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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 56.2
votes: 25

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:51 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

The 00:00 bug is still in WAR as well.

I've learned to just accept the truce when playing the AI as soon as he offers it.

1)Game doesn't crash.
2) it makes the game more playable as I cant take the map as easily.
3)Leaves more BG's on the Strategic Map for the AI,otherwise they just don't spawn fast enough.

Great to hear your moving along well with your Mod,hopefully someday I can play it on WAR?
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:20 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to Platoon Michaels: about truce I know that I can use it but not always is possible do it. For sure I’m not a good player because sometime, especially if I assault a map on open ground, at the end of time the IA morale is too high to accept a truce.
I have always played only in single player and I must say that TLD IA, even if it’s far to be perfect, has two very good characteristics: the sleeping IA (like in CC5) is drastically diminished, and now the IA really reply to fire (very, very important): not a sporadic reply like in CC5, but a continued suppression fire and not only in defensive positions, but also when IA advance and then receive fire from me: often it halted and reply to fire seriously.
About WAR: Yes, you will be able to play Kharkov mod with it. I have created a launch link for it, and I have tested that the mod works (no real tests done here, just the certainty that battles, ops and campaigns work). The only difference with TLD version is that for WAR I don’t have touched the exe: you will see a “not esthetic” main screen (only four buttons in the classical positions) and a major distance between commanders names and commanders photos in battlegroup screen.

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Rep: 14.9

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:54 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

that will be great!!!  Wonderful that you are going to release your v1.2 work. Very Happy
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:20 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

A small update about "Allies/Axis surprised (on moves on turn 1)" options: I have tested that they work normally also in others campaign and operations (so not only in Gerand Campaign) if they started the first turn of the first day. Turn 1 it's literally turn 1: the first turn of the first day, so, for example, the first turn of an operation that doesn’t start the first day will not be covered by these options (when activated).
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:59 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

An update about "retreat on rout option": it works also in others campaigns and operations (so not only in grand campaign). The problem was that often for tests I have used only one team (letting IA destroy it), but according to the manual if a battlegroup loses every team it disbands (no retrat). The confusion has generated by the fact that this rule (about all units destroyed) in the game works sometime yes, sometime not (sometime BG retreats, sometime BG disbands). And to be honest in Grand Campaign (in my tests) always it retreats in every possible occasion (it never disbands).
Maybe, in these situations, in less than one second the engine decide what has happened: firstly morale low than all units destroyed = retrat on rout; firstly all units destroyed = disband. It's only a conjecture. About roads in my tests I controlled all of them so sure this was not the problem (and I had many free maps for the retreat).

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Rep: 70.1
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:00 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Your updates are much appreciated.

Thank you
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Rep: 14.2
votes: 9

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:27 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Great work, can't wait to play this.

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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:34 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

A hint about data files for who wants modding TLD and a thank to DoktorPaj for his suggestion about the fact that wrong crew/soldier number can cause chronometer bug (these two things are linked).
During first steps of this work I have discovered that TLD needs a minimum number of entries in data files: I knew about the maximum limit (it was present also in CC5) but I don’t knew about the existence of a minimum number: under this minimum number there are constant crash starting the game. Moreover, this number was not so minimum: if I remember well the data file involved was vehicles.txt and it contained 70-80 vehicles entries (not few). After have discovered this problem, I have taken the decision to upgrade every data file that was under original TLD number of entries at least to the number of entries of the original data files. I have done it using always a data entry casually chosen (always a “FREE” entry), copying and pasting it many times (and of course adjourning class column).
I have done this kind of work long before final check work, but in the final check work I have ignored these “fictional” data entries. Well, in the alsteams file these fictional teams (100 identical entries) had the wrong number of crew towards vehicles file: after have corrected them I have played 6 battles consecutively (some of them inside campaigns/operations) without chronometer bug when the battle time limit was reached. DoktorPaj was right: thanks to him! (even if all teams really used in the mod were without this problem, without his post probably I would not check data files again).
Of course I can’t be sure to have definitively eliminated chronometer bug in my mod, but now the situation it’s for sure very, very better.

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Rep: 37.5
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:42 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Drizzt, thank you for taking the care and time to discover and remedy the bug you found.  Its good to know that Karkov is being built with dedication by you.
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Rep: 28.4

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:47 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Looking forward to playing this!

