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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: meeting engagement?

Replies: 3
Views: 5506

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:10 pm   Subject: meeting engagement?
From my experience when it's a meeting engagement no one is dug in and the players are rushing for VL's (no one control's the whole map in the first time). When one side is attacking ( for example :"Russian attack") then the oposing faction (i.e "the germans") is dug in. When the battle continues no one will entrench
  Topic: General Patton maxims!!!!

Replies: 3
Views: 5273

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:43 pm   Subject: General Patton maxims!!!!
Very Happy Something else i have received yesterday:

General Patton’s Maxims

A commander will command.
A good solution applied with vigor now is better than a perfect solution applied ten minutes later.
A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood.
Be alert to the source of trouble.
By perseverance, study, and eternal desire, any man can become great.
Do everything you ask of those you command.
Do more than is required of you.
Do not fear failure.
Do not make excuses, whether it’s your fault or not.
Do not take counsel of your fears.
Do your duty as you see it and damn the consequences.
Fame never yet found a man who waited to be found.
Genius is an immense capacity for taking pains.
Give credit where it’s due.
Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy.
Haste and speed are not synonymous.
I prefer a loyal staff officer to a brilliant one.
In case of doubt, attack.
It’s the unconquerable soul of man, not the nature of the weapon he uses, that insures victory.
Keep a quick line of communications.
Lack of orders is no excuse for inaction.
Make your plans to fit the circumstances.
Many soldiers are led to faulty ideas of war by knowing too much about too little.
Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.
Never let the enemy pick the battle site.
No one is thinking if everyone is thinking alike.
One must choose a system and stick to it.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Success is how you bounce on the bottom.
Take calculated risks.
The leader must be an actor.
The soldier is the army.
War is simple, direct, and ruthless.
on which you have decided.
You’re never beaten until you admit it.
Never fight a battle when nothing is gained by winning.
No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair.
Officers must assert themselves by example and by voice.
Select leaders for accomplishment—not for affection.
Strategy and tactics do not change. Only the means of applying them are different.
The more senior the officer, the more time he has to go to the front.
The only thing to do when a son-of-a-bitch looks cross-eyed at you is to beat the hell out of him right then and there.
The only tactical principle which is not subject to change; it is, “To use the means at hand to inflict
the maximum amount of wounds, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time.”
There is only one type of discipline, perfect discipline.
We can never get anything across unless we talk the language of the people we are trying to instruct.
You must be single-minded. Drive for the one thing on which you have decided.
  Topic: 30 panzer advices!

Replies: 3
Views: 4886

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:00 pm   Subject: 30 panzer advices!
Hy mates! Got this yesterday on the internet and thought i postit here maybe someone is interested..i think its pretty neat:

"This is a translation of a training circular issued by the German armoured force containing 30 basic lessons of armoured combat at the platoon and company level derived from the Wehrmachts experience against the Soviets. Written during the Second World War by a German company commander these lessons are fresh with recent combat experience. Many of these lessons are close to American doctrine, but others reflect differences based either on
divergent tactical thought or the methods imposed by the technological imperatives of the forties.
Authors Preface
The Panzer-Regiment is by reason of its firepower, protection and mobility the main fighting power of the division.
Its strength lies in unexpected concentrated and determined attack, aggressive leadership and daring operations (from German doctrinal regulation). Combat in Russia has shown once again that for us, in action against the Communists, it is not so much the kind or number of our tanks but the spirit and skill of the tank soldiers that counts. Only by these factors are German tanks always, including in Russia, victorious. This exemplary combat spirit can however count for as little as the weapons speed,
armour or number of tanks in achieving success, if it is not led and employed by fully competent officers. Superior tactical leadership in battle is a prerequisite when one desire few, or better still, no casualties.
The purpose of this volume is to collect the experience of the veteran front-line combat leaders of our Regiments in action and pass it on in simple and understandable form to our junior officers.

