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  Topic: GJS for tLD

Replies: 239
Views: 173319

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:18 am   Subject: Re: GJS for tLD
Thanks.  I still remember way back when you had to manually install GJS.  There was no config manager to load and swap mods.  What a discovery it was to come across these forums and realize that someone had made these great mods.  I felt like a kid in a candy store.  I recently came out of CC hibernation and have dusted off my CCV disc and loaded it onto my new PC.  Looking forward to exploring some of the new stuff out here again.

Keep up the good work.
  Topic: Historical Accuracy or Game Play?

Replies: 179
Views: 103794

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:47 am   Subject: Re: Historical Accuracy or Game Play?
I think we all want as much historical accuracy as we can get but it must be balanced against game play.  Let's take mortars into consideration.  Its obvious that mortars had a minimum range that more oftern than not would require them to be somewhere off the (cc) field of battle.  But since we're only taking a snapshot of a much larger battlefield as a whole the mortar range has to be tweaked downward to allow it to be on the small size battlefield being used.  Some would argue this runs contrary to historical accuracy and place a minimum range that basically negates the use of the mortar team in game play.  Give us balance baby....
  Topic: GJS for tLD

Replies: 239
Views: 173319

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:19 pm   Subject: Re: GJS for tLD
So I haven't weighed in on anything for some time but being a long time cc'er I much more prefer the historical photos for units.  That was one of the things that I liked abot GJS when I started playing in way back when.
  Topic: Looking for H2H opponent

Replies: 1
Views: 13053

PostForum: H2H Multiplayer   Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:33 pm   Subject: Re: Looking for H2H opponent
Hey Soldat, still looking for an opponent?  I'll give you a fight.
  Topic: Operation Market Garden Mod for tLD

Replies: 188
Views: 163493

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:56 pm   Subject: Re: Operation Market Garden Mod for tLD
Its always a challenge finding the right balance between game play and historical aspects of a campaign given the limits of the game format.  But don't feel that you need to alter the game play significantly just to accomplish the historical goal.  At the end of the day its the joy of fighting battles on the terrain and having a semblence of what the commanders had to face in the real life battle.
  Topic: Operation Market Garden Mod for tLD

Replies: 188
Views: 163493

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 3:16 am   Subject: Re: Operation Market Garden Mod for tLD
Very nice.  Good to see that there is still some life in this old favorite.

One request that I would make is that in addition to playing vs AI that you make it playable against a human opponent.  Some of us are no longer able to abide an AI opponent before falling asleep.  Its a whole different world plain against an opponent with a brain.

looks like you have a great start going.
  Topic: Battle of the Scheldt has been released

Replies: 80
Views: 113154

PostForum: CC5 Battle of the Scheldt   Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:32 pm   Subject: Re: Battle of the Scheldt has been released
Excellent news, I took a break from the game for a few months and now have reason to come back.
  Topic: Almost there

Replies: 30
Views: 36852

PostForum: CC5 Battle of the Scheldt   Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:05 pm   Subject: Re: Almost there
Still looking forward to this one.  Keep the updates coming.
  Topic: H2H Submod for Berlin

Replies: 15
Views: 18978

PostForum: CC5 Battle of Berlin   Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:07 pm   Subject: H2H Submod for Berlin
Is there any way you would consider fixing BoB to run h2h?  I know there is a work around but its a little complicated and not readily transferable to facilitate wide adoption and use.

I know this topic has come up before and you were not inclined to address it but that was during a time when you were a little burned out on CC.  Now that you have reentered the ranks of CC activity it would be great if we could get a basic plugin submod that fixes the issue and allows those of us who play strictly h2h to play this great mod.

I have played BoB somewhat in the past but am so far beyond the capabilities of the AI that it holds no challenge for me and I would love to hook up with an opponent to try this mod out in an h2h environment.

