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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: GJS 4.4 - Typo in install.txt

Replies: 1
Views: 1155

PostForum: CC5 Gold, Juno, Sword   Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:39 am   Subject: GJS 4.4 - Typo in install.txt
Hey guys

Not sure if this has already been reported, or if there's a later version, but I've been trying to install GJS 4.4.
Game complains of a missing Hill112s.btd file.

In the install.txt there looks to be a typo..

copy $THIS\Hill112S.btd $CC\Maps\Hil112S.btd

Basically, it looks like it's missing the second L in 'hill'

This is just when it tries to copy the file to the Maps directory. Looks fine the other way around (though as the file isn't named correctly, it gets left behind).


  Topic: Does this work at reasonable resolutions?

Replies: 2
Views: 1272

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 6:54 pm   Subject: Re: Does this work at reasonable resolutions?
Had tried all that, with no success.
I've given up and got the GOG version - which works great at higher resolutions. It was something like £2.50.
  Topic: Does this work at reasonable resolutions?

Replies: 2
Views: 1272

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 5:21 pm   Subject: Does this work at reasonable resolutions?

Wondering if its worth persevering with this game. I can only get it to run properly at 800x600.
Anything higher and the soldier display icons and team information pop-ups just don't display. They display off-screen and just dont show up. Confirmed pressing F8 and they're enabled.

Any simple fixes for this? I guess it should work inside a VM, but how about in Windows 10?
  Topic: Installing mods for GOG version of CC3

Replies: 19
Views: 19320

PostForum: Close Combat 3: The Russian Front   Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 7:36 pm   Subject: Re: Installing mods for GOG version of CC3
dj wrote (View Post):
Any chance for mod self-installer .exe for GOG versions?

The one I mentioned is in the downloads/cc3 RF/tools section on this site.
You need to tweak it to get it working.
  Topic: Installing mods for GOG version of CC3

Replies: 19
Views: 19320

PostForum: Close Combat 3: The Russian Front   Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:43 pm   Subject: Re: Installing mods for GOG version of CC3
matthewhalos wrote (View Post):
So from what I read in this thread, looks like the Configuration Manager for CC3 is not working on the GOG version?

and the mod is going to be placed on the game files manually...?

Necro thread, I know.. Answer is 'Maybe not'...

Leaving this here, as it might help someone, but I've managed to get Config Manager working with GOG on my PC..
I dug into the config51.exe file with a hex editor and found the registry key it's looking for when trying to determine the CC3 install directory.

So I created this key..
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Close Combat\3.0]
add a string
"InstalledTo" = "e:\games\close combat 3"
(where InstalledTo was set to the location of my CC3 folder.

Then simply create the required folders under your CC3 install directory.

Add your plugins (.pln) to the Plugins directory... and you're done!  Very Happy

You may be asked for the CD when uninstalling the Plugins.. I haven't found a workaround for this yet, so you'll have to mount an ISO..
Make an ISO with the folder called "CC3_TRF" and containing the whole DATA folder (plus subfolders) and the CC3.exe, autorun, cc3eula and setup files etc..
Mount it, then you shouldn't get the error when uninstalling.

Good luck!  Smile
  Topic: T34 85 underpowered?

Replies: 0
Views: 1448

PostForum: Close Combat Cross of Iron   Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:46 pm   Subject: T34 85 underpowered?
Hey guys

Not sure if anyone's still playing this - but I've come back to CC3 after a break..

QQ. I've noticed that the T34 85/L42 'stats' look a bit odd in the text files.

Are these 85mm/L42 guns nerfed deliberately, for balance reasons, or is this a mistake? Should they be L48 or higher?

edit.. Nevermind. Looks like it's already noticed - and fixed - in RealRed mod.. Will reinstall that! Smile
  Topic: Rectangle provided was invlaid error

Replies: 1
Views: 2063

PostForum: Close Combat Cross of Iron   Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:30 pm   Subject: Re: Rectangle provided was invlaid error
OK yes, a bit of an old thread, but I've just found a partial answer to this.
Works for me anyway.  Very Happy

Simply run the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP3..

Beforehand - or if I switch this off - crash with the 'rectangle provided was invalid' error. When enabled, it works fine. In higher resolutions too!!  :)

You still can't view the map before battle (crashes with same error) but at least the game runs.. Bit of an odd one, but hey ho..

Commonwealth Summer mod on Windows 10 Pro...
  Topic: split up deployment zones in a meeting engagement?

Replies: 41
Views: 26988

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:29 pm   Subject: Re: split up deployment zones in a meeting engagement?
Dear Mr Stalky

In case you didnt understand my last post (obvious you didnt) it was to show that the two comments I made in my first post, that you obviously had an issue with, were in fact 'correct'.

So you now agree with me? Bit of a flip flopping of your opinion...

The rest of your last post is a bit of a waste of time as you are using a straw man argument to 'win' a discussion on an internet forum (ie, misrepresenting 'my' position). LOL.   Laughing   Laughing

Obviously one side is mainly attacking. However, have you thought (obviously I need to explain) that the same two players could....."swap sides" for their next GC! WOW.

You seem to think that I am trying to make 'you and your friends' do something you dont want to. You do know it's a forum, not a PM? If you dont want to use it, dont use it.

Horses for courses and courses for horses.  

    Yeh, teach me the basic of CC5 please..

Do you know what horses for courses means?   Wink

Oh and I got CC5 when it came out too... Its not as big a deal as you think.  Wink

Anyway. Off on hols for a long weekend. Have a good one!

  Topic: split up deployment zones in a meeting engagement?

