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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: What are you reading?

Replies: 375
Views: 365348

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:11 pm   Subject: Re: What are you reading?
AT_Stalky wrote (View Post):
I fined Otto to be rather humble, the commando raid to liberate Mussolini for example.

He gives much credit for its success and planning to a junior officer. He says that the men in the team was really good and they are a huge factor for the success. Otto say that the most important factor for this rescue was successful was pure luck, because it was planed so hasty and they misjudged the landing arias that easily may have turned the adventure into a failure. Otto further states in his memoirs that the German propaganda machine turned it into something it was not, and he strongly oppose the “staging” of the event with film cameras as just rubbish.  

So, about Yugoslavia and Mussolini what’s BS and bragging here?

I've siad nothing about his role in Op. Eiche.

About Roesselsprung (AB attack on Vrhovni štab in Drvar) - if HIS plan was implemented and under HIS command they would've captured "Tito". It all went south because of petty feelings of "an army general in Banja Luka" (OK, I know who he should be talking about, but please - name, exact rank). "Tito" learned about the raid and escaped a few hours earlier.

Now, NOV i PO Jugoslavije wasn't some rag-tag band. In may 1944 (and earlier for all it matters) it was fully structured army. Drvar was the Main HQ base (and there were the Soviet, the British and the USA military missions also) and well guarded. If he tried something like Mussolini stunt, his small unit would've been wiped out. Roesselsprung was a set piece operation with some 25-30 thousand troops and ground element was included from the beginning (O.S. implies that the Germans HAD to engage ground units BECAUSE the paras were surrounded). Josip Broz and the better part of the Main HQ escaped under fire. What saved them was the German belief that "Tito" is in Drvar itself, while he and his closest associates were in "The Cave" nearby town. When W-SS figured that out, it was already too late. So, it was touch-and-go gor "Tito" and he was almost eliminated.

Second, he (O.S) says that the "partisans" stashed their waepons away during daytime and pretended to be civilians, and it's a damn lie in line with nazi policy of not paying regard to the Hague Convention. It is only a cover up that serves as an apology for the executions of captured NOVJ soldiers. In fact, they, the NOVJ, fulfilled all of the requirements needed to be treated as a belligerent side - as stated in Annex to the Convention REGULATIONS RESPECTING THE LAWS AND CUSTOMS OF WAR ON LAND, CHAPTER I, The Qualifications of Belligerents, Article 1.

Replies: 21
Views: 18449

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:49 pm   Subject: Re: MIKE RUPPERT - COLLAPSE
MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
Right now I live in a very eco-friendly way in that I don't own a personal car, I do my work trips and shopping on my bicycle, if I need something bigger hauled I get a cab or rent a van. It's much cheaper and a lot less stressful this way. I also use trains for national level travel.

Same here Smile
And if I manage to pull off some combinations I am working on, will build me a passive house ASAP!
  Topic: What are you reading?

Replies: 375
Views: 365348

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:22 pm   Subject: Re: What are you reading?
Stalky, what is the book title exactly?

Is it "Secret Missions"?
As I understand in some languages it was titled "Secret Memoirs".

IF that is the book you're talking about than: the part about Yugoslavia is more-less rubbish; the part about 20 July plot, and his role in it, is wildly exaggerated.
I think I've found some odd stuff about the Ardennes offensive as well, but will have to dig out the book to verify that
  Topic: What are you reading?

Replies: 375
Views: 365348

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:32 pm   Subject: Re: What are you reading?
AT_Stalky wrote (View Post):
Just reading Otto Skorzeny memoars.

This is really a good book.

One gets a close view of his carrier in Waffen SS. He describes the French campaign, and the Russian campaign, meeting with Hitler etc..


Just to add, you need to max up your bullshit filters while reading it.
  Topic: What are you reading?

Replies: 375
Views: 365348

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:45 pm   Subject: Re: What are you reading?
Two books by sir F. Kitson, very important for understanding terror tactics used lately by the NATO and their Arab puppets throughout the Maghreb countries and Syria, as well as some British criminal undertakings during the decolonization in 1960s-70s:

Frank Kitson - Low Intensity Operations http://libcom.org/library/low-intensity-operations-subversion-insurgency-peacekeeping

Frank Kitson - Gangs and Counter-gangs http://www.bilderberg-mirror.org.uk/countergangs.pdf

Replies: 21
Views: 18449

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:43 pm   Subject: Re: MIKE RUPPERT - COLLAPSE
  Topic: Two Super carriers arrive at Straights of Hormez

Replies: 16
Views: 48264

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:13 pm   Subject: Re: Two Super carriers arrive at Straights of Hormez
closely connected to Iran is the "crisis" in Syria:

the commentator:
  Topic: What are you reading?