Now I am not a techie and have no idea the complexity involved, so if its far to difficult of a task to accomplish then I will understand if you decide not to do it.  But if its a simple enough fix that can be done in a reasonable amount of time, you have the gratitude of many an h2h player for giving us access to this cool mod.

Here's hoping.  Thanks.

  Topic: Almost there

Replies: 30
Views: 36852

PostForum: CC5 Battle of the Scheldt   Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:16 pm   Subject: Re: Almost there
[quote="Buck_Compton";p="43541]@ Pzt_Kevin_dtn:

It won't take long i think. We are pretty close to releasing it. its only a matter of thoroughly playtesting the game.


Pzt_Mac and I have already agreed to start an h2h GC together once you release it.  We'll be some of the first ones to d/l it once you release it.
  Topic: Snipers - Useless or useful?

Replies: 21
Views: 29101

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:40 pm   Subject: Re: Snipers - Useless or useful?
I actually had someone quit a GC on the 3rd battle of the GJS GC because of sniper fire on Sword beach.  I placed 2 snipers in buildings at strategic positions.  My opponent brought his troops up at the slow crawl and I had to have killed at least 30-40 troops between the 2 snipers.  He kept firing his tanks into probable positions but could never locate my snipers because I had them placed firing from the sides of buildings rather than the beach front face.  I can't imagine the number of crys of "SNIPER" that my opponent must have heard.  I never did get a screenshot of the kill tally because my opponent bailed on the battle with about 5 min remaining and never returned.

@Mooxe - I've had the same thing occur with ATG's as well.  Its like they can't take the pressue of the constant sniper fire pinning them down and eventually bail.
  Topic: Snipers - Useless or useful?

Replies: 21
Views: 29101

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:55 pm   Subject: Re: Snipers - Useless or useful?
Snipers usually will sit until a target gets close.  You have to target at longer ranges.  But I have had immense success with a sniper in GJS and Utah1.3.  

In one battle playing Utah1.3 Sgt Gibbs of the 506 PIR/101AB covered the north Flank of Vierville fight against the II/6 FJR.  The FJR attempted to push north into his sector and he made them pay for their efforts.  This battle was fought h2h.

They are also very good for killing the crew of an AT or Inf Gun.
  Topic: Sapa:s Tali-Ihantala Final V 1.00 mod is relised.

Replies: 22
Views: 34500

PostForum: Tali-Ihantala Sub Mod   Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:19 pm   Subject: Re: Sapa:s Tali-Ihantala Final V 1.00 mod is relised.
I am a fan of the Karelia2 mod and even worked on a custom h2h scenario that seemed to be sufficiently balanced with the appropriate rules in place.  But I didn't realize this sub mod was out here and look forward to downloading it tonight to try it out.  I'll have to find an h2h opponent to play it against.
  Topic: Battle of Surabaya 1945 news archive

Replies: 29
Views: 43473

PostForum: CC5 Battle of Surabaya   Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:07 pm   Subject: Re: Battle of Surabaya 1945 news archive
I've been looking forward to this mod as well.  Bummer that you are delayed by the maps.  I am such a huge fan and player of this game that I have often contemplated taking up the hobbie of trying to create a mod.  But I have zero technical experience and would be just a novice trying to figure it all out.
  Topic: Almost there

Replies: 30
Views: 36852

PostForum: CC5 Battle of the Scheldt   Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:46 pm   Subject: Re: Almost there
I am very much looking forward to the release of this mod.  Keep up the good work.
  Topic: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle

Replies: 15
Views: 13867

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:32 pm   Subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle
I got a 2 for one last night playing against my friend Pzt_VonAcid.  Fighting in Lebisey woods he had a MarkIV and PzIV sitting in close proximity to each other by the central church.  I brought up an AVRE behind them to a neighboring hedge and fired on the PzIV from about 60meters and both tanks blew up.   Very Happy
  Topic: KV-1??

