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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: 'Lady Lex' found

Replies: 2
Views: 2651

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:43 am   Subject: Re: 'Lady Lex' found
Even before HMS Glorious (sunk 8th June, 1940) there was the sinking by U-29 of HMS Courageous on 17th September, 1939. Courageous was originally a first world war cruiser but converted to a carrier in the period between the two world wars.
  Topic: What was your first wargame?

Replies: 215
Views: 295390

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:31 am   Subject: Re: What was your first wargame?
Massive snowball fights in Greenland! (does it count?) Sure felt like all out war.
  Topic: Afganistan - future strategy

Replies: 14
Views: 13484

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:47 pm   Subject: Re: Afganistan - future strategy
From today's news, 3rd October (reported in US/Britain?)

Four Finnish soldiers wounded in Afghanistan in an explosion, one critically wounded.

The four souldiers have been evacuated by helicopter to a German field hospital.

The soldiers were on a patrol west of the town Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan when they were hit by an IED.

Finland has about 200 soldiers in Afghanistan.

And today, 4th October, another sad development.

Eight American soldiers lose their lives in fighting in eastern Afghanistan. It was the worst loss for NATO in more than one year according to the alliance. It was a tribal militants that Saturday began the attack from a mosque in the province Nuristan close to the boarder of Pakistan. According to NATO, two Afghan government troops were also killed in the fighting.
  Topic: Afganistan - future strategy

Replies: 14
Views: 13484

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:44 am   Subject: Re: Afganistan - future strategy
The United States of America was attacked on September 11th, 2001. Shocked and in disbelief I watched on TV when the second plane hit the tower. An attack on the US is an attack on the entire NATO alliance. Many nationalities were among the dead. The attack on the World Trade Center was an attack on the free world and not only the USA. I am not American. I am Danish. The NATO alliance emerged from the ashes of WWII. Denmark as many other European nations have a lot to be grateful to the US for. OK, WWII happened many years ago but the principle of solidarity among free nations prevails.

Unfortunately, it saddens me that British/American news media paint a very biased picture of what is actually happening on the ground in Afghanistan in terms of who is in the war an who isn't. I watch TV channels like BBC, CNN, FOX, CNBC etc. and it really is unfortunate that these channels give the impression that it is an American/British war on Taleban. There are many nations participating in the fight against the Taleban. Some are not actively engaged in combat but ensures stability in more quiet areas of Afghanistan. Had their presence not been felt in those areas the Taleban would surely have exploited any weaknesses.

Canadian and Dutch troops are involved in combat actions as are Danish troops. Recently, a book was published in Denmark by a soldier from an elite unit call the Jager Corps. The book caused a lot of controversy as it tells about the secret, but still not so secret, story of elite unit tactics of fighting the Taleban. Furthermore, as one of few countries, Denmark has even main battle tanks stationed in Afghanistan (search Danish Leopard tanks in Afghanistan on UTube). Danish combat troops are operating side by side with British troops in the Helman province. This is how NATO was organised in Northern Europe, i.e. had it come to a European war, Danish divisions would have worked in tandem with our British friends. Sadly, so far at least 22 Danish soldiers have died in combat or fallen victim to IED's. What's occuring in Afghanistan is more complex than what the news media is showing the British and American viewers.

Combat troops don't do the job alone but they certainly make a big difference. To really improve the situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan must play an even more active role than what we have seen in recent months. But much, much more needs to be done. On the civilian side of things better infrastructure and opportunity to run businesses must be improved. This would also require a crack down on corruption. A crack down on corruption is, however, highly unlikely. In that part of the world, corruption is as natural as drinking water.

The task ahead is immense.
  Topic: Irans 2nd nuclear facility...

Replies: 5
Views: 7540

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:04 am   Subject: Re: Irans 2nd nuclear facility...
Nobody wants war? Not entirely correct. There are lots of extremists out there who would use any means to impose their beliefs on the rest of us. The Iranian government believes that Iran is a regional superpower and they want the world to kneel in the dust before them. In fact, they are just a bunch of simple minded fanatics that only a minority of the Iranian population supports. The vast majority of Iranians just want to live normal lives, go to school, work, enjoy family lives, concerts, hobbies etc.
  Topic: The Longest Day - Bugs, Mistakes & Suggestions

Replies: 228
Views: 194101

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:21 pm   Subject: Re: Message d'erreur lors de l'installation de Longest Day (
pibzedog wrote:
je ne parviens pas à le dézipper (avec et sans winrar), alors que Wacht Am Rhein s'intalle très bien et marche très bien.
j'ai un message d'erreur qui me dit "windows ne peut effectuer l'opération. impossible de créer le fichier de destination"

Ja, den er fandme svær at forstå! Men jeg prøver alligevel.

