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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 11.6
votes: 5

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:15 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

I think Trump's is run for the Presidency for the right reasons. He doesn't need the money and can't be worse some of the others. Talk is cheap everywhere but I do hope he does some of the things he has set out to do. That will be success and worth remembering and the measure of the man.

All the best Trump, his team and the country.
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Rep: 87.2
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:11 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Lol i think you made a few errors there.

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Rep: 14.8

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:25 am Post subject: PZt_HNiC Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Listen, the simple explination is this.

Right now we have an almost completely godless world where we have all been idly sitting by while coporations and a criminal elite have amassed huge quanities of wealth all the while keeping the reigns of our monetary systems in the hands of their friends and family.  A world where they would do anything including arming and funding the very "boogie men" they terrorize us with so that they can constantly and consitently take away the very liberties that were granted to us by our creator. Whoever or whatever that might be to you. Science, God, Allah, Buhdda, Brahma, Vishnu, Jesus, that doorknob over there.

Trump is the figure head of a second American Revolution.

Former high level Army, Marine, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, CIA, Pentagon, NSA, FBI, etc, etc, etc, etc are working closely with him behind the scenes, believe that.  None of them want to see a third World War because they know that it will involve nuclear bombs. He is simply the amplified voice of the PEOPLE in my country. White, Black, Red, Brown, Purple and Yellow, we all came out in mass to vote for him because we want to save what is left of our dying country.

Say what you will, but I personally am hoping that Trump can do his part to bring peace to the world starting out by simple making the United States a sovereign nation again.

Someone here had it right when they stated that everything is being blown out of proportion by the "mainstream" media, at home here in America as well as abroad. Think of us electing Donald Trump in the same way that you treat the UKIP rallying the people to support the Brexit. We are fighting an uphill battle for the freedom of our nation, for the last vestiges of Liberty, Truth and Justice that my country was designed to be the shining beacon of.

It really tears me up inside to watch people my age who are in the streets protesting violently wearing the colors of communism, spouting the words of fascism and rascism, uneducatedly exclaiming that Donald Trump is a rascist and a biggot.

The democrats in this country founded the Klu Klux Klan as a left wing army to disrupt the vote to abolish slavery in this country, and then when it suited them they appealed to the minority voter by pretending to support the civil rights movement while also backing the very power structure that assassinated the leaders of said movement (King, X, Kennedy.) Hillary Clinton took money from Saudi Arabia, a country where gays are thrown off of roofs, women arent allowed to drive, women can be disfigured for looking at a man that isn't family, and women arent allowed to leave the house, which is why thier new found right to vote is a joke. We also forget that republican and democrat powers have grown fat on the military industrial complex that has funded their rise to power and has fomented dissent and installed communist (or worse) regimes all across the world. THANK GOD that Donald Trump arose to take over the republican party and try to restore that which our founding fathers laid out for us with thier Declaration of Indepenance. Thank god they were too stupid to run Bernie Sanders (a liberal, socialist f*cktard con-man) who probably could have eeked out a victory over Donald Trump. My nation is so close to tasting actual prosperous freedom again and it makes me want to cry.

Here I am, one voice out of millions in the silent majority that has cast a vote to elect a man we believe can use his business savvy and his true love for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, the American way and the Amercian dream we were all promised. And when I say America I mean South America and North America as well as my United States. We really need to bring wealth, prosperity, rule of law, and honest free market economics to this hemisphere again in the hopes that the infectious feeling of freedom and hope can spread the fires of liberty once again throughout the world.

I just want a world with limited government controlled by the people. A world where we clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and house the homeless. A world where science, mathematics, art and agriculture are the things we cherish above all else. I want my children and your children to teach thier kids to love eachother and take care of this planet until we improve ourselves well enough to explore the solar system and inhabit other planets without the need for monetary gain, military muscle, and self loathing hatred that breeds the very evil that we are fighting to free ourselves from in this current day.

