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  Topic: [RELEASE] GtC Small Map Mod

Replies: 8
Views: 9272

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:16 pm   Subject: In lieu of smaller maps
While CC's grand campaigns are the big draw, I find maximum AI aggression is in single untimed battles without FM -- a fight to the last man. However the fixed map VLs with their entry/exits are designed for ops and camps and theyre fixed positions make them stale after a while. So I keep an alternate BTD folder in /Maps for use in single battles and use mafi's BTD editor to shuffle and edit VLs.

For single battle .btds all entry/exits get deleted because the AI tends to ignore 1pt VLs, plus they're unnecessary. Without any, deployment reverts to CC2/3 style with the Allies on left map third, Axis on the right third and the middle third neutral. Without any VLs at all, you can play a battle but the game will crash at the end. However, for single battles I use one 1pt Allied [-3] and one Axis [-4] reinforcement entry area per map.

The other VLs get concentrated in one area of the map and the AI will deploy and act accordingly, effectively mimicking a small map by focusing the action on the area with VLs. Replacing VL names with a period [.] obscures that VLs value to the player introducing a level of uncertainty to any victory calculations. Your VL total is always in doubt when 2 & 3pt VLs look the same. The AI will always sees the VL value in the .btd. Using fewer VLs generally improves AI performance.

Test VL edits with SEE ENEMY on. Step and repeat until you get the desired AI behavior. Save the .btd and game file in the same folder for future use. Since the .btd is scenario specific any special instructions can be noted in the .btd briefing text.

Std ops and camps can be played untimed, w/o FM, last man too using the house rule that the attacking BG must disband if it doesnt take the entire map in any single battle. Nail biting fun when the AI's last unit is the final boss determining whether your few surviving soldiers will achieve total victory or disband in defeat.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:54 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
You can skip the edit and save as .bmp/.jpg - convert to 24 bpp .tga with RTBtool if you have Photoshop or some other image editing app capable of saving edited .tgas directly as 24 bpp. GIMP and most other cheap PShop-knockoffs cant. Hence the need to save edited .tgas as .bmp/.jpg - then use RTBtool to batch convert those to the necessary 24 bit .tga format.

Another item of note is that CC treats pure white graphics (0xFFFFFF) as transparent.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:39 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
Hasky wrote (View Post):
CCMunger is a good utility to look at the contents of archives with the xxx.gdg extension, and extract files from the archive into a folder. Are there utilities that allow the extracted and edited files to be reassembled back into the xxx.gdg archive?
Using CCMunger is a 3 step process. After placing the CCMunger.exe in the same directory as a copy of a .gdg file:

1) Use the Gadget->OPEN function to browse to, select, and open the .gdg file copy

2) then use the Gadget->EXTRACT function. This unpacks all the hundreds of gadgets as .tga files in the same folder.

Edit these as desired, then save as .bmp or .jpgs. Use RTBtool to convert these .bmp or .jpgs to the correct .tga bit depth (fyi: 24 bpp)

3) Use the Gadget->REBUILD function to repack all the .tgas back into a .gdg file.

CCMunger can extract and rebuild other Graphics file archives as indicated on its toolbar. It was common for games to use aggregate .tga graphics files like CC's .gdg, .pix, .azp, etc back in the '90s.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:35 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
@gamerat - By all means include these edits in GJS 9.6, and no credit necessary. However...my lawyers will be sending an invoice for the substantial damages to my property in Bretteville that you are ultimately liable for as mod proprietor.

@berger - see pm
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:59 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
This GJS95_fix.zip contains the file fixes as discussed above. These correct various uniform, rank badge, team name & type, voice effect and file format issues in the GJS 9.5 mod.

per the readme:
Extract the axsteams.txt, nations.txt, and uniforms.txt file to GJS95/data/base

Extract the GameGadg.gdg and ScrnGadg.gdg files to GJS95/Graphics

Extract the RUvox.sfx and ERUvox.sfx files to GJS95/LocalFX
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 5:38 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
Berger wrote (View Post):
How Osttruppen can have Russian names? Do I need a new file (RUNames or something like that)?
Attempting to answer that question revealed another flaw in the GJS mod - the nations.txt file is in the wrong format. It uses the TLD format not the LSA format which places the values and names of the different nations above, instead of below, the # comments. I think the actual problem is that LSA expects a tab separation instead of spaces between the pound sign (#) and the comment text string, but Im not motivated to verify that assumption.

