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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 53.1
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PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2015 8:45 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Dima wrote (View Post):
Tippi-Simo wrote (View Post):
Dima wrote (View Post):
Flaggellumdei wrote (View Post):
Anyone who dies trying to tell the truth is a hero. In Russia there are many heroes.

ok, there are 20 coffins of RA marines came from Debaltsevo area to Kaliningrad region - am I a hero?

Yes you are. You are the hero of all CCSers <3

haha mate, come to Kaliningrad again Smile
I've bought 2 new cars to drive you around Wink.

Offtopic, but yes, next Friday going to apply for a visa Very Happy

"Du talar dalig svenska, men du är bra i sängen"
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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:39 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Tippi-Simo wrote (View Post):
Dima wrote (View Post):
Tippi-Simo wrote (View Post):
Dima wrote (View Post):
Flaggellumdei wrote (View Post):
Anyone who dies trying to tell the truth is a hero. In Russia there are many heroes.

ok, there are 20 coffins of RA marines came from Debaltsevo area to Kaliningrad region - am I a hero?

Yes you are. You are the hero of all CCSers <3

haha mate, come to Kaliningrad again Smile
I've bought 2 new cars to drive you around Wink.

Offtopic, but yes, next Friday going to apply for a visa Very Happy

Let me know if you need an Invitation or any support Smile.
And let me know if you decide to come to Kaliningrad again Smile
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 6:14 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
Dima wrote (View Post):
The articles Dima cites also blames Germany and accuses them of trying to form a Fourth Reich, etc.  Completely pie in the sky.

haha, don't you see that's happening?! Who is the leader of the EU getting other around it?

Well the EU is totally dominated by Germany. Germany is part of the constant attacks upon Russia and legitimized the coup in the Ukraine.

This is rubbish.  I know a lot of Europeans are haters of Germany simply because they have strong involvement in EU.  Some Hungarian I work with says the same thing and blames Germany for problems in Greece.  It is not Germany's fault Greece has crap economy.  Germany leads EU for a very good reason, they have dominate economy, education and standard of living for its citizens.  Germany has developed the first large city that is 100% self-sufficient with renewable energy, totally off the grid with Solar and other sources.  20 years ago it had to absorb East Germany in shambles after Soviet Union withdrew and now they are dominating the economy in EU.  It has nothing to do with these allegations that they are attempting sinister 4th Reich and trying to secretly conspire with US against Russia.  That is total bullshit.  Germany spends only a tiny fraction of the Defence budgets of Russia or US.
They invest their $ into education and modern energy and infrastructure instead of corrupt Defence military-industrial complex.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:48 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

DJ - I don't think Germany is aiding USA either or anything to do with a 4th Reich. But one thing I do believe is that Germany does dominate the EU because of it's very strong economic and Industrial base. That's not a fault with Germany. It is however a fault with Democracy - two wolves and a lamb deciding what to eat for lunch. Germany is in a Economic Community but is just looking out for themselves forsaking all others - Greece, Italy Spain etc. Keeping in mind Germany was also helped bu Western Powers post WW2 while victim countries right throughout Europe were mostly forgotten.

EU will only ever benefit the big boys - Germany and France. One of the many reasons GB hasn't gone over to the Euro Dollar. Also why Turkey won't follow suit. Germany will get stronger off the backs of the weaker countries. Maybe Germany should pay back some of their war debts to countries as a sign of good will - it's over due.

Last edited by sod98 on Sat May 30, 2015 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 0.6

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:42 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

As a Briton I have never heard anyone suggest Germany conspires to do anything like the above.  I actually find the idea that Germany would want Russia to annexe Ukraine or even just Crimea preposterous.  From my seat I see Germany wanting nothing more than stability for the Eurozone area, an aggressive Russia next door would be the antithesis of this.

Far from hating on Germany I don't know any Europeans that has a negative view of them as a nation, my office well represented by Poles, a Czech, Austrians and not a few Yeoman Brits.

