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Rep: 9.8

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:51 am Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):

nope, it's a real. We also have some really nice Orthodox churces here, pretty buildings. Ev. lut. churces tend to be a bit drab looking. I think the Muslims have some smaller building that is a mosque now, so it's not like that there is a ban on building mosques or something. Also there are some synagogues etc. And to answer your question, I wouldn't mind more Muslims here. Unlike the Jewish they tend to work in fields where labour is needed and they aren't trying to 'govern' Finns like the Jewish always try to do.

Ta ta,


Sadly, this is unlikely to make any impression upon AGS's thick skull, as he only pays attention to anything that supports his views, and discards everything that opposes them.

I mean, you've already answered his question about wanting more Islamic influence in your country (an incredibly vague question that doesn't deserve an answer in the first place), and he's still acting like you haven't.  Laughing
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Rep: 9.8

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:01 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
My, ArmeeGruppeSud is getting quite pumped, isn't he? Look at that wall of text he put out!!

Too long; didn't read.

Yes, AGS, religion has a way of making people antagonistic and confrontational. Thank you very much for proving our point. Very Happy

Here's a tip, AGS. Wall of text =/ Being correct.

Also, watch your language, why don't you? Here's some soap to wash out your mouth with.  Rolling Eyes

Your post was so full of personal attacks and ad hominems that I don't know where to begin, although, I assure you, I will get around to covering your abusive behavior in greater detail when I have time. Smile

After seeing AGS's most recent posts, I must say that I no longer feel the need to rebut each of his points individually, as I did before. It's too time-consuming, and it's obvious that AGS has more time than any of us to spend on pointless Internet arguments.

Now, AGS, you may believe that when I or anyone else ceases to respond to you, it means that you've won the argument.

Well, what can I say? Here's some First Day on the Internet Kid for you.

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Rep: 9.5
votes: 7

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:46 am Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote


LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
More of LoneRebel not reading, then, more of LoneRebel making slanderous statements based on his/her ignorance

LoneRebel wrote (View Post):
More of LoneRebel's hate filled false accusations

No surprises there Rolling Eyes   

We can be thankfull that God can even forgive people like LoneRebel, provided they admit to and repent from their vile sinful attitudes and behaviours, confessing Jesus Christ as their risen Lord and Saviour









Very Happy

Very Happy  CHEERS  Very Happy

Very Happy  AGS
 Very Happy

Very Happy

P.S. @ LoneRebel, the fact that you didn't read my responses to your hatefilled posts is unimportant, as is your uninformed opinion.
Those posts were for the benefit of the silent readers  Wink

Your terse and abusive responses just confirmed everything i had written about you  


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Rep: 9.5
votes: 7

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:51 am Post subject: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote


The gif image below is analagous of LoneRebel's attacks on me

All the BS that LR throws at me just bounces back & blows up in his face Laughing


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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:19 am Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

IF Mitt Romney wins the American election next month, instead of chanting "4 More Years"  he will be chanting  "4 More Wars"


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Rep: 9.8

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:11 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Actually, AGS, you are in the minority here. Most other posters in this thread agree with me.  Laughing

So you can keep up your colorful, but mostly nonsensical, posts.

You can continue to make those nasty ad hominem attacks on me, which only highlights even more the fact that you are desperate and have no rational arguments.  Very Happy

You can continue to believe that you have refuted my "pathetic" arguments, although this is a delusion that only you believe in. Before you celebrate, perhaps you should find even one person (besides Stwa) who agrees with you.  Laughing

PS: I notice that the frequency of your ad hominems is increasing. My theory is that your religious faith is so fanatical that it's gotten to the point where you interpret attacks on your religion or on your god to be attacks on you personally, and become very angry in response. I can almost see you foaming at the mouth while typing at your keyboard.

Yes, we already know how religion causes people to become irrational and confrontational. Thank you for proving us correct yet again. Your service is appreciated.  Smile
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Rep: 9.8

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:22 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
IF Mitt Romney wins the American election next month, instead of chanting "4 More Years"  he will be chanting  "4 More Wars"


dj, have you seen this?


Romney still sees fit to make birth certificate jokes (clearly targeted at Obama), even though Obama's actual long-form birth certificate was released long ago.

The willful ignorance that certain people display when they continue to deny the link between race, religion, and culture is hilarious, yet troubling at the same time, for just this reason.

This was from the 2008 elections. And I quote from that article, "Five percent of white voters acknowledge that they, personally, would not vote for a black candidate."

Here's the link of the survey where that figure came from. Makes for some interesting reading.


So, we have some whites openly admitting that they would not vote for a black candidate.

At the same time, aspersions were cast upon Barack's citizenship, in part because during his youth he had lived in Indonesia (a Muslim country).

