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  Topic: Defending against tanks with no AT

Replies: 13
Views: 6438

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:06 am   Subject: Defending against tanks with no AT
I've been thinking, tanks seem very overpowered in all the CC games, to the point where the player who destroys the opponents tanks wins. Whats a good strategy to use when playing with an infantry battlegroup (not Germans - they have lots of AT) against an armoured battlegroup? For example TLD Stalingrad mod when playing Russians. You might only get one AT gun, which lasts 10 seconds, and some AT rifles, which are fairly ineffective. I'm finding tanks can drive right up to where my infantry are and with a couple of shots they are gone. In reality, tanks were very poor at spotting the enemy. Only the commander had a good field of view, if he dared to raise his head out of the turret.
  Topic: String ref 19604 not found

Replies: 0
Views: 2470

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 2:53 am   Subject: String ref 19604 not found
I've just started playing GTC, PITF mod and am getting a String ref 19604 not found error message in the deployment phase, followed by a crash to desktop. Is there a fix? Thanks
  Topic: A Shau Valley error message

Replies: 0
Views: 2129

PostForum: Close Combat Gateway to Caen   Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:03 am   Subject: A Shau Valley error message
Hi, I am attempting to play the GTC A Shau Valley mod, but get an error message Close Combat encountered an internal error at address 0x4C4CCE0 and will now exit when I click on Play Game. Can anyone help? Thanks.
  Topic: Mod plugin install problems

Replies: 0
Views: 3603

PostForum: CC4 Kreta, Maleme-Chania sector   Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:27 pm   Subject: Mod plugin install problems
I purchased a copy of CC4 and downloaded the Krete mod plugin, but it won't install. I then tried a manual install by copying in the files to the relevant folders. Now the game will open but it crashes when a battle is loaded, saying can't find Z files. What are Z files?
  Topic: Russian voices - Battle of Berlin

Replies: 11
Views: 12145

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:01 pm   Subject: Re: Russian voices - Battle of Berlin
Thanks, it works! Ok, another little bug. The MG42 has two different sounds in this mod. How can I make it one? The light version sounds like a drill!
  Topic: Russian voices - Battle of Berlin

Replies: 11
Views: 12145

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:26 pm   Subject: Re: Russian voices - Battle of Berlin
Thanks for the response. It's the TLD BOB mod I'm using.
  Topic: Russian voices - Battle of Berlin

Replies: 11
Views: 12145

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:35 pm   Subject: Russian voices - Battle of Berlin
Hi, I really like the Battle of Berlin mod. I was wondering, how can I add in Russian voices? Currently, the Russians speak in American English! Is there a sound file I can have? Also, as a side note, this mod seems to be different to many of the other mods in that the enemy is very aggressive (I only play as the Germans). Is there a secret formula? Sometimes they camp out but most times they attack in strength. They seem to know exactly where my forces are!

  Topic: Okinawav102 for TLD

Replies: 61
Views: 107557

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:36 pm   Subject: Re: Okinawav102 for TLD
Hello, I have just started playing this mod again and its really good. One change I would like to make is the vehicle graphics. The M4 Sherman looks a bit cartoon like. Is there anyway I could change the graphics, perhaps borrowing from another mod? Also, is there anyway to enlarge the vehicles? Thanks
  Topic: New mod - Battle for Tunisia

Replies: 99
Views: 89461

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:28 pm   Subject: Re: New mod - Battle for Tunisia
Hey looking forward to this, can someone give a progress update? Cheers
  Topic: AT and AI guns in buildings

Replies: 9
Views: 9832

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 2:52 pm   Subject: Re: AT and AI guns in buildings
Thanks for the advice but it doesn't answer my question. I have tried putting the 75mm IG in buildings and it won't let me. Yet the 50mm will. There must be a way to edit the mod.
  Topic: AT and AI guns in buildings

Replies: 9
Views: 9832

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 2:25 pm   Subject: AT and AI guns in buildings
Hello, how can I edit CC The Longest Day Battle of Berlin mod so small field artillery fits inside buildings? Im thinking of the German 75mm infantry gun. The 50mm AT gun will go inside some buildings and bunkers which improves its lifespan dramatically. I find in general AT guns are a waste of space and rarely destroy any tanks (maybe the odd kill at the start of the game before they are spotted). By contrast the Meuse mod is much better for AT guns, which are harder to spot.

