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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:58 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Sod, where are you getting this information?  Sounds like a credible justification.  Not a single word about that was mentioned by US media.  The Invasion of Iraq and take-out of Saddam Hussein is looking to be quite possibly the worst American foreign policy blunder in our nation's history.  Iraq was the perfect balance of power check against Iran and the Shia's.  Now we have an absolute train wreck with Turkey supposedly being part of our alliance on paper much like the Saudi's Sunnis.  But in reality those governments have very little control if any to regulate sympathetic factions that not only support the ISIS cause but give them significant financial support.  Worse is that they have an extremely effective recruitment strategy which has a limitless pool of over a Billion muslims or even non-muslims that can be indoctrinated to join their cause.   I don't trust a single word politicians say about ISIS because the vast majority have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:30 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Sod, where are you getting this information?  Sounds like a credible justification.  Not a single word about that was mentioned by US media.  The Invasion of Iraq and take-out of Saddam Hussein is looking to be quite possibly the worst American foreign policy blunder in our nation's history.  Iraq was the perfect balance of power check against Iran and the Shia's.  Now we have an absolute train wreck with Turkey supposedly being part of our alliance on paper much like the Saudi's Sunnis.  But in reality those governments have very little control if any to regulate sympathetic factions that not only support the ISIS cause but give them significant financial support.  Worse is that they have an extremely effective recruitment strategy which has a limitless pool of over a Billion muslims or even non-muslims that can be indoctrinated to join their cause.   I don't trust a single word politicians say about ISIS because the vast majority have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

Here's just one site with a video of an attack upon a convoy taking oil into Turkey - IS stolen Syrian oil. The Brit's are saying the two biggest buyers of Syrian oil - Turkey and Israel. There are also independent interviews with " moderate terrorists " saying how they entered Syria after training in Turkey, naming the towns etc, trained by Turkish Officers. The latest is that Turkey is once again allowing reinforcements of IS forces to stream into Syria while the Turks are taking care of the Kurds. Most of the early bombings in Turkey were upon the Kurds who the Turks immensely dislike as they fear they will set up a Kurdish state at some stage in regions bordering - Turkey, Iraq, Iran etc. Turkey and Saudi A are up to their necks in IS, Al Nusra, Jaysh al-Muhajirin wa al-Ansar, then the so-called moderates who once trained by the West seem to end up in one of the former militias with their Toyota pickups.

It doesn't pay to read just your own countries news release as they do tend to slant it the way they want their population to see it. BBC, Reuters etc have all covered Turkey's aiding of IS even from the early days. Turk's are great people, I love the country and will be going back there soon so I'm not trying to bag them either.

Another by the Guardian on Turkey's possible motives.

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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:28 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Strange that we still do not any credible explanation of what occurred during this incident in Swedish territorial waters.  Seemed like Russia was at fault considering their aggressive stance.  However just watched Discovery channel documentary.   Russia appears to have nothing to do with this, despite their recent aggressive military actions.  The documentary also mentioned some important facts that actually Sweden has a history of several other incidents.  In the 60's crew onboard navy ship fired shots in fear that they were under attack at some type of sub they could not identify.  Numerous witnesses on board were witnessed.  During WW2 suspected V1 bombs were witnessed flying over Swedish territorial waters that were seen submerging.  

Russia would first need to invade Finland again to even make it worthwhile to mess with Sweden.  So not adding up why Russia would want to mess with Sweden with subs lurking around their home waters.

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
Finland drops depth charges in 'submarine' alert

Ok now the Finnish navy have picked up some signals that point to an unknown entity in Finnish territorial waters. Not necessarily a Russian sub but that's one possibility. Not sure if this is going to be another 'wild goose chase' as was with the Swedes.
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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:32 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Correction...I got the Finland incident mixed-up with Sweden as both nations have been reporting similar incidents in recent years.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:16 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Correction...I got the Finland incident mixed-up with Sweden as both nations have been reporting similar incidents in recent years.