May god bless all of you and may god watch over you and your country while we here in America work to clean up our side of the street and inspire you to clean up yours.

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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:27 am Post subject: Re: PZt_HNiC Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

mattymattcarmichael wrote (View Post):
Listen, the simple explination is this.

Right now we have an almost completely godless world where we have all been idly sitting by while coporations and a criminal elite have amassed huge quanities of wealth all the while keeping the reigns of our monetary systems in the hands of their friends and family.  

The democrats in this country founded the Klu Klux Klan as a left wing army

Thank god they were too stupid to run Bernie Sanders (a liberal, socialist f*cktard con-man) who probably could have eeked out a victory over Donald Trump. My nation is so close to tasting actual prosperous freedom again and it makes me want to cry.

Yes Bernie Sanders would have defeated Clinton.  The DNC conspired with Clinton to cheat Sanders of a fair primary election.  Your choice of words is like calling Trump an Alt Right, fascist, con-artist.  And you're about 50 years behind the times.  Now the KKK now has David Duke endorsing Trump and just had a victory day parade in NC this week.

How does Trump solve  "corporations and a criminal elite have amassed huge quanities of wealth all the while keeping the reigns of our monetary systems"? by trusting a Billionaire elitist whom pays nothing in tax & advocates more tax cuts for these same corporations and elites?  Doesn't make much sense.  I highly doubt he is going to change that.  Rich get richer and poor and middle class get poorer.  

From ESPN today:

SAN ANTONIO -- Spurs coach Gregg Popovich spoke openly Friday about Donald Trump:

"I'm still sick to my stomach, and not basically because the Republicans won or anything, but the disgusting tenor, tone and all the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic," he said before the Spurs' home game against the Detroit Pistons. "And I live in that country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. That's the scariest part of [the] whole thing to me."
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Rep: 87.2
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:29 am Post subject: Re: PZt_HNiC Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

mattymattcarmichael wrote (View Post):
Listen, the simple explination is this.

Right now we have an almost completely godless world where we have all been idly sitting by while coporations and a criminal elite have amassed huge quanities of wealth all the while keeping the reigns of our monetary systems in the hands of their friends and family.  A world where they would do anything including arming and funding the very "boogie men" they terrorize us with so that they can constantly and consitently take away the very liberties that were granted to us by our creator. Whoever or whatever that might be to you. Science, God, Allah, Buhdda, Brahma, Vishnu, Jesus, that doorknob over there.

Trump is the figure head of a second American Revolution.

Former high level Army, Marine, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, CIA, Pentagon, NSA, FBI, etc, etc, etc, etc are working closely with him behind the scenes, believe that.  None of them want to see a third World War because they know that it will involve nuclear bombs. He is simply the amplified voice of the PEOPLE in my country. White, Black, Red, Brown, Purple and Yellow, we all came out in mass to vote for him because we want to save what is left of our dying country.

Say what you will, but I personally am hoping that Trump can do his part to bring peace to the world starting out by simple making the United States a sovereign nation again.

Someone here had it right when they stated that everything is being blown out of proportion by the "mainstream" media, at home here in America as well as abroad. Think of us electing Donald Trump in the same way that you treat the UKIP rallying the people to support the Brexit. We are fighting an uphill battle for the freedom of our nation, for the last vestiges of Liberty, Truth and Justice that my country was designed to be the shining beacon of.

It really tears me up inside to watch people my age who are in the streets protesting violently wearing the colors of communism, spouting the words of fascism and rascism, uneducatedly exclaiming that Donald Trump is a rascist and a biggot.