1. Before any attack acquaint yourself with the ground. Use the information provided by other units or by the map. Share this information with your subordinate commanders. Exact information and correct estimation of the terrain will be the decisive difference between victory and defeat.
2. No armoured attack is so fast, even in the most pressing situation, that you do not have time to put subordinate leaders into the picture about the tactical situation, mission, and anything else which may impact on the coming action. Losses due to over-hasty action are your responsibility and place the success of the mission in jeopardy.
3. Only careful combat reconnaissance can protect you from surprise. Protect to your flank as well as the front. Observation to all sides is the duty of every commander. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYE OUT FOR THE ENEMY!!
4. Your entire abilities in combat must be used to make a constant appreciation of the situation. Only in this manner can you make the correct decision during the decisive seconds and issue short clear orders without delay. This is the kind of leadership for which you are responsible.
5. Iron radio discipline is a prerequisite of good leadership, particularly when your only method of command is the radio. In the point company for instance, the trail platoons should not use the radio at all except in emergency, leaving the net clear for the point platoon leader.
6. You must lead with strength. At least two tanks must be right forward and the trail platoon must be held far enough forward to support the lead platoon. The more guns fire in the first minute, the quicker the enemy will be defeated and the fewer losses you will suffer.
7. When breaking cover do it quickly and together. The more targets the enemy is shown simultaneously, the harder his fire control and distribution problems will be, and the more guns you will have in effect on the enemy.
8. In the attack drive as fast as you can, at slow speed you can see and shoot only a little better than at high and are much more likely to be hit. For a tank there should only be two speeds: the halt (for firing!) and all out forward. This is the basic principal of tank combat!
9. When anti-tank weapons are encountered at long or medium ranges you must first return fire and then manoeuvre against them. First make a firing halt in order to bring effective fire to bear – then commit the bulk of the company to manoeuvre on the enemy with the continued support of one platoon.
10. When anti-tank weapons are encountered at close range stopping is suicide. Only immediate attack at the highest speed with every weapon firing will have success and reduce losses.
11. In combat against anti-tank guns you may never – even under the protection of fire support – allow a single platoon to attack alone. Anti-tank weapons are not employed singly. Remember – lone tanks in Russia are lost!
12. You must continually keep a broad interval between vehicles. This splits the enemy’s defensive fire and complicates his fire control. Narrow intervals must, especially in critical situations, at all costs be avoided, or it will cost you losses.
13. When an impassable obstacle, for instance a minefield or anti-tank ditch, is encountered you must immediately and without hesitation give the order to withdraw into the nearest cover. Standing still, in open sight, trying to carry on the attack, has in such circumstances no sense, and will only cost you losses. Your considerations on how to make a new start will be best
made in the safety of cover.
14. When your attack must pass potential enemy tank positions, for instance a wood line, you should either pass by them so closely that you are inside their minimum range or remain so far away that you are outside their maximum effective range.
15. Attacking enemy tanks should not be attacked directly, because then they see you and know your strength before you can do them harm. More often, you should avoid them until you can move into favourable firing positions, and surprise them from the flank or rear. Repelled enemy tank assaults must be determinedly pursued.
16. A strongpoint, for instance a small village or artillery battery position, should whenever possible be attacked from different directions simultaneously in order to split enemy defensive fire and deceive him about the true location and direction of the attack. In this manner your breakthrough will be easier and your losses fewer.
17. Always prepare dug in positions and camouflage against the possibility of air or artillery attack. Being sorry afterwards is no excuse for losses taken by these causes.
18. Ammunition tactics does not always mean conserving ammunition; in the decisive moment, if you want to save casualties you may expend ammunition at exceptionally high rates (for instance, an emergency attack.)
19. Never split your combat power; that is to say, do not employ parts of the company in such a manner that they cannot support each other. When your attack has two objectives you should attack first one and then the other with all weapons. In this way you will more certainly end up with both objectives in hand and fewer casualties.
20. Support from artillery fire or dive bombers must be used immediately, that is to say while the fire is in effect on the objective – afterward, when the fire has stopped it is too late. You must know that mostly such fires only produce a suppressing effect, not a destroying one. It is better to risk a stray friendly shell or bomb than to charge into an active anti-tank defense.
21. Other weapons and arms, attached to you for an appointed purpose, should not be misused. Do not use them for purposes for which they were not intended, for instance do not use tank hunters as assault guns, or armoured infantry as tanks, or recon or engineer troops as infantry.
22. Un-armoured or lightly armoured units attached to you must be protected by your tanks from unnecessary losses until they are needed for their own operational tasks, for which purpose they were given to you.
23. Attachments from other arms placed under your command are not your servants, but your guests. You are answerable to supply them and share with them everything they need. Don’t just use them on guard! In this way they will work better and more loyally for you when you need them. And that will be often!
24. In combined operations with infantry or armoured infantry, you must make certain that the arms stick close together; only so can they help each other and achieve success. With of the two is leading is a secondary matter; what must be know is that it is the intention of the enemy to separate them and that you must prevent this in all circumstances. Your battle cry must be
“Protect the Infantry!”, the infantry’s battle cry is “Protect the tanks!”
25. You and your soldiers must always concentrate on your combat mission, i.e. “the bridge,” and you may not turn aside, for instance, to an enemy on your flank, unless he is actually dangerous to the accomplishment of your mission; then you must attack and destroy him.
26. After a victorious battle, i.e. the seizure of a bridge or the occupation of a village, keep your helmets on; that is to say, prepare for a counter-attack, which will certainly come, perhaps in a different place than you suppose. Later you can collect the spoils of victory.
27. In the defence or security missions place your tanks so that not only their firepower but also their shock action can be brought into play. Also leave only a few tanks in stationary firing positions, keep most as mobile reserve under cover. Tanks defend aggressively!
28. Against strong enemy resistance there is no point in continuing to attack. Every failed attack only cost more casualties. Your effort must always be to hold the enemy with the only weak forces, in order to use the mass of your strength at another, weaker place, breakthrough, and destroy the enemy by surprise attack in the rear or flank.
29. Never forget that your soldiers do not belong to you, but to Germany. Personal glory hunting and senseless dare-devilry lead only in exceptional cases to success, but always cost blood. In battle against the Soviet-Russians you must temper your courage with your judgment, your cunning, your intuition and your tactical ability. Only so have you the prerequisites to be victorious in battle, and only then will your soldiers look on you with loyalty and respect and always stand by you in untiring combat readiness. The tank division is in modern warfare today in the former place of the cavalry as the decisive
arm of combat. Tank officers must carry on the tradition of the cavalry and take up its aggressive spirit on behalf of the tank arm. Therefore take note, as a basic combat principle, of Marshal Blucher’s motto, “FORWARD AND THROUGH” "
  Topic: Der Kessel : the best and the most original mod CC5 !

