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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 0.5

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:27 am Post subject: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

I'm playing as the Americans, around the 22nd day and I'm getting tired of being steamrollered by the endless wave of Panther tanks.  I'm really not sure how to reliably take them out.  

At close range, they kill me, at long range, they kill me faster.  Neither medium or light AT guns work against them (even from the rear).  My tanks do not work against them (I even feel like they're more of a liabilty sometimes with the pathfinding), my tank killers only work some of the time and air power/artillery is totally ineffective.  I find that bazookas and infantry units are the most effective because they can fire and move but bazookas only come with 4 shots apiece and a miserable range (though this does seem rectified in CCV).  

What tactics am I supposed to be using if not shooting the tanks with stuff labeled "AT".

Is it even worth it to play as the Americans?

Another thing I was wondering about was the overarching strategy of the Americans.  I've fallen back in the center, but managed to rollup the German flanks.  The Panthers still keep on coming though.  Even surrounded Panzer units are extremely difficult to kill off with my own tank units.

Sorry if this sounded like a rant.  I genuinely do want advice though, I want to play the grand campaign because I enjoy the battles so much but this issue is really starting to persuade me otherwise.
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Rep: 99.7
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:03 am Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

Patience soldier. The hardest thing about CC4 (or any Bulge game) is to keep loosing as the Americans. It's not much fun!. But, soon the Panthers will be replaced by lesser Mark IV's and they will start to run out of fuel. Let them get all the way to Antwerp, get around behind them and cut them off. When they are stalled from lack of fuel / Ammo, at the same time as you get Jumbo's and 76mm Shermans it will change.
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Rep: 32.6
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:02 am Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

Good advice from Grunt.  

Also, another observation, sometimes it seems (and this can go for all CC games, not just 4) that when you are playing as the Allies, the German Tanks can seem invincible, and yet, when playing as the Germans, your Tanks do not seem quite so invincible.

I wonder if you always try to manually select targets to destroy?  Nothing wrong with that of course, but why not try putting your heavy weapons (Tanks, AT) in 'Defend' Mode (and same for Bazookas), and see if the kill rate goes up?  It can be hard to start with letting the AI choose your targets for you as the urge to select targets yourself is strong, but give it s go?

A common technique I use is to put Units such as AT and Bazookas in 'Ambush' Mode to start with.  Reduces the chances of being spotted.  When the enemy hoves into sight and range, change the Mode to 'Defend'.  With Tanks, have them hidden behind cover to start with (so they do not get killed within the first 10 seconds....), and then manouvre accordingly.  I always put Tanks (well, nearly always) in 'Defend' Mode at the start in case your cover is not quite as good as you thought or hoped...
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Rep: 0.5

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:56 pm Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

I typically do start my AT guns in ambush mode so they don't get instantly blown up after exposing their position.  

I find that defend mode is quite worthless actually.  The problem is that my tanks do not prioritize between armored targets.  I understand that it may be faster but my Shermans and light AT guns seem to think it's okay to shoot at the frontal armor of the Panthers and let all the other, lightly-armored targets slip around them (On the rare occasion the AI uses tactics).

I also did not realize that I would get better reinforcements.  I was under the impression that I would be getting the same reinforcements that were getting hammered by the Panthers.

Thanks for the replies.
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Rep: 32.6
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:44 pm Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

I find that defend mode is quite worthless actually

What can I say?  I use it quite a lot as the kill ratio seems to increase.  Maybe the AI doesn't like you?   Wink

Other things that can help: Keep AT within the radius of a Command Team.  This improves performance.  An isolated Unit out of Command influence and under fire will perform very poorly.  If you can get multiple fires on an enemy Unit, this can increase the effectiveness.  Some of the fires keeps the Unit suppressed as the other fires inflict damage, and the targetted Unit will respond less effectively.  So if you can get a couple (or more) AT guns to fire on a single Tank, this can be more effective.   Use this either as a Group function (assign multiple Units to a single shortcut key, or have them positioned so that if you use the Defend Mode, there is more chance that they will target the same Unit.

Have you noticed anything related to placement?  If your AT and Tanks are very close, particularly at the start of a battle and they are spotted quickly, they will often suffer badly and quickly.  AT guns at longer ranges and in cover are much harder to spot, and that includes the AI.  This is where multiple fires on a single Unit can be more effective.

Do you try the same tactics over and over again?  The AI will always tend to focus on VL's, so based on your experiences so far, have you noticed any trends how the AI deploys and manouvres in relation to the VL's?

Don't spread your Units thinly.  That does not mean bunch them all up close, but deploy as best you can so that there are interlocking fields of fire from multiple Units.  If a Unit comes under fire, then there are really only three things you can do:

- Move them out of harms way.  Not always easy, and the Unit can still get chewed up trying to manouvre.
- Counter fire with another Unit on the enemy Unit that is firing on your Unit.  The suppression factor will reduce the enemy Unit's effectivess.
- Smoke.  Some use it, some don't.  I do.  Offensively, it helps to reduce the enemy Unit's effectiveness when assaulting them, and when you are under fire, likewise.  It can obscure an AT Gun from an enemy Tank completely, especially if the AT Gun is at a distance.  Pop some smoke in front of the enemy Tank, and if available, in front of your AT Gun.  This will of course reduce the effectivess of your AT Gun, but it may be able to get in more shots on the enemy while the enemy is floundering for a target.  THis is more effective for your AT Guns than for your Armour.

