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  Topic: pzjager and his mods

Replies: 21
Views: 17694

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:12 pm   Subject: Re: pzjager and his mods
  Topic: SOC v1.2 is released

Replies: 5
Views: 10766

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Operation Circle   Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:45 pm   Subject: Re: SOC v1.2 is released
waldganger wrote (View Post):
Pzjager is back ? This is very good news !  Very Happy  A long time ago that were interesting mods out ...  Crying or Very sad
What's new in this version?

And as you know about new projects for the future  Wink

Hi Waldganger!

Happy to have fresh news from you!
As the last conversation we had was quite interesting, please send me an EMail when you have time...

To go back to your question, no, I am not back! I just took some distance with CC moding.

Cheers, friend
  Topic: SOC v1.2 is released

Replies: 5
Views: 10766

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Operation Circle   Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:17 pm   Subject: Re: SOC v1.2 is released
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Welcome back pzjager! I will give you my full attention here!

Many thanks, my friend!

  Topic: SOC v1.2 is released

Replies: 5
Views: 10766

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Operation Circle   Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:45 pm   Subject: SOC v1.2 is released

I am pleased to let you know that the ultimate version of Stalingrad: Operation Circle is available.

You can download it here:


Be aware that you will need to download the Mappack v1.2 as well if you want the mod to work properly.

  Topic: Stratedit converted to TLD

Replies: 55
Views: 34861

PostForum: Modding Workshop   Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:44 am   Subject: Re: Stratedit converted to TLD
squadleader_id wrote (View Post):
If you prefer making the StratMap "the S3T way"...then that's your choice, Firefox...but I bet most sane modders will be waiting for Mafi's tool instead  Laughing

That's absolute evidence!
  Topic: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!

Replies: 24
Views: 29109

PostForum: Die Kampfgruppen   Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:38 am   Subject: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!
flick wrote:
Just started playing, impressive AI..the enemy actually attack in right direction! Razz

Good maps as well.

Flick, send me an Email, please. I need an adress from you for the future.

  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:23 pm   Subject: Troll Posts
Tejszd wrote:

CCS and CSO are the two biggest CC sites. If you do not support them with downloads why should they support your mods by having discussion forums for them? Ultimately though if if both sides have that type attitude it is the rest of the CC community that will become fragmented over the net making following CC development and mods tougher for the fans.

Why make it harder for people to find your mods and download them???


You have always been friendly with me, and I will remain friendly with you. You are not responsible for what happens.

I have spent years on moding CC. I was just waiting in return from something else than that.

From that ugly men.

Is the rest of the CC comunity fragmented? Maybe. For sure. It is not my fault.

  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:36 pm   Subject: Troll Posts
ZAPPI4 wrote:

I see.

Anyway, thanks again, your feeling is much appreciated

What will remain interesting is simply WHAT IS CCS

A Gangster site, held by voyous
  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:50 pm   Subject: Re: SALOPARDS!
ZAPPI4 wrote:
pzjager wrote:


1 Je me suis connecté sur ce site il ya 2 heures et je vois que les admins de CCS qui m'ont virusé mon PC, insulté, insulté notre peuple, ont piraté SDKDK.

2 Et qui a fait celà??? Zappi, OK, nous savons à quoi nous en tenir sur ce triste personnage, mais le pire, c'est POLEMARCHOS.

Polemarchos, Kosta dans le civil est un grec (!) qui vit en Allemagne (on comprend mieux) qui était un ami. preque un confident. Kosta a testé mes mods, offert ses videos.... et a la dernière minute m'a trahi de la plus ignoble des façons en mettant SDKDK sur CCS.

Je suis aujourd'hui d'une tristesse inimagineable. J'avais beaucoup de projets, mais c'est fini. Même les gens à qui je faisais confiance m'ont TRAHI.

Je ne sais que dire...

Ceux d'entre vous qui veulent rester en contact le peuvent.


1 :

First of all, dont forgot to say than u visit CCS each days Wink i m admin
i can get acces of option to check out Lastvisit and other really cool
We never hacked your PC to intrduce a virus
We never hacked anything as your file is in free download.
We just host your file without your authorisation, yes that's true.
But again, does your file isnt in free download?

Well i really wonder if you really speak french, or if you never read a message
in is entiere line.
Again, i repeat, repeat, Polemarchos did nothing about your file.
I UPLOADED your files myself.


Vous avez introduit tout ce que vous pouviez depuis quelque temps, tu l'as même avoué il y a une heure sur un autre forum. Ce n'est pas grave... Juste 5 minutes pour me débarasser de cette infectitude. Je travaille pour une société qui a affaire avec la défense nationale.... Les ordures de Mooxe, celà nous fait rigoler. Agir à partir de l'adresse IP.... c'est d'une telle gaminerie que celà en est pathétique!