Replies: 375
Views: 365348

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:58 pm   Subject: Re: What are you reading?
Just finished Max Hastings' "All Hell Let Loose".
Great read. It covers the 1939-45 period, so most of it is well known to the ww2 buffs, but Hastings provides, as usual, some good arguments, some [fact based] revision, top-down analysis and bottom-up personal accounts.
  Topic: Two Super carriers arrive at Straights of Hormez

Replies: 16
Views: 48264

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:28 pm   Subject: Re: Two Super carriers arrive at Straights of Hormez
Iran’s Asymmetric Naval Warfare:
  Topic: Heated political/religious discussions

Replies: 563
Views: 377715

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:39 pm   Subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions
ArmeeGruppeSud wrote (View Post):
kawasaky wrote (View Post):
So much talibanism around here...
Hmmm,...........  talibanism?

Have not noticed any signs of Sharia Law here at CCS  Confused

Could you pleae explain?

Talib[an] not as a student of wahabism, but as a state of mind.
In that context the one whose glass is fully filled and nothing more can be poured in.
  Topic: Heated political/religious discussions

Replies: 563
Views: 377715

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:42 pm   Subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions
You're lucky.
My fucking, retarded country signed the treaty with Vatican by which the RCC in Croatia recieves some 50 mil. eur per year directly from the budget. So we all have to pay it, regardless of being a member or not. Can you comprehend that!!? I cannot...
  Topic: Heated political/religious discussions

Replies: 563
Views: 377715

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:27 pm   Subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions
LoneRebel wrote (View Post):

So since matters of faith (i.e. the existence of God) cannot be proved by any means, what in the world is the point of arguing over it? Exactly. Nothing. Waste of time. If God exists, he will continue existing regardless of what atheists say about him, right?  Rolling Eyes

Yep, there's no point in arguing about non-existence of god, and it is irrelevant if it exists or not. What IS relevant is the use of religion (often confused with "faith" - deliberately) in daily politics. Believe what you will, I couldn't care less, but sheer number of believers that makes them a majority doesn't give them the right to push their beliefs upon those who believe not.
It is purely a tyranny of a majority in the very private field of life, that is no one's business but one's own. Europeans were smart enough to introduce secularism after the Thirty years war, one of the worst in history of Europe. One atheist and/or one person of different faith in the body of a nation is a reason enough for secularism, or, it would be a tyranny towards that one person, and if we claim to be democratic, than we don't want to by tyrannts.

About the other half of the claim - I don't agree that there's anything we cannot grasp by means of knowledge, provided by all means, but principally science. It is just a matter of time. Just look at the modern physiycs. Physics, being a natural philosophy through observation and measurement, is nowdays more metaphysics then anything else - and it goes back to mamma - philosophy.
Origins of universe, paralell universes, measurement problem in quantum mechanics etc. dwell more in the realm of philosophy than the realm of natural science - or, it is so if you look at "natural", "humanistic" and "social" science(s) as differentiated. And that they are not. All are just different ASPECTS of the same ONE thing. That one thing may be a god as portrayed by the all three Abrahamic religions, although from the pool of the human knowledge - it is very unlikely.

As one hypothesis says - we all create our universe through our thoughts and actions and through conscience observation. Therefore, we are all gos, or the god - whatever. There is no and cannot be an entity separate from the universe, and since all came to being from one tiny dot, small enough to be labeled as one, then all is one and one is all - individuality is only a master illusion.
  Topic: Heated political/religious discussions

Replies: 563
Views: 377715

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:50 pm   Subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions
MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
kawasaky wrote (View Post):
So much talibanism around here...

Hi Kawasaky,

well I've come to the realisation that if I converse about these issues with a religious person, doesn't really matter what religion they are, a verbal altercation ensues. Possibly even a physical fight if it's an IRL conversation. I don't like fights, I'm actually a pretty peaceful guy. So I solve this by not conversing with religious people. I don't feel like I'm losing out much.

Then again I don't like to feel like I'm evading or running away from situations because I try to avoid a confrontation with religious people.