Replies: 41
Views: 26988

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:55 pm   Subject: Re: split up deployment zones in a meeting engagement?
Eh? 'Prove me wrong?'
Some of the attacking zones ARE murder holes for attackers. CORRECT.   Wink
Gentlemans agreements 'might' be an option to those players that do not like the small size of the attacking area. Note that it an agreement between TWO players - and both sides may end up attacking. CORRECT.   Wink

You seem to be adding your own commentary!?!   Shocked

If you're talking about real life, how about the fact that ALL attacking units start on the battlefield at the same time.
No advance scouts on the map to probe strength before 'commiting' the full force. You effectively commit the full force every time.
There is frequently nowhere to hide and, of course, no way to introduce a second wave of troops in CC5.

It IS up to the attacker to choose the attack point in this game, which is fair enough. That was never the issue from my point of view.

Some people may choose a gentleman's agreement (note 'choose') and it would have to be agreed by 'both' sides. Remember, both sides can end up attacking. Hardly a handicap if its agreed between two players and it could potentially stay in play for all games they play as either side 'If it suits them'.

it was a 'suggestion' and is up to the players playing a particular game, not a third party to say 'NO' to them.

Horses for courses and courses for horses.   Very Happy

  Topic: split up deployment zones in a meeting engagement?

Replies: 41
Views: 26988

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:47 pm   Subject: Re: split up deployment zones in a meeting engagement?
Got to agree with Brake here. Some of the deployment zones are basically Murder Holes for the attackers.  Shocked

Perhaps a gentleman's agreement for defender unit placement*** might help - along with a time limit for defensive artillery/mortar attacks (+1 or +2 minutes).   Idea

As stated previously, the attackers are meant to have the element of surprise!


*** (maybe a restricted zone around the attacker deployment zone, in which the defender cannot place units)
  Topic: War Movies

Replies: 184
Views: 150666

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:00 pm   Subject: Re: War Movies
"Flame and Citron."

Another slightly obscure title - this time about the Danish resistance.

(Not quite as good as Max Manus, but in the same vein - 7.5/10).
  Topic: Faulting application name: CC5.exe

Replies: 0
Views: 2111

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:55 pm   Subject: Faulting application name: CC5.exe
Playing CC5 on Stalingrad 1.2 as Germans.

After a lot of messing around on a particular map that was frequently crashing, I think I have managed to narrow down the cause.

I can avoid the crash simply by not using my Mortars or artillery.. If I use them, it usually means a crash pretty soon afterwards.
If I dont use them, the map plays through without a problem.

Anyone else seen this?

  Topic: GameRanger Screen Name List

Replies: 76
Views: 97626

PostForum: H2H Multiplayer   Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:24 am   Subject: Re: GameRanger Screen Name List

Close Combat ( 5 , 3 and 4 ) - not that I play CC4
Combat Mission (BO, BB and AK).

Anyone played CM Battle for Normandy?
  Topic: This Game Does Not Get Old

Replies: 9
Views: 6777

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:10 am   Subject: Re: This Game Does Not Get Old
Combat Mission is excellent though.. Playing against a person (rather than the AI) is a must!
Tank combat in Combat Mission is a WW2 nut's wet dream!  ;-)

Any chance we can get a forum section for CM or is it strictly CC here?  Smile
  Topic: Windows 7 & Close Combat

Replies: 22
Views: 56204

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:03 am   Subject: Re: Windows 7 & Close Combat
I own most of the original CC games (for the record).  :)

I wonder whether downloading games that are no longer available to buy is 'illegal' (Its not illegal anyway; its copyright infringement, which is a civil matter).
Might the old CC games now be now classed as abandonware?

In a number of countries it's actually ok to download copyrighted material; however you arent allow to distribute it.
  Topic: (Poll) Whats your favourite 'original' Close Combat version?

Replies: 7
Views: 5995

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:43 am   Subject: Re: (Poll) Whats your favourite 'original' Close Combat vers
Interesting.. CC5....  Thanks.
Still prefer the scale of CC3 but I would say CC5 would come a close second.
I wasnt keen on CC4.
  Topic: Problem with win 7

Replies: 10
Views: 11301

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:57 pm   Subject: Re: Problem with win 7
Ensure DirectX is up to date too. Download the latest redistributable (or web installer) from Microsoft.
Run Dxdiag.exe and ensure all checks are ok!

Update your Graphics card drivers and ensure the refresh rate and colour depth are suitable for your monitor.
Check your screen resolution etc 'in game'!

Ensure the game is fully patched!

Also try disabling Aero (Run this - "net stop uxsms")

What GFX Card do you have?
  Topic: (Poll) Whats your favourite 'original' Close Combat version?

Replies: 7
Views: 5995

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:46 pm   Subject: (Poll) Whats your favourite 'original' Close Combat version?
Can't find one of these polls on here (apologies if I'm going over old ground).

I am interested to see the results to see what people might be most likely to play - out of the original CC games!  :)

I'd have to stump for CC3!

  Topic: Scavenging.

Replies: 45
Views: 53611

PostForum: Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far   Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:35 pm   Subject: Re: Scavenging.
Yep, in CC3 (RR Mod tested) soldiers DO scavenge.
Just tested it and two soldiers in a Strelki squad picked up a shiny new MP40 and a rifle with 90 rounds.
Not just ammo then..
  Topic: Matrix Games prices too high?

Replies: 21
Views: 89800

PostForum: Site Info   Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:39 pm   Subject: Re: Matrix Games prices too high?
Who cant get it to work? I have a new PC with Windows 7 x64 and after a bit of fiddling with the settings, hey all work fine!

CC3 on Ebay is £24.99 just now!  ;-)

Rereleases should really be under $20, IMHO.
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