The democrats in this country founded the Klu Klux Klan as a left wing army to disrupt the vote to abolish slavery in this country, and then when it suited them they appealed to the minority voter by pretending to support the civil rights movement while also backing the very power structure that assassinated the leaders of said movement (King, X, Kennedy.) Hillary Clinton took money from Saudi Arabia, a country where gays are thrown off of roofs, women arent allowed to drive, women can be disfigured for looking at a man that isn't family, and women arent allowed to leave the house, which is why thier new found right to vote is a joke. We also forget that republican and democrat powers have grown fat on the military industrial complex that has funded their rise to power and has fomented dissent and installed communist (or worse) regimes all across the world. THANK GOD that Donald Trump arose to take over the republican party and try to restore that which our founding fathers laid out for us with thier Declaration of Indepenance. Thank god they were too stupid to run Bernie Sanders (a liberal, socialist f*cktard con-man) who probably could have eeked out a victory over Donald Trump. My nation is so close to tasting actual prosperous freedom again and it makes me want to cry.

Here I am, one voice out of millions in the silent majority that has cast a vote to elect a man we believe can use his business savvy and his true love for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, the American way and the Amercian dream we were all promised. And when I say America I mean South America and North America as well as my United States. We really need to bring wealth, prosperity, rule of law, and honest free market economics to this hemisphere again in the hopes that the infectious feeling of freedom and hope can spread the fires of liberty once again throughout the world.

I just want a world with limited government controlled by the people. A world where we clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and house the homeless. A world where science, mathematics, art and agriculture are the things we cherish above all else. I want my children and your children to teach thier kids to love eachother and take care of this planet until we improve ourselves well enough to explore the solar system and inhabit other planets without the need for monetary gain, military muscle, and self loathing hatred that breeds the very evil that we are fighting to free ourselves from in this current day.

May god bless all of you and may god watch over you and your country while we here in America work to clean up our side of the street and inspire you to clean up yours.


Hey mattymattcarmichael. Your factual errors are constant and appalling. We must not respect someones opinion when its ignores such basic rules of reality.
I think its great that young people are out on the street protesting. Wearing the colors of communism? Lol, Its Americas move away from communism that's the problem.
If you look at all the problems of America its obvious that its because of Americas bipartisan shift towards the right.

Sorry to sound to sound so ideological but i think any suggestion that America is moving to far to the left is absolutely ridiculous.

Godless nation? America is the most religious nation ever. What are you on about?

Mike Pence is a nut case! And so are you.
There is no strong evidence that Kennedy or Martin Luther was assassinated by democrats. How ridiculous. And why are you pinning racism on them? Republicans are clearly the most racist party in these times.
Democrats didn't found the KKK. You are a complete nut!
The KKK was a left wing army? Your crazy.

Sod98. Trump didn't run for the right reasons. If you think he's going to do what he said then your delusional. The mere fact that the GOP has gained power alone is a huge disaster for the world.
Mike Pence may very well be worse than Cheney.
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Rep: 87.2
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:06 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Mooxes last comment seems quite relevant now.

When Trump first won it was very satisfying to see a surprisingly large amount of universal correct self diagnoses on the part of the media. Its only been a few days and the idiots are out in force.

There are a huge combination of reasons of why he won. But i think we can boil it down to the mass dissolution of politics and the unnecessary suffering on the part of the electorate.
And the fact that Hillary was so unpopular.

Its kind of horrible to see the normalization of Trump being president in the mainstream media already. (CNN you low-down bastards) In my opinion a organized movement of angry protesters is very good and healthy. Its shocking to see so many people bad mouthing these angry young people. I could understand people voting Trump to send a message or to stop Clinton. But to suggest this guy will actually follow through with his change platform remains doubtful. We are already getting a lot of alarming news.
Despite not being a insider its highly likely this guy will enact mainstream republican policy. It will be fascinating to see if any of his policies rub against his party.

I'm already seeing people posting Micheal Obama 2020 memes. God! Have you not learned your lesson? We don't need the wife of a child killer- I mean establishment politician. We need a good, strong, honest reformer.
The democrats need to go back to there pre-Clinton era. Before when the party represented the little guy. (I know i hate that term )  Before they became so intertwined with fat cats.
A way to solve Americas slow move towards fascism is not a great leap towards fascism! I honestly believe that a lot of Americans look at this and seriously don't mind it. Fascism is just something they like.
Why talk about boring facts when you can just roll your sleeves up and act strong and cool?    

