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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: GJS-LSA Beta is available

Replies: 57
Views: 54443

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:02 am   Subject: Re: GJS-LSA Beta is available
Need a case of Steam Whistle Pilsner.  Think customs will let it through to the US?
  Topic: GJS-LSA Beta is available

Replies: 57
Views: 54443

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:11 am   Subject: Re: GJS-LSA Beta is available
stiener wrote (View Post):
do you think you will be doing an update anytime soon cathartes? it would be awesome if you could  Very Happy

I could be bribed with beer. Smile

Sorry, just been busy with things that make a living and other real life issues.
  Topic: Gateway to Caen v1.01 Patch + Bug Reports

Replies: 50
Views: 54684

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:05 am   Subject: Re: Gateway to Caen v1.01 Patch + Bug Reports
stiener wrote (View Post):

i agree with pete's ideas.

anyone heard from Cathartes lately?

I think he's around somewhere.
  Topic: My little working

Replies: 8
Views: 11160

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:35 pm   Subject: Re: My little working
like it!
  Topic: Historical realism mod :)

Replies: 166
Views: 234008

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:34 pm   Subject: Re: Historical realism mod :)
6pdr APDS couldn't not penetrate Panther glacis at any range. Could penetrate Panther turret with a bit of luck at any combat range*.

once again, not accurate.  Panther glacis armor was notoriously of unreliable quality.  Also, Dima always assumes that the 6pdr APDS is being fired at the perfect angle to always bounce off, which wasn't combat reality.
  Topic: The Ukraine

Replies: 529
Views: 266142

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:51 pm   Subject: Re: The Ukraine
You have to wonder what is Putin's ultimate strategy: regime change in Kiev, buffer around the Crimea, or complete annexation of the Ukraine (with complimentary democratic referendum where everyone votes to be a part of Russia)?  At any rate, the Russian-invasion-denial is the same pattern that occurred in the Crimea earlier. After a few weeks, Russia will stop denying its troops are there.
  Topic: Russia - Whats goin on..

Replies: 339
Views: 203380

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:30 pm   Subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on..
The old Russian Bear is yearning to expand his territory these days, and he's in a foul mood:
  Topic: The Ukraine

Replies: 529
Views: 266142

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:51 pm   Subject: Re: The Ukraine
The "secret" Russian invasion of Ukraine.

today's Washington Post, Russian prisoners and more
  Topic: Adding slots to the BattleGroups

Replies: 3
Views: 5356

PostForum: Close Combat Panthers in the Fog   Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:52 pm   Subject: Re: Adding slots to the BattleGroups
Your questions require an entire guide to address, but my quick suggestion is that you forget about all the battalions, brigades, and division structures and just stick to the company-level organization. This is the heart of the game organization. Compose your companies and then arrange them/identify them as required at the forcepool level.

Support units slots are dependent on the number of companies.  Eight companies or more provide you all seven support slots.  The other supply slot thresholds go down between 8-5, 5-3, and less than 3.
  Topic: Malasian Airlines MH17

Replies: 75
Views: 53049

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:14 pm   Subject: Re: Malasian Airlines MH17
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Yeah I Google'd what Dima said and couldn't find that anywhere.

I am happy Dima is here though telling us his thoughts on these matters. There's no other Russians to do this at CCS. I am finding it increasingly amusing though that ever since Crimea happened Dima has basically been towing the party line of, "Its not Russia." At first it was "there's no Russian troops in Crimea" to "there's no build of troops on the border" to "we had no role in MH17" ... I mean really... Is Russia just ignoring the civil war right on their doorstep, business as usual move along please?

Is Russia doing ANYTHING at all?

I thought this opinion piece in the Washington Post was interesting.  It's a rather simplified, US-centric opinion, but it makes some sense based on what we've read in this thread:
It’s not just about the Malaysian flight. Russians are living in an alternate reality.
  Topic: Malasian Airlines MH17

Replies: 75
Views: 53049

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:09 pm   Subject: Re: Malasian Airlines MH17
Just a reminder:

April 20, 1978: Korean Air flight 902 reportedly fired on by Soviet jets after it reportedly veered off course near Murmansk, made emergency landing, two passengers killed.

Sept. 1, 1983: Korean Air Boeing 747 shot down by Soviet jets near Sakhalin Island, 269 passengers massacred.
  Topic: A Mod idea---call me crazy

Replies: 126
Views: 94703

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:35 pm   Subject: Re: A Mod idea---call me crazy
looks like some fun.  well done modding all the graphic dimensions of the game--maps and all--it's a mountain of work!
  Topic: Historical realism mod :)

Replies: 166
Views: 234008

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:03 am   Subject: Re: Historical realism mod :)
I can prove my points why I did that or that.

Not very often.  You never really provide evidence, and when you do, you don't consider the whole picture.

The Isigny tests you DID cite is a classic example. You look at the data and see that 1/2 the 17pdr APDS rounds didn't hit the target area so you make the blanket assumption that only 1/2 of all APDS ammo type/batches, when fired under any circumstances, could only hit a tank 1/2 the time at any range.  What you fail to see is that most of the APDS actually hit the tank in the tests, even if they did not hit the specific target area.  Furthermore, do you believe that British gunners were so stupid when their lives were on the line that they didn't account for the errant flight of sabot ammo?  