At the same time, false accusations were made that Obama was in fact a Muslim. Just because his father was Muslim? (Never mind that even if he actually was a Muslim, so what?)

Even his middle name, Hussein, was emphasized. Why? Because it's a name common in Muslim countries.

Of course, certain people are going to remain in their fantasy universes, no matter how many facts are thrown at them.  Rolling Eyes
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Rep: 24.5
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:50 am Post subject: Re: Amiable political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Just a few pointers for you AGS,

Quote AGS;
Was it you or Blackstump who said the Europeans should leave because the Koori were here 1st (that statement, in itself, is implicative that the Koori have a "right" to ownership of the land)?

Answer Stumpy;
Well it certainly wasn't me asking anybody to leave AGS. Sounds more like your game...
I only asked, if your ancestors were boat people also ?

Fancy the originals having a "right to ownership" (your words not mine)
Owe that's right, the plants and animals had dominion first...funny that doesn't strike me as very biblical .
Sounds like your a little tightly wound there son.

Quote AGS;
So it was either you, or BS, that started the whole land "rights" issue

Stumpy replies;
Well no, i believe that was you.

AGS Quotes
Oh, here is a conundrum for you.

If, as you say, those, like myself, who are descended from the illegal European invaders should leave and descendants of the original Koori inhabitants can stay in Australia....

What then, of those descended from both?

Stumpy replies;
Who said what??
Mate you need some help.

AGS quotes;

What is interestingly pertinent, is that the Koori never made a claim on land rights until well over 150 years after the English invaded.


Because the Koori never considered land ownership to be an issue.

Stumpy answers
Wow complete ignorance.
More than 2000 Koori/murry dialects, all with strict tribal boundaries, with many wars fought over this land. All dismissed with one idiotic statement.
You surpass yourself.

Quote AGS
Any educated person, with any real knowledge of Koori culture, will know and understand, that, in the Koori's eyes, the Koori, belonged to the land, not the other way around.

Stumpy replies
Think i just disqualified you from educated about the original inhabitants.

So the Koori belongs to "his" land, but the boat people own "the" land, so the boat people now own the Koori... Hmm now i start to see "why" you hate boat people so much AGS, lol, maybe you now see it from my side.

"percute et percute velociter"
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Rep: 221.7
votes: 25

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:50 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Whats with the "tinkle"?

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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:36 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

I stated if I had a Nickel for each time has been a Troll on this thread...then AGS went with the "tinkle" sound effect to collect the Nickels in a tin can.

The magnitude of AGS's hypocrisy is breathtaking.

@Lonerebebel - yes the racism in US is getting worse with Obama in office.  However the media constantly patronizes the Low Info voters that are indoctrinated by the Right-Wing media and Hate talk radio.  Interesting what someone had on his T-Shirt at Mitt Romney rally recently.  Also someone committed violence with gunshots at Obama political office in Denver.  Romney's hypocrisy and lies are also breathtaking.  He personally encourages the dog whistle racist politics by bringing up the birth certificate crap...then claims he is against racism.  Another thing nobody ever mentions is that Obama is actually half white and raised by white mother / grandparents.

Ever notice how virtually all the folks that attend Romney rallies are old as dirt and all white?  I mean not even one or two token minorities and never any young people except the kids of the old people?

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Rep: 33.1

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:51 am Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Fiestita wrote (View Post):
chessmaster wrote (View Post):
hey guys,

I'm a muslim. Altough most of you are old and wise enough to find out, but there are some things I need to make very clear

- Islam means peace. Don't judge muslims because 0.1 procent of the idiots out there is a fundamental, and joins a terrorist group or help fighting a Jihad in Syria. You have fundementals in every religion. It's just because of what some idiots did in 2001 that suddenly everything muslims do gets in the news or is important.

- The palestinian- israel subject has nothing to do with islam or jews, it has to with land. They are doing the same thing as Hitler did. Placing Palestinian People in fences and ghetto's, the Palestinian diaspora fled all around the world because of a problem Europe made after WW2.

- There are different groups and streams of muslims. Every group of muslims has there own rules. There also cultural believes that has nothing to do with being a muslim, for example one of you guys said that we cut off a girls clitoris.. that is cultural thing. And that is very uncommen.

- Like 90 procent of all muslims in the world are moderate, with means they dont believe in hitting themselves with chains or fighting jihad or something or being busy with religion all the time. We respect all religions and teach are children that every man and woman are equal.