Once again Paranoia is King in some countries - http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/sweden-suspected-foreign-submarine-turned-out-be-fishing-boat-n342036
Wasn't there another country that did report a similar incident that turned out to be a seal - true.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:24 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

AT_Stalky called it.  Going back to 2014 Russian Govt under Putin has been going berserk with Hybrid warfare against USA & their NATO allies.  Still not exactly clear what Putin's agenda is other than weaken Western influence in Eastern Europe and keep out of former USSR states that he wants more control over.  Interesting to know what exactly Flynn discussed with Putin along with Jared Kushners secret meeting last December in Trump Tower.  No free lunches in the world of business and politics.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:03 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Nato has pushed itself onto the Russian borders not the other way round. A quick look at any map from the 1990's would prove this. Also the number of Nato bases around Russia since the Cold War have increased but also increased around China. Russia in the last year cut it's military budget by 25% while US along with others have increased their military spending. Your statement really doesn't hold water but is full of holes. Interesting though that now Germany, Austria and Hungary are all looking at life without Nato but a European Defence. Austria, Hungary and several other countries want closer military, economic and trade ties to Russia in the future.

An article in Forbes magazine predicts Russia to be Euro economic powerhouse and China worlds economic powerhouse by 2050. I can see why some countries feel threatened and a little scared of what they might lose. Predict based upon current factors as well.
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Rep: 41.8
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:05 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

There's also been some airspace violations by Russia into Finnish airspace. For a while they weren't reported in the media but at one point the Finnish military decided to start reporting them in the media to put more pressure on Russia to fix it I guess. Which is kind of funny really. "Look, look, they're doing it again!" Oh well.

As long as the Ukraine conflict drags on, the sanctions will probably stay in place in some form and the situation won't be normalised. That whole thing has already had a huge effect on Russian economy, and on the economy of many European nations that deal a lot with Russia.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:01 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

The Protesters in Moscow looked very bad for Putin.  I saw the video footage, they roughing up people.  Putin is starting to face some more serious opposition to his dictatorship.  One of Putin's political opponents has flying drone video footage trying to expose corruption.  

Still no answer on all the suspected sub incidents in Finland and Swedish coastal waters.  The Russians possibly are hiding stealth sub based near St Petersburg?  

Situation in Syria looks very sketchy.  Not sure what Russia gains except for maybe arms trade deals with Syrian govt.  Russia is hurting from sanctions not worth it.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:53 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
The Protesters in Moscow looked very bad for Putin.  I saw the video footage, they roughing up people.  Putin is starting to face some more serious opposition to his dictatorship.  One of Putin's political opponents has flying drone video footage trying to expose corruption.  

Still no answer on all the suspected sub incidents in Finland and Swedish coastal waters.  The Russians possibly are hiding stealth sub based near St Petersburg?  

Situation in Syria looks very sketchy.  Not sure what Russia gains except for maybe arms trade deals with Syrian govt.  Russia is hurting from sanctions not worth it.

What was the stats on the protesters in Moscow to the actual population in percentages was less than 1%...............lol. Once again it was another illegal protest. No one shot for being black thank god. It does appear it was the same old LBGT, so no one important.

The sub is what it is - it only exists in the minds of the fools - Russophobia.

Russian gain in Syria is that they back their Allies when they are correct. Unlike the war criminals in the US who currently back terrorist like ISIS and Al Nusra................even backing the ISIS White Helmets, making doco's and movies on these terrorists.................lol. Arms deals are a good idea as the Russian tech does appear to be the front runners in military tech currently. No F35 Flying Bricks, Subs that can't go under the water or ships that are unseaworthy. Funny enough in the first Gulf War Syria was allied to the USA. But so was Saddam previously, Manuel Noriega, Ngo Dinh Diem, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and many others all removed through regime change. It doesn't appear to be a good idea to be allied to the US. When you say sketchy that's short for another paranoid guess..........lol.

