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Rep: 56.2
votes: 25

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:54 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Hey Jonsilver.....AKA Flamethrower

How bout you GO AWAY! You worthless piece of Troll ****!

How funny is it that the guy who ran a forums for years (AKA Sulla) doesn't know what the community wants?
He never took notes?
He never read the very forums he ran?

Gee I cant help but wonder is TTAC another attempt at recreating CCIII
The Very thing those who supposedly working on said games are die hard's in what they want in a game.

I cant wait to compare the screen shots between TBF and the TTAC

This is definitely a grab your Pop-Corn and watch the show story.

Who's gonna win?

Who's gonna sue who?
(Oh yes,there will be a Law Suit)

Can anyone even make said game?
Matrix seems to be in the running having posted a few screen shots but are those from Photoshop or actual in game Images?
But yet they are years behind actually telling us and showing us what they do or do not have.

Is said TBF being worked on daily or is it a weekend thing with years of weekends to still being needed?

Again.............Its one Programmer .vs a guy who used to run a forums (Who btw has no idea what you want)

This is gonna be funny.

Owning a web site that requires you to create an account to view or download files is an absolute Joke.

If you cant create a site that allows one to see said topics then don't bother asking me to view said site.

If you cant create a web site how can you ask anyone to believe you can create a Game?

Last edited by platoon_michael on Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 87.2
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:04 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Ha-ha ohhh... I think he has some idea. He's just posting that to get participations ect. God knows how tbf is going. But I still think this announcement is a positive development.
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Rep: 12.6
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:28 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Hia Michael,

Yes, it is my DREAM to make this game. We have waited 15 years for it. I have artists, 2D and 3D animators who worked for Atomic, programmers and publishers/finance already interested.

Yes, I ran headed up several parts of Matrix, worked with Destineer, Trisynergy, numerous others. I worked with Joel Billings, Eric, Doug Walker, Scott Halverson, and many others. Have been to many E3s, I/TSEC, GenCon, Games conventions across Europe, visited Take2 in NY, been to Creative Assembly in UK. I produced numerous games, worked on others behind the scenes. I ran my own company which got the rebuilds going.

I know the games industry as you know whatever industry you work in Michael. Its been what I do for many years and I know dozens of publishers and developers. The game is already under construction, we have a definite set of minimum goals, which are way ahead of where CC left off. We are using Unity for cross platform, we are already creating the world/maps. Units will soon be underway, AI is already being developed for new engine [Have been in touch with John Anderson].

I asked for ideas, opinions, thoughts, whatever while we are at such an early stage, so we can try as best we can to get it right. I HAVE MY IDEAS of what I want from the next tactical game, but they have changed over the years. The guys on the team have their ideas. I asked for input. Anyone who buils a game and does not ask for input, especially with such a well established community is an idiot. I have ideas, but others may have better ones. I am not going to build this game and someone gives a perfectly valid idea and say, no that's not gonna happen. If an idea comes up, it will be put to the team and if its good, if its workable it will be used.

The game will have a large Strategic layer, allowing for a lot of operational movement, there will be things like water, pre-deploy of defences pill boxes, sand bags etc. There will be the ability to rename squad members, promotions, medals. The campaign is Italy and map terrain will be real, not modelled. It will be deformable with damage to buildings, craters etc persistent throughout as you play, civilians [partisans]. There is much much more. This is not "just" a dream, its happening, people are working on it now.

Hate, disbelieve all you want. But when the game comes out [already being shortened to AOC - Art of Combat] I hope you really truly do enjoy it, if not, I will have done my best as will the team working on it.

You almost seem as if you don't want a game? I hope BOTH games are great and make up for what has been missing. So I can't create a website Michael? I can't create a game? Really? There won't be a lawsuit as they are different games, different designs with differing code. Sometimes, I truly do not understand the vitriol and negativity of people. Man...

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Rep: 133.6
votes: 19

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:14 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Hi Sulla,

Wish you the good luck and looking forward to seeing the final product.