Thank you for all your work with this!
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Rep: 87.3
votes: 16

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:38 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Hi Drizzt,

A hint about data files for who wants modding TLD and a thank to DoktorPaj for his suggestion about the fact that wrong crew/soldier number can cause chronometer bug (these two things are linked).

unfortunately 00:00 will stay even if all the data is correct so we just have to live with it.
good data only helps to save results during crash, same was in CC5.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:01 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to Dima: ok, thanks for the info. Anyway I was not sure to have eliminated it, but it seems that with more correct data the possibilities to have the chronometer bug decrease (or you think not?).

Mod update
Last week I have completed the final upgrade of the mod: after have seen that nobody has never included the .exe file in TLD/War mods, I have reworked some mod files to not include it me too. I have downsized main screen buttons to reach a shapely view towards the writing painted in mainscreen file, than I have reworked battlegroup screen to upgrade it to TLD version (25 teams in forcepools) and I have resized commander photo to TLD 128x55 new size. Finally I have added some teams to battlegroups: now 21 german BGs and 2 russian Bgs have more than 20 teams in their forcepools.
The mod is ready and in this additional time it has received only a polishing work: when I will be able to upload you all will be able to play/test it.

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Rep: 87.3
votes: 16

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:23 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to Dima: ok, thanks for the info. Anyway I was not sure to have eliminated it, but it seems that with more correct data the possibilities to have the chronometer bug decrease (or you think not?).

yes, I have been having such a feeling from CC5 Smile
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Rep: 14.2
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:53 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Thanks for this Drizzt.

I hope we can play this mod very soon.

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Rep: 28.4

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:25 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

I just saw the first screenshots, and it looks great!
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Rep: 155.2
votes: 14

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:04 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Drizzt wrote (View Post):
`The mod is ready and in this additional time it has received only a polishing work: when I will be able to upload you all will be able to play/test it.


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Rep: 0.3

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:56 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Hi Drizzt

thx for your mod.
I installed it but it crashes at the start with that already found out problem "Invalid number of entries in Data/Base/Vehicles"
Would you have any solution for me ?

ps : I know it's the CC5 forum, but I downloaded your mod from the Wach am Rhein (CC4) subsection ... could that cause a problem ?
pps : Market Garden and Utah mods are also installed (and work fine) ... could that cause a conflict ?

Best regards,
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Rep: 121
votes: 9

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:40 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Hi Starbuck11, this is not the CC5 forum: this topic has been moved (by Mooxe) months ago into the new TLD Kharkov mod forum (TLD = The Longest Day, the re-release of CC5).
Wacht am Rhein it's not CC4, it's the re-release of CC4.

So, I have a question for you: which close combat have you?

Anyway, Kharkov mod is available for:

Close Combat the longest day (TLD): if you have it, this is best option. Link to the download page: http://www.closecombatseries.net/CCS/modules.php?name=Downloads&op=getit&lid=4212
Close Combat Wacht Am Rheim (WAR): if you have it and CC5, but not TLD, this is your best option: the only difference with TLD version it's that in WAR version there aren't the commanders photos. Link to the Download page: http://www.closecombatseries.net/CCS/modules.php?name=Downloads&cid=347
Close Combat Invasion Normandy (CC5): if you have it, but not TLD or WAR, this is your option. See Kharkov v 1.2 download topic into CC5 Kharkov forum: you can download the mod from there. The CC5 version it's like a "beta" (it's not a beta because it should be very, very stable, the only thing is that I am the only person that have tested it a little bit, for now). There is only a manual installation for now: follow the instructions in the "Install Instructions.txt" file. Link to the (forum) download page: http://www.closecombatseries.net/CCS/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=10265
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Rep: 0.3

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:35 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

thx for the quick reply

I only have Wacht am Rhein atm and did the download from that source http://www.closecombatseries.net/CCS/modules.php?name=Downloads&cid=347
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Rep: 121
votes: 9

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:54 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Ok, try to uninstall kharkov mod and to re-install it.
It can be also the WAR installation the problem: try to unistall all (WAR and the WAR mods; than delete all WAR related folders remained, if any, and even if empty) and reinstall all .  
The fact is that the error you have reported it's a classic installation problem (that I don't have), and, considering the mod-foldered nauture of WAR mods, conflicts between mods are nearly impossible. So I can only suggest to you the uninstall-reinstall solution. I hope you will resolve the problem (if you will not resolve, try to post more details about the error).


p.s. to be honest, it can sounds like an installation problem as I have said, but also like a "manual interaction" with the vehicles.txt file: have you opened/modified it? Anyway reinstalling the mod the problem will be resolved also in this case.

Last edited by Drizzt on Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:00 am; edited 2 times in total
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