As for Germany dominating the Eurozone, well of course this is the case.  Germany with France represents the most populous and prosperous areas of that economic zone.  The disadvantage of an arrangement such as the Euro is that it will inevitably pull toward the main member counties as they effectively are reinforcing other smaller economies.  Greece was happy to suck up Euro's fro this economic block, they really can't get upset when they get called on pissing it up the wall.  I still think that the best thing the EU could do is cut Greece loose as a warning to other nations against defaulting their agreements and responsibilities.  To be fair to Greece though they are at least towing the line now so we shall see.  Angela Merkel is the sort of leader that would/could do such a thing but it shows the belief and not a little benevolence that this has not happened.

Anyway how does a discussion on Russian belligerence get on to EU/German economics, unless we are suggesting that Vladimir will annexe that to prop up Russia's failing economy.  Shocked
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 12:33 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

 Greece was happy to suck up Euro's fro this economic block, they really can't get upset when they get called on pissing it up the wall.  I still think that the best thing the EU could do is cut Greece loose as a warning to other nations against defaulting their agreements and responsibilities.  To be fair to Greece though they are at least towing the line now so we shall see.  Angela Merkel is the sort of leader that would/could do such a thing but it shows the belief and not a little benevolence that this has not happened.

Anyway how does a discussion on Russian belligerence get on to EU/German economics, unless we are suggesting that Vladimir will annexe that to prop up Russia's failing economy.  Shocked[/quote]

Well not sure where this conspiracy theory of yours comes from.

Far from Greece sucking up Euro's - GB was one of the countries at the end of WW2 to reinstall the pro Nazi dictator from the war back into power in Greece. That was the start of the many years of corruption in Govt office. Just like many other countries post WW2 - Italy being another. Former fascist henchmen given respectable jobs post WW2. Angela Merkel only has the interest of her own country and rightly so. But Germany should be one of the last countries to talk about debt when their war time debt has been overlooked and it's not as though Greece failed to ask for the repayt of it til now either. It certainly isn't my opinion Germany hates Russia more or less than any other country particularly after USA was caught spying on their Allied Germany and Merkel.

I guess the discussion changed when people failed to understand the many the times broken western agreements with Russia today and former USSR - Glasnost and Perestroika. They ignorantly posted rants based on bias and paranoia ( scared ) of Russia. Once again another naive and gullible posting about a countries economy that is laughable. While Russia's GDP is low it's Foreign debt is only 23pc 31 Mar 2014. However we will use GB as an example for you - foreign debt 406pc of GDP at the same time period. Living far beyond their means as their debt is worse than many 3rd world countries in real terms. Too many people are caught up in media propaganda - normally the weak and feeble minded and you are one. Russia's economy is no more failed than GB's is strong.

If you haven't heard your Govt's reservations about the EU I simply don't know what cave you have been hiding in sorry. As far as conspiracy theories, it's called facts but guess if you haven't heard or seen the truth for a while you might not know what it looks like. Even France is thinking of pulling out of the EU as they see Germany becoming stronger while others weaken. Globalisation is another failed concept that only favours the strong like Multinational Corporations as an example.

Please do your home work next time so you don't embarrass yourself further with school boy rants.

ps. don't use Wiki either - Hope that helped you somewhat.
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Rep: 24.2
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 4:53 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Putin Poison


Close Combat's most infamous SOB
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:44 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

US_Brake wrote (View Post):
Putin Poison


False flags, the speciality of the CIA. Nemtsov for example, was a complete nobody in Russia. So Putin would have this guy killed right on the Kreml doorstep, yeah right.