- my understanding is that the Unity engine doesn't allow for easy addition/changes to the 3D objects (ex. tanks/vehicles), have you found a way enable mod makers?
- is the game underneath the Unity graphics and new strat layer based on Close Combat Marines Anti Terrorism? If it is that is okay as there are so many neat options in that version to explore (custom soldier weapon load out, custom squads, pre-deployment placement of barriers/mines, etc.).

- allow for the battle area/map to be defined by wherever BG's meet on the strat layer instead of fixed areas/maps
- allow for reinforcements before and or during battle either from parent BG or from adjacent BG's
- allow for the game to be played at different zoom levels. This let's the player balance unit detail against the distance they can see on screen (I have a 1920x1200 24" screen, so CC images can be really small at 8 pixels per meter)
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Rep: 12.6
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:23 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Hia TJ,

The game under the hood is essentially brand new. This will be a new framework, building a brand new game.

We know where we want AOC to go, what we want to finish up with. What we can't change is the data, the AI is being totally rebuilt with a brand new sysyem. It will still work as morale/fatigue etc, but will be more fine tuned. The Morale, experience, command etc of you men will be vital.

Any Real Time Tactical Sim [RTTS] which is essentially what CC is, has to follow certain lines, that follow reality. How you get there is another matter. Obviously we cannot change the underlying historical data, but the game itself will be much more flexible.

Unity has hundreds of modules, that are constantly updated. It has a very large community and we are building from scratch to allow for modding. It maybe, we need to build a separate module for modding, but whatever, modding is one of the things at the top of our list.

Brandon and Sam introduced themselves yesterday, Sam worked on Call of Duty and any other titles, Brandon has worked since V for Victory at Atomic and both have worked on military sims.

You may find this thread interesting:
- allow for the battle area/map to be defined by wherever BG's meet on the strat layer instead of fixed areas/maps
- allow for reinforcements before and or during battle either from parent BG or from adjacent BG's
- allow for the game to be played at different zoom levels. This let's the player balance unit detail against the distance they can see on screen (I have a 1920x1200 24" screen, so CC images can be really small at 8 pixels per meter)

- allow for the battle area/map to be defined by wherever BG's meet on the strat layer instead of fixed areas/maps
// This is one top near the list of things for AOC. To me it always made sense that this happened. It will be like this in AOC, in fact its almost intergral to how it works.
- allow for reinforcements before and or during battle either from parent BG or from adjacent BG's
// Without giving too much away, you will be pleased with the way this is handled. Real attacks defence, real operational layer. This will be handled in a new way.
- allow for the game to be played at different zoom levels. This let's the player balance unit detail against the distance they can see on screen (I have a 1920x1200 24" screen, so CC images can be really small at 8 pixels per meter)[/quote]
// We have talked about this and are working on it now. We will have as many things as options as possible. The level of detail is the killer, so we have to get it just right on each option. We are working on 4M to the pixel in map data which is as detailed as real data goes. This may be stretched depending on how everything scales.

Hope that helps TJ,

Cheers - S
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Rep: 32.9
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:35 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

From somebody ilusions. I do not see any activity showing us too many people working at Tactical Art of Combat.

From TBF, two screenshots, a lot of answers about how the game is but nothing more. However, they are not increasing each day the features as if it was a impossible work.

At the end, I see more possible TBF because it was made with a engine which everybody have seen running at thousands of titles.

TAOC looks as one thing made from scratch. It is not serious. Each day they change the specifications.

- my understanding is that the Unity engine doesn't allow for easy addition/changes to the 3D objects (ex. tanks/vehicles), have you found a way enable mod makers?

Not really. I have worked with other free Unity proyects. Unity files are compiled. Clearly, you must uncompile or at least compile them if you want add/replace a 3D model.

But...........even if you can compile/decompile a model. It would not say how easy is the game for modding. You would need plugins for some good and better a free 3D editor. Or at least one very used as 3Dmax. The tools from unity only are for convert things.