I feel as if the Democrats change into republicans was a reaction to Reagan and loss of Carter. I'm hoping that the loss of Clinton will move them in the opposite direction. But as Carlin put it. I'm sure they would rather make cosmetic changes. P.R. Not meaningful reform that is desperately needed.  

The outrage that Sanders supporters should be feeling cant be overstated. The polls suggested that he was a better candidate from the beginning. And he advocated real issues while Clinton was just being a mainstream republican.

Now, i read that Clinton has blamed the F.B.I?Its incredibly stupid to pin it down to just the FBI when you consider all the other factors including her massive short comings.  
However, it is worth talking about.
The F.B.I and the C.I.A are in my view, basically criminal organizations. If you look at there history.. I think they did have a invested interest in Trump winning over Clinton. I think they CIA and FBI and other such organizations thrive under corrupt authoritarian regimes.    
James Comey is the guy who has received criticism for deciding to pop in a last minute investigation before the election. All you have to do is look at the fact that this guy voted for Mit Romney to realize that he is a complete lunatic.
He also teaches Sunday school.  Wink  Very Happy

Sorry for the mistakes in my writing. I have been operating on a huge lack of sleep lately.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:17 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Anthony - " America's move away from Communism ". Surely you mean from Socialism. US has for the most been in a right leaning political sphere. Look no further than the Rockefellers, Prescott Bush, Herbert Walker etc whose families today were the backers of the Clinton campaign. Also their historical influence upon the US since pre WW2 ( Henry Ford awarded the Grand cross of the German Eagle etc ). Oddly Trump was a Democrat with no allegiances to the Establishment. So it is easy to see how Trump can be seen as more Left Wing. I guess he thought it easier to get to the White House through the Repub's nomination than the Clinton Dynasty maybe.

Mike Pence has been described as boring but hardly does that make him a " nut case ". Founder of the KKK was a Democrat - Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was also a Confederate Officer during the Civil War not that that has any bearing on this.

If Trump didn't run for the right reasons then what - strongly non Establishment. It's a dangerous job to ruffle the wrong people as JFK found out possibly, just for the power. The real danger being the media backed Clinton's seem to have some still believing she is a saint. Another fake story to go with the Bosnian snipers and the " jackup " interviews. Such a coincidence.

Margot Gerster - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3929382/Was-Hillary-hiking-woods-photo-staged-Woman-picture-met-Clinton-fundraiser-family-hosted-ex-candidate.html
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that either Pence or Trump will be worse than their predecessors - Libya, Somalia, Syria etc. That's sheer speculation based on bias and fear. He has been democratically elected and until voted out or removed the rest is history or will be. The media bias is clear. They donated a whooping 96% of their donations to Clinton and the rest to Trump - Oliver Stone. Wikileaks revealed 2 days ago how George Soro's is funding the organized anti -Trump protests. This guy is open anti Jewish and a far right agitator. More alarmingly he is another big supporter of Clinton's Campaign - $9m. He also has many of his people in media like - Amanpour - CNN, Thompson was  - The Atlantic, Boardman - Dean of the School of Media and Communication at Temple University and Soros " funds Black Lives Matter groups. According to a Washington Times analysis of the Soros-funded OSF's tax returns, the organization gave at least $33 million to BLM groups in one year. The Daily Beast attempted to cover for Soros, but their story was based on OSF simply denying they fund BLM and trying to claim that it would be impossible to track the $33 million ". Hillary is so unpopular because of the many stories over so many years - no trust left.

A little research goes a long way sometimes
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:06 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Sod can you please tell me what you are smoking and send some to me?  Just because you read something on a blog doesn't make it true.  Information is not the same thing as facts.  Be Sounds like you're getting all your make believe facts from Breitbart or Alex Jones.  

