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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: Ardennes VetBoB for CC5 issues and changes.

Replies: 25
Views: 18676

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 2:20 pm   Subject: Re: Ardennes VetBoB for CC5 issues and changes.
What did he just say?

Rolling Eyes
  Topic: Ardennes VetBoB for CC5 issues and changes.

Replies: 25
Views: 18676

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 3:30 pm   Subject: Re: Ardennes VetBoB for CC5 issues and changes.
It's hard to believe that people are arguing over games that are
antiquated and hardly played anymore.

I've modified many "Mods" to my preferances and made some maps
for others to enjoy. One map was used in "Close Combat Wacht Am Rhein"
and others were uploaded to another Web site without my permission or credit.
Did I complain? .....NO.

If you don't want your work modified, copied, stolen, etc., then don't put it on the Web!

Gentlemen, there are MORE important things in life to worry about!
  Topic: US Elections 2016

Replies: 282
Views: 150078

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 7:40 pm   Subject: Re: US Elections 2016
Your a wise person sod98
Excellent post!

Hopefully, Trump and company can fix
the mess that MOTUS created!
                                           Very Happy
  Topic: What is your favourite CC game?

Replies: 17
Views: 13925

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:43 pm   Subject: Re: What is your favourite CC game?
The Original CC4 with TT's Mods.
The man did a professional job on this one
  Topic: CC5 Ebro: My thoughts, review, etc

Replies: 13
Views: 16342

PostForum: CC5 Rio Ebro   Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:32 pm   Subject: Re: CC5 Ebro: My thoughts, review, etc
What the Hell did he say? Confused
  Topic: The Osama posts

Replies: 22
Views: 24137

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 5:06 am   Subject: The Osama posts
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 4:51 am   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
I prefer to do it my way, is that OK with
you professor?

Bloody....ahhh I know were your from
and you should be ashamed of yourself.
You sound on edge, go play a game of
CC5, blow things up you'll feel better.....
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:37 am   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
buuface said:

Haha  Ernie you're a moron.

Does that make me a muslim too?

I  say:

A very intelligent post.. I'm surprised you can spell
the word Moron...I don't know if your a Muslim or
not, howerver, your post shows that you are immature
and should not converse with ADULTS.
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:10 pm   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
ozka420 Said:

This is just stupid, feels like its the medieval ages again. Burn the witch! Off with his head!
You guys are just blood craving idiots, and this is what our modern society produces.

I'm actually baffled by how a whole nation can walk out on the street and celebrate one guys death, as if it suddenly made the whole world brighter.

This makes me sick, and even more sick that you celebrate violence.

I'm not gonna start a debate wether Osama is the one to blame or not for 9/11.
But this constant desire for blood and violence, and revenge is something your nation one day will stand for. Good day to you, you fine gentlemen are the breeding ground for hate.
Ernie, you dont seem to undestand the politics of the world powers today.
Its simply divide and conquer, they dont care a shit about doing anything in the name of good. Its all about profits, every soldier you loose is a penny earned.

And since you display such a irrational feeling of NATIONALITY, for a nation that stands for taking more and giving less, makes you just another DUMB FUCKING BRAINWASHED AMERICAN
There is a word for people like you, sheople, just blindly following and accepting what your leaders tell you to do, or what they say is true.

And I Say:

Nice posts.....

This has got to be a LOW LIFE Muslim terrorist
LOVER, NO question about it!

You have insulted some of the members of this
site calling us IDIOTS!

So you hate AMERICANS? right Shitter?
Nice talk......Why don't you do us all a favour,
If your SO SICK and if you don't like what you see
here go find a Muslim Web Site to
post on You Worthless piece of SHIT!
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:16 pm   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
OK, If you want to look at it that way,
I respect your view.

But I hold mine too..(His Father was/is a Muslim).
Barack "Hussein" Obama..So what is he?

After more than 12 long years, He did what Clinton and Bush couldn't.
Clinton had several chances to get Bin Laden but was too busy
being serviced by Monica. Brain dead Bush couldn't get his priorities
straight and got us into an unnecessary war.
Now I want to see Obama get Osama's #2 Man.
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:46 am   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
Good post dj, very well written.

I was only kidding about the "Nuke" comment.
I agree with most of what you said.
However, I do take exception about your views on
the use of torture. That's how we got the lousy
coward S.O.B. One of his own Ratted him out
after being "Water Boarded".

Oh well, Osama is in a better place now,
He has 72 Virgins to keep him busy!
And also, he dosen't have to kneel down
and pray to that dumb ROCK anymore!


Just a thought..Osama was taken out by Obama.
So much for the Muslim Brotherhood!
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 11:45 pm   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
Yea, you follow Göthe's advice Professor kawasaky
and laugh all you want.