Not saying Russia is a princess, but compared to NATO/US, which have been involved into so much anti-Russian propaganda since Ukraine (the spontaneous 'revolution' was a 5 billion $ project by Victoria 'F* the EU' Nuland/McCain and Pyatt by the way), that your eyes should see be able to see the light by now. In Russia they recognize their propaganda, in the West we actually believe ours, a quote I agree with.
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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:16 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Btw this week my company was awarded with the "Gold Mercury" as the best small/medium sized industrial exporter in Russia.
The most independent and valuable prize for the Russian small/medium sized company Smile.
https://www.facebook.com/FisheringService/photos/pcb.879105155488289/879103502155121/?type=1&theater - me with the prize Smile.

Funny thing is that alot of other nominees we saying WE WON BECAUSE OF THE SANCTIONS hehe.
So that's the first time since long the Russians are mainly united against the "enemy"...funny IMO Smile.

But hate us as long as you fear us Smile.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:54 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

US_Brake wrote (View Post):
Putin Poison


Once again no proof just conjecture and finger pointing. A bit like when the US accused Saddam of having WMD's in Iraq, Assad govt use of Sarin gas and the Nth Korean leader had executed his girl friend - all lies as time showed.

Can you show us real evidence and not crack pot journalism like the above examples.
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:55 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

I'm Dutch, and I'm supposed to hate you Russians because your country 'supposedly' killed 193 of my fellow countrymen in the MH-17 downing. Accidentally, my interest in this very topic (fueled by the fact I flew back from my first holiday to Russia 4 days earlier), has made me realize the overwhelming amount of propaganda which we are served here in the West on a daily basis (something which we so happily accuse the rest of the world of). The inprobable amount of 'facts' and allegations hurdled at me in the first few hours after the crash let me dive into the rabbit hole. Still digging every day.

Turns out that it is near impossible to escape the narrative of the US and NATO views and interests, and the strict selection of news topics, and general framing and blaming that come with it, things which are unquestioned and funneled to the public by the mainstream 'free' media. And to my surprise, non-Western media cover a much broader range of topics and different point of views than my country's, things I associate with the notion of "press freedom". I have been far too ignorant for too long, I ashamedly confess.

Congrats on your prize though! Holland's business suffers a lot by the BS sanctions we helped to implement, but good to see at least someone is profiting Wink.
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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:08 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

I'm Dutch, and I'm supposed to hate you Russians because your country 'supposedly' killed 193 of my fellow countrymen in the MH-17 downing. Accidentally, my interest in this very topic (fueled by the fact I flew back from my first holiday to Russia 4 days earlier), has made me realize the overwhelming amount of propaganda which we are served here in the West on a daily basis (something which we so happily accuse the rest of the world of). The inprobable amount of 'facts' and allegations hurdled at me in the first few hours after the crash let me dive into the rabbit hole. Still digging every day.

Turns out that it is near impossible to escape the narrative of the US and NATO views and interests, and the strict selection of news topics, and general framing and blaming that come with it, things which are unquestioned and funneled to the public by the mainstream 'free' media. And to my surprise, non-Western media cover a much broader range of topics and different point of views than my country's, things I associate with the notion of "press freedom". I have been far too ignorant for too long, I ashamedly confess.

we got to live in this World but interesting is that even the guys who hated Mr.Pu so much before here started to defend his actions during last year Smile.

Congrats on your prize though! Holland's business suffers a lot by the BS sanctions we helped to implement, but good to see at least someone is profiting Wink.

I work with the Dutch companies as well, today we have shipped a new gear to Ijmuiden for the P&P fishing company (the largest in the EU) Smile
and on Monday I will collect the goods in Ijmuiden to be imported to Russia 3 days after Smile.
that's the way it is...
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:29 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Dima wrote (View Post):

Congrats on your prize though! Holland's business suffers a lot by the BS sanctions we helped to implement, but good to see at least someone is profiting Wink.

I work with the Dutch companies as well, today we have shipped a new gear to Ijmuiden for the P&P fishing company (the largest in the EU) Smile
and on Monday I will collect the goods in Ijmuiden to be imported to Russia 3 days after Smile.
that's the way it is...

