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  Topic: Problem with CfgV13

Replies: 4
Views: 7060

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 2:14 am   Subject: Re: Problem with CfgV13
Thanks, I'll try that. Cheers.
  Topic: Problem with CfgV13

Replies: 4
Views: 7060

PostForum: Tech Support   Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:13 am   Subject: Problem with CfgV13
Hello all. I have been using this plug-in manager for years. Now for some reason I can't install or uninstall plugins. When I try to uninstall the existing mod I get the message:

"Failed to copy system\packages\CC5Ardennes1.03 to C:\Program Files\SSI\Close Combat Invasion Normandy\CC5.exe(Error code=5)"

I found that the plug-in manager had a different drive address than it used to have. Somehow my computer has re-mapped my external hard drive, so it may have something to do with this.

Any ideas what I can do? I am thinking of deleting and re-installing both CC5 and CfgV13.
  Topic: Great mod and very eye opening

Replies: 3
Views: 6498

PostForum: CC5 Afrika 40'41   Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:42 am   Subject: Great mod and very eye opening
Have just completed the Afrika 40'41 grand campaign. Great mod, and very eye-opening.

It is obvious why the British got pushed out of France in a hurry in 1940. The so-called 'armor' that they had was almost useless against anything except (and maybe even including) small arms. In most battles in this mod I was forced to hide my armor behind hills and buildings to keep them alive until all of the enemy AT and even light AA guns had been knocked out. After this they were useful in handling purely infantry units. Against the vastly superior armor and infantry anti-tank capacity of the Germans they would have been nothing more than battlefield litter in seconds once contact was made with the enemy. (I believe that the French had better armor but their tactics were vastly inferior to the Blitzkrieg of the Germans.)

I am surprised that the British had such success against the Italians in North Africa. The only thing that they had in their favor was a significant superiority in artillery and parity or marginal superiority in air power. The Italians had some half decent anti-tank capability including (according to this mod) deadly mortar capability. My suspicion is that the Italians were defeated to some significant degree due to poor leadership and low morale, rather than vastly inferior arms.

This feeling was sustained when I swapped sides for a few battles and managed to seriously kick some British butt.

This is one benefit of playing this game. Not just the entertainment, but to get at least some appreciation of the real-life events that it is based on. Cheers.
  Topic: Can't open map files.

Replies: 1
Views: 4254

PostForum: CC5 Afrika 40'41   Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:08 am   Subject: Re: Can't open map files.
Never mind. All ok. I just repeated the extraction to the folder and overwrote the files and all is ok now. Obviously something was corrupted in the original copying process. Cheers.
  Topic: Can't open map files.

Replies: 1
Views: 4254

PostForum: CC5 Afrika 40'41   Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:30 am   Subject: Can't open map files.
Hello all. I have installed the Afrika 40'41 mod and all seems to be correctly installed, but when I attempt to start a game a pop-up tells me that there is a problem opening the map .btd file concerned.

I have checked and the mapfiles seem to be correctly installed in the /maps directory. What could be the problem?

I have played this mod before, although I had deleted it and have just reinstalled it.
  Topic: Battle of the Scheldt has been released

Replies: 80
Views: 113156

PostForum: CC5 Battle of the Scheldt   Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:55 am   Subject: Re: Battle of the Scheldt has been released
Thanks Buck for an extraordinary mod! I just finished playing it as the allies today. Even against the dumb AI (not your fault!) it is easy to see how the Canadians would have had a tough job prying those Nazis out of there. I would not have liked to be an infantryman crawling up a narrow causeway with flooded fields either side, square in the sights of those MG34's, MG45's and 88's. Thanks to Monty, there were far too many widows and childless parents than would have been the case had the decision been made to clear the Scheldt an integral part of the Overlord operation rather than rushing into the ill-fated Operation Market-Garden debacle.
  Topic: WW2 tanks in Iraq

Replies: 5
Views: 5214

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:47 am   Subject: Re: WW2 tanks in Iraq
Does 'found in Iraq' mean that they were deployed on the front lines? There's thousands of WWII tanks to be 'found' in the US. Does that mean that in the event of a war with Ivan that they will be overhauled and sent to the front? There were WWII tanks left behind in the Middle East at the end of WWII that were used by armies there, mainly as trainers. WWII era tanks were used in many western armies through the 50's even up to the 70's, and some African nations still use T34's and T54's. T55's are still in service in many armies worldwide as second echelon tanks. Admittedly, against modern armor they are coffins on tracks, but they still shoot and drive, so they are going to be used by someone.