  Topic: It Never Snows In September Beta Available

Replies: 95
Views: 93526

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:52 pm   Subject: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available
Hello, great mod, I have got it working now. A few things I have noticed which could be fixed in the next version:

The mortars seem far too accurate and wipe out entire squads of infantry. Perhaps decrease the accuracy and add a minimum range?
The ammo loads for some units seems unrealistic - US .30 machine has 6000 rounds and US mortars have between 44 and 60 rounds.
I don't think the US airborne units had BARs - they used a light version of the M1919 .30 calibre
I put up a M9 halftruck in one battle against a Panther and it took more than 1 one to disable to halftruck....
  Topic: It Never Snows In September Beta Available

Replies: 95
Views: 93526

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:39 pm   Subject: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available
I cant get the shortcut to work, having followed the instructions.
  Topic: Editing team weapons

Replies: 4
Views: 5780

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:02 pm   Subject: Re: Editing team weapons
I edited the alsteams.txt file to match what I had put in the BOB Workbook, using the diagram you posted. If you can't edit the alsteams.txt file, how does the game recognise the changes?
  Topic: Editing team weapons

Replies: 4
Views: 5780

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:22 am   Subject: Re: Editing team weapons
Thanks, I managed to change the BOB_Workbook_TLD.xls but when I edited the alsteams file (changing weapon 55 to weapon 41) I received the following error message when starting TLD:

Invalid item in row 0 in file C:\Matrix Games\CloseCombat The Longest Day\BOB\Data\Base\alsteams.txt

What did I do wrong?
  Topic: Editing team weapons

Replies: 4
Views: 5780

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 6:16 pm   Subject: Editing team weapons
Hello, I am currently playing the Battle of Berlin Mod and think its fantastic. However, playing as the Germans, I'm finding the Russians a tad too strong. In particular, the command teams for a Russian Infantry group always seem to have artillery support, meaning its pointless me having any kind of infantry as they get blown up in seconds. The Russians have separate artillery observers too, so it seems a bit overkill. Is there anyway to remove this weapon from the command squad so they act like normal infantry? I've noticed I can't seem to deploy them in buildings either when playing as the Russians. Many thanks!
  Topic: CCLSA mod: Wach Am Rehin DOWNLOAD

Replies: 106
Views: 122283

PostForum: Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem   Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:48 pm   Subject: Re: CCLSA mod: Wach Am Rehin DOWNLOAD
Can a new link be put up, the original one is dead. Thanks
  Topic: Battle of Berlin problems

Replies: 9
Views: 8977

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 2:00 am   Subject: Re: Battle of Berlin problems
I've also been getting 'unable to read texture am18td from file....(close combat TLD location)...\wrecks.azp' and 'unable to read texture am36td from file....(close combat TLD location)...\wrecks.azp'. Its pot luck whether it crashes or not, 1 in 4 attempts it seems to work fine!
  Topic: Battle of Berlin problems

Replies: 9
Views: 8977

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:26 am   Subject: Re: Battle of Berlin problems
Ok, i've done all of the above and Im still getting the same error message.
  Topic: Battle of Berlin problems

Replies: 9
Views: 8977

PostForum: Close Combat The Longest Day   Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:53 pm   Subject: Re: Battle of Berlin problems
OK, I have reinstalled the mod and deleted the old one. I start TLD with the mod .exe on the start menu. Im still getting the same error message and problems, and I don't understand why?
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