As an (per Abrahamic faiths followers beliefs) atheist in the 88% Catholic country I completely understand you.
  Topic: Heated political/religious discussions

Replies: 563
Views: 377715

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:51 am   Subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions
So much talibanism around here...
  Topic: Heated political/religious discussions

Replies: 563
Views: 377715

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:20 pm   Subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions
Not again...
Quantum mechanics people!
Nothing material exists, and in that material nothingness, everything is one and one is everything.
  Topic: the power of community:how cuba survived peak oil

Replies: 0
Views: 2099

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:02 pm   Subject: the power of community:how cuba survived peak oil
It is all clear from the movie title. Worth watching. Enjoy.
  Topic: Setting up your CC2

Replies: 16
Views: 43059

PostForum: Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far   Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:55 pm   Subject: Re: Setting up your CC2
All what's left of THouse players use 3,4.
It is well debated over, and it's a good patch. If I remember correctlly Eric Young gave a green light for it too, so it's semi-official Smile
Or was it the previous one?
  Topic: What are you reading?

Replies: 375
Views: 365348

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:34 am   Subject: Re: What are you reading?
Alistair Horne - The price of glory  Verdun 1916
Superbly written book. Almost as you are reading a novel...
I recommend it.
  Topic: Citizen Privacy

Replies: 8
Views: 5178

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:49 pm   Subject: Re: Citizen Privacy
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Been having an ongoing discussion at work about peoples rights to privacy and protecting your own privacy.

When I see people on Facebook or thier IPhones or similar things I mention how those sites and gadgets track everything you do. I say Facebook is the largest spy network on earth. FB tracks you and your friends and family across all websites you visit, specifically any site with a like button. You don't even have to be logged in for FB to know where you are going. The standard response to all this is, "I have nothing to hide". What you have to hide is only the tip of the iceberg. All that information is accessable by corperations, your government, and sometimes your governments allies. This information can be used for identity theft, insurance rates, mortgage rates and anything the government sees fit. Its hard to make people understand this.Which makes the issue at heart the power of the government to pry into your life. Even after explaining this the answer is still, "Who cares I have nothing to hide".

That is a very poor reason.

FB. Twitter and alike clients are very large spy nets, but it is a mass espionage and can come into effect only when you are specifically targeted, or when some key words raise the flag.
Everytime after visiting Fagbook i clear all the history - cookies included. It will do the trick for the FB tracking your internet moves.
"I have nothing to hide." is a stupid reason. It is a matter of principle, if nothing else. Even if one is willing to diplay each and every personal info to the public, it still must be optional, and having or having not anything to hide makes no argument in this case.
Since a true patriot is always in dissent everyone who claims to be one must do everything to suppress the fascist creation called government. And it doesn't apply to fagbook only.
  Topic: Wall Street under occupation

Replies: 47
Views: 35037

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:05 pm   Subject: Re: Wall Street under occupation
dj wrote (View Post):
kawasaky wrote (View Post):
As a communist I am always down with the Revolution  Twisted Evil

Nice rant:

Well there are in fact political ideologues that have exploited this situation for maximum gain.  Some anarchists, communists and the Ron Paul kill the Fed right-wing crowd are out in force.  For the most part, our Democracy has been hi-jacked or purchased for decades by the Big $ Robber Barons that only care about their special interest, industry or personal financial gain by manipulating laws / policy.  Most people simply don't get that simple fact and just blame a President past or current or the Federal Reserve which doesn't even make laws...maybe they are so completely brainwashed/uneducated they will just never get it.

The notion of "99%" I thought...was intended to UNITE various political spectrums to consolidate enough power to oppose these powerful groups that have purchased our elected officials from both our 2 parties for decades.  But instead the media likes to make everything dumbed-down for simpletons and they try to label Occupy Wall Street as "leftist" or "Un-American".  Our Civil Rights/Liberties are being suppressed.  The Police funnel everyone on the bridge to trap them and arrest them.   Then they forbid anyone from using mega-phones or microphones under threat of arrest.  Even a Nobel Peace Prize winner Economist was forbidden from speech with microphone.  He said he could do that in Spain or other countries...but not allowed to do so even in his own country?

I ain't in the mood for serious debating lately, but only to add that democracy is dead for a long time now and only the illusion of it still exists. Surely no institution per se is guilty, the people are because they let it happen. From everything I've read and learn about democracy and freedom the moment people say "we are free" or "we have a democracy" that freedom and/or democracy starts to dissipate and soon enough it is lost. It seems to me that the westerners have been tapping themselves on their shoulders and saying how free and democratic they are too long...
Will get back when in mood for that kinda discussion.

Superb song Wruff. Was just listening to that album this morning Smile Me likes synchronicity.
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