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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: New Mod Under Development

Replies: 14
Views: 15276

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:42 pm   Subject: New Mod Under Development
E, druže de mi daj preko PM-a svoj MSN da se čujemo, moj prijatelj je neopjevana junačina CC-a pa bi bilo dobro da ti nas dva pomognemo.
P.S Vrlo sam zainteresiran za mape. Čak imam i neke ideje pa bi bilo dobro da se čujemo. Bilo bi dobro da su snajperi (pješaci, ne tenkovi Snajper) u ovoj igri ubojitiji, jer ipak su u gradskoj borbi ulice opasne baš zbog zasjeda i snajpera.
  Topic: New Mod Under Development

Replies: 14
Views: 15276

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:14 pm   Subject: New Mod Under Development
Yes but when you make croatian AT units (weapons) make them accurate so that Croat infantry stands a chance against the tanks. I would go for realism in the mod although don't spoil the balance. The problem is that in CC the Armor is very difficult to assault (even in urban areas as Stalingrad mod proves), and Vukovar featured modern AT systems, so make the AT ability effective to prevent tanks from charging on enemy stronghold, and force them to stay away (as they would).
Vozdra narode.
  Topic: 9-11

Replies: 16
Views: 10100

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:49 pm   Subject: 9-11
Yes I know how you feel, same thing happened to me... I'm from Croatia and 16 years ago there was a battle for a city named Vukovar, Croats fought bravely to the last day but lost, and then the combined JNA/Chetnik forces forcibly exiled the rest of Vukovars non-Serb population, Just hearing about it makes a small reaction in me, but I have seen the videos of the people in the refugee convoy, old and young, their faces, the sorrow, grief, despair... It rips your heart into pieces. Two particular videos: one of an old man in tears telling the camera man to leave him alone, and that he is sick of life, sick of everything. And the other of a man in late 70's looking at the fallen city, not saying anything just standing there and crying. I am on the verge of crying right now as I write this. Monuments are not as hard hitting as actual videos, actual places so It's normal.

P.S. When I saw the Vukovar videos I haven't started hating Serbs, just the agressors.
  Topic: Tupolev Tu-95

Replies: 13
Views: 8800

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:47 am   Subject: Tupolev Tu-95
Actually Tu-95 is one of the fastest propeller driven aircraft in the world, also it's practical, and effective. His maximum speed is 925 km/h compared to B-52's max speed of 1,000 km/h (I'm comparing because Bear is a counterpart of the B-52). It was modified to carry cruise missles, and now is ready to take on the most challenging strategic bombing tasks. NATO largely underestimated it, mostly because of it's prop configuration. But the strenght of the Bear lies in it's contra-rotating props, giving it the speed the other propeller driven engines lack. The maritime patrol craft have a powerfull sea search radar to look for enemy surface ships, most notably the Aircraft carriers. Do you understand now why the Bear is still in service? Also the bears today wouldn't drop bombs on their targets but would rather hit them with cruising missles. The current Bears in Russian service are 1980's/1990's batch. I also wanted to say that people are still underestemating the potent Russian military force, take the russian subs for example, the Americans disregarded them as loud and obsolete, but panic ensued among the USN when they couldn't detect and track an Schuka (Akula) class submarine of the USA coast.

  Topic: May First

Replies: 7
Views: 6731

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:18 pm   Subject: May First
Hey man, Communism is not rubbish, and May the first is celebrated by the communists because the working class fought for it's rights, and communim displays it as the strenght and determination of unified people. And about communism, it's not, and it has never been bad, however people ruined the real Communist dream, equality, unity and wellfare. It's West propagenda that communist are evil, and repressive. But tell me something what is better, unbalance of finances like in capitalism (poor people, and those filthy rich) or equality. Did you know that Communists said: Work as hard as you can, and we'll give you as much as you need. Communst or not this is a great holiday, when workers shown the world how much they are worth.
  Topic: copy cd of cc5 online play

Replies: 1
Views: 3213

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:29 pm   Subject: copy cd of cc5 online play
Hey man, see http://www.closecombatseries.net/CCS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=578&highlight=

  Topic: Saddam Executed

Replies: 10
Views: 7501

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:57 am   Subject: Saddam Executed
I can tell you that I am against capital punishment in a civil society for murderers and such, but this is different and he didn't deserve anything better.

  Topic: just played both sides, initial comments:

Replies: 7
Views: 9181

PostForum: Close Combat 3: The Russian Front   Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:16 am   Subject: just played both sides, initial comments:
Hey Demirug I figure you know something (more than me) about MMCC3 so could you help me about a problem. http://www.closecombat.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11227 see this is a link to my problem in MMCC3 so if you could help me about it I would be grateful. Me and my friend from Croatia have been trying to solve the problem but despite our knowledge and skill we were unsucsessful. If you need any help about the mod or something let me know and see how I can help.

  Topic: just played both sides, initial comments:

Replies: 7
Views: 9181

PostForum: Close Combat 3: The Russian Front   Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:18 pm   Subject: Re: just played both sides, initial comments:
Hi guys! Demirug, grat mod man, nice work, nice work!

I just wanted to point out:
ANZAC_Tack wrote:

3) rifles fire at tanks! i had some silly bloke ping his ak47 at a sho't Mk7 centurian, u can guess the reply...hello mr crappy pants...

I didn't find it silly, in fact I find it cool when the infantry desperatley throws everything they have on those tank (In a hope to damage the sights, shake up the crew, and reduce the commander's awarness of the surroundings)
And well i kinda like the idea that they at least do something before they die, and not just sitting, moaning: the armour's too thick!

Anyways the mod is great, though i am more excited about the increase of the map size! This (along with MMCC3) is a revolution for CCIII. Keep up the good work!