- I have gay, jewish,.. friends and i have no problem with them, I have a mind of my own and i was teached to respect everyone. There are a lot of young muslims who get tricked in doing bad things or hate people. Because some idiot is letting them believe that becoming a terrorist and killing yourself is in the quran but it s not. And there are also a lot of people who misinterpreted the quran.

for example most of those terrorist that blow thereselfs up come from countries in europe, they dont understand arabic and get tricked in a situation

another example the terrorists in Iraq or Palestina they do understand arabic and can read the Quran, but they do desperate things in a desperate situation

Watch and read different media, also arabic like al jazeera in english. You ll soon learn that everyone has a different view on every situation.
Be objective and don't judge what the media or articels in the newspaper are selling you. It's always those that never experienced violence that glorify it. Muslims are not aggressive or terrifiing or dangerous and sure we need to punish those who indulge themselfs in fundamentalistic ideas. Go and speak with differrent muslims, you ll find out they are human like all the rest of us.

We all want are kids to grow up in harmony and have a good and peacefull life.

I ll end this with Alykom Salaam, what means Peace be upon you, cause i m getting a bit tired (I'm in the ramadan: no drinking eating all day)
If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask.

peace guys

I have a Muslim friend in Bosnia. Where are you from chesmaster? I know lots of muslims in Argentina thar are pretty nice people. In fact, trouble in Palestina was caused by the fact of jewish injection in a place where they had to move A LONG TIME AGO due to religious wars. Knowing the fact of the crusades, injecting christians instead of jews, would have had the same effect nowadays and we would be watching muslims bombmen killing christians and christians burning muslims like Jean D'arc. I think these facts are not just a matter of religion, it is just an ancient war of who controls that ancient land.

I'm from belgium born here, my parents are from morocco, thanks for your interest. About Palestina yes its the same land in the time of the crusades but situation now is totally different.. people are being oppressed now and the world is just watching.. like what is happening in syria the same.. those regimes get a free ride.. i m not against jews, i have jewish friends, i m against oppressing regimes

Didnt know there were muslims in argentina please tell me more ! find it interesting how did they get there, or how did the muslim diaspora spread there?

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Rep: 33.1

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:55 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

ArmeeGruppeSud wrote (View Post):
chessmaster wrote (View Post):
hey guys,

I'm a muslim. Altough most of you are old and wise enough to find out, but there are some things I need to make very clear

- Islam means peace. Don't judge muslims because 0.1 procent of the idiots out there is a fundamental, and joins a terrorist group or help fighting a Jihad in Syria. You have fundementals in every religion. It's just because of what some idiots did in 2001 that suddenly everything muslims do gets in the news or is important.

- The palestinian- israel subject has nothing to do with islam or jews, it has to with land. They are doing the same thing as Hitler did. Placing Palestinian People in fences and ghetto's, the Palestinian diaspora fled all around the world because of a problem Europe made after WW2.

- There are different groups and streams of muslims. Every group of muslims has there own rules. There also cultural believes that has nothing to do with being a muslim, for example one of you guys said that we cut off a girls clitoris.. that is cultural thing. And that is very uncommen.

- Like 90 procent of all muslims in the world are moderate, with means they dont believe in hitting themselves with chains or fighting jihad or something or being busy with religion all the time. We respect all religions and teach are children that every man and woman are equal.

- I have gay, jewish,.. friends and i have no problem with them, I have a mind of my own and i was teached to respect everyone. There are a lot of young muslims who get tricked in doing bad things or hate people. Because some idiot is letting them believe that becoming a terrorist and killing yourself is in the quran but it s not. And there are also a lot of people who misinterpreted the quran.

for example most of those terrorist that blow thereselfs up come from countries in europe, they dont understand arabic and get tricked in a situation

another example the terrorists in Iraq or Palestina they do understand arabic and can read the Quran, but they do desperate things in a desperate situation

Watch and read different media, also arabic like al jazeera in english. You ll soon learn that everyone has a different view on every situation.
Be objective and don't judge what the media or articels in the newspaper are selling you. It's always those that never experienced violence that glorify it. Muslims are not aggressive or terrifiing or dangerous and sure we need to punish those who indulge themselfs in fundamentalistic ideas. Go and speak with differrent muslims, you ll find out they are human like all the rest of us.

We all want are kids to grow up in harmony and have a good and peacefull life.

I ll end this with Alykom Salaam, what means Peace be upon you, cause i m getting a bit tired (I'm in the ramadan: no drinking eating all day)
If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask.

peace guys
Hey chessmaster

Sorry if some of my comments offended you.

You are right, most Muslims are not violent terrorists

There are some muslims coming to Australia, that are genuine assylum seekers, and dont bother me.

For example the Hazara muslims from Afghanistan.

The Hazara people integrate with Australians quite well and behave decently.

The Hazara are welcome here  Very Happy

If only all our Muslim immigrants were like them, we would have little to complain about.




hey there,

There good people and bad people, and even this is still a gray zone.. I try not to think in segration or blocks, everyone is human
tell me more about the hazara never heard of them, are they a tribe of somekind in afghanistan

PS you are a modmaker i m i correct?