Using the attached nations.txt will rectify the problem of GJS not differentiating the XXnames and XXvox files correctly. Edit all Ost teams to 2 in Column E and new scenarios containing Ost units will use the RUNames.txt and RUvox.sfx files. Then (instead of the Ost team edits I suggested in a post above), edit all Ost teams from Col E 1 to 2, and Column I 0 to 1. In Uniforms.txt, then copy the Ost uniform color coding used in The Longest Day (shown below) and paste over the # Nation 2, Style 1 (German FJ) lines.

# Nation 2, Style 1 (Ostruppen)
0x000000, 0xf7f8f4, 0xf6f7f3, 0x0000ff, 0xfffffd, 0xffffff, 0x0601fa, 0x000000
0x000000, 0xf7f8f4, 0xf6f6f4, 0xfffefe, 0xfffffe, 0xffffff, 0xf8f8f8, 0x000000
0x000000, 0xf7f8f4, 0xf7f8f4, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xfcfcfc, 0x000000

The end result should be that Ost teams will use the RUNames.txt file, the RUvox.sfx file, as well as the distinctive uniform coloring they had in stock TLD.

At this point I think I should take my own advice and incorporate all these changes I've suggested in this thread by actually modifying all these files rather than simply yakking about doing so. One truth Ive learned after diddling with CC files for a quarter century is that 99.9% of the problems encountered in modding are due to your own damn mistakes Smile
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:40 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
The uniform RGB hex values are standards that can be determined in most image editing programs (GIMP etc), or on a website such as https://www.htmlcsscolor.com/

If you care to edit individual gadgets after unpacking them from the .gdg files with CCMunger (attached below), or edit any other CC graphics files, mafi's RTB tool converts from basic file formats (.bmp, .jpg) to .tga with the correct bit depth so CCMunger can repack them properly. Just maintain the original image dimensions.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:15 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
errata - In Axsteams.txt edit all Ost teams from 1,0 to 5,1 should read- In Axsteams.txt edit all Ost teams in column E from 1 to 5, and in column I from 0 to 1.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 1:23 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
Hasky wrote (View Post):
Can you share the Uniforms.txt file for the GJS 9.5 mod with your adjustments?

Yes, good catch, the Uniforms.txt also needs adjustment. Copy the # Nation 1, Style 1 (German SS) lines and paste over the # Nation 1, Style 2 (German Infantry) lines. The color coding for Nation 1, Style 2 is the same as Nation 1, Style 0. No need to duplicate the Heer uniforms. In Axsteams then change all PzGren teams from 2 in column I to 0. This will change their rank badges from SS to Heer.

This edit to PzG teams is a compromise. Wikipedia states, "[their] Waffenfarbe was also changed from either white (in the case of Motorized Infantry) or rose pink to a meadow-green shade previously worn by motorcycle troops. Some units did not change over their designations and/or Waffenfarbe accoutrements until 1943, and many veteran Schützen ignored regulations and kept their rose-pink until the end of the war." If you care to enforce these 1942 uniform regulations, you could copy the ten (Luftwaffe) SORANK50_xxx screen gadgets, which have green piping, from stock LSA. Paste the # Nation 1, Style 0 (German Infantry) uniform color lines over # Nation 5, Style 0 (Canadian Infantry). Then edit PzG teams to (column E) 5, (column I) 0

Copy the # Nation 2, Style 3 (SS vehicle crew) lines and paste over the # Nation 5, Style 3 (Canadian unused) lines. Currently, SS vehicle crew uniform colors arent being used.

Ost teams should also be changed as these currently are using Heer uniforms. In Axsteams.txt edit all Ost teams from 1,0 to 5,1. In Uniforms.txt, then copy the Ost uniform color coding used in The Longest Day (shown below) and paste over the # Nation 5, Style 1 (Canadian unused) lines.

# Nation 5, Style 1 (Ostruppen)
0x000000, 0xf7f8f4, 0xf6f7f3, 0x0000ff, 0xfffffd, 0xffffff, 0x0601fa, 0x000000
0x000000, 0xf7f8f4, 0xf6f6f4, 0xfffefe, 0xfffffe, 0xffffff, 0xf8f8f8, 0x000000
0x000000, 0xf7f8f4, 0xf7f8f4, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xfcfcfc, 0x000000

Again, I have not addressed any of the corresponding edits that would need to be made to the SMRANKXXX_xxx graphics in the GameGadg.gdg file.