Replies: 43
Views: 48579

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad   Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:44 pm   Subject: Re: KV-1??
OK after a long time, I am changing my opinion of the KV-1 tanks.  I got sick of playing Utah1.3 and GJS and recently (last 2 months) started fighting Stalingrad GC extensively against 3-4 different human opponents and have found that the KV tanks can be destroyed.  The MarkIV with is 75mm gun has faired well and surprisingly the Pak38 with its 50mm gun has been devastating.  I've had two separate guns that have killed 4 KV-1's with the first or second shot.  Also the PzIII with its 50mm gun has faired very well especially in close range (within 100 meters).  I will note that most of the successful kills have occured inside the closer ranges of 100/150 meters.  The long ranges duels are not as successful but I have scored some kills with the MarkIV at a longer range.  Overall across the 3 GC's I have going I have probably killed over 30 KV's so far.  So they obviously can be brought down.
  Topic: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle

Replies: 15
Views: 13867

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:44 pm   Subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle
platoon_michael wrote (View Post):
Funniest thing,

One of my Allied guys picked up a Schrek and killed an opponents tank,it's the only time Ive seen one of my guys pick up a weapon.

I had a crewman from a knocked out AT Gun pick up an MG42 once and engage advancing allied infantry.  Unfortunately I had no control over his actions and could not direct fire or movement since he was a crewman.  But he sure did a nice job on his own against anyone who came within LOS.
  Topic: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle

Replies: 15
Views: 13867

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:17 pm   Subject: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle
So I thought I would start a thread for people to post the funniest or most amazing thing they've seen happen in a CC battle.  I have 3 to share.

Funny 1 (GJS - Lebisey Woods)
I was engaged in a recent h2h battle vs Pzt_Hornet in Lebisey Woods (GJS).  Hornet had a tank holed up amoungst some hedges in the northwest sector of the map.  I brought up a firefly tank to a flanking hedge to hit his MarkIV in the side/rear and was successfull in making the kill.  No sooner did I dispatch his MarkIV that a hidden PzGren unit sprang from ambush and laid a Faust into my side knocking out my tank.  (This is where is gets funny) - Apparently the tank commander was so enraged about having his Firefly knocked out that he rapidly bailed out of his tank and immediately set upon the guilty PzGren unit and ferociously closed with them killing all 4-5 remaining PzGren members in hand to hand combat.

Funny 2 (GJS - Brettville??)
I fought an h2h battle last year against a human opponent on one of the GJS maps with a lot of open ground.  I had an M10 TD duel it out with an MarkIV and successfully dispatched the German tank.  The battle continued.... Later in the battle I returned my attention to my M10 TD and decided to move it around to the rear of my opponent routing it close to the burning remains of the MarkIV.  What I didn't realize while moving the M10 was that the surviving crew (non-command crew) of the MarkIV were hiding in ambush close to my route and inconveniently tossed several grenades into the open top of my M10 knocking out my tank and killing the entire crew.  I felt pretty silly after that move but found humor in the payback as did my opponent.

Amazing 3 (SAS)
We fought an internal war in Pzt using the SAS mod.  We had a battle just north of Carantan between 101st AB vs a motorized German BG.  I had a bazooka unit move into a position on the north side of the map after engaging in a firefight.  Only one man remained of the unit and he was all alone holed up in ambush in one of the northern buidling.  There was no help anywhere near his position.  My opponent knew that I had someone up there and sent TWO (2) FULL PzGren units (14 troops) up to eliminate my remaining single trooper.  My Paratrooper held his ground and knifed all 14 PzGrenadieres in close quarters fighting as they came into his place of hiding.  My opponent was pissed and I was amazed.  Honestly I don't remember what happened later to the Paratrooper but the legend of that personal battle remains.
  Topic: Calling all Mercenaries!

Replies: 10
Views: 8714

PostForum: H2H Multiplayer   Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:12 pm   Subject: Re: Calling all Mercenaries!
I fought as a Merc before.  I assume my Pzt affiliation isn't a conflict.
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