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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:18 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi John Silver, don’t worry it can happens. I’m glad that all works fine and to check the .rar files has been a matter of only one minute.
Some tank brigades are more weak than others because they have a balanced number of light and medium/heavy tanks. Some other tank brigades have more medium/heavy tanks than light tanks, and the two strong guards tank brigades are to a very similar level of german panzer battlegroups.
Anyway, there is a main difference between german light tanks and russian light tanks: almost all russian light tanks have a 45mm tank gun (40mm Valentine tank) so they can be a threat against every german tank, but they remain of course weak considering their armor: this fact means that some russian tank brigades need a different battlefield approach (more careful) against german panzer battlegroups.

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:57 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi Drizzt,

Something have noticed regarding especially the Matilda's.. They are seemingly better than T34's for some reason vs, like Pz3's, including the J1's and H's and don't think it really should be? Not complaining, as 1 unit in particular that has many of them has few T34's and have begun using those Matilda's extensively now vs the German tanks.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:41 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

About Matilda tank technical aspects I can’t use the word “perfect” because I don’t had a Stalingrad mod comparison at my disposal, anyway working on it I had interlocked the info of two CC5 mods with web info that I had found: the final result should be good.
About my feeling with Matilda tanks I have found them more weak than T-34 because I have lost them more quickly. Chuguev map is a wrecks desert: 13rd tank brigade now use artillery guns instead tanks against a german panzer Bg that has lost half of its tanks and 2/3 of its vehicles (on Chuguev map there are the same Bgs from May 12).
Another thing about Matilda tank: recently I have corrected its (graphic) turret position and rotation for v 2.2.

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:04 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

The Matildas it seems so far do turn and move faster than the T34. that must be what your 2.2 has fixed. The gun have also noticed has the "green kill circle" on aiming shots. I will check sometimes, even when don't target tanks to see if the guns have a decent kill shot. The 40mm 2lbd'er seems to have a better chance, even at longer range on frontal shots at the fore mentioned J1's and 3H's, if only because the reload time seems faster.

Just thought would mention this.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:00 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Thanks for reporting: the main tank gun come from Der Kessel mod comparison (Valentine and Matilda tanks have the same tank gun), anyway I will take a look to all the things you have mentioned.

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:30 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi Drizzit,

Not attempting to get you yourself to reinvent the wheel here on your excellent mod here. Many of the AI players probably wouldn't have tinkered with the 3.7 Pak enough  to figure it out earlier and i enjoy playing around with obsolete equipment anyway sometimes, for instance those matilda's and especially the T60's and Pz1 and 2's when was using the germans, so find weird things like that.. It happens and will stop posting them here even if you wish.

FWIW? I have had a couple of T60's make it to nearly 100 infantry kills so far and DID have a Pz2 that made it that far before was finally destroyed while playing the germans. Still have a surviving T60 with 68 Infantry kills, 4 medals that includes 3 for the main 20mm gunner.

I consider THAT Cavalry unit attached to, with all the BA10's, 60+ Cavalry units 10T34's the best overall russian unit. Weird huh?
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:05 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Don’t worry, no problem for me. In mod data I have checked Matilda and T-34 speed and acceleration: about speed T-34 is rightly faster; instead, about acceleration I had set it identical for both: maybe I can decrease Matilda acceleration.

About tank guns, always in mod data, I have verified that T-34 tank gun it’s really more powerful than 2 pounder tank gun, and also its range is really better. Only HE shells have a similar power (both rightly weak about mm penetration), but AP shells (that against tanks are the main shells) are really different (in favour of T-34).

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:12 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

I have tried another time just to be sure (sometime programmers codify some settings despite users settings but seems not in this case): just because I don’t have set different number of units in forcepools difficulty level, also in the game consequently this thing doesn’t happen (no different number of units with different difficulty levels).

Hi Drizzt,

Got another one.