Pence is a nut.  Antony is right.  Pence chose to pursue far right wing culture war agendas signing a Gay discrimination bill behind closed doors in private. Then after numerous businesses announced they would boycott his state, he choked at press conference to repeal his own bill.  It took him over a minute to even say a word.  If Trump dies in office we're screwed with this nut next in line.  I believe he is a War Hawk as well.  

Enough with the lies about the KKK.  Really that is the oldest right-wing jedi mind trick in the book.  When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill in 1964, all the Southern Democrats from Confederate States switched parties.  That was over 50 years ago.   Since that time the Republican party took them in with open arms and adopting a Southern Strategy which has kept the entire South firmly under their control ever since.
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:02 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

I too believe it was Comey's letter that sunk Clinton's campaign. The three typically blue states she was projected to win, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania she lost by 1%. Comey's letter then the followup saying we found nothing was the tipping point in an already close election. Those whose votes were swayed by these two events were swayed by disinformation and lies. The Trump campaign, capitalizing on this fortune basically went on radio silence to let it play out and it worked.  I think Comey made it public because it was going to be leaked anyways, and it was probably better to have full disclosure. I wouldn't say he is personally to blame, circumstances dictated his actions.

Trump did not easily win this election. There was no landslide of the silent majority or undercover Trump supporters. We all know the popular vote went to Hillary. I think I even read somewhere that voter turnout was the lowest in 20 years.

IMO.... The anti-establishment point is a cop out for everyone who was voting for him to remove the immigrants, build the wall, ban muslims etc. They were on board well before "drain the swamp" ever became a thing. Trump is establishment.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:03 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

DJ - Calm down child. So Pence has a Conservative view on gays. That still doesn't make the guy a nut. I think your bias of others views taints reality and as a result you type and post out of fear. So once again you say I produce a link you doubt while you produced nothing but your unqualified rants......lol. Please post something next time that doesn't involve your personal feelings like the gay community etc. Trump " I believe he is a War Hawk as well ". Well you clearly didn't think as there currently is no proof. Show me where Hillary and that woman don't know each other and by chance can't remember each other. I will look forward to that please..........lol.

The KKK question and 1964. I love it. Was Forrest still around then ? Keep blaming others and believing in crooked Hillary as " you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time " - Abraham Lincoln. But maybe you are the exception.

You clearly don't need to smoke anything and I suggest you don't with that personalty of yours - truly weird.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:46 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Ha ha ha. You don't like what I wrote so you say I need to calm down.  I think you must get all your info from right-wing nut You tube videos.  Signing a bill designed to allow people to discriminate against Gays is not a "Conservative" viewpoint.  There are plenty of "Conservatives" that do not share that viewpoint.  It accomplishes nothing to rally behind that type of culture war agenda.  Religions are free to worship as they wish.  It is not necessary to implement Right-Wing extremist laws to attempt to shame Gays.  If you don't like them, fine, but how does legalizing discrimination help unite a nation?  It doesn't.

You make no sense whatsoever about your KKK rants.  I know English is not your first language?  But what conceivably are you trying to accomplish.  The racists, white nationalists, KKK members all switched to the Republican Party in '64 because of the Civil Rights Act.  That's all there is to it.  And the Republicans have adopted a very effective Southern Strategy ever since.  Trump adopted that strategy to perfection.  Look at the Electoral maps for every single election since '64.  The old Confederate states vote Republican every time.  Can't spin that.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:04 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

mooxe wrote (View Post):
...voter turnout was the lowest in 20 years.

IMO.... The anti-establishment point is a cop out for everyone who was voting for him to remove the immigrants, build the wall, ban muslims etc. They were on board well before "drain the swamp" ever became a thing. Trump is establishment.