I think the problem is regarding installation. After downloading, open the zip file, copy the file within the zip file to a separate directory and then launch the installation phase by double clicking the copied file. You cannot install directly from the zip file but must copy to a separate directory first. I think that's the problem you're describing.
  Topic: VISTA USERS - What are you doing?

Replies: 24
Views: 36524

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:09 pm   Subject: VISTA USERS - What are you doing?
Just returning to the game after a period of combat fatigue. Now I have Vista and there's no problem running CC5 (SDK), but the scroll speed is so fast that it is exhausting me. I have, of course, reduced scroll speed in the game options (FCool to slow but that doesn't seem to have any effect. Any idea how to reduce scroll speed? I mean, other than buying a much larger monitor as I noted was an option on the previous page.

  Topic: Download problem

Replies: 3
Views: 3889

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 12:00 am   Subject: Download problem
I only use the standard RealDownload that is free of charge.

Funny thing is that I have no problems downloading files from any other site on the net. Only CCS files are rejected.

I've been downloading from CCS since I became a member in 2004, but now suddenly and without any apparent reason it seems not to work... I am totally perplexed!
  Topic: Download problem

Replies: 3
Views: 3889

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:30 pm   Subject: Download problem
Whenever I attempt to download any type of file from the Close Combat Series download section I get the below message:

Realdownload error
Access forbidden or authentication method not supported
HTTP/1.1 403 forbidden

I would be mighty glad, if anyone could help by pointing me in the direction of a solution... and if the help is detailed.
  Topic: Stalingrad: Operation Circle is released!

Replies: 149
Views: 135014

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Operation Circle   Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:04 am   Subject: Stalingrad: Operation Circle is released!
I wonder why I get this below message when I try to DL... any ideas?

"Access forbidden or authentication method not supported"
  Topic: Interesting quote..........

Replies: 14
Views: 9481

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:52 pm   Subject: Interesting quote..........
Here's another one of Rommel's: Wars are not won on the front line but in the rear by the quartermasters". Even the greatest of "heroes" can't fight on an empty stomach - without supplies. The medals may be won on the front line but it wouldn't be possible unless there was well organised support for the front line troops.

I've been directing supply chain in a major multinational company for several years and I know that Rommel was spot on. Learnings from war can often be applied to business. Operation Barbarossa is my favourite example... perhaps a topic of another thread.
  Topic: Did the Treaty of Versailles cause WW2?

Replies: 7
Views: 5573

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:58 pm   Subject: Did the Treaty of Versailles cause WW2?
You cannot say that the Versailles treaty caused the second world war but you can argue that it was a contributing factor. It is true that the Versailles treaty was unfair and detrimental to growth and stability - imagine where Japan would have been had similar punitive terms been imposed on that nation after the second world war. Don't forget that Germany basically had ignored and violated many/most of the Versailles treaty terms by the time the second world war broke out. In fact, Germany was doing pretty well economically in the late thirties.

The Versailles treaty was one of several burdens on the German nation after the first world war that led to poverty, hunger, unemployment, inflation and thereby, in the twenties, prepared the German people to accept radical thinkers such as the national socialists or communists. It happened that the national socialists got the upper hand and they, with their simpleminded belief in German supremacy and hate towards other races and minorities, started the second world war.
  Topic: Was Hitler a good leader?

Replies: 15
Views: 13328

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:31 pm   Subject: Was Hitler a good leader?
Der Führer, or the leader, was just about the worst example of a leader you could name. Yes, Germany experienced some economic development during his first years as chancellor but it was not due to his personal leadership. Expensive infrastructural projects were initiated that were of importance to Hitler only as statements to the world of his bizarre views on German cultural supremacy. The autobahn was a good example as it was indeed a great technological achievement that did facilitate commercial development, but basically was a political statement and, of course, would enable quicker movement of army units from one region of the country to another.

Mooxe, you would undoubtedly have read Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer (that book seems to be rather popular). Try also to read other first hand accounts such as The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (William L. Shirer) or even better Hitler and his Generals (Helmut Heiber & David M. Glantz). The latter contains the surviving stenographic records of Hitler’s military situation conferences. It becomes clear that he wasn’t much of a leader, but that he just had a strong presence, or charisma. Charisma should not be confused with leadership although it apparently and sadly seems to be natural for people to be mesmerized by charismatic persons.