Possibly leave an option, as Selhexe does with his various mods by making forcepool changes possible by changing number of units available in Veteran/Green/line etc.. Seems they are the same in that post if I understand it right and as of nearly completing the 15th as the Russians? Have managed to encircle/destroy enough German units to cut off enough of them to make sure they are hurting and out of fuel when they come back, or are in weak shape by now and it will be some time before the reinforcements for them arrive.

Yes.. There is 1 of the german units running around behind lines, but the armor is lacking on even the 2 strongest German armored divisions. Possibly making the skill level "active" is a help? I do not know how to go about that, my use of some of the data is not that high, unless it's posted here, or am pointed to the required tools.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:44 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi John Silver, in the quote of your last post I have realized that I had forgotten a key word to understand the real sense of my quoted phrase: "I have tried TO VERIFY another time etc etc.". I know exactly how to obtain different number of teams in different difficulty levels: don't do it it's my choice. Having said this, if Salexe have will to do this kind of work (and you want use it) for me of course it's totally ok, but personally I will not change my decision about fixed forcepools.

About "skill level active" I don't undestand what you refer (I'm sorry), and to be honest I'm not sure to have fully understood the general sense of that phrase ("armor is lacking on even"... you mean their number? You mean a constant decrease of the number of tanks in the two panzer division you have mentioned?).

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:46 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi Drizzt,

The veteran/line/recruit adjusts number of units on the map for battle groups is what I was describing. IOW? A BG would have far less units available if set at "veteran" than say at "green".

have this one over on the 16th for all practical purposes. Going to wait and see if Germans can push back russians any with the reinforcements that will arrive in 2 more turns, but don't see any hope of it. Most of the german BG's have been hard hit, much worse than the Russian ones in campaign here.

Finally took a hard look at the weapons.txt and reminded me that the 2.8cm "squeeze bore" gun on some half tracks for the german wouldn't even fire on anything light tank wise for myself, short of BA-10 and 20 AC's.

The 10.5cm and up heavy artillery is nasty for both sides with those not requiring a direct LOS. If target a "general fire area" and have an LOS with one? They still fire wide patterns, it's only if they have a target and a direct LOS do those heavy guns fire a narrow pattern it seems. Tried that multiple times to confirm and with ML-20 and ML-30 guns up to "Experienced" in experience.
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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:59 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Last issue think on this campaign Drizzt.

Had the no FP crash for the Germans, that is a nasty bug have found on a few other mods. Some others have suggested going back to the start of the previous day in a campaign and starting it from that point, but I have had mixed results with that tactic. Generally restarting is the only way to get rid of it for good.

Have had several CTD's near the end of scenarios and it *was* on maps littered with wrecks.

The no force pool error was for the 191/71st German and occurred on the 18th at 3pm, was pretty much playing on many of the same maps for the last couple of days when new units arrived, except for several German units that were roaming behind the lines and was chasing down, but there were 15+ wrecks and literally hundreds of mortar holes on some of the maps was having crash issues with before the no FP bug.

FWIW, my WAR is patched to the latest and playing this campaign was a royal blast from both sides.. A job very well done and hope that one day again you take on another project akin to this Smile
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:24 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi John Silver,

About difficulty level I understand your point of view that it’s probably the point of view of the users majority, but I will not change my decision because seems to me to “cheat” towards the “historical balance” that I have created.

About 2.8cm AT gun: it’s a weak gun so it’s normal that it has many black targets. I’m not sure what you have reported about it: you mean that it never shots when used by IA? Or that it shots too much and hopeless against medium/heavy tanks? Or something different?

About artillery guns indirect fire: it’s a game limitation; we can’t use the precision of a direct fire when arty guns have a clear shot so a modder must do a choice. Personally, as “experiment”, I have set direct fire for the secondary shells, but I have seen that the game engine don’t change the kind of shells in the game and it uses the secondary shells (with direct fire) only after have depleted the indirect fire shells.

Old wrecks CTD: I hoped that it had been fixed… I don’t have it in Chuguev map in my campaign (this map it’s full of wrecks, I’m on 17th may). The bug occurred because  game engine try to place wrecks at random from previous battle results, but more wrecks are on the terrain, more possibilities exist that it try to place them in a map point where there is already a wreck and this is the why the game crashes. Anyway the wrecks bug it’s not a constant crash bug.