However, I do not see to the CC community with too hurry for create 3D models. I do not see too experienced people for this and you can not create 3D models at five seconds. By these reasons when Steve from TBF sayed how the addition from new 3D models was not a priority but it would be probably added after game release. I did not see it as the end of the world. At the end, TBF adds more of 50 vehicles/guns without count variants. With this, you can add several battle scenary to the game.

So I can't create a website Michael?

About this...........yes and no. Yes, you used the phpbb code but you did not make it. Even a dog can install it with two clicks. At least if you had modified it a lot........but you used the default settings with very few changes. Perhaps some people around here, they are impressed but me not and I have made similar things before.  I do not know who made this http://closecombat.matrixgames.com/ but it was not a example from nothing good. It was a bad site when html was more used.

I can't create a game?

From you never we have seen nothing more than a man producing. Never a piece of code/graphic by example, perhaps he was speaking about it. Yes you can develop a game but people did not like your previous proyects which they were made with a lot more of resources.

Probably many people are very skeptical about your proyect. First, you should show us some stuff finished. After it, you should sell us the game and if we like it, we will pay by it.
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:55 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Hi Sulla, good luck with your development progress. Just wondering, are you purposely deleting forum topics/posts from the AOC forum? If not, what happened to the game type and strat map wish list topics? Not really motivating to contribute if elaborate constructive posts are actively deleted.
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Rep: 61.3
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:24 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

kweniston wrote (View Post):
Hi Sulla, good luck with your development progress. Just wondering, are you purposely deleting forum topics/posts from the AOC forum? If not, what happened to the game type and strat map wish list topics? Not really motivating to contribute if elaborate constructive posts are actively deleted.

Hi Kwewiston,

saw this post on the TAC forums and forgot to respond.

You sure he didn't move them to another area of the forums at CSO, or to the TAC forums themselves? I noticed he moved (example) Shaun moved all those insignia that was doing research on to another area of the TAC forums. Maybe he has been moving other posts around also?
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Rep: 12.6
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:11 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Hia KW,

The auto update on the forums screwed up, it left threads unreadable, so I did a restore.

At moment we are discussing scale, map size, etc. What threads went mate?

Nothing is/would be deleted deliberately!

Sorry about that mate :(

Cheers - S
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Rep: 12.6
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:30 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote


At this point its gloves off Norm I have had enough of you and Michels banal idiotic drivel.

From somebody ilusions. I do not see any activity showing us too many people working at Tactical Art of Combat.

From TBF, two screenshots, a lot of answers about how the game is but nothing more. However, they are not increasing each day the features as if it was a impossible work.

In 2 years, 2 screenshots? Listen you Matrix Fanboy, just because Simtek would NOT employ you as NO ONE wanted to work with you, give it a bloody rest. Yu are like every sales=person I have ever met, your ego writes cheques your brain can't cash.

Illusions? Really? So Brandon Grada, [Too many games to list but worked on V for Victory and most original CC games] Sam Howard [worked on Call of duty] Paul Cole [Programmer - to many titles to list, programming since Atari/Commodore to now] Pat Proctor [Take 2] Luer [Eli Precht Many CC mods Data] Shane Cameron [Mods, did maps from LSA to PitF] John working on history. Myself working on production and design. I have spent almost 20 years in the games industry earning my money by making games from EYSA to Korsun Pocket, CC:AT to Decisive Battles of World War II: Battles in Normandy and many more. What's your Job Norman?

YOU NORM know NOTHING about game design and your little star wars mods don't make you an industry expert. You beta test, fawn and crawl all over anyone at Matrix and think you are an expert.

At the end, I see more possible TBF because it was made with a engine which everybody have seen running at thousands of titles.

TAOC looks as one thing made from scratch. It is not serious. Each day they change the specifications.

This engine would be Unity? Unity is not from scratch, we are designing a game using an existing engine which my team are very familiar with.Oh and changing the game design as we go, that's so unusual in designing games! That NEVER happens does it NORMAN. Of course in your professional opinion, it doesn't and you know everything!

So I can't create a website Michael?