I'll project myself whenever I want to protect
the US from people who berate MY counrty,
and do me a favor Mr. college, follow Göthe's advice and
don't comment on my posts again.
I hate arguing with certain types of ppl.

(What the hell is ppl anyway?)

By the way, NICE Avitar.....
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:46 pm   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
Here we go, another ANTI - AMERICAN.

A real Professor.....Very smart indeed!
A tipical Communist reply.....Take one instance
where the US did wrong and throw it in
America's face! Forget about ALL the GOOD
things the USA has done in the last 75 years,
the soldiers killed, the money spent...Just
mention ONE thing.

As for Reading your Commie propaganda,
I don't have too, I lived throught it Mr. Book Worm.
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:59 am   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
Why the F%$# are we always worried about what the Muslims think?"

Here's my take on the subject PM:

Because the U.S. has grown into a Wimpy LIMP wristed country that's why.
This P.M. (Political Correctness) CRAP started in the US Govt. back in the
late 70's..Trust me, I was there...33 years employed by the D.O.D. I saw
things getting worse every year. You always had to watch what you said
so as to be careful not to OFFENED any ONE or a GROUP.

Now what's the result? We in the US have had to tolerate SCUM from other
Countries comming here ( Legal and otherwise) who dictate to US and
get away with MURDER! While the A HOLES in WASHINGTON look the
other way because they are a bunch of "WIMPS" who are afraid of their
own shadows! Liberal attitudes have destroyed the fabric of the U.S.
All of the values we were taught while growing up have been attacked.

Years ago a profetic Man stated "We will bury you" I think that statment,
the words spoken in Russian, were mis-interpreted..What he really said was:
YOU will bury yourselves! ......and he was RIGHT!

"In 1945, the US was the greatest Nation in the World, Thanks to Washinton
it's be down hill ever since. The U.S. is doomed!

In the future, you'll think about what I've said when you look out your window
one day and see a R@! H@#$% kneeling on your lawn praying to the Almighty.
But don't get angry.....He/she has the right to do so because he/she is ILLEGAL.
and is supported by the US GOVT. who says that you must be tolerant of others
who come to YOUR Country to KILL YOU and YOUR FAMILY!

Hope your doing well my friend.

P.s I'll probably be banned for that one.
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:00 pm   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
Your thoughts 7A_Woulf?


I have a thought for you BRITE BOY, go back to SCHOOL and
take some history classes....How DARE you compare the USA
with Stalin's RUSSIA?

" almost the entire world knows that the American Government
 consider themselves above international law... "

Nice comment....

Since WWII the US has spent Billions in aid to help other countries
and got a SLAP in the face from people like YOU!

I don't know and I don't give a SHIT where you come from but
do us AMERICANS a favour, take your Anti US comments back to your
country and stay there!

Evil or Very Mad
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:32 am   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
Hey devil lawyer,

He got what he what he deserved...and F#@$ his Kids and Wife.
Trial? In the US? We would have another 10 years of BULL SHIT
with the liberal courts in the US. The MAGGOT would end up in
a "Country Club" prison with more rights and privilages than the
average JOE.  Unarmed? .....War Crime? You got to be kidding.
How do you know, were you there?
More Americans died on 9/11 than on Dec. 7, 1941

Your comments are an INSULT to the thousands of Americans
who died in the last 10 years because of that EVIL piece of SHIT.

And those traitor BASTARDS in PAKISTAN need to give back the BILLIONS
in aid the WE gave them......OR ELSE.


  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:26 pm   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
That FILTHY COCKROACH got too good of a send off.
They should have cut his head off and sent it to the
Smithsonium! The F'in COWARD was hiding behind
Women!!.......The Seals should have KILLED them ALL
and Blown up that "Palace" he was living in!

The US needs to bring home ALL our MEN, lock down the
counrty tight and build prisons way up north for Muslims
who try to harm us. There they would disappear forever.
Twisted Evil
  Topic: Osama Bin Laden Dead

Replies: 101
Views: 520310

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:49 pm   Subject: Re: Osama Bin Laden Dead
Me too. I hope that PRICK is really dead.
The US needs to put the body on display
so everyone can see just like they did in
the "Old Days"....

Bush made a BIG mistake letting his family and
all their money out of the country....We could
use it now!.....Ten years, unblieveable!

WWII did'n last that long!
  Topic: Original B&W Photos

Replies: 0
Views: 1738

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:43 am   Subject: Original B&W Photos
To Modders out here...I have some original Pix
of German vehicals that may be of use to someone.
Good quality in jpg format
  Topic: Question about AI in CC4 Vet mod by TT

Replies: 4
Views: 12970

PostForum: Close Combat 4: Battle Of The Bulge   Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:26 am   Subject: Re: Question about AI in CC4 Vet mod by TT
Looks like no one wants to answer you...
I'll try. All vers. 1.0, 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13 have
files called H2HVet. I believe that this is
what you may need to even things out.
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