Have to admit that the Dutch are masters at keeping good relations with everybody, friends and enemies alike, as long as there is profit to be had. Better ship fish to evil Russia than cluster bombs to 'friendly' Saudi Arabia, me thinks.  Question
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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:41 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

kweniston wrote (View Post):
Dima wrote (View Post):

Congrats on your prize though! Holland's business suffers a lot by the BS sanctions we helped to implement, but good to see at least someone is profiting Wink.

I work with the Dutch companies as well, today we have shipped a new gear to Ijmuiden for the P&P fishing company (the largest in the EU) Smile
and on Monday I will collect the goods in Ijmuiden to be imported to Russia 3 days after Smile.
that's the way it is...

Have to admit that the Dutch are masters at keeping good relations with everybody, friends and enemies alike, as long as there is profit to be had. Better ship fish to evil Russia than cluster bombs to 'friendly' Saudi Arabia, me thinks.  Question

maybe because the businessmen in Holland know that Russia is not the enemy?
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Rep: 308.9
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:43 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

kweniston wrote (View Post):
Have to admit that the Dutch are masters at keeping good relations with everybody, friends and enemies alike, as long as there is profit to be had.

Perhaps, but isn't most of Holland below sea level?

A few bunker buster bombs here and there, and Holland becomes part of the North Sea.
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:25 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Stwa wrote (View Post):
kweniston wrote (View Post):
Have to admit that the Dutch are masters at keeping good relations with everybody, friends and enemies alike, as long as there is profit to be had.

Perhaps, but isn't most of Holland below sea level?

A few bunker buster bombs here and there, and Holland becomes part of the North Sea.

Very well possible, but then you would lose the Dutch' knowledge of how to keep the water out... which is expertise that is quite appreciated in some western countries nowadays, or so I've read Wink.

Also, being the European delta and entry port (Rhine/Meuse), it would maybe not be wise to bomb the country to pieces. But hey, if you convince John McCain, he could arrange it for you, np. Smile
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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 12:00 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Stwa wrote (View Post):
kweniston wrote (View Post):
Have to admit that the Dutch are masters at keeping good relations with everybody, friends and enemies alike, as long as there is profit to be had.

Perhaps, but isn't most of Holland below sea level?

A few bunker buster bombs here and there, and Holland becomes part of the North Sea.

Putin's daughter lives in Holland so it's immune to the Russian strikes Wink.
Or do you mean that the US will bomb the Dutch dams?
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Rep: 195
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 8:38 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

The Russians already fucked their economy up for 70 years after WWII will they be stupid enough to do it again... I say yes.
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:54 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

schrecken wrote (View Post):
The Russians already fucked their economy up for 70 years after WWII will they be stupid enough to do it again... I say yes.

For sure, but the US already has a centrally planned economy as well... Not much learned. And the day that US' economical statistics are no longer manipulated upwards (and 'seasonally adjusted', lol), we will recognize the dire state of the US economy. Would hate to have dollar holdings by that time.

Every empire has a beginning and an end, imho the US is in the end of the beginning of the end (since 1971). Power is noticably shifting eastwards. Lot of changes coming for us all, let's hope it will not result in WWIII.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:46 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

For sure, but the US already has a centrally planned economy as well... Not much learned. And the day that US' economical statistics are no longer manipulated upwards (and 'seasonally adjusted', lol), we will recognize the dire state of the US economy. Would hate to have dollar holdings by that time.

US economy is already in the toilet. In real terms their Foreign debt is 106pc of their GDP. Although not at 3rd world rates of debt, it's catching fast. Compare that debt to Russia who has a much smaller GDP. But Russia's Foreign debt is just 23pc of their GDP. Put that in terms of household debt. If you owe more than you earn and over many years. At some time comes the bust. US already pays the lowest possible amount of interest for hold off default repayts,  hyper inflation and run away debt. USA can't keep living beyond their means and keep printing cash that only creates a false economy. Just too many are too scared to admit the truth before them.
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