Russia's aggression on the West - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-nato-border-forces-map-where-are-they-positioned-a7562391.html
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:51 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Fake News - http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/27/donald-trump-charges-fake-news-after-cnn-producer-/
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Rep: 99.7
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:27 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

An interesting article about hacking as a weapon. We've all seen it in movies, the reality is different of course but just as effective as strategic bombing.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:35 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

pvt_Grunt wrote (View Post):
An interesting article about hacking as a weapon. We've all seen it in movies, the reality is different of course but just as effective as strategic bombing.

WIRED is about as reliable as Germany's propaganda WW2 was truthful. They are one of the backers of the " White Helmets " story. They ran articles backing the " Syrian Observatory for Human Rights " even well after they were outed as a fraud. A one man band ( SOFHR ) operating out of a house in England. The guy used photos from many conflicts and made up stories. Very easy to check this one piece out alone. Many other articles written by these guys put them into that class of media known as propaganda.

The hacking story could still be correct. But with absolutely no evidence again other than a very unreliable report I suggest it belongs with the rest of the fake news. Funny enough lots of hackers are Ukrainian. However for the top 10 countries Russia only comes in at number 6. USA are the overwhelming winners - https://www.businessinsider.com.au/worlds-10-cybercrime-hotspots-in-2016-ranked-symantec-2017-5?r=UK&IR=T
Still it would make for a good movie alone side another remake of Red Dawn.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:56 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Round two of the same  - http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/28/cnns-van-jones-calls-russia-story-nothing-burger-l/
Caught again with the same lies. When will it all stop.
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Rep: 41.8
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:10 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
The Protesters in Moscow looked very bad for Putin.  I saw the video footage, they roughing up people.  Putin is starting to face some more serious opposition to his dictatorship.  One of Putin's political opponents has flying drone video footage trying to expose corruption.  

Still no answer on all the suspected sub incidents in Finland and Swedish coastal waters.  The Russians possibly are hiding stealth sub based near St Petersburg?  

Situation in Syria looks very sketchy.  Not sure what Russia gains except for maybe arms trade deals with Syrian govt.  Russia is hurting from sanctions not worth it.

About subs, I think they speculated that Russia is probably operating with mini-subs in the region. Or not.

There's one Russian sub, a big one, that sometimes surfaces near a ferry that operates between Helsinki, the capital of Finland, and Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Just kind of surfaces and tourists snap pictures of it. Doesn't seem hostile but it's not really normal either.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:22 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
dj wrote (View Post):
The Protesters in Moscow looked very bad for Putin.  I saw the video footage, they roughing up people.  Putin is starting to face some more serious opposition to his dictatorship.  One of Putin's political opponents has flying drone video footage trying to expose corruption.  

Still no answer on all the suspected sub incidents in Finland and Swedish coastal waters.  The Russians possibly are hiding stealth sub based near St Petersburg?  

Situation in Syria looks very sketchy.  Not sure what Russia gains except for maybe arms trade deals with Syrian govt.  Russia is hurting from sanctions not worth it.

About subs, I think they speculated that Russia is probably operating with mini-subs in the region. Or not.

There's one Russian sub, a big one, that sometimes surfaces near a ferry that operates between Helsinki, the capital of Finland, and Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Just kind of surfaces and tourists snap pictures of it. Doesn't seem hostile but it's not really normal either.

That would be very different - cheers
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Rep: 99.7
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:28 pm Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
pvt_Grunt wrote (View Post):
An interesting article about hacking as a weapon. We've all seen it in movies, the reality is different of course but just as effective as strategic bombing.

WIRED is about as reliable as Germany's propaganda WW2 was truthful. They are one of the backers of the " White Helmets " story. They ran articles backing the " Syrian Observatory for Human Rights " even well after they were outed as a fraud. A one man band ( SOFHR ) operating out of a house in England. The guy used photos from many conflicts and made up stories. Very easy to check this one piece out alone. Many other articles written by these guys put them into that class of media known as propaganda.

