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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: @Stal sub-mod maker.

Replies: 30
Views: 32456

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad   Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 2:07 am   Subject: Some reasons for my changes
Some more notes/references on changes in update RG 1.1
To respond to the ahistorical part about the flamethrowers.With the data u
the russians,is there flame fuel mixed with the additives?And the germans
I put the data in as there both on the same fuel,which would of been
they could get there hands on.
But here are some very ahistorical aspects about the data in the weapons
i have looked so far

SMG comparisons in the Stalingradv1.2 mod
The time to fire a burst,imo is to long in most weapons, seem there real
have not been taken into account when compared to each others.
The kill rate is set without taking real kill power physics into account.
Ie: If one compares PPSh with the 9mm German SMG its kill power
(penetration) set like this, ranges is set same, (except in long where the
PPSh has longer range):

MP40/34 etc.....5.......4.......4.......1

Worth notice here is the inconsistency of weapons killing rating here in
Stalingradv1.2 mod:
Point Blank range the PPSh is set 40% higher kill power, I agree,basically
spot on.
Close range the PPSh is set 75% higher kill power… dont agree nearly doubles
it advantage in this range.
Medium range the PPSh is set 25% higher kill power, I agree,close enough.
Long Range the PPSh is set 200% higher kill power, dont agree.
Here if you had a mp40 stay away from PPSh in close and long ranges,engage
in medium range preferably.
In fact the PPSh is about 35-38% (depending on ammunition) more powerful in
kill power then a 9mm SMG type MP34 etc.

Some Rifle comparisons with Stalingradv1.2 mod
The values explained here is taken from the Stalingrad weapon.adb file.
Please use Qclone to verify the values I talk of below:
Mauser Weapon Index No 3.
SVT-40 Weapon Index No 100.
Vintovka obr.91/30 Weapon Index No 8.
First one may look at the time to reload the weapon and there by the time to
fire, (together with time to fire column of cause).
One thing that’s a real factor in the time between two aimer shots is the
To understand this force and how it is different in different weapons and
why and so, is crucial to get a “reality” into a game as CC.
The SVT is set as faster then the G41 in Stalingrad, and that’s not right.
The SVT and that family of weapons are high recoil weapons. The SVT was
fitted with a Mussle brake to reduce the huge recoil and that helped. But
not even the best brake in the world can’t reduce the recoil to the level as
the G41 has that’s just not physically possible. And more things…

Rifle kill power is the next area of errors in Stalingrad mod, I match the
Mauser K98k to the Vintovka obr.91/30 (Mosin) and fined these values in
range (meters):

Mauser K98k.....40......100.....200.....400

Then I look at the kill power:

Mauser K98k.....6.......6.......4.......2

SVT-40/Mauser comparison.
Point Blank range the SVT-40 is set 50% higher kill power compared to
Mauser!40% advantage
Close range the SVT-40 is set 33% higher kill power.20% advantage
Medium range the SVT-40 is set 75% higher kill power.60% advantage
Long range the SVT-40 is set 200% higher kill power.between 200m and
400m,you would be insane
to try and get into a rifle shoot out with your Russian counterpart if u
were carrying a Mauser.
Best time for a Mauser in this data,is somewhere in Between PB and Close
range (not much and always at
a minimum 33% disadvantage anyhow).
The thing here is in real life the SVT-40 has 11% more kill power then a
Mauser K98k, again the Russian weapons is set way to deadly.

This is how the Germans K98k is matched against the Russian Vintovka
Ranges in meter:
Mauser K98k.........40......100........200......400
Vintovka obr.91/30..40......100........300......600

Then one look at the kill power:
Mauser K98k..............6......6......4........2
Vintovka obr.91/30.......9......8......3........2
PB range 91/30 is set 50% higher kill power.
Close range 33% highter
Med range 33% lower than 98k?
Long range Equal but 200m longer range

This setting in Stalingrad is strange, because the kill power of the weapons
are basically the same in real life. Vintovka obr.91/30 compared to Mauser
is about -4 to +8% in kill power, to be exact.. (Depending on source).
And even in accuracy the Russian rifle have better value..

In the MG department, it’s the same story,I have no time to explain what I
have changed and why.
In the latest update majority of work centred on the weapons file,small arms
& explosives.

Will concentrate on ATGs next.
As I was playing a game,where i had sighted an ATG 25 metres away.
He was facing 90degrees wrong way,
so i ran a 7man squad 20 metres from 1 building to another building,
the atg had turned and fired its first shot before i was half way less than
10 metres,
he then proceded to kill 5 of the 7 men.This was while i had a 3 man SMGs
team trying to
surpress the ATG from a 2 story vantage point 40metres away. I will look at
bigger guns shortly.
hope these references i used are insightful and self explaining as to why i
modified the data.
Real Vlad!
  Topic: @Stal sub-mod maker.

Replies: 30
Views: 32456

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad   Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 2:20 am   Subject: Some changes
Some of the more important changes that Dima guy may be interested in.
I cannot name them all as some are my opinions.But hope you find these

Soldiers.adb list numbering there are 2 #66 the 2nd #66 should be #67!!!

Gewehr41(w)ZF41 reduced kill raiting from 15 to 6,
to match the Gewehr41(w) normal rifle.Sniper is a better shot(accuracy and
but does not make weapon 2.5times more powerful.Same rifles one has a scope,
luxeries such as higher grade ammo were in way too short supply,as supplies
of tungsten had run low and production was ceased in March that year.
Same thing with Karabiner 98kZF41 matched to 98k

MG37(t) changed the 250rd belt to a 100 round belt
p.s these ammo belts can be linked together,but come in lots of 100.

Tellermine made more powerful and increased min range to stop self harm.

Geb Ladung 1kg & 3kg, switched weapons weights
changed 1kg from 10lbs to 3lbs,decreased kill rating for 1kg
changed 3kg from 4lbs to 9lbs

Made German and Russian Flamethrowers equal,Ranges,kill raiting,time to

here is new version with revised small weapons.
5battles added
RG Kuporosnoye
RG Lazur
RG Meat Plant
RG Oil Tank Farm
RG Stz West

I will look at atgs next.
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