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Rep: 26

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:13 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Please forgive me in advance.   I haven't been reading the forum for the past 2 maybe 3 months.  And i don't have time now.

Why?  gtg to work soon etc.  And the elections are tomorrow.  I am Canadian.

On a clear day i can see across Lake Ontario at a smoke Stack on U.S. soil.  I get most of the same channels as U.S. t.v. watchings can & radio.

Heard one fellow say,  Obama 'allows' some t.v. promos to attack Rumney that are underhanded/unAmerican.

And another said, that Obama is the most anti-bible pres. ever.*

If so.. then what you have is a 'Wolf' in American clothing.  :P

He looks good but really isn't.

Anyway, America needs a change.

The Pres. who promised change Shortchanged everyone.

And it usually takes 8 yrs. to really effectively place 'real' change into 'something'.

God help 'us' all.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:34 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Whoever said those things is full of bullshit.  Obama has done nothing to warrant the anti-bible label or be called "un-American" just for being critical of Romney.

Colin Powell is a Republican that served as Secretary of State for President Bush.  Powell endorsed Obama along with New York Mayor Bloomberg.  Obama has to be doing something right to get so many high profile endorsements by Republicans.

First of all Congress makes laws not the President.  The Supreme Court decided the abortion right to choose law over 40 years ago, not the President and not even Congress.  So all these Partisan Conservative activists are making up a bunch of bullshit lies about Obama to gin-up their fans.  So when you say you got Shortchanged keep in mind it is Congress that has to make change, not the President.

The only power an American President has is Command of Military Forces, the power to veto or approve laws from Congress, foreign policy and nominating Supreme Court justices.  God help us all if Romney wins.  Guaranteed there will be at least one probably multiple new wars.

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Rep: 26

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:39 am Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote


I think Obama Care will mix up alot more than one would think.

What about the Czars?

And last, Obama (and now i suppose Congress) have approved a billion in aid to some Mid East nation.  <<< Sorry!  I am vague on the details.  But what i do remember is the comment about the above was... "This will come back and bite us on the... "

Hey!  I hope all the safe guards stay in place!  Smile like you say.  :D

Thanks for your comments.
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Rep: 26

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:11 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Just watched "RECOUNT" with Kevin Spacey starring.

About the 2000 election and the ballot counting/miscounts that happened in Florida.

Really good film.  And how about that for timing! (1st time seeing it) (starting watching last nite and finished this morn. of 2012 Election Day).

Another interesting coincident ~ Start of the Great Depression was Oct. 29th 1929.  Hurricane Sandy hit shore on Oct. 30th 83 yrs. later.

Anyone seen the trajectory of Sandy's path up along side of the coast of the U.S.?

Looked like someOne kicked it 90 degrees off the normal hurricanes trail.


Ok.. so even the name Sandy is interesting.  A wise person once said,  "He who builds his House (nation etc.) on sound advice (My Saying(s) is wise but he who builds his house on 'sandy' soil is foolish."

Someone asked me why i beilieve in God.  I said, He is there and since i started asking (praying) i get those answered.  (Not all the way i'd like Wink  

They said, that is just coincident.  

Yeah?  Funny how the coincidences stop.. when i stop (asking).

Enjoy! gents!  

The wise... still seek Him.  :D

"He Who is in secret sees will answer 'openly' to those who pray (in secret)."  :)

*Remember, if there is something between you and He ~ He will point that out first b4 your answer is given.  Listen well.  Smile
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Rep: 8.7

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:14 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

whos side was god on during wwii?
both my grandads survived so it mustv bn th allies
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Rep: 26

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:40 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

Very Happy No doubt!


Not so much who side God is on ~ cuz we know He is perfect in GOODness & no Darkness (evil) at all - is in Him.... sooooooooooo !

It's ~ who is on God's side.   Hitler... or  Smile  YOU!  < That is the ? QUEST... ion.  Very Happy
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:04 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

President Obama was re-elected with a sizeable margin, 2% edge in popular vote and over 100 electoral votes.  Some would say that is not even close, Obama won easily.

@MF Church - stop listening to those hate Conservative partisan talk radio shows spewing lies and misinformation.  It was actually President Reagan, not Obama, that implemented the "Czar" program.  So those Partisans should shut up already and look up the info for themselves if they have a half a brain.  Both parties give foreign aid to Mid-East for decades too and it only accounts for a token amount of our spending.  Most of America's spending is on Defense....more than the rest of the world militaries combined.

Fortunately Romney lost so we won't be spending an additional $1 Trillion in Defense as he proposed.

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Rep: 99.7
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:45 pm Post subject: Re: Heated political/religious discussions Reply with quote

What will Trump do now? No reason for Obama to show his ID anymore.
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