Replies: 32
Views: 28614

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:57 pm   Subject: Der Kessel : the best and the most original mod CC5 !
Ok Pzjager! I have some problems with changing the sounds in the game, but if you give me your mail address i can send you at least weekly a couple of weapon sounds from which you can choose the ones you like and see fit to add to a sound mod.
  Topic: Der Kessel : the best and the most original mod CC5 !

Replies: 32
Views: 28614

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:24 pm   Subject: Der Kessel : the best and the most original mod CC5 !
yes the mod is amazing. I'm romanian and i think the romanian units are very realistic - i feel very close to my fellows in the snow Smile. But i also think that the sounds could have been a little more worked out, giving more depth to the game. Maybe a sound submod will get out... i will change my current work for gjs 4.4 sound mod to kessel mod..but it will take some time and i will change only some weapons sounds like the carcano or the berreta smg for example.
Good work Pzjager
  Topic: Help with sound modding...

Replies: 9
Views: 8872

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:20 am   Subject: Help with sound modding...
working now...thanks.
  Topic: Help with sound modding...

Replies: 9
Views: 8872

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:09 pm   Subject: Help with sound modding...
yes...i did...didn't work...qclone gives me a weird error so fast i cant read whats the problem. maybe someone could open a standard gjs4.4 weapon.adb and give me the index...my current sound.sfx is totalizing 104 files (not 132 like the one senior drill gave me..by the way thanks mate).
  Topic: Help with sound modding...

Replies: 9
Views: 8872

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:13 pm   Subject: Help with sound modding...
Hey thanks for you infos! But qclone doesn't work..tried everything..and the index file for gjs 4.4 does not match the number of sounds i obtained when i used sfxpack in my gjs 4.4 instalation....so i'm a little bogged right now...will stick to sound editing for a while Confused
  Topic: Help with sound modding...

Replies: 9
Views: 8872

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:40 pm   Subject: Help with sound modding...
Hy all1 I finally decided to make a sound mod for GJS 4.4 that fits my taste and perhaps give something back for the cc comunity as well. i almost have all my sounds for every weapon except the big guns and i woud like to if there is a way to know how to add them to a mod? I've opened a sound mod with SFX and saw that there are in a list numbered from 0000 to 0131-0145 depending of the mod but i would like to know wich one is for each weapon because its hard to try to identify each one by its sound.
  Topic: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2

Replies: 12
Views: 85890

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:46 pm   Subject: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2
update dropped. have fun reading
  Topic: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2

Replies: 12
Views: 85890

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:34 pm   Subject: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2
new waffen arsenall update tomorow!
  Topic: Peter Jackson remaking the "Dam Busters"

Replies: 7
Views: 4518

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:57 am   Subject: Peter Jackson remaking the "Dam Busters"
  Topic: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2