Free downlowd.... Mais pauvre con, est ce que tu fais la différence entre le

NON, c'est pour celà que nous avons divorcé.

Moi, j'agis pour le MORAL

Et j'en suis fier

Je ne pense pas que tu npuisses être fier de toi
  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:12 pm   Subject: Troll Posts
ZAPPI4 wrote:
Ok here i go again...

Polemarchose dit nothing. In fact he posted a sticky on each mod forum with the link
of the mod file from CCS.
For all mod ,like sdkdk, what get his own site, he posted the direct link from own mod site.
What he did for SDKDK.
I edited his post to reflect the CCS link for the mod and delete pzjager direct link.
Because now CCS host the mod files.
Think what u want, i dont care.
U cant be any CCS moderator. U been for all your mod forum.
We disabled this because you became unpolite with people, admin, moderator
and u spammed CCS site and forum with tons of insulting message. All this message can be found n CCS MESS forum archive.
So no, u cant be at least moderator forum of your own work at CCS at least.

Everyone reding this can understand what has become CCS

I have nothing to add....

I worked 3 years in moding CC for that.

  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:04 pm   Subject: Troll Posts
ZAPPI4 wrote:
pzjager wrote:
ZAPPI4 wrote:
Merci, ca c'est gentil


As tu été gentil envers moi?

J'ai essayé maintes fois de faire la paix.

Toi et Mooxe avez rejeté tous mes appels

Aujourd'hui, tu as commandé l'un de mes anciens amis de me trahir.

C'est beau, celà?

Polemarchos did nothing. Whatever you can think about it's your way.
I repeat, Polemarchos did no things.
I did it.
So now, why did i do that?
Simple. Some people wanted to dont release their work out of their own site.
I respect that, as long as those people stay cool and fair with CCS and users.
I dont have to call him, but it happened some weeks ago for a mod release on another
CC site what moder didnt allow it. This user asked me to dont release it. I repsect him.
Then i ll dont release his work here.
Now about your case. You insult CCS admin and moderator, publicly.
U spammed CCS many time with many post before.
U dont know, u dont have any clue about what means be polite and fair.
Be happy to dont be banned from CCS and still get acces to the site to check in and post
message. But be sure about this :
I ll get no problem to ban you and your IP from CCS and this when i want.
So please, be polite and fair with CCS and all the users, and maybe we will be fair with u.

Je suis tres honoré de ne pas etre viré de ton putain de merde de site. MERCI, IZNOGOOD, de ne me pas ve virer (Ce serait ridicule de virer l'auteur et ses oeuvres? non? Il faudrait juste avoir des couillles, et tu n'en as pas.

In english: Mr Zappi wants to fire me out of CCS but not my Mods (SDK, SOC and SDKDK -hacked-) Why not?

He will just explain you:

1) He did that
2) WHO is the modder of bthese mods???? ZAPPI, MOOXE, or simply Panzerjäger?
  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:48 pm   Subject: Troll Posts
ZAPPI4 wrote:
Merci, ca c'est gentil


As tu été gentil envers moi?

J'ai essayé maintes fois de faire la paix.

Toi et Mooxe avez rejeté tous mes appels

Aujourd'hui, tu as commandé l'un de mes anciens amis de me trahir.

C'est beau, celà?
  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:41 pm   Subject: Troll Posts
ZAPPI4 wrote:
Plemarchos didnt do anythings, he just tell me than he didnt see any problem to release
his work ( video i guess) at CCS.

I uploaded the rest to CCS.
When u ask for somethings, be sure than u didnt been bastard yourself with the people
you asked.

Pauvre type.

Je te chie à la gueule.

Tu es tout ce que nous pouvons haïr dans ce monde.



  Topic: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!

Replies: 24
Views: 29109

PostForum: Die Kampfgruppen   Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:02 am   Subject: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!
tripwire wrote:
Pzjager, your SDK - die Kampfgruppen mod is fantastic! I have been holding out with KG Mikosch at Beresavaia... the PaK 38s and close-in tactics are paying off. What a struggle with the AI Russians!!

I was unable to download until last Wednesday. My father was taken into the hospital with pneumonia (he's 91) and just recently has gotten strong enough to be released. He is improving, now.

Thanks you so very much for this extremely well-made mod. I look forward to many, many hours of enjoyment.

Merci / Thank you,


Happy for both you and your old father (my father is 85, but fortunately his health is not so bad so far).

Enjoy the game.

  Topic: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!

Replies: 24
Views: 29109

PostForum: Die Kampfgruppen   Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:41 pm   Subject: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!
witman505 wrote:
Great Job !!