Forcepools bug: I’m really disappointed about the existence of this kind of bug because I have never seen it in past: of course a BG with empty forcepool should fight with its last starting teams remained and after this it must be considered destroyed (it must return no more).  Some questions:
Why are you sure that it’s a bug about empty forcepools? You have an error message?
Seems to me to understand that you have resolved using a previous save game file: have you have encountered no more BGs with empty forcepools after have continued with the previous savegame file?
Last thing: you speak about other mods, but the dynamics of this bug it’s more similar to an original game bug: have you ever encountered BGs with empty forcepools in org TLD (and other CC org game)?
I also suspect that can be a “mathematic issue” bug during the game engine calculation of number of teams lost in forcepools after that a BG is forced to disband in relation with the number 0 already present in many/all forcepools teams (due to the various battles that have depleted the BG).

About future projects: yes, I’m working on an improved version of one of my favourites CC5 mods. I mean that I’m porting it to TLD and fixing/improving various (usually minor) issues about Data, graphic etc. Moreover, Campaign and Ops will be not identical thanks to the new possibilities that TLD game engine offers. Anyway, when will be ready, I don’t know if I will be able to release it: it will depend to the mod author and I have never contacted him in past (and I don’t see his posts here from a long time).

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:21 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Why are you sure that it’s a bug about empty forcepools? You have an error message?

Hi Drizzt,

It's a bug that when you click on a unit, like on the strat map, it shows the opposing unit as having no forces available to oppose you in the forthcoming battle. It always crashes the game. Not wanting to be negative about anyone here who ever put the time into a campaign/mod, but the only one ever had an issue with, was a mod for WAR (not by Platoon Michael, nor TT's) that was not for prior patch of WAR and it had this happen a LOT, the Nomada FF version that was fairly good otherwise.

For what it's worth? The other way forgot to sometimes get around this crazy bug and sometimes works and also DID this time? Exit the game.. Clean out everything.. Let it sit overnight (sounds crazy).. Boot cold.. Go back and just hope the particular unit isn't on the map and the map where the particular unit "was" shows up with the "battle already fought" icon, which generally means that in this case the 191/71st is history.. I hope and isn't going to become a ghost division...

After trying.. And trying...And TRYING to complete FF's campaign so many times over the course of months a few years back? I fought to find ways around that bug. The ones have been listin above are all ones ran into, as well as things tried, but this is the only 2 have seen it in Drizzt. What causes it? I dunno. i actually contacted Nomada about it and he told me (finally) that he wasn't interested in CC anymore, not going to do anything about it and that it was all patch related after he dug into it some.

Hope this helps, rather than gives you headaches.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:25 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Thanks for the full info John Silver. I have checked forcepools and BGs  data files: all seems perfect so I hope that the BG will not become a ghost division (let me know what will happens: ghost divisions normally mean errors in data settings).

There is a thing that is not clear: it happens when you click on a unit in stratmap? But in this case it's a secondary thing: the real problem is if it crashes when it's the time to fight with the BG involved.
Anyway, I need more info: can you attach the savegame file involved in one of you post?

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:57 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

There is a thing that is not clear: it happens when you click on a unit in stratmap? But in this case it's a secondary thing: the real problem is if it crashes when it's the time to fight with the BG involved.

As someone (me) who has seen this no forcepool error before? Yes, it definitely will. As soon as I hit "execute", finished my 1st battle,, went to the next and saw a division, or BG that thought was long gone on the map as an opponent? I immediately clicked that group, saw it had -0- units in it's force poop (the fore mentioned 191/71st) and didn't go any further, but exited the game and started my usual ways to 'fix" the campaign rather than play that next scenario, which would crash the game and campaign from prior experience with that type of bug on the old Nomada campaign.

