from top American officials, its unbelievable.
The standard opinions and behavior from regular Washington insiders is completely fucking wreckles.

Take a look at any national security insiders writing. And they are all complete radical jingoist nuts.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:34 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

What Wikileaks and others have published at the end of the day are either real documents and emails or made up. The Clinton camp hasn't denied any hacks or leaks, rather blame Russia etc - deflecting the blame. The facts aren't " Right Wing " but what most see them as an incite to massive corruption. Sadly some can't or wont see them for what they are - conditioned. If you are always told that in this case Clinton is nice, friendly, benevolent, professional etc you will possibly believe that. That's human nature for some not to question but to follow the flock.

As I have said before. The USA will get what they deserve one way or the other. They certainly deserve better than corruption. Wasn't Hillary on the Watergate Investigation til she was let go.... Why so many shady dealings also...that smoke and fire thing again.
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Rep: 86.6
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 12:14 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Look at global warming.
The most influential and wealthiest state on earth. And there is literally no discussion about it in the presidential campaign. Its hard to describe the enormity of this incredible blindside.
The republicans say its not happening.
Its amazing how this party can even exist. There sole purpose is to funnel all power and wealth to the very top 1 percent and striping all of the population of all security and benefits. And they are able to do this by appealing to natvist, ultra nationalist and evangelical Christians.  
The democrats are far less extreme but still have the same tendencies. We can see what the democrats did to black communities is the 90s. We can see what they have done to help cause the financial crisis, lifting the class ceiling act for example. They have played there part in overthrowing government and regimes with catastrophic consequences.
Like I said. The average Washington moderate is completely insane and dangerous.

Then there is Hillary. Who pretty much is the epitome of government corruption. This is a women who is so in bed with the neocons, neolibs,tycoons and elites its not even funny. Sorry if im using buzz words here. But its true.
This is a women who "So to speak" has no apologies for Americas twisted manifest destiny and so called benevolent hand in so called world order. Its extremely disturbing.  
She loudly perpetuates this crazy demonisation of Russia. (I make not apologies for Russia. They have a lot of problems. Putins not a good guy) But Hillary is willfully playing on Americas ignorance on the situation to bring back this ridiculous "The reds are back" bull shit.
Then her position on Iran...
Jesus Christ.. What can I say about Iran. How can I explain that they are not a threat. How can you be so easily fooled?

As for Trump. There is no point talking about him. He isn't worth it. He is bad. Self explanatory. You can look at my Brexit posts.

The problem with the Emails is that one of them was released with the non edited version accidentally released as well. Very annoying. I bet all the government officials were happy to see that and let out a big sigh of relief. Now they can argue that none of it can be trusted.

Who cares why the emails are being released. Lets focus on what they actually say.
Its amazing how the outrage is centered on the source and how outrageous that is.

If you are a person who defends government spying then you are to far gone to bother with. Anyone who thinks that majority of spying is for legitimate reasons is living in lala land.
Its obvious that the reason things are classified is because we would be pissed.
We now know the extent of the spying. And its way out of any reasonable means.

All you have to do is look at Americas history of spying. Its involved intimidation's and assassinations for purely political dissident reasons. Not conspiracy. Real history.

Carlin said he had a long talk with a top guy from the NSA. He wouldn't talk about any specifics only broad generality's. He asked him "How much of the classified material and things that should be classified". And he said about 10 percent.
The rest was everything you could think of. Often corporate interest.

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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:36 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Who cares why the emails are being released. Lets focus on what they actually say.
Its amazing how the outrage is centered on the source and how outrageous that is.

If you are a person who defends government spying then you are to far gone to bother with. Anyone who thinks that majority of spying is for legitimate reasons is living in lala land.
Its obvious that the reason things are classified is because we would be pissed.
We now know the extent of the spying. And its way out of any reasonable means.

All you have to do is look at Americas history of spying. Its involved intimidation's and assassinations for purely political dissident reasons. Not conspiracy. Real history.

Of course you are right that the contents is more important than who leaked them. This tactic that the Clinton campaign uses of " deflection " blaming the Russians is laughable. In laymens terms it doesn't matter who informed upon the thief providing the information is correct and then the information is acted upon. Also another point is how so many around Hilllary and her husband are corrupt but they aren't. It's like catching / arresting all of a mafia family but their Don is innocent...........lol.

Corrupt Hillary, narcissist Trump or bury your heads in the sand if you aren't strong enough to look for an alternative.
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Rep: 99.7
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:36 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Antony_nz wrote (View Post):

One problem is information.
A commentator named Dan Carlin put it like this. He said, when he was starting out in journalism in the early 80s he wrote a article about the death of objective truths. That in the past there were certain things that both sides agreed on being a fact, and they could work there way from there and have a debate and solve problems.
He said he felt embarrassed and stupid for writing the article because there never really were such thing has objective truths!
Nevertheless opinion is so divided in so many directions. And a big problem is good information.

Love Dan Carlin! I listened to that podcast too.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:03 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Daily Mail - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3901376/Secret-recordings-fueled-FBI-s-desire-probe-Clinton-Foundation-case-moves-likely-indictment.html

Maybe the mail is also behind trump............lol.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:16 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Sod you should get a job on Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh or Breitbart radio.  All you ever do is propagate the same old recycled rubbage that ever other Right-Wing fanatic speaks about.
Yeah there are a lot of investigations.  Trump in case you were not aware is also under investigation for tax evasion, fraudulent use of his own charity to help himself to some of the donations.  And Trump's campaign chairman Manafort was forced to resign due to his investigation.  