Replies: 12
Views: 85890

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:30 pm   Subject: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2
  Topic: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2

Replies: 12
Views: 85890

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:50 pm   Subject: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2
Thanks Kami! New update everyone..just fresh from the oven Smile)!
  Topic: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2

Replies: 12
Views: 85890

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:21 pm   Subject: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2
Update dropped! And thanks squadleader. Seems to me you are the only one who likes this books! Pretty shame Crying or Very sad !
  Topic: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2

Replies: 12
Views: 85890

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:44 pm   Subject: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2
New update1 ore to come!
  Topic: Close Combat GIF movie help

Replies: 22
Views: 13998

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:41 pm   Subject: Close Combat GIF movie help
try: http://www.filesrepository.com/software/screenshot.html

Some of those progs are free! And work pretty good!
  Topic: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2

Replies: 12
Views: 85890

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:59 pm   Subject: BOOKS for the peoples of CCS part2
Ok mates! "I'm back in black"! Here are some new books i've uploaded to megaupload.com. I know megaupload isn't very friendly for downloading but there is no other way(you can uninstall manually that adaware after you finish your downloads) but trust me these books worth the pain. They will simply blow you away. They are a must read for all of us. I take no credit for them..all the credit goes to the original uploader (namely Bilderwerk-thanks buddy-all the credits go to him), i asume only the credit of archiving them and uploading them to megaupload. If you like any of them and decide to download please write a reply so these topic to be a popular one so more people see and download the books. Or Mooxe make this topic a sticky! Please check back often as i will edit the first post as new materiel becomes available! Have fun reading. All of them are in pdf format...some of them are in german, some in russian but most of them are in english..even if are in russian the pictures are AMAZING!
Ok here is the first:
1. concord books part1: (217.22 MB) wich contains the following
[armor] - [Concord Publishing] - [nº6505] - Fallschrimjager - German Paratroopers from Glory to defeat 1939-1945
[armor] - [Concord Publishing] - [nº7014] - Panzerwaffe at War (2) - Moscow to Berlin
[Armor] - [Concord] - [Armor At War 7018] - Panzertruppen At War
[Armor] - [Concord] - [Armor At War 7025] - 4a Panzer-Divisionon the Eastern Front (1) 1941-43
[Armor] - [Concord] - [Armor at War] - Panzer-Division in Russia
[armor][concord][7026] - 4ª Panzer-Division on the Eastern Front (2) 1944
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B9B1D65C

2.concord books part2-(228.36 MB):
[Concord] - 7013 - panzerwaffe at war (1) nuremberg to moscow
Armor at war - Panzers In The East - 1 The Years Of Aggression 1941-1943
Armor at war - Panzers In The East - 2 Decline and Defeat 1943-1945
Concord - 6002 - Imperial Rome at War
Concord - 7009 - Armor At War - Tank battles of the mid-east wars (2) 1973-present
Concord - 7012 - Armor at War - Stalins Heavy Tanks 1941-45
Concord - Battle of Stalingrad - Russia's Great Patriotic War
Concord - Waffen-SS (1) Forging An Army 1934-1943 [WWII] {Germany}
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O6DP6J9J

3.concord books part3-(122.4 MB):
Concord - Waffen-SS.(2).From.Glory.To.Defeat.1943-1945.[WWII].{Germany}
Concord N°1015 Modern Soviet Warplanes - Strike Aircraft & Attack Helicopters
SCUD and other Russian Ballistic Missile Vehicles (Concord)
The military book club - Waffen SS In Combat
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q04AJR1T

4.Osprey collection books part1-(242.23 MB):
Osprey - Elite 005 - Soviet Bloc Elite Forces
Osprey - Elite 019 - The Crusades
Osprey - Elite 034 - Afrikakorps 1941-43
Osprey - Elite 067 - Pirates 1660-1730
Osprey - Elite 072 - Napoleon's.Commanders.(1).c1792-1809
Osprey - elite 080 - Samurai Heraldry
Osprey - Elite 083 - Napoleon's Commanders (2) 1809-1815
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YDYBRH10

5.Osprey collection books part2-(52.06 MB):
Osprey - Elite 090 - Heroines of the Soviet Union 1941-45
Osprey - Elite 105 - World War II Infantry Tactics Squad and Platoon
Osprey - Elite 111 - Heroes Of The Soviet Union (1941-45)
Osprey - Elite Series 012 - Inside the Soviet Army Today
Osprey - Elite Series 026 - Tank War - Central Front - Nato vs. Warzaw Pact
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5WI91ZCB