After my explained ways of cleaning (clean out everything, files, other saves except 2 previous etc.. Cold boot hours later) that SAME save showed the exact same map WITHOUT the 191/71st even ON the strat map AND the "battle finished" ICON. I truly, truly think this is one of the funkiest bugs/things have ever encountered in a game in my 30 years of playing games on computers.

As for the save? Yeah. I still have it you want it, No problem, will describe map and all for sure. Offered before to send any if it will help and even play the thing again, it was a blast.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:06 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Ok John Silver, now I have fully understood what has happened. If you have resolved using the same savegame file I don't need the savegame file, and just because you have used the same savegame file I'm enough sure that it's not a mod problem: data setting problems will never resolve by themself, even more so in the same savegame file.  
Speaking about pure conjecture: I can suppose that many savegame files have.. "mess up what the game engine remembers about previous turns and/or mixed the provisional memory about them" (sorry for this strange definition: I hope it's anyway clear what I want to say). I remember a bug due to the high number of savegame files in CC5. Anyway it's only a conjecture.

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:00 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

data setting problems will never resolve by themself, even more so in the same savegame file.  

I know, that is what is so weird to me and confusing and I just can't understand what is going on with everything. HOW can something (a unit) just go *poof* like that in a save file that crashes a game like that in a file? This time, with you here willing to work with it it seems even I wish it would have stayed crashed, the last time it stayed crashed, and no offense to Nomada, who has moved on to other things, he just didn't want to fool around with it much anymore and of course have long since deleted those files and I was forced to try and figure out those other tactics described above to work around it.

I'll take a screenshot *if* it ever happens again with it and post it. Also? Think may have mentioned it to Michael here.. Not sure? he floats around this topic on occasion.

As for the high number of saves? Yes.. I save after every turn even and have heard that before. could be an issue, same with the high number of wrecks, damage to the maps which is a well known issue and was probably the reason on those later game playing as Russian CTD's, or am pretty certain. Last turn played I am SURE there was a 100 (or more) 12cm craters and 8-10 buildings destroyed by cannon fire, it was a total mess, plus tank hulks everywhere.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:37 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi to all, how works (in my mod) for you the red ring in map overview (it’s the red ring that identify map position in the small stratmap when you are on map screen)?
For Kharkov mod I have been obliged to correct every red ring map coordinates manually because in bed9 tool and paintshop pro coordinates seemed perfect, but in the game they were wrong of something like 20-25 pixel of length and 4-8 pixel of height. Very strange.. it seemed something like a 16:9 issue that affects only exclusively map overview coordinates (all others coordinates were perfect).
Now I have the same problem with the mod conversion I’m working on, so before to do another manual correction I’m curious how Kharkov red ring coordinates (that I have set) are visualized in other user monitors. Take as example only small maps, Kharkov city maps are probably the best to check (they are the more recognizable in the small stratmap): their red ring positions are right or wrong for you?

Of course, if someone knows a solution/explanation about the problem I have described I’m glad to hear it.

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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:22 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Modified suggestions for Kharkov mod Drizzt,

I'd like to see the slider where can make opposition from Vet/green change oppositional composition. 2nd time through as Germans, it has became more apparent that *1st* priority is to look and see if the Russian armored unit has a Katyusha on the map, and if so? Eliminate it at all costs. Once those are gone, the rest is not as bad.

The number of forces, historical as it is, for game balance.. If allowed to be adjusted via the slider vs the AI would give the Russians a much better chance, especially after all those reinforcements arrive on the 17th for the Germans.. My2c there, or at least 2x the 6-8 amount of Katyusha the AI has per some armored units, or stick 2 on the map per unit for the AI.

Am going to "go around again" and look for more, this is just one of those mods that thoroughly enjoy and rarely see. Don't take my comments the wrong way Drizzt.
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Rep: 23.5
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:31 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

just a few things....I like what I see so far good work thanks for making....

I noted that you have 122mm field gun with HT rounds pretty sure they did not have them!

and that its HE was a bit low not effective for it size!

to many large guns ..rockets and so on.

but very happy to see the Russian front ...


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