Replies: 9
Views: 29759

PostForum: Close Combat 4: Battle Of The Bulge   Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:53 am   Subject: Re: CC4 ON WINDOWS VISTA
vobbnobb wrote (View Post):
You need to update to CC4 4.02

I tried to install the 4.2 patch but I got an error that it can't read the registry. I can't even find it in the registry in regedit. This is very frustrating!

What is the standard file path for installing cc4? I will re-install it to that path and maybe the patch will read it.
  Topic: Help running CC4 on Win 8

Replies: 0
Views: 3760

PostForum: Close Combat 4: Battle Of The Bulge   Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:55 am   Subject: Help running CC4 on Win 8
Hello all. It's been a long time since visiting here last. I have finally managed to find a download of CC4 and was looking forward to playing it, but I'm having all sorts of problems. The game freezes up after a few minutes gameplay, and after finding the 4.2 patch I have tried to install it but the game install can't read the registry. I can't find the game in the regedit listing. I can't even find it in the uninstall programs list in control panel.

I initially installed it to an external drive, which may have caused the problem with the registry, but I have since moved it to the C drive but still the patch installer can't find it.

Can anyone help?
  Topic: Corrupt files

Replies: 2
Views: 5917

PostForum: CC5 Battle of the Scheldt   Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:36 am   Subject: Re: Corrupt files
I am using WinRAR. I also have WinZip, but it seems to be the same with both. Maybe I need to upgrade to latest versions, but I have never had problems before.
  Topic: Corrupt files

Replies: 2
Views: 5917

PostForum: CC5 Battle of the Scheldt   Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:20 pm   Subject: Corrupt files
I have downloaded the files and attempted to unzip them to the correct folders, but I get a message that the files cannot be extracted correctly because the files are corrupt. It happens for both the map pack and the plugin.zip. Can anyone help?
  Topic: 9/11 Nine Years Later

Replies: 39
Views: 68258

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:37 am   Subject: Re: 9/11 Nine Years Later
Nine years later the truth is still there in front of everyone who wants to look. The US is not ultimately governed by people and parties interested in the US people, but by a select group of generationally rich who owe allegience to no country, only see the world as a pool of resources for their exploitation, and 'ordinary' people as stupid slaves, who sweat and toil to keep them rich. It isn't 'Right' or 'Left', 'Republican' vs 'Democrat' etc., it's the Elites and the slaves.

9/11 was a set-up, orchestrated to further the interests of the nameless faces behind Wall Street, the Bank of England and a handful of people who would become even more mega-rich by starting a war that could never end - the 'War on Terror'. How ridiculous. You might as well declare a 'War on Deception'. 'Terrorism' is a word first coined by Hitler to justify the militarism that resulted in WWII, and was used after the burning of the Reichstag - a 'false flag' attack blamed on a jewish 'terrorist'.

How sad that most people have swallowed the lies hook, line and sinker. The world is now entering the worst depression, and soon, the worst and longest World War in history, which will result in the greatest transfer of wealth from the world's people to the richest 0.1%. Just like what happened in WWI.

Just to a short study on the history of the families who are becoming richer by the second as a result of both the 'War on Terror' and the 'Greatest Depression'. Think about families such as the Clintons, Bushes, Harrimans, Soros', Morgans etc. etc. etc.

Wars are all about fights over who owns and gets to profit from resources and people's labor. They are very rarely honorable, and always hideously costly to ordinary folks who pay with their blood and labor. The most recent 'honorable war' was WWII, and only from the Allies point of view. It is obvious that Hitler and Tojo et al needed to be stopped. But follow the money and you come back to the same families who funded, and profited from it!

If you believe that a bunch of muslim fanatics who had very rudimentary flight training were able to hijack 3 airliners and fly them into three of the most important buildings in the US, which involved some of the most demanding flying skills, without being intercepted by the (normally) most vigilant and technologically advanced military in the world, when they had been known to be off their designated flight paths for an hour with no communication, especially when the attack was anticipated years in advance and a response plan developed for, you are more gullible than you ought to be.

I am so sad that 3000 people died in 9/11, I am just as sad at the over 1 million people who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan since, and the hundreds of thousands of ruined young lives of military people from the (so called) 'Coallition of the Willing' as a result.

But I reserve the right and responsibility to think clearly and soberly about the reasons behind it and the results from it.
  Topic: What is your Favourite WWII Film ?