UPDATE Rolling Eyes
6. MBI books collection (222.34 MB):
MBI - Battle of the Bulge -The First 24 Hours
MBI - German Tanks of the World War II in Color
MBI - Gun Camera - World War II - Photography from Allied Fighters and Bombers over Ocuppied Europe
MBI - SS-Das Reich - The History of the Second SS Division 1941-45
MBI - SS-Wiking - The History of the Fifth SS Division 1941-45
MBI - Tiger Tanks
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZZBN42SK

New UPDATE Very Happy
7.Tornado books collection (202.53 MB): russian versions but the pics are awesome!
Tornado 13 - Heavy Armored Cars Of The Wehrmacht (Part 1)
[Tornado] - Heavy Armored Cars of the Wehrmacht (Part.2)
[Tornado] - Motorized grenadiers of the Wehrmacht
Tornado - 20 - Wehrmacht Uniforms
Tornado [Army Series 003] Mercedes, Opel, Krupp Trucks on Wehrmacht Service
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XHOA4GR0

8. Osprey books collection part3 (106.04 MB):
[Osprey] MAA 254 Wehrmacht Auxiliary Forces
Osprey - Men At Arms 147 - Foreign Volunteers Of The Wehrmacht 1941-45
Osprey - Wehrmacht Combat Equipment
osprey [Armor] [Armada M01] - Wehrmacht SP Gun
osprey [armor] Schiffer 018 - Elefant, Jagdtiger, Sturmtiger [Wehrmacht]
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PTY49UBM

9. Osprey Battle orders (149.29 MB):
Osprey - Battle Orders 002 - Wellington's Army in the Peninsula 1809-14
Osprey - Battle Orders 004 - German Airborne Division - Blitzkrieg 1940-41
Osprey - Battle Orders 009 - Japanese.Army.in.WWII.Conquest.of.the.Pacific.1941-42
Osprey - Battle Orders 018 - British Commandos 1940-46
Osprey_Battle Orders_004_Ardennes.Offensive.VI Panzer Armee - Northern Sector
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B4NEOW7F

Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation NEW UPDATE!!!
Ok mates...if you think the books up there are cool you've seen nothin' yet...I present to you now "Das Waffen-Arsenal" collection in wich every pdf is refering to single weapons. They are in german but...what the hell...start learning some hahahaahahhaha Very Happy !

10. Waffen arsenal books part1 (241.13 MB):
[Armor] - [das Waffen-Arsenal 076] - Bison und andere 15cm (sowiet 17cm und 19,4cm)
[armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal 078] - Deutsche Kräder im Krieg (motorbikes in war)
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal n°027] - 8,8 cm Flak
[armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal n°077] - Deutsche Panzer-Raritäten 1935-1945
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [004] - Panzer III - Sturmgeschütz III
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [028] - Deutsche Raketen-Werfer
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [047] - pzkpfwg maus und andere dt panzerprojekte
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [053] - Hetzer JgPz 38 (t) und G-13
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [066] - Wespe - Heuschrecke
[armor] - [das waffen arsenal] - n°72 - marder III
[Armor] - [Waffen-Arsenal] - [Band 012] - Panther
[armor] - Waffen_Arsenal_No109_@2---T-34-
[Armor] [Das Waffen Arsenal 127] - Konigs Tiger
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=22ZB5CUP

11. Waffen arsenal books part2 (211.59 MB):
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal 099] - Sturmtiger
[aviation] - [Waffen Arsenal] - Ju-87 Ju-88
[aviation] - [Waffen-Arsenal n°171] - Dornier Flugboote WWII
[Aviation] - Dornier Do-17 Do-215 - [PPV] - [Waffen Arsenal]
[Aviation] - Gotha Go 345 - Deutsche Lastensegler - [Waffen-Arsenal 042]
[aviation] - Messerschmitt Me 210 - [Waffen Arsenal 043]
[aviation] 052 FW 200 Condor - Kampfgefahrte der U-Boote [Waffen Arsenal Band 52]
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L3H7NWS0

12.Waffen arsenal books part3 (230.59 MB):
[aviation] Waffen Arsenal 133 - Deutsche Sturzkampfflugzeuge - German Divebombers
[Das Waffen-Arsenal 001] - Tiger I
[Das Waffen-Arsenal 014] - Panzerkampfwagen IV
[Das Waffen-Arsenal 086] - Deutsche Leichte Panzerspahwagen
[Das Waffen-Arsenal 107] Krupp-Kraftwagen Im Kriege
[Das Waffen-Arsenal S-14] - Deutsche Lastkraftwagen im Zweiten Weltkrieg
[Das Waffen-Arsenal - 024 - Focke Wulf FW 190
[Das Waffen Arsenal -Band 056] Die Tiger-Familie
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=34FEKFAH