If you can use all three, this can salvage a situation quite well, but timing is also important.  In fact, timing is very important in CC, being a real time Sim.

But, when you come up against the beefier German forces, you are going to get a pasting if your Force is on the light side.

If you want a really grim experience, then play the VetBOB Mod for CCIV as Germans.  You think they are invincible?  I found it as close to being shell shocked, without actually being shell shocked...  Shocked

One of the main gripes I have about IV and V is that you cannot order your Force to retreat or flee the Battle, as you can in CCIII.  Sure if FM kicks in, the AI will boot you off the Map, but that's hardly under your own control.  As such, any prospect of an orderly Strategic withdrawl is impossible.

I don't know if any of these things will help you.  It sounds like you have probably tried these things already.  If so, then all I can suggest is to focus on deployment and manouvering to try and gain a better initiative.  This is not chess in the sense that it is turn based played on a proscribed playing area.  The permutations are practically limitless, even though we may think we have explored every possibility.  The chances are, not even close...

Good luck!
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Rep: 0.5

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:55 pm Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

I've tried defend mode again, all I have to say is wow.  On the whole, they perform much better.  Sometimes though, they still perform horribly (like targeting halftracks and such and giving away their position to all the tanks); I think these instances (really isolated incidents) were leaving me with bad taste of defend mode in my mouth.

I also did not realized that AT guns could actually supress tanks.  I suppose if half the crewmembers are stunned then that counts just as much as infantry being suppressed.  

Thanks again.
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Rep: 32.6
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:25 pm Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

I also did not realize that AT guns could actually supress tanks.  I suppose if half the crewmembers are stunned then that counts just as much as infantry being suppressed.

Yes.  Makes sense, if you have a hail of incoming AT, you are bound to be a bit more nervous...  Wink  It doesn't stop them from firing, but I have noticed that their rate of fire can go down, and their accuracy can deteriorate as well.  If their morale is already a bit weak, they can practically stop firing altogether...

There's another thing, the (enemy) AI makes choices as to what targets to select.  If you give it multiple choices, you can confuse it or distract it.  Try hitting an enemy Unit from 2 different directions (or more) at the same time and see how they respond.  It's the best way to takle enemy armour with infantry (assuming they are capable of killing a tank...).  Pile on a bit of smoke around it and then assault it.  Get it wrong, and watch your squads perish though...  Shocked

You know, I even believe that targetting a Tank with mortars can effect some suppression and reduce their performance.  If you are lucky, you can even kill light armour (and not just the open topped variety) with mortars, though I am not sure if that works with the 50mm variety, but it certainly does with the 80mm+ variety.  However, I wouldn't use them as dedicated tank killers...  Wink
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Rep: 6.2
votes: 2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:35 am Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

One word mate: FLAMETHROWER

Flamethrowers are THE weapon for taking out those Panthers. Play strictly defensive and retreat if not having adecuate cover, and AMBUSH.

Well placed bazookas can also cause havoc on german armored forces.

Consider also that american armor was not minted to fight german armor in real life, so don't expect to do it in a game. AT weapons are not bad, they are not supposed to impact the Panther's frontal sheets, place them where you can get flank or rear shots, if impossible keep them for loosing.

As the other said wait for the Krauts to exhaust and then crush them with superior resources, but don't sacrifice your armor in a sure to loose struggle.
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Rep: 42.2
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:59 pm Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

Bazooka works particularly well from buildings firing down on a tank, but definitely worth keeping them on ambush and keeping some infantry near them to stop them being over run by enemy infantry. As vonB says attacking from multiple directions increases your chances of success.
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Rep: 6.2
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:30 pm Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

Yes, but firing from multiple directions is efficient by being good in micro-managing. Practice build up the master, and in this game, clock freezes while scrolling, which helps a lot in what micro stands for.

I'm not sure everybody feels the same, but when playing the german side, I particularly clear out buildings using flamethrowers, on foot or half-tracked because in my green days got A LOT of tank casualties due to the mentioned Bazooka's ambush near buildings. German armor is not invincible at all in close range, in CC3 I usually took down Tigers with T-34 Flame quite easily when ambushed properly.

EDIT: Today happened to me the weirdest. While playing 'Moscow Retaliates' in CC3, was ambushing soviet armor in Strongpoing Ivan with the infamous couple of flameguys. Awaited for a KV1a upon their range and had the bad experience of watching both of them MISS their throws and consequently being shot down by the tank's machine-guns. Later on the operation had to fall back to the 1st fortification ring, where I ambushed a T-34 in the northern breach, and again, both guys missed its first shot. Luckily the T-34 was in steep angle and allowed the pussys flameguys' second chance wich did hit the tank but incredibly the entire crew managed to escape alive from the blast, so it made necessary a third flamethrow to roast them.

Never happened to me, was such a fail, and twice  Mad

Anyways that's a proof that many times luck is also a factor in taking out enemy armor. Flamethrows usually works on the first one, but not this time  Evil or Very Mad
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Rep: 48.4

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:25 pm Post subject: Re: Invinci-panthers Reply with quote

Ineffectual American fire is built into the early part of the game. Pretty much all of the CC games seem to have this, but CC4 is more obvious than most. The game is guided to pan out like the real event. I once had 4 Shermans with a side on shoot at a Stg. Not only did it get the first shot off, but it knocked out all the Shermans. Later on in the game my 57mm a/t guns were knocking out Panthers head on half the map length. This was playing it on head to head. Very frustrating as you just have to eat it up until the later half of the campaign.
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