About this...........yes and no. Yes, you used the phpbb code but you did not make it. Even a dog can install it with two clicks. At least if you had modified it a lot........but you used the default settings with very few changes. Perhaps some people around here, they are impressed but me not and I have made similar things before.  I do not know who made this http://closecombat.matrixgames.com/ but it was not a example from nothing good. It was a bad site when html was more used.

Truly? I was creating websites before you were shitting your diaper Norman. I have won DTI awards for building e-commerce sites. [Tha'ts The Department of Trade and Industry in the UK run by the govt for innovation] If I chose to use PHP now, or an easy install? What's the problem? I have spent years coding and learning web design. The link above Schrek did, someone who has done a damn site more for CC than you Norman. Yes I use phobb, also Concrete CMS, Worpress, pwigo, phpnuke, drupal and others.

I can't create a game?

From you never we have seen nothing more than a man producing. Never a piece of code/graphic by example, perhaps he was speaking about it. Yes you can develop a game but people did not like your previous projects which they were made with a lot more of resources.

I have designed/produced 25+ games working with some of the best people in wargaming. Do you even know what design and production entail? A game IS NOT A MOD. What have you done to be so judgemental and to earn so much knowledge about the games industry while never making a game?

See above comments, Mr Bates.

You are a nasty, viscous, pedantic, sad, small little man, Norman, now run back to Mrs Bates ....... And stick you head back up Matrixs arse

I will get on with my pretend game and make believe team.

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Rep: 24.2
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:18 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

I am selling Ryan Ross Forum T-Shirts for $5 bucks.

Close Combat's most infamous SOB
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Rep: 91.1
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:47 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Sulla wrote (View Post):
Hia KW,

The auto update on the forums screwed up, it left threads unreadable, so I did a restore.

At moment we are discussing scale, map size, etc. What threads went mate?

Nothing is/would be deleted deliberately!

Sorry about that mate :(

Cheers - S

Well that is really unfortunate, I had written a long post about possible battle modes, ideas sparked by kweniston and my own ideas about vehicle movement...Sad
Whatever, I am busy right now, but post again on forums at the weekend...
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Rep: 86.3
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:11 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Who is NORMAN??

heia Safari!!
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:56 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

If there anymore attack/troll posts they will be moved to Trainwrecks and your account will be suspended and IP redirected.
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Rep: 12.6
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:23 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote


Anyone can say what they want to me, but if I say anything back? I am a Troll? I would say given some of the provocation, I have been very reticent in replying in kind.

Strange, how my reply brings out the train wreck and troll. Thanks for that Mooxe.

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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:38 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

No, they most certainly cannot. This is a general warning to everyone.
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Rep: 14.2
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:46 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

What is even the point of not wanting another close combat type of game? what is the purpose of attacking Sulla? I don't get it. It's not like he's using your funds to finance his venture man, give him a brake. If you have nothing good to say kep it to yourself, unless it is affecting other people like a fraud or something. If you don't like the final product don't buy it, as simple as that.

I for one I'm looking forward to this, I mean I do need a break over the stubbornness of the matrix people, you can't suggest changes or report things because its either "It's not planend for now but maybe in the future" or "Thanks for your feedback" but then nothing comes out of it. Or when they make changes because they feel like it and when lots of people complain they just go "oh it didn't came out in beta test" etc or they simple don't respond. What was the point of removing the dying prone soldier animations just to use a new one that only appears when the soldier is standing up???

I want a developer that listens to the people in a reasonable way, I understand all the things we sometimes ask for aren't possible but if we report something then I would like the developers to at least consider it and discuss about it, and if it's a bug or whatever then address the error and put out a patch in a reasonable amount of time.

Good luck Sulla!
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Rep: 12.6
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:58 pm Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Thanks for that mooxe.

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Rep: 133.6
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:52 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Well said Pzt_Kanov!
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Rep: 12.6
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:14 am Post subject: Re: The Tactical Art of Combat Reply with quote

Hia Guys,

Apologies for the rant above, TBH, I know better and should at my age lol, not let things get to me.

So apologies to all on the forums! Thanks for the comments Kanov, that is EXACTLY what we are doing ;)

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