Last update? don't know Shocked

new waffen files (238.61 MB):
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [049] - Panzer III
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [094] - Mercedes im Kriege
[Armor] [Motorbuch Verlag 012] - Beute-Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der deutschen Wehrmacht
[Das Waffen-Arsenal S-14] - Deutsche Lastkraftwagen im Zweiten Weltkrieg
[PPV] - [Waffen Arsenal 120] - Heinkel He 100
[PPV] - [Waffen Arsenal 159] - Heinkel He 112
[PPV] - [Waffen Arsenal] - Lippisch P13a
[Armor] - [Das Waffen-Arsenal] - [074] - Sturmgeschütz III (L24 und L33)
Das Waffen-Arsenal 008 - Halbketten-Fahrzeuge (german halftracks in the war)
Das Waffen-Arsenal 058 - VW im Krieg (volkswagen aka kubelwagen in war)
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QRJA40OM
  Topic: RAF Bomber Command's conduct during WWII

Replies: 50
Views: 25612

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:50 am   Subject: RAF Bomber Command's conduct during WWII
Sorry if you consider me or have made someone to consider me embittered..i'm quitte the opposite. I hear and see everyday peoples who trash around the germans for what has happened in the ww2 and i think someone should defend them at least for once. The bombing campaign was eficient in the first lets say 6-7 monts after that the factories were moved underground...in fact the peak of the bombing campaign coincided with the peak of the Germany's war production. The thing is that always i try to put myself in the oponent shoes to see how i would react in similar circumstances and in the situation i was a german in those days i would have fought on the front with the rest of the population just because it was no another way to chnage the things. I'm sure you would do the same. In times of peace everybody can be a hero but when its comming the time to reacts things change and valors tend to be reconsidered. I don't try to find Hitler excuses for the things he did. It was a psychopat and deserved his fate...but i will never associate the person of Hitler with the german population. The majority of them don't deserve that. The people did what was right to do then...fight the war..a war that they didn't wanted. The things that happened during the war were the fault of a small numbers of criminals wich should pay for that....its WAR...and war is never fair...and in every war bad things happens.
If you look closely to the things that happen today in the world you will see that the tension mounts in different spots as we speak...and when the "Baloon will pop" you will have to make some quick choosing: do i fight or do i protest! And when the state of war and the martial law is installed you will fight for your country as the rest no matter of what you believe in! And i will do the same for my country! Hell...i think everybody here will do that. And after 50-100 years after the war wears out in some forum 2 guys will argue who was right and who was wrong and so on... The truth is that noone is right...WAR isn't right and it will never be right! The victor always has right! So i'm sorry if i've hurt somebodys feelings, it wasn't my goal, just to tell people to look from the other side of the fence. Life isn't always black and white...it's more grey. And that old soldier was right: as long humanity will exist the war will exist also... And with this let's end this discussion (wich by the way is far from the title of the topic Smile ). Hope you don't have some bad feelings towards me..this was just an opinion..i'm not nazy or any other fascist suporter and i respect every single soldier that fought in ww2 no matter what nationality! Sorry for my bad english (it's not my native language). Take care! Wink
  Topic: RAF Bomber Command's conduct during WWII

Replies: 50
Views: 25612

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:14 pm   Subject: RAF Bomber Command's conduct during WWII
"one side wanted to extend its domination over the other, and it was evil AND powerful"...sounds very close to USSR also.

Maybe you should think better about whose fault was that Hitler became to power. Or should i remember you that he apllied to the art school in Wien, wanting to became a painter and was refuse because his paintings were "infantile" in style...after the war became known the fact that the style of his paintings was ahead of his time...simply better than other painters of his time - the modern society "full of valor" created this monster (the course of the history could have been diferent). or should i point you far more back to the Treaty of Versailles were the french and british made the decisions that ultimately and inevitable will lead to the beginning of ww2. The economy of Germany was so f****d up after the war by this decisions that wenn the NSDAP apeared promissing a better life was seen as an viable alternative. I wonder if you realize how close were the allies to loose the war and how thankfull you should be for the lives of the mens and womens in the allied armies for the fact that you don't speak german and don't kiss the butts of the nazis you hate so much today.
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