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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 10.9

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:17 pm Post subject: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

So I thought I would start a thread for people to post the funniest or most amazing thing they've seen happen in a CC battle.  I have 3 to share.

Funny 1 (GJS - Lebisey Woods)
I was engaged in a recent h2h battle vs Pzt_Hornet in Lebisey Woods (GJS).  Hornet had a tank holed up amoungst some hedges in the northwest sector of the map.  I brought up a firefly tank to a flanking hedge to hit his MarkIV in the side/rear and was successfull in making the kill.  No sooner did I dispatch his MarkIV that a hidden PzGren unit sprang from ambush and laid a Faust into my side knocking out my tank.  (This is where is gets funny) - Apparently the tank commander was so enraged about having his Firefly knocked out that he rapidly bailed out of his tank and immediately set upon the guilty PzGren unit and ferociously closed with them killing all 4-5 remaining PzGren members in hand to hand combat.

Funny 2 (GJS - Brettville??)
I fought an h2h battle last year against a human opponent on one of the GJS maps with a lot of open ground.  I had an M10 TD duel it out with an MarkIV and successfully dispatched the German tank.  The battle continued.... Later in the battle I returned my attention to my M10 TD and decided to move it around to the rear of my opponent routing it close to the burning remains of the MarkIV.  What I didn't realize while moving the M10 was that the surviving crew (non-command crew) of the MarkIV were hiding in ambush close to my route and inconveniently tossed several grenades into the open top of my M10 knocking out my tank and killing the entire crew.  I felt pretty silly after that move but found humor in the payback as did my opponent.

Amazing 3 (SAS)
We fought an internal war in Pzt using the SAS mod.  We had a battle just north of Carantan between 101st AB vs a motorized German BG.  I had a bazooka unit move into a position on the north side of the map after engaging in a firefight.  Only one man remained of the unit and he was all alone holed up in ambush in one of the northern buidling.  There was no help anywhere near his position.  My opponent knew that I had someone up there and sent TWO (2) FULL PzGren units (14 troops) up to eliminate my remaining single trooper.  My Paratrooper held his ground and knifed all 14 PzGrenadieres in close quarters fighting as they came into his place of hiding.  My opponent was pissed and I was amazed.  Honestly I don't remember what happened later to the Paratrooper but the legend of that personal battle remains.
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Rep: 8.1

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:31 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

hehe...the 3rd story amused me Smile
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Rep: 99.7
votes: 5

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:56 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

Amazing - In CC4 I had a US rifle team on ambush next to a road. They were bypassed by German infantry but were not spotted. I wanted to withdraw them but no way could I move them without them being killed! Around the corner came the KingTiger and slowly, slowly inched it's way up the road, it could barely fit. In CC4 there are often small hills next to the roads, a higher elevation on one side, lower on the other to simulate mountain roads and my team was on the high side. It was absolute AGONY waiting the 30 - 40 seconds or so (honestly it felt like minutes) for the King to get close enough. It was prctically below my men when I saw the HE being loaded (rifle grenade). It took the first shot, then I had to wait for a reload - AGONY! - the second shot hit, a massive explosion and I was on my feet pumping my fist in the air shouting YES YES!  I was on a high all day.

Taking out a KingTiger with a rifle grenade = better than sex  Wink
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Rep: 56.2
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:10 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

Funniest thing,
Playing a H2H game with then Platoon_Knight when my Priest Tank fired at a house and blasted the poor soldier all the way out the other side of the house and fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

A 15 second battle on Esch sur Sure during a GC with someone.

One of my Allied guys picked up a Schrek and killed an opponents tank,it's the only time Ive seen one of my guys pick up a weapon.
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Rep: 10.9

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:44 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

platoon_michael wrote (View Post):
Funniest thing,

One of my Allied guys picked up a Schrek and killed an opponents tank,it's the only time Ive seen one of my guys pick up a weapon.

I had a crewman from a knocked out AT Gun pick up an MG42 once and engage advancing allied infantry.  Unfortunately I had no control over his actions and could not direct fire or movement since he was a crewman.  But he sure did a nice job on his own against anyone who came within LOS.
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Rep: 221.7
votes: 25

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:09 am Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

I have two, can't remember all the details though..

