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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Topic: Mooxe a CC Hero

Replies: 20
Views: 13431

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:25 pm   Subject: Re: Mooxe a CC Hero
evilwebster wrote (View Post):
Yeah. I agree. Thank you Mooxe. Don't be afraid to use that email list either, if you ever need some currency to pay for the hosting, let me know.

I found my old account, and when I tried to update my email address I inadvertently found the newer account. But the statement remains true.
  Topic: US Elections 2016

Replies: 282
Views: 145096

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:11 am   Subject: Re: US Elections 2016
The big switch? The big lie.



Carol Swain is a black professor who like myself also was rasied democrat. She picked up some of the same history books (well before I did) and educated herself, and has become an authority on the subject.


  Topic: US Elections 2016

Replies: 282
Views: 145096

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:25 am   Subject: PZt_HNiC Re: US Elections 2016
Listen, the simple explination is this.

Right now we have an almost completely godless world where we have all been idly sitting by while coporations and a criminal elite have amassed huge quanities of wealth all the while keeping the reigns of our monetary systems in the hands of their friends and family.  A world where they would do anything including arming and funding the very "boogie men" they terrorize us with so that they can constantly and consitently take away the very liberties that were granted to us by our creator. Whoever or whatever that might be to you. Science, God, Allah, Buhdda, Brahma, Vishnu, Jesus, that doorknob over there.

Trump is the figure head of a second American Revolution.

Former high level Army, Marine, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, CIA, Pentagon, NSA, FBI, etc, etc, etc, etc are working closely with him behind the scenes, believe that.  None of them want to see a third World War because they know that it will involve nuclear bombs. He is simply the amplified voice of the PEOPLE in my country. White, Black, Red, Brown, Purple and Yellow, we all came out in mass to vote for him because we want to save what is left of our dying country.

Say what you will, but I personally am hoping that Trump can do his part to bring peace to the world starting out by simple making the United States a sovereign nation again.

Someone here had it right when they stated that everything is being blown out of proportion by the "mainstream" media, at home here in America as well as abroad. Think of us electing Donald Trump in the same way that you treat the UKIP rallying the people to support the Brexit. We are fighting an uphill battle for the freedom of our nation, for the last vestiges of Liberty, Truth and Justice that my country was designed to be the shining beacon of.

It really tears me up inside to watch people my age who are in the streets protesting violently wearing the colors of communism, spouting the words of fascism and rascism, uneducatedly exclaiming that Donald Trump is a rascist and a biggot.

The democrats in this country founded the Klu Klux Klan as a left wing army to disrupt the vote to abolish slavery in this country, and then when it suited them they appealed to the minority voter by pretending to support the civil rights movement while also backing the very power structure that assassinated the leaders of said movement (King, X, Kennedy.) Hillary Clinton took money from Saudi Arabia, a country where gays are thrown off of roofs, women arent allowed to drive, women can be disfigured for looking at a man that isn't family, and women arent allowed to leave the house, which is why thier new found right to vote is a joke. We also forget that republican and democrat powers have grown fat on the military industrial complex that has funded their rise to power and has fomented dissent and installed communist (or worse) regimes all across the world. THANK GOD that Donald Trump arose to take over the republican party and try to restore that which our founding fathers laid out for us with thier Declaration of Indepenance. Thank god they were too stupid to run Bernie Sanders (a liberal, socialist f*cktard con-man) who probably could have eeked out a victory over Donald Trump. My nation is so close to tasting actual prosperous freedom again and it makes me want to cry.

Here I am, one voice out of millions in the silent majority that has cast a vote to elect a man we believe can use his business savvy and his true love for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, the American way and the Amercian dream we were all promised. And when I say America I mean South America and North America as well as my United States. We really need to bring wealth, prosperity, rule of law, and honest free market economics to this hemisphere again in the hopes that the infectious feeling of freedom and hope can spread the fires of liberty once again throughout the world.

I just want a world with limited government controlled by the people. A world where we clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and house the homeless. A world where science, mathematics, art and agriculture are the things we cherish above all else. I want my children and your children to teach thier kids to love eachother and take care of this planet until we improve ourselves well enough to explore the solar system and inhabit other planets without the need for monetary gain, military muscle, and self loathing hatred that breeds the very evil that we are fighting to free ourselves from in this current day.

May god bless all of you and may god watch over you and your country while we here in America work to clean up our side of the street and inspire you to clean up yours.

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