Do you read books or just look for tidbits of data on the internet that support your specific interpretation of history?  I would urge you to have a more open mind and take in a broader spectrum of sources. You do have accurate information at times, but your dogmatism prevents you from having good peripheral vision.
  Topic: Historical realism mod :)

Replies: 166
Views: 234008

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:09 pm   Subject: Re: Let's make a mod :)
want to debate? can prove all of them Wink.

You can't "prove" very much. You have arguments (so does everyone) but much of your "proof" is based on very limited data and a narrow interpretation of specific aspects of that data. Your assertions on APDS accuracy is just one example.  

It's your mod with your interpretations, and that's great.
  Topic: Historical realism mod :)

Replies: 166
Views: 234008

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:53 pm   Subject: Re: Let's make a mod :)
there are things that the CC engine does that if you put "historical" data in, it will do strange things, so be aware that if you just look at this from a data perspective and don't take in the big picture, you may break or throw as many things off as you intend to fix.  

a lot of questionable/debatable changes here if you are basing this on historical fidelity... but well done on posting them!
  Topic: Historical realism mod :)

Replies: 166
Views: 234008

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:38 am   Subject: Re: Let's make a mod :)
Could you ask Steve to fix aiming of tanx in a patch? As even with 100% accuracy they still keep missing at 100m with clear LOS Sad
That's a good feature for 500+m moving or obscured targets but kind of rediculous for clear LOS targets at low range.
 You can all ask (nicely I might add), but it's not just up to Steve and there's a lot going on.  

btw tried 305mm caliber in weapons for 75mm gun and seems no difference after penetration...

don't know about this, just went with what was in PitF.

I believe it was wrong to remove "bang" sound when tank is hit as now it's hard to understand if it was a miss or hit. Would be good to have a special graphics for a armor hit with no smoke but some sparks... Why would you want a smoke for hits especially for the british shells if they didn't have HE filler?
 Bang wasn't removed, it's in there but you don't always hear it every time you get a glancing blow/deflected hit.  Don't know why, it's just how this engine functions...  regarding explosions: If we had permission, money, and time, sure... there would be a lot of fun stuff to do differently, but you only have so much time, you prioritize, and you have to make all new maps/strat layer, arrows, etc. which takes a LOT of time.  Also, c'mon... really?  That's a level of detail that just isn't going to rise to the top when you have hundreds of hours of mapmaking/coding to do along with all new vehicle graphics, and the countless hours that went into the new explosion graphics...  Just Conrad and I working on these things!
  Topic: Panzer Mk4... The new sherman?

Replies: 13
Views: 11370

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:49 pm   Subject: Re: Panzer Mk4... The new sherman?
nothing conclisve whatseover from your citation, and yet gunners from British 6 pdrs repeatedly scored debilitating hits against German tanks during Epsom. your interpretation will be interesting.
  Topic: Panzer Mk4... The new sherman?

Replies: 13
Views: 11370

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:58 pm   Subject: Re: Panzer Mk4... The new sherman?
if it hits which was very unlikely as accuracy was twice as bad as with normal APCBC shell. It is done wrong in GTC now

not done wrong.  the reduced accuracy of APDS is reflected in the data.  twice as bad is a pretty vague generalization.  What data (more than one source me hopes) and what precise variables?
  Topic: Historical realism mod :)

Replies: 166
Views: 234008

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:26 pm   Subject: Re: Let's make a mod :)
To be on a safe side I gave 9 companies to II./26/12 but still slots are locked. Maybe there should be some amount of support/infantry unit to tigger 21 slots?
Or what do I do wrong?

Hard to say exactly, but with the 8 company thresholds and opening up the 7 corresponding support slot numbers: since this is an infantry BG, you will need to add 8 infantry companies to get all 7 support spots, not 8 companies total.  Support companies will always only show up as support unless you designate/edit them as infantry, but then you have the problem of having nothing available in your support slots unless you rig an artificial work-around.
  Topic: Historical realism mod :)

Replies: 166
Views: 234008

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:19 pm   Subject: Re: Let's make a mod :)
Steve said there were essentially no limits (technically up to 32768 per data file).

re: fausts, sure you can interpret discount that entry I mentioned, and the others that follow in Szambeber's book, including the report put together in early July that 23 tanks were destroyed in June by hand-held anti-tank weapons (interestingly more than by all AT guns).  I'm still interested what you have to say about Hubert Meyers book and the many personal accounts of using panzerfausts in June.

Two reports of panzerfausts by the British during Espom:  In Lloyd Clark's Operation Epsom there is mention of panzerfausts, small arms, and grenades being fired on 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry and 2nd Glasgow Highlanders as they entered the edge of Cheux on June 26.  Also, mention of panzerfausts stopping Churchill tanks in St. Mauvieu on June 26.

Finally there is the famous story of Unterscharfuhrer Emil Durr who was awarded the Iron Cross for his heroic assault of a Crocodile at St. Mauvieu first using two Panzerfausts to immobilize the enemy tanks before finally using a magnetic mine.  Apparently the tank was never destroyed but the crew abandoned it and was presumed killed/captured. Emil Durr was severely wounded in his attempts and died shortly after.

If you are going by KStN reports for 12SS, they are not completely reliable, especially since fausts were typically treated as ammunition and not weapons per se.  I could continue to dig up more, but I think I've put enough time into this.  It's your mod and obviously the effort and last word is yours.

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