  Topic: Six Day War

Replies: 3
Views: 5001

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:19 am   Subject: Six Day War
Hey Death_Corps! You should try looking in Norm Kroger's TOAW it's a wargame that has a very historical approach to all the events of the game's scenarios. PM me and I'll give you a guide how to get the full version of the game (completly legal, no funny buisness man.). The game also contains very useful info about other scenarios like Korea 50-51, Tet offensive, Typhoon 41, Arab-Israeli wars ect.
  Topic: CCReq - Stalingrad

Replies: 17
Views: 11490

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:15 am   Subject: CCReq - Stalingrad
Hey man I think you just need to install the Stalingrad mod and run CCReq, It worked for me (on GJS, but I don't see why it shouldn't work with this one).


Replies: 5
Views: 3142

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:21 pm   Subject: URGENT - CHANGE CAMPAIGN SETTING
I think CCreq will change the saved game files.
Downlad link http://www.closecombatseries.net/CCS/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=298
  Topic: Stuka dive bomber

Replies: 24
Views: 15631

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:19 pm   Subject: Stuka dive bomber
Hey Kami I meant that it's dangerous to attack it head on because he can spray you with more ammo than you have in your airplane. I never played it in multy too. I once attacked it head on with a Bf (Can't remember the model) and Il-2 responded with a firestorm. Next thing I know I'm dead. I haven't got Forgotten Battles sorry, but I can destroy tanks with ease with rockets. However I one tried to dogfight (!) with an Il-2 against a Bf-109g and won (!!!). Cheers.
  Topic: problems installing in win xp x64

Replies: 2
Views: 2565

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:27 pm   Subject: problems installing in win xp x64
Hi man "cyclic redundacy check" error is an error when the CD is defective and does not have enough info around the damaged area of the disc to make a context of the raw data. You can try looking for Iso Buster. It's a program which can read the damaged CD's.
  Topic: Stuka dive bomber

Replies: 24
Views: 15631

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:39 am   Subject: Stuka dive bomber
Hey people I sometimes play Il-2 Sturmovik and let me tell you: there's no easier target than the stuka. Every other target you must take on with boom-n'-zoom but with this one you can take your time and get on his tail and boom.
The Stuka was grat against tanks but as long as the fighters didn't appear.
On the other hand the Il-2 has a strong rar MG and taking it head-on is simply stupid: Il-2 has 5 times stronger weapons than any other fighter except maybe Me-262 which had 4 30mm cannons!
  Topic: Early Anti Tank plane

Replies: 19
Views: 14725

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:29 am   Subject: Early Anti Tank plane
Mooxe the airplane was a prototype for the antitank but the project was discontinued. But think for just a second: Who would be crazy enough to fly this thing? I personally think there's not a chance in hell that that thing would be sucsessful. When you are flying a ground attack plane with cannons and rockets you only have a few seconds to score a hit, no more, and with the PF you would have a 0.5 seconds window of oportunity. Usually I don't insult people but that guy that thought of the idea is an idiot.

P.S. 250m in an airplane is like 10m on foot so draw your conclusions.
  Topic: Early Anti Tank plane

Replies: 19
Views: 14725

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:21 pm   Subject: Early Anti Tank plane
I think that German engineers had a bad sense of humor. Even if you could approach the tank it would have to be a direct hit. If airplanes are going to use HEAT it would have to be a ****load of small shaped charge projectiles. You could see that they were desperate at that point.
  Topic: Pick a side.

Replies: 3
Views: 3918

PostForum: Close Combat 3: The Russian Front   Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:02 am   Subject: Pick a side.
Major Arg0n and his Soviet infantry company are ready to meet the Germans on the front! The day of German defeat is drawing near.
  Topic: Multiplayer CC3 server up and running

Replies: 7
Views: 6973

PostForum: Close Combat 3: The Russian Front   Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:16 pm   Subject: Multiplayer CC3 server up and running
Hi again!
Mac, it's a application that you put in your CC3 folder. The MMCC3 works by plugins: You uninstall the old MMCC3 plugin (all the files are saved) and you install let's say Luer's Panzerjager mod and the Multiplayer plugin for op mars and next time you start MMCC3 you will have the Op Mars strat map.
You can download all files on CSO. And I told you that OVER 20 players can play at the same time. One more thing: each battle played pushes the clock forward in the camp. for an amount of time set by the server. That way there are no turns and the game runs smoothly.

P.S. With MMCC3 clan wars are going to become wars for sure! Just imagine one clan against another in one veeery bloody conflict Twisted Evil !
Hope this helps.
  Topic: Multiplayer CC3 server up and running

Replies: 7
Views: 6973

PostForum: Close Combat 3: The Russian Front   Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:17 pm   Subject: Multiplayer CC3 server up and running
Hey people that's what CC5 players tell is the main problem of CC3: no strat map. The huge map is the whole front! You play from 1941 to 1945 you command your own unit as you go through diffrent stages of war. You get some req. points at the begining of each battle and you buy, upgrade, and manage your troops. Then you play a battle. Depending on your outcome you get more points sometimes a barrage that will start on the next battle. Here you need to look after your troops: your men are saved for the next battle. In MMCC3 you have supply depots: if you are sorrounded you will get very little or no points when you defend or break the encirclement. It's Massive multiplayer because over 20 players can play the grand camp. at the same time. It's like a whole new dimension of CC3! CC3 is great because of a sea of units and unit upgrades that it offers. You understand the point now?
The MMCC3 app is quite old but with a 24h running server I am not afraid to say that CC3 is the best of the CC series!

P.S: the MMCC3 is very mod friendly and CC3 is capable of having hundreds of maps so it has a very bright future.
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