The hacking story could still be correct. But with absolutely no evidence again other than a very unreliable report I suggest it belongs with the rest of the fake news. Funny enough lots of hackers are Ukrainian. However for the top 10 countries Russia only comes in at number 6. USA are the overwhelming winners - https://www.businessinsider.com.au/worlds-10-cybercrime-hotspots-in-2016-ranked-symantec-2017-5?r=UK&IR=T
Still it would make for a good movie alone side another remake of Red Dawn.

It's 2017, hackers dont have nationalities. It's posible the individuals are all in separate countries, including Ukraine and USA. The question is who is paying them?
And it doesnt matter if Russia is number 1000 on the list, that it just a distraction type argument.

My point is  that this sort of warfare is already common. And unlike strategic bombing, the weapons dont carry a countries insignia.

But ask yousrelf, "Who would be behind this and why?"
Unless you subscribe to the Serbian nationalist argument that "They blew up their own market to make us look bad" Markale market , the obvious backer is Russia (and no, I dont have proof) just a logical mind that sees through the old "But that side is worse" type arguments. Cheers Mr. Green
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:42 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

Boom - first source of evidence announced in story in Wall Street Journal today.  Flynn said to have ties to Russians hackers via Partisan supporter Peter W. Smith.  Whom allegedly died just 10 days after his meeting with WSJ reporters.  81 years old but no mention of how he died.  This is basically the first real evidence.  WSJ is NOT fake news:

Re: unknown sub incidents in Baltic, it is hard to say why all the issues.  Since this is such a critical region for Russia, I would guess they have some stealth sub or even new sub drones that could explain.
Some incidents are not adding up.  

...So the Russian "bank" executive that met with Jared in December in NY, turns out to just be front for Russian govt.  The "bank" actually has no capital or cash.  It is just a front for financial transactions for Russian govt.  Deutchbank gave Jared $200M loan just a few months ago that he personally is the guarantor.  Russians were masterful in their manipulation of Flynn, Mannafort and others.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:43 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Boom - first source of evidence announced in story in Wall Street Journal today.  Flynn said to have ties to Russians hackers via Partisan supporter Peter W. Smith.  Whom allegedly died just 10 days after his meeting with WSJ reporters.  81 years old but no mention of how he died.  This is basically the first real evidence.  WSJ is NOT fake news:

Re: unknown sub incidents in Baltic, it is hard to say why all the issues.  Since this is such a critical region for Russia, I would guess they have some stealth sub or even new sub drones that could explain.
Some incidents are not adding up.  

...So the Russian "bank" executive that met with Jared in December in NY, turns out to just be front for Russian govt.  The "bank" actually has no capital or cash.  It is just a front for financial transactions for Russian govt.  Deutchbank gave Jared $200M loan just a few months ago that he personally is the guarantor.  Russians were masterful in their manipulation of Flynn, Mannafort and others.

SDo the words " likely to be Russian " mean much to you DJ. As in it's a guess again...............lol. How many times have MSM said likely and never produced evidence.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:49 am Post subject: Re: Russia - Whats goin on.. Reply with quote

It's 2017, hackers dont have nationalities. It's posible the individuals are all in separate countries, including Ukraine and USA. The question is who is paying them?
And it doesnt matter if Russia is number 1000 on the list, that it just a distraction type argument.

My point is  that this sort of warfare is already common. And unlike strategic bombing, the weapons dont carry a countries insignia.

But ask yousrelf, "Who would be behind this and why?"
Unless you subscribe to the Serbian nationalist argument that "They blew up their own market to make us look bad" Markale market , the obvious backer is Russia (and no, I dont have proof) just a logical mind that sees through the old "But that side is worse" type arguments. Cheers Mr. Green[/quote]

I guess in fairness to you that article missed the point where the two most hacked countries from this latest hacking are Ukraine and Russia. Certainly the first two victims were Russia and Ukraine as well - https://www.businessinsider.com.au/petya-cyberattack-hit-64-countries-no-kill-switch-2017-6?r=US&IR=T
It is a very dangerous thing to draw conclusions from small pieces of information without the full picture as I hope you have now seen.
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