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Registry Editing
For installing CC only another harddrive and getting Config Manager to recognize it.


The Close Combat series of games are best enjoyed by playing the many Mods that have been made for them. Installing and uninstalling these Mods is very fast using the Configuration Managers to swap the files in and out rather than doing it manually by cutting or copying and pasting the modified files in and out of the game folders.

Many people have been under the impression that you have to install the Close Combat games into the default directory in order to use the Configuration Managers. In fact, you can install all the Close Combat games and their Configuration Managers to any physical hard drive or partition.

The Configuration Managers all look in the Registry to find the location of the Close Combat game folder. That "installed to" information is written as the default location by the installer program and the CC5.exe, so to get a Configuration Manager to look in the correct drive and folder means that you have to edit the Registry entries created during installation.

Editing the registry for your CC games is not hard or scary. This Guide will show you how to edit your Registry that will allow a Configuration Manager to find the game after you have installed a Close Combat game into a folder, drive or partition that is not the default installation location.

This guide will use Close Combat Invasion Normandy (CC5) as the example. These procedures work exactly the same for all the CC games. Just browse to the folder for that game and do the same steps.

  • The CC2 and CC3 folders can be found under My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft GamesClose Combat2.0 and 3.0.
  • The CC4 folder is in My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREStrategic Simulations Inc.Close Combat4.0.
  • The RtB folder is in My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARERoad to Baghdad1.0.
  • The CCM folder is in My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAtomic Games, Inc.Close Combat USMC-FUM1.0.

Section I - Opening the Registry Editor

(Note: It's is always a good idea to make a backup of your registry before doing any editing. You can find out how to make a backup by looking in the Help Topics of your OS.)

1. Once you have made a backup of your Registry, or decide to skip that step, open your Registry by going StartRun and entering "regedit" (without the quotation marks) in the Run Window and press OK.

Fig. 1 - Press Start.

Fig. 2 - Select Run.

Fig. 3 - Type in "regedit.

2. This will bring up the Registry Editor window.

Fig. 4 - The Registry Editor Window.

3. Browse to My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMattel InteractiveClose Combat5.00. by left clicking on the "plus sign" boxes to expand the folder trees and then scroll down to the appropriate folder as shown below.

Fig. 5 - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE tree expanded.

Fig. 6 - SOFTWARE tree expanded and scrolled down.

Fig. 7 - Mattel Interactive tree expanded.

Fig. 8 - Close Combat tree expanded.

4. Left click on the My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMattel InteractiveClose Combat5.00 folder to open it.

Fig. 9 - Close Combat 5.00 folder opened with Left click to show Default settings and scrolled down.

5. In the right panel of the Editor window scroll down until you find the String Value labeled "InstalledTo".

(Note: If you do not find this String Value in your folder, go down to Section II of this guide to see how you can create one and finish editing your Registry.)

Fig. 10 - "InstalledTo" String Value left clicked to highlight.

6. Right click on the "InstalledTo" String Value and select Modify from the drop down menu.

Fig. 11 - Right Click "InstalledTo" to bring up the dropdown menu.

7. That will bring up the Edit String Window..

Fig. 12 - Edit String window showing default value data.

8. Now change the Value Data to the correct drive and folder where you have installed your CC5 game.

Fig. 13 - Value data edited with correct drive and folder.

9. Press OK. The "InstalledTo" String Value that Configuration Manager needs should now be correct for your game installation.

Fig. 14 - The Close Combat5.00 folder has been successfully edited.

10. You now need to Open the My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMattel InteractiveClose Combat5.01 folder that is created by the 5.01 patch and do the same thing you did in the Close Combat5.00 folder.

11. Before closing the Registry Editor window you can also change the drive letter from your CDDVD ROM to a virtual drive letter, if you use one and you can also easily change your player name.

12. Close the Registry, and now you are done! The Configuration Manager for CC5 will now be able to find your CC5 game in whatever folder, drive or partition you have actually installed to.

Section II - Creating an "InstalledTo" String Value

1. If your Registry folder does not have the "InstalledTo" String Value, then you need to create one for Configuration Manager to be able to find your Close Combat folder. This is real easy. Adding this String Value will not affect your game in any way, other than to allow you to use a Configuration Manager for it.

2. If the Registry Editor is not already open to My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMattel InteractiveClose Combat5.00, then open it as outlined in Section I.

Fig. 15 - Close Combat5.01 folder opened. No "InstalledTo" String Value exists in the folder.

3. Click on the "Edit" item in the menu bar and select "New" and "String Value" from the drop down menus.

Fig. 16 - Select Edit from Menu bar.

Fig. 17 - Select Key, then String Value.

4. A new String Value has now been created at the bottom of the Right Panel in the Editor.

Fig. 18 - New String Value ready for renaming.

5. Rename the String Value from "New Value #1" to "InstalledTo" (no space between the words) by right clicking on it and typing in the new name, then pressing "Enter" on the keyboard, or left clicking on another String or DWord Value.

Fig. 19 - String Value renamed. Right click for Menu.

6. Next, right click on the "InstalledTo" String Value and select "Modify" from the drop down menu and in the Edit window, enter the drive and folder of the location CC5 is actually installed to.

Fig. 20 - Select "Modify" to open Edit String Window.

Fig. 21 - Edit String Window. Enter game folder location in Value date.

7. Press OK. The "InstalledTo" String Value that Configuration Manager needs should now be correct for your game installation.

Fig. 21 - The Close Combat5.00 folder has been successfully edited.

8. You now need to Open the My ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMattel InteractiveClose Combat5.01 folder that is created by the 5.01 patch and do the same thing you did in the Close Combat5.00 folder.

9. Before closing the Registry Editor window you can also change the drive letter from your CDDVD ROM to a virtual drive letter, if you use one, and you can also easily change your player name.

10. Close the Registry, and now you are done! The Configuration Manager for CC5 will now be able to find your CC5 game in whatever folder, drive or partition you have actually installed to.

Version 1.0


21 March 2005

Copyright © by Close Combat Series All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2005-03-28 (26840 reads)

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In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
found this site to thier liking. I hope you had time to check out some of the great Close Combat
mods and our forums. I'd also like to thank all the members of our volunteer staff that have
helped over the years, and all our users that contributed to this site!