There are, of course, also the well known strategic blunders of his creation, such as the constant changing of military plans – for example the impulsive decisions to change objectives during operation Barbarossa (read Panzer Leader by Karl Heinz Guderian). Hitler’s decision to declare war on the United States right after Pearl Harbour further proved him to be totally ignorant of the ramifications of his arbitrary decision making ‘style’.

Hitler and his regime thrived on confusion – not leadership. He encouraged resource consuming competition between his supporters. People like Goebles, Goering, Himmler, Bormann etc. competed for Hitler’s attention and they were ready to sacrifice anything or anyone in order to please him – all for their personal gain and most definitely not for the good of the German people. Hitler’s strong belief in the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ meant that there was no room for the pillars of a prosperous and viable modern social order: Freedom and Equality.

The only useful lesson that Hitler contributed to history of mankind is that we must be careful not to let individuals assume total control of us - as Karl Marx put it: “absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Robert Mugabe, etc. etc. are all reminders of the fact that tyrants only lead their people one way… the road to perdition.
  Topic: immobile tanks in snow.

Replies: 15
Views: 11814

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:09 pm   Subject: immobile tanks in snow.
looks like a great mod.........havent had a chance to play it much yet tho........but i will.
my question is......has the faster tanks data been put into the DL game folder as of dec 5? or do i need to add it myself now? and where do i put it?
i just DL the game today.

Unzip the two files to the folder: SSI/Close Combat Invasion Normandy/Data/Base... and make sure you overwrite the files already in that folder.

  Topic: immobile tanks in snow.

Replies: 15
Views: 11814

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:53 pm   Subject: immobile tanks in snow.
Pz Jäger,

I tried the files you attached to your last post and the vehicles are now moving at a faster pace... voila, problem fixed for me! I will carry on my campaign with these new files.

I tested the speed of a T34 on a straight road and found that with the new files the tank moved at a speed of roughly 4x the speed in the orginal mod files.

Thanks for that... that was literally a quick fix!

  Topic: immobile tanks in snow.

Replies: 15
Views: 11814

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:52 pm   Subject: immobile tanks in snow.
Pz Jäger,

I wrote shortly after the release of your mod that I was wondering whether the tanks shouldn't move a little faster... Just want to make sure you didn't take it as a complaint, but merely a question. The mod is yours and you decide how it should work. I do think, however, that it would be an improvement if you could enable the tanks to move faster in the next version.

Fast of slow tanks... I'm still having a fun time with this mod!

  Topic: Der Kessel : the best and the most original mod CC5 !

Replies: 32
Views: 29222

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:19 pm   Subject: Der Kessel : the best and the most original mod CC5 !
I have one issue with the maps! I've turned the heat on in this room where my computer is, but those maps look so damn realistically cold that they nearly make me shiver. Another great map artist has entered the CC mod stage... superb!

One question though... those tanks are moving rather slowly on the snow covered battlefields... I am probably wrong in my assumptions, but having watched several documentaries I would have thought that wide tracked Russian tanks, such as the T-34, would still move faster over snow than infantry. Pz_Jäger?
  Topic: Battle of Berlin

Replies: 41
Views: 42485

PostForum: CC5 Battle of Berlin   Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:50 am   Subject: Battle of Berlin
Both Karelia and Battle of Berlin are great mods, I would say. I've been through both of them playing as Germans, Finns, and Russians. My favourite, however, is Battle of Berlin and if it was my choice I would prefer an update of this mod before the Karelia mod. Anyway, Sapa will do what he thinks is right and that should be good enough for the rest of us. Great work Sapa!

One request for BoB: would it be possible to introduce more of the languages spoken by the various nations that made up the Nordland division?
  Topic: "Saving Private Ryan" and two questions

Replies: 53
Views: 38364

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:11 am   Subject: "Saving Private Ryan" and two questions
King Tigers?

Try this link: http://www.achtungpanzer.com/pz5.htm

Scroll to the bottom and click on gallery 1-3.

Here you find some examples of preserved King Tigers


Also, yes you're absolutely correct God4Saken, that it was the 82nd and not the 101st airborne that had been through some fighting before Normandy D-day. I stand corrected. My memory failed me there.
  Topic: mikwarleo's reply to Spear_hk (aka yummydog)

Replies: 29
Views: 36226

PostForum: CC5 Gold, Juno, Sword   Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 3:29 pm   Subject: mikwarleo's reply to Spear_hk (aka yummydog)
Chill out guys... it's just a game... just a game...

No more NAV on the second line of maps, of course

I'm more worried about 00:00 crashes, actually...
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