Yes Clinton got something like 6 million less votes than Obama.  Not only that but a large percentage of Bernie Sanders supporters refused to vote for her.  The only reason why I did is because I think Trump is not qualified for any public office.  Straight from the beginning, years ago he started out with "Show me your papers" attacking Obama's ethnicity.  Blatantly racist.  I honestly don't even think Trump himself is racist.  Rather he is simply pandering for votes from low information, uneducated white working class voters.  That is the text book Southern Strategy by using fear mongering tactics to scare especially older whites with no college education.  Worked to perfection.

I think you are spot-on about "drain the swamp" being a cop-out.  It's a false flag.  The person that is proud to zero-out and not pay any taxes, refuses to disclose his tax returns, in the elite top 1% $ wealthiest Americans, surrounded by Republican Establishment surrogates, is to support to "Reform" our system?  All lies to get votes. And all of it is going to free...he never says how he will pay for anything.  He gives the most vague simpleton plans, never with any specifics.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:28 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

DJ - It's just that once again you are terribly wrong. That link on Clinton's walk in the woods is from Britain's Daily Mail. Considering you supply no links, just provide more mindless jabbering rants. Calm down as I feel you are quickly losing the plot again with more of the same boring denials. Just because Trump and Pence dislike your leanings doesn't make them nuts. However your failed pick in the Democratic elections, ( backed the wrong donkey ) possibly wasn't elected due to the fact people just don't trust her. The protest vote rubbish is just more from the media who like you and some others failed to see that trump was going to win. Clinton had hundreds to rallies were Trump had thousands and  that's not a protest vote. The Wikileaks certainly aren't Right Wing. It's just that most of the rest of the world see the US as Far Right Wing and further Right Wing politics. Wiki to date have been 100% correct I believe unless you have proof otherwise.....look forward to seeing it. Veritas YouTube vid's resulted in 4 Hillarites step down from the extended campaign. Your media is crap in cover both sides unless it's the two sides of the same coin campaigns of old.

You mention war agenda. Hillary says she would have continued on Obama's foreign policies. Since Obama received his Noble Peace prize.........lol. USA are in conflict in 5 more countries, a total of 7 - Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and Syria. I don't need to tell you the rest of her history surely. Trump talks of mending bridges while Clinton wanted to bomb them in short. Trump like Obama like others before can't please everybody. But surely being Democratically elected should mean that the public to a degree agree with his policies. The popular vote is meaningless as Hillary never gained more than 50% therefore more than 50% of the population dislike her too.

My KKK rant was shortened so not to spend so much time embarrassing you further with more of your mistakes. You can't rewrite history. Forrest was a Democrat and no matter what was signed off in 1964 doesn't change the fact Forrest was a Democrat in the 19th Century child. Remembering post Civil war Lincoln being a Repub would mean lots would vote for Democrats in the South for sometime to come. Some states went Repub - freedmen, population drift and depopulation of white males in the South all contributed to this. But wasn't " every single election as you lied again - http://www.270towin.com/historical-presidential-elections/

You really are grasping at straws on this one and it smacks of desperation, embarrassment and naivety on your part. Learn some history boy before you gob off and make yourself look more pathetic.

Anti Establishment Trump, Gingrich, Bannon, Giuliani and more. Trump will need some Establishment politicians - Ryan, Priebus. But surely will purge them after a settling in period. I would like to see him go after the corrupt Clinton's and their camp - Soro's, Podesta and so on. Also change the corrosive foreign policy as he has stated he would. Domestically you guys would have things like the massive FD - 20 trillion, health care, education, jobs, security, immigration etc. Just a couple of these would be success compared to the other failed Presidents of death and destruction.
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Rep: 37.4

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 7:40 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Your a wise person sod98
Excellent post!