During a Tournament House Tournament, I was playing Lambi. He was about to win, some of my men were beginning to route. It was a very close game where every soldier counted. One of my men routed, and started running around aimlessly. He runs to a German VL and captures it, winning the game for me.

Another time I wont forget it a yank infantry team tossing greandes at a German tank. Grenade bounces off turrent killing thrower.

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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:04 am Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

Taking out a KingTiger with a rifle grenade= better than sex

i had that happened once also in CC4 in that ruined town in the north - my opponent was pissed so much Smile.
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Rep: 155.2
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:20 am Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

CC3 playing the GC H2H on the zone...   playing Moscow 3  I had edged a Pz III through the northern woods only to come face to face with my oponents KV2   BOOOM   he missed.  There was no retreat so my only option was to circle the KV in close, faster than its turret could turn peppering it with 50mm shells until something happened .  I've got no idea how long it took or how many shots i fired but i first imobilized the beast, then knocked out its gun, then destroyed it

Pissed wasn't even the word for it   Crying or Very sad

In the reverse match (me playing GC as Russians) he bought himself a Jagdpanther during the '44 Poland battles.   5 times i destroyed the bloody thing (meanwhile it hammered my tanks into scrap iron) and each time one or more crew escaped and he was able to regenerate it like some Armoured Zombie returning from the grave.   Finally I blews its tracks off with a JSU 152, put that onto ambust to stop it firing again and risking the crew bailing out.   Next order was to sprint two flammer teams in from the flanks and incinerate anything that tried to escape
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Rep: 53.1
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:03 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

I remember once in CCIII one of my russian conscript soldier went berserk and ran into house (where they had Pak38) and killed all the crew Very Happy

"Du talar dalig svenska, men du är bra i sängen"
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Rep: 0.1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:38 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

This wasn't very funny...agony more like...I was playing CC2 campaign, the map with bridge and 88 Flak emplacments beside it. I did a pretty good job of knocking out allied tanks, but 15 mins into the battle i'd lost all my AT capabilities...(my Flaks were burning, PanzerSchrek rockets depleted)...but the allies have one last Sherman Firefly which is raoming around capturing VLs and chopping up my remaing infantry. The game had no time limit and looking at our morales if i could knock that tank out the enemy should at least accept a cease fire!I began frantically to search for any AT weapon i could find...nothing...finally i found the sole survivor of a heavy infantry squad, i checked his AT bar is green!BINGO! He's got a panzerfaust!It took me 10 mins to sneak him beside the tank which by now was parked beside a building.I didnt dare use move or fast move in case he got spotted!With every inch he crept my anxiety grew...at last he was in the building:i issue fire command: line of sight is green, distance: 6 m. the tank hasnt spotted me! This is the moment, he puts his Mauser K down picks up his panzerfaust, pulls out the sights and takes aim...this is the moment the armored fist of the Riech will administer a crushing blow to the cursed allied tank...I am coiled like a spring on my seat ready to explode, ready to shout for victory..."paff!" he fires!!!...he misses! from 6 bloody meteres!!!needless to say his reward was a round from the main gun of the firefly and game over for me!!!
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Rep: 99.7
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:39 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

battletank1 wrote (View Post):
This wasn't very funny...agony more like...I was playing CC2 campaign, the map with bridge and 88 Flak emplacments beside it. I did a pretty good job of knocking out allied tanks, but 15 mins into the battle i'd lost all my AT capabilities...(my Flaks were burning, PanzerSchrek rockets depleted)...but the allies have one last Sherman Firefly which is raoming around capturing VLs and chopping up my remaing infantry. The game had no time limit and looking at our morales if i could knock that tank out the enemy should at least accept a cease fire!I began frantically to search for any AT weapon i could find...nothing...finally i found the sole survivor of a heavy infantry squad, i checked his AT bar is green!BINGO! He's got a panzerfaust!It took me 10 mins to sneak him beside the tank which by now was parked beside a building.I didnt dare use move or fast move in case he got spotted!With every inch he crept my anxiety grew...at last he was in the building:i issue fire command: line of sight is green, distance: 6 m. the tank hasnt spotted me! This is the moment, he puts his Mauser K down picks up his panzerfaust, pulls out the sights and takes aim...this is the moment the armored fist of the Riech will administer a crushing blow to the cursed allied tank...I am coiled like a spring on my seat ready to explode, ready to shout for victory..."paff!" he fires!!!...he misses! from 6 bloody meteres!!!needless to say his reward was a round from the main gun of the firefly and game over for me!!!