Many thanks but same answer as the one to Tippo-Simo: Noy sure that you will be able to have access to my answer on this thread

Anyway, send me an EMail at pzjager [at] hotmail [dot] fr

There is a lot of information here, and a lot of CC files to get out of CCS

  Topic: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!

Replies: 24
Views: 29109

PostForum: Die Kampfgruppen   Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:16 pm   Subject: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!
Tippi-Simo wrote:
Tres Bien!

Merci/Thank you Smile

THanks Tippo!

It is likely that this answer will go to my own dedicated forum! This forum where only members of the CC Dream Team can go...You are welcome in it!

  Topic: Troll Posts

Replies: 75
Views: 41835

PostForum: The Mess   Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:08 pm   Subject: Troll Posts
->ADMIN INFO (stalky): Okay, from this post and onward the order of post is mixed, so, don’t expect the following post to be in reply to the previous etc.
This is due to spamming of I don’t know how many threads and how many forums, and all of them post are moved here, and then they sorted by date and time they was posted in no matter in what forum, exception is the first post in the threads, they cant be moved so they are at the end of this thread as pics and quotes in my posts.
So if anyone will read this (waste of time, and have so much time to waste) be prepared that its just a mess, and start by reading “my” post at the end witch shows the first post, witch may spread some light on how it all started..
End of admin info<-

Are Generals Rose and Mc Kenzie still here, Friend?

They did know what happened.... Fot that reason, they have been fired by your boss. And your Boss knows everything -He watched the TV-So, everything is OK.

I hope that you can see now in Afgan what is Islam.

Anyway, Good Luck. and shave this ridiculous moustage, PLEASE. And if you have some time between two fights against islamics (It shoud not be difficult) remove all the shits you are trying everyday to install on my PC. It is ridiculous.


PS. A have an other guy in Afghan today. In the CC community. HE is really fighting, in first line. And I can tell you that, his opinion is nothing else that against you. Save your bullets
  Topic: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!

Replies: 24
Views: 29109

PostForum: Die Kampfgruppen   Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:32 pm   Subject: Pzjager's - SDK: Die Kampfgruppen is here!
Panzergrenadier87 wrote:


Are you kidding? Today is the third Thursday of November, so the day of the Beaujolais nouveau!

Forget Vodka until at least tomorrow (Love Vodka as well but not for the taste: rather for the people who do/drink it).

  Topic: Stalingrad: Operation Circle is released!

Replies: 149
Views: 135012

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Operation Circle   Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:57 pm   Subject: Stalingrad: Operation Circle is released!
StuG155 wrote:
pzjager wrote:
Falero wrote:
Hey, thanks for a fantastic mod pz!
I played Stalingrad and Der Kessel but this is a whole ´nother beast.
I accidently switched the russians(AI, enemy) to elite and me to recruit instead of the other way around so it´s pretty easy compared to what should had been. So I decided to play it quickly with my big forces and not lose one map.

So far so good but the enemy battlegroups seem to replenish?! I´m on the 10th round/5th day or so, and all of a sudden some enemy BG´s have new katyushas and KVs! I was under the impression that the reinforce button was disabled.

Does this mean that the enemy has an infinite supply of units? Will I continue to drain them and end up with some tens of thousands of killed in total(on both sides total)?


Happy that you like it. Compared to SDK, SOC is much better realised IMO...
When you say that you have seen BG's replenishing, do you mean that these BG's had all their KV's and or Kats destroyed, and that suddenly their reappeared?? That looks strange to me as, as you say, the reinforce button is disabled in SOC!
Personaly, I did not notice anything like that when playing the game...
If you have screenshots, I would be happy to see them


Hi Pzjager, it's happening the same to me: russian BGs with only a few low level squads remaining are suddenly replenished with full stacks (first turn 14th jan).
Anyway i noticed that clicking on "revert" in the BG management page brings the situation back.
I thought it was something wanted ... as it makes the game really hard Smile


No, it wasn't wanted and I personaly never noticed that!

Anyway, it is not so bad! It can render the mod more difficult and, if you don't want it, you can always click on revert when it happens.

  Topic: SDK H2H campaign begins

Replies: 19
Views: 16192

PostForum: CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel   Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:28 am   Subject: SDK H2H campaign begins
VonVolks wrote:
Help Request:

I am playing the Russians and attacking. In the future, once I push off iniital maps, how do I know where & when new units will arrive backing up spearhead units?

I dont want to push forward just leaving a gap behind me and no supply lines defended.....

So if I advance will new units appear?


The best is to go to the scenario editor screen and check how the Grand Campaign is made...

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Forums ©

In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
found this site to thier liking. I hope you had time to check out some of the great Close Combat
mods and our forums. I'd also like to thank all the members of our volunteer staff that have
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