From all appearances, these data and graphics got garbled when the GJS mod was ported from TLD to LSA. Easy to get off-track when editing six .txt and .gdg files with cross-dependencies.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 12:16 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
The SS inf badge issue is solved by editing column I from '1' to '2' for those units

Heer inf units need to have col I edited from '2' to '0'.

Heer armored units need to have the ten SORANK13_xxx gadgets imported from stock LSA screen gadgets.

SS armored units need to have the ten SORANK53_xxx gadgets imported from stock LSA screen gadgets. For those units then edit col E from '1' to '5' and col I from '1' to '3'.

Game gadgets might need similar corrections.

Additional corrections should be made to infantry units that have crew soldier types (ex. SS Zugfuhrertrupp #131) as well as all the Kompanietruppen that are all mislabeled as Zugfuhrergruppe.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:30 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

The Nations tab in the workbook somewhat better explains how columns E & I synchronize in ***teams.txt, although their arrangement differs between stock LSA and GJS.

Map Tile Index (map location) in StaticBGs is best determined using mafi's 5CC map tool. Modified StaticBGs files can be used to create battle scenarios that deploy the AIs custom forces to preset locations. Example below.

The data/base *.txt files use tab separated values
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 10:54 am   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
re: wrong "badges" - I assume you mean the rank insignia "gadgets" shown to the left of the soldier's name on the Soldier screen. Those are specified in columns E and I in the ***teams.txt files. The gadget graphics themselves are contained in the Graphics/*.gdg files. Use the Munger tool to access those.

re: data in StaticBGs.txt - if you reference the column headers on the Static BGroups tab in the aforementioned LSA WORKBOOK, the data consists of:
"Count" - number of static battle groups
"Class" - static BG index number; "Name" - name of static battle group; "Side" - Allied (0) or Axis (1) all static BGs must be on the same side; "Map Index" - which map that static BG is deployed to. Maps are listed sequentially in the Maps/StratMap.txt file.
"Team Class 0" - index number of the first team in the BG; "Map Tile Index 0" - location where first team is deployed; "Team Class 1" - index number of the second team in the BG; "Map Tile Index 1" - location where second team is deployed; etc. etc.
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 11:26 pm   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
Far easier to mod the /data/base files using a spreadsheet app (Open Office, Libre Office etc) in conjunction with the LSA workbook. Just be sure to save as .txt
  Topic: Gold Juno Sword 9.5

Replies: 58
Views: 27342

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 6:08 am   Subject: Re: Gold Juno Sword 9.5
The SS Befehlspz VIE already exists in Axteams as index #97. The only instances of this team are in s.SS-Pz.Abt. 101.
  Topic: Excel ray tracing

Replies: 0
Views: 1594

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:09 pm   Subject: Excel ray tracing
Could this capability be adapted to produce an LOS viewshed for classic CC much like what TBF uses instead of the awkward and uninformative fire line sweep method?

  Topic: Upload request for Close Combat GOG round shortcuts

Replies: 7
Views: 3049

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 8:32 am   Subject: Re: Upload request for Close Combat GOG round shortcuts
Here are the 6 I have - CC3, COI, GTC, LSA, TBF & TLD
  Topic: Germany, April '45

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Views: 1314

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:58 am   Subject: Germany, April '45
High quality movie footage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdqjHwhv47w
  Topic: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes

Replies: 54
Views: 23267

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 11:59 pm   Subject: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes
Im curious why no difficulty modifiers were used at the beginning of the fpools.txt? Also why you suggest Line vs Line against the AI? Even without difficulty modifiers for team quantities, a player Elite vs AI recruit setting would still give the AI a better team quality advantage than Line vs Line.
  Topic: the longest day

Replies: 9
Views: 3841

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:42 pm   Subject: Re: the longest day
Have only used GR with Matrix and GOG game installs so I cant help with GR-Steam issues.
  Topic: the longest day

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Views: 3841

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:02 pm   Subject: Re: the longest day
Every monitor has a default resolution. This is it's native resolution.
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