Hopefully, Trump and company can fix
the mess that MOTUS created!
                                           Very Happy
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:19 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Sod you admit to getting your info from James O'Keefe YouTube videos?  Yes that's what I thought...you are are completely indoctrinated by the right-wing media bubble.  O'Keefe is a fraud and has a criminal record.  Now Bannon was just criticized by Jewish groups for his links to anti-semitic white nationalists.  The Alt Right are Fascists.  There are no Anti-Establishment Republicans in Congress.  Mitch O'Connel and Ryan are completely corrupt owned by Special Interest Lobbyists.  Nothing will change.   It is all a gimmick to get votes.  Trump is not even a real Conservative.  He already is caving on full repeal of Obamacare.

Get ready for more of the same old Republican Establishment agendas.  If you think Obama was bad with too many military wars...just count down the Days until the Republicans re-invade Iraq or start a new war.  The Republicans are the War Hawk party and they will find some Democrats to go along with them like they did with Iraq.  WHAT LINKS?  Try Google, Mike Pence fell on his sword, had to repeal his own "Religious Freedom" law that legalized discrimination of gays.  Then he lied saying it was the same thing Clinton passed in '93.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:35 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Sod you are really sounding more and more mis-informed and ignorant with each post.  You continue to deny that for the past 50 years the KKK has supported the Republicans.  What is your point?  During the Civil War they were Democrats?  That was over 150 years ago.   Really waste of my time to even bother to respond to your ridiculous rants.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:51 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Yes I lied.  Only when Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton won the Confederate States (because they are white Southerners themselves).  Otherwise this has been the outcome of every other election ever since the President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act.  These are the States where the KKK is from and where there is still a persistent problem with racism.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:02 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

DJ - Did you not look at the link provided to see the sea of Blue in the South 1880 and there are others - http://www.270towin.com/1880_Election/

Unlike you I read as most posts and articles on these matters. It gives a more balanced view unlike the one you keep bending and twisting to suit fantasy of these elections and their protagonists. In the real world it doesn't matter where the truth comes from - Wikileaks. As long s the truth get aired especially when in the light of day, how clear the Democrats were out of control. I did notice that none of the links I had given over the election period have been refuted or proved to be lies. In fact once again you failed to mention Wiki, just more mindless ranting.

Do feel free not to reply unless this time you want to tell the truth for a change, use some real historical facts and accept that what really undid Hillary was her past of lies and a campaign filled with deceit and dirty dealings. Otherwise reply and keep me laughing at your less than school boy rants child.

ps 3 replies - panic, unbalanced and desperate...................lol.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:05 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
DJ - Did you not look at the link provided to see the sea of Blue in the South 1880 and there are others - http://www.270towin.com/1880_Election/

Unlike you I read as most posts and articles on these matters. It gives a more balanced view unlike the one you keep bending and twisting to suit fantasy of these elections and their protagonists. In the real world it doesn't matter where the truth comes from - Wikileaks. As long s the truth get aired especially when in the light of day, how clear the Democrats were out of control. I did notice that none of the links I had given over the election period have been refuted or proved to be lies. In fact once again you failed to mention Wiki, just more mindless ranting.

Do feel free not to reply unless this time you want to tell the truth for a change, use some real historical facts and accept that what really undid Hillary was her past of lies and a campaign filled with deceit and dirty dealings. Otherwise reply and keep me laughing at your less than school boy rants child.

ps 3 replies - panic, unbalanced and desperate...................lol.

Everyone, keep the convo civil just as it was up until page 4. If you can't say it in person don't bother typing it. This post is just one example.

Insults or baiting are not required to get a point across.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:12 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

dj, as much as I hate to say it Michael Moore has a good view of the reality of politics:

"Bill Clinton, and most other contemporary Democrats, did not and will not do what is best for us or the world we live in. We don't pay their bills - the top 10 percent do, and it is their will that will always be done. So is there a difference between Democrats and Republicans? Sure. The Democrats say one thing and then do another-quietly holding hands behind the scenes with the bastards who make this world a meaner place. The Republicans just come right out and give the bastards a corner office in the West Wing. That's the difference." (Michael Moore in his book "Stupid White Men")

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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