lol - the one that got away. I think we could do another whole thread on classic CC point blank misses  Embarassed
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Rep: 221.7
votes: 25

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:46 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

battletank1 wrote (View Post):
This wasn't very funny...agony more like...I was playing CC2 campaign, the map with bridge and 88 Flak emplacments beside it. I did a pretty good job of knocking out allied tanks, but 15 mins into the battle i'd lost all my AT capabilities...(my Flaks were burning, PanzerSchrek rockets depleted)...but the allies have one last Sherman Firefly which is raoming around capturing VLs and chopping up my remaing infantry. The game had no time limit and looking at our morales if i could knock that tank out the enemy should at least accept a cease fire!I began frantically to search for any AT weapon i could find...nothing...finally i found the sole survivor of a heavy infantry squad, i checked his AT bar is green!BINGO! He's got a panzerfaust!It took me 10 mins to sneak him beside the tank which by now was parked beside a building.I didnt dare use move or fast move in case he got spotted!With every inch he crept my anxiety grew...at last he was in the building:i issue fire command: line of sight is green, distance: 6 m. the tank hasnt spotted me! This is the moment, he puts his Mauser K down picks up his panzerfaust, pulls out the sights and takes aim...this is the moment the armored fist of the Riech will administer a crushing blow to the cursed allied tank...I am coiled like a spring on my seat ready to explode, ready to shout for victory..."paff!" he fires!!!...he misses! from 6 bloody meteres!!!needless to say his reward was a round from the main gun of the firefly and game over for me!!!

I'v relied so many times on the fausts, rushing hoards of men at a tank with the hopes that one of them will pop off thier shot, usually followed by "theres friendlies in the area" and having all your men crushed and machine gunned.

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Rep: 10.9

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:32 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

I got a 2 for one last night playing against my friend Pzt_VonAcid.  Fighting in Lebisey woods he had a MarkIV and PzIV sitting in close proximity to each other by the central church.  I brought up an AVRE behind them to a neighboring hedge and fired on the PzIV from about 60meters and both tanks blew up.   Very Happy
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Rep: 72.5
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:47 pm Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

These would not seem funny now but rewind ten years and recall the *very* first time you came up against a flamethrower. I didn't have a clue what it was. That must have been what it felt like in ~1915.

Then in Son Town I couldn't figure out why everyone who went into that house next to the road died. It didn't matter how many men went into the house, there were explosions and they died. I was utterly flummoxed.

The attack was bogging down badly and I began casting around for ideas.

... and there it was: an 88 sitting in the centre of the town pumping shells in my direction.

I was only just beginning to grasp what this game was capable of.
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Rep: 1.7

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:06 am Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

Talkin about flamethrowers.... I was playing stalingrad DkDk as germans a few nights ago, my engineer team was near a minefield and the ultraagressive russian AI moved fast into the minefield shooting, so they activated the mines and it was all joy and happiness. My engineers were quite far from the minefield to get wounded by it, but the flame guy walked to throw a flame to kill the remaining enemy and he just... exploded!!! he killed the remaining enemy soldiers and i laughed my ass off. he went jihad against those poor rooskies
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Rep: 72.5
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:23 am Post subject: Re: Funniest/Most Amazing thing happened in CC Battle Reply with quote

A friend of mine decided to give RealRomanians a try. He knew that their morale was quite fragile so he took great care to micromanage their attack, minimising casualties, minimising even their exposure to fire. After an inordinate amount of time he somehow manoeuvred them into position for a coordinated assault on the Russian's final trench line.

When everything was set he gave the order and forward his brave Romanians went with leveled bayonets

... only to surrender en masse to a Red Army cook.

Game, set and match to the AI!

I think he gave up on RealRomanians after that.
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