Replies: 107
Views: 80345

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:11 am   Subject: Re: What is your Favourite WWII Film ?
First - A film I only saw once, and have not seen it in the video shops - 'Big Red 1', about the US 1st army. A great movie, and realistic. A bit of a prelude to Band of Brothers, following the exploits of a platoon of the 1st through WWII.

After that, Second - The Longest Day.

Third - Thin Red Line

Fourth - Saving Private Ryan.

Fifth - All Quiet on the Western Front (WW1)

Another new one made in Australia - Beneath Hill 60 (WW1). A great movie about a team of Aussie miners recruited to complete the work of undermining Hill 60 on the German front in WW1. The biggest man-made explosion before nuclear weapons killed tens of thousands of Germans in one go and shortened the war by months.
  Topic: Bloody Omaha - Bug? -Troops will not move -'We can't go!!!'

Replies: 5
Views: 6455

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:46 am   Subject: Re: Bloody Omaha - Bug? -Troops will not move -'We can't go!
Update: I actually noticed I had installed both Vet mods, so it was all stuffed up. I uninstalled the German Vet mod and am playing as US. Works fine now.

By the way, it's an awesome mod. I love the battle descriptions in the campaign games as well.

The AI is very good too compared to the 'vanilla' version.
  Topic: Utah - Beyond the Beach mod installation - Wassup!?

Replies: 2
Views: 4205

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:42 am   Subject: Re: Utah - Beyond the Beach mod installation - Wassup!?
Latest: I reinstalled CCV, tried to reinstall the mod, and it still wouldn't acknowledge installation. So I closed down the Config manager and CCV, then I just thought I would open and play the standard game. But when I opened the game it came up as Utah Beyond the beach, even though it (aparently) wasn't installed.

It must have installed, but because it came up with an error, it wouldnt show up as installed. A bit silly because the files it wanted to rename to were already there, so It should have shown as installed.

Anyway, I didn't know how to uninstall the mod, so I installed Bloody Omaha over it, and no problems, it installed the mod ok, and it shows as installed.

Now I am not sure what version it will revert to if I uninstall BO. But it will be awhile, because I'm loving BO, it's an awesome mod!
  Topic: Bloody Omaha - Bug? -Troops will not move -'We can't go!!!'

Replies: 5
Views: 6455

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:54 am   Subject: Re: Bloody Omaha - Bug? -Troops will not move -'We can't go!
Ah yes, I installed the German Vetmod and was playing as American. If I uninstall the vetmod does that allow me to play as Americans ok? Alternatively, if I have the German Vetmod on, does that mean that I can only play as German?

Actually, playing as Germans is more fun. They are soooo much better than US if managed right.

I'll try out the variations anyway. Thanks.
  Topic: Bloody Omaha - Bug? -Troops will not move -'We can't go!!!'

Replies: 5
Views: 6455

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:47 am   Subject: Bloody Omaha - Bug? -Troops will not move -'We can't go!!!'
What's with the troops refusing to move all the time in the Bloody Omaha mod? I get some squads to move into a building but some refuse. I can get a HQ unit to crawl through a hedgerow into open ground, but a recon unit refuses, saying 'We can't go!'.

I have tried switching on the 'always follows orders' option in the realism settings but it still doesn't fix it. Is this a bug or is there a fix?
  Topic: Utah - Beyond the Beach mod installation - Wassup!?

Replies: 2
Views: 4205

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:00 am   Subject: Re: Utah - Beyond the Beach mod installation - Wassup!?
Update: I ran it a second time and it would not start. I found an old installation of the game in an archived file from an old laptop, so I deleted all the files from this (it shouldn't have been a problem but it was taking up room anyway).

Next, I went and deleted all of the maps in the \maps directory, uninstalled CCV and am now reinstalling it. Then I will run the mod install again and see what happens.
  Topic: Utah - Beyond the Beach mod installation - Wassup!?

Replies: 2
Views: 4205

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:32 am   Subject: Utah - Beyond the Beach mod installation - Wassup!?
I don't get this. I tried to install Utah - Beyond the Beach, and an error came up saying that it couldn't rename Airport.bgo because it already existed etc. and that the installation failed. I tried to find the file with a system search and it didn't find anything in the system\original folder. I was getting frustrated, so I tried to start the game and see what happened, and it started, the mod was installed correctly. But if I look at the Config manager, it doesn't show it as intalled.

Whats up with that!? What will I need to do if I want to uninstall it?
  Topic: Re-install won't run!

Replies: 1
Views: 3494

PostForum: Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy   Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:51 pm   Subject: Re-install won't run!
It's ok. All fixed. Thanks to help on the forum on prev posts.
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