Brit Humes again works for the most Partisan news network in US.  Brit Humes also issued an apology 2 days later on video saying he made a "mistake" that there are not indictments.  And Rudy Giuliani had inside information leaked on Fox News 2 days before Comey sent the letter.  Do you even know what the letter from the FBI said?  I think not.
All Comey is doing is saying they found more emails.

The only thing that matters are the FACTS.  You get it?  You can keep pimping all these stories but don't amount to a hill of beans because it's all hearsay and Partisanship.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:22 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Dar Carlin is one of the most popular podcasters in the biz.  Longest posts ever by Anthony.  Putin invaded the Crimea because the Ukrainian govt unraveled and he exploited the situation.  It had nothing to do with Obama conspiring with NATO.  When Ukraine had a revolution in 2014, that ousted the Russian loyalist government and gave a golden opportunity for Putin to exploit the anarchy that followed to his advantage.  And he did just that.

As far as Obama "selling-out" when he took office by placing industry experts in cabinet / admin positions...that is another lie spread by leftist extremists.  You can not place political partisans or others without experience in those positions.  Just because they working in banking/financial business does not automatically make them crooks.  This is the long traditional routine in US Govt.  The other thing is that CONGRESS makes the laws, not the President.  Yes Obama could have placed left wing or industry outsiders in those positions, but that would have been criticized too by his opponents.

I liked what Carlin had to saw about the disappearance of "objective" truth.  When both candidates and their surrogates state lies, repeatedly.  It becomes like an urban legend.  Facts begin to not even matter in the Blog-osphere of the Partisan universe.  Fox News has a bunch of Partisans on interviewing their own entourage of loyalists fabricating their own fact.  And if "oops"  Brit Hume made a mistake.  They keep running with it anyways.  

Democracy is very weak right now internationally.  If the U.S. is suppose to be the leader of Democracy, we are doing a terrible job at it.  

pvt_Grunt wrote (View Post):
Antony_nz wrote (View Post):

One problem is information.
A commentator named Dan Carlin put it like this. He said, when he was starting out in journalism in the early 80s he wrote a article about the death of objective truths. That in the past there were certain things that both sides agreed on being a fact, and they could work there way from there and have a debate and solve problems.
He said he felt embarrassed and stupid for writing the article because there never really were such thing has objective truths!
Nevertheless opinion is so divided in so many directions. And a big problem is good information.

Love Dan Carlin! I listened to that podcast too.
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:44 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
The only thing that matters are the FACTS.


Does the system need to be reformed? Reformed probably means more rules... more governance, I think most people agree we do not want more of this.

Its the people using the system that need reforming.
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Rep: 60.4
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:42 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

dj, consider this:

•  Under Bill Clinton, 45% of all gains in personal income went to the top 1% of the country.

•   Under George W. Bush, 65% of the gain in income went to the top 1%.

•  And according to Emmanuel Saez, a top liberal economist from Berkley, under Barack Obama, 91% of the increase in earnings went to the top l%.

So how do you reason that the most liberal person to ever hold the Office of the Presidency also is responsible for the greatest earnings of the highest earners?

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:43 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Presidents don't make laws.  That is the role of Congress.  Dan Carlin summed up it well in his latest podcast.  It's due to Corruption.  Our political system is extremely dependent on $ to win.  So Congress only cares about getting re-elected and to not upset the donor class.  Obama is suppose to regulate financial earnings or force Congress to change laws to make employee compensation more fair?  When Republicans have no interest whatsoever in any deals with him.  You can't pin the concentration of wealth on the President. It is a trend that has taken decades and I think is a consequence of Corporate Globalization.  Companies will do anything to make a $...workers are just a commodity.  That's the reality of the situation.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:01 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

DJ - Likewise, you should seek employment with the Clinton News Network - CNN. They have failed to advised the public over far more than just the Clinton Election Race - WMD's in Iraq etc. All you ever do is make excuses for a clearly crooked candidate - Clinton. The FBI have found no reason to prosecute Hillary over these email even though Hillary's house maid had access to classified documents and the 650,000 emails were view in 10 days. That's 65,000 emails a day........lol. Also she is only clear of - " and found nothing to alter its months-old decision not to seek charges against the former secretary of state for her use of a private email server ". Wapo - guessing you don't mind them. So other investigations are preceding still like the Clinton Foundation Investigation etc.

I guess security clearance these days allows maids to help the SOS - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html

Clinton Foundation sponsored wedding dress ( Haiti will love this one ) - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3910746/Chelsea-Clinton-used-Foundation-money-fund-wedding-according-new-Wikileaks-emails.html
Her character judgement - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3910996/Clinton-adviser-admits-donors-giving-money-foundation-bad-intentions-latest-Wikileaks-dump.html
Then there is the body bag list, Bill payt of $860,000 to a under age girl out of court settlement. Mana and much more.

Nice quotes - The FBI - the dog that wont hunt.
                - Only dictators and their henchmen are above the law.
                - Hillary wants immigration so her maid can do the house work and answer her emails
                - Maybe the cleaner received the request for more security in Benghazi from Ambassador Stevens.

Wikileaks isn't right wing and to date hit their target everytime. Wikileaks have published over 860,000 pages of text against Russia also. So they look for corruption in all.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:55 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Typo - not Mana but Mena as in Mena Airport.

Clinton wins all talk and investigations into corruption will disappear. They will never reach a full conclusion. And the mushrooms will continue to be kept in the dark.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:28 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Another classic quote - " How come these people that don't like Trump, pretty much always want to take off to Canada but not Mexico? They racist or something? ".
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