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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 3.9
votes: 2

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:09 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
More rubbish. If they are so convinced that Russia interfered in US elections show some evidence - they can't. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/848474/united-states-russia-consulate-san-francisco-washington-dc-new-york-donald-trump-putin
I hear a press release could be aired on US base al Tanf in Syria. The report offers first hand evidence from a moderate rebel commander. It will be very interesting if these statements are verified.

Left wing or Right wing in US politics................lol. As you guys have finally noticed the two main players being the Democrats and Repub's are two sides of the same coin vying for the same contract to please their lobbyists. The same methods and outcomes in foreign policy for some 50 years shows proves this.

I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:50 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed.[/quote]

So why then does the US Govt act upon the so called evidence they can't once again release before the completion of the investigation - shutting Russian consulates and openly accuse Russia til the investigation is complete etc. Is that guilty before being proved innocent and we all know how that went for Iraq last time - illegal invasion.

The hacking, election interference and collusion etc will never arrive at a finding with evidence. Lets face it if there was one shred of evidence it would be plastered all over the world's media yesterday. Evidence is often released before the completion of investigations. Often to gain further withheld evidence in the public domain and as an appeal to the public. Just not a complete case is released for public consumption for obivious reasons. Please you see that every night on your news.....................or not, depends on the quality - CNN, Fox etc.

Must be true if two sitting Presidents at the time say so...............lol.

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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:36 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

I am going to generalize here. I think most people who followed the details of the election would agree votes were not hacked in. They would agree there was attempted collusion and they would agree there was certainly outside influence on the media to favour Trump.

When Mueller's investigation is complete I am sure it will make Trump look really bad, and that's about it. Some of the people who worked for Trump will go down (maybe Manafort) but nothing will come out so concrete as to get him impeached. He won't be proven innocent or guilty. If anything is going to bring Trump down prior to four years, it will be something he's done post inauguration.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:16 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

mooxe wrote (View Post):
I am going to generalize here. I think most people who followed the details of the election would agree votes were not hacked in. They would agree there was attempted collusion and they would agree there was certainly outside influence on the media to favour Trump.

When Mueller's investigation is complete I am sure it will make Trump look really bad, and that's about it. Some of the people who worked for Trump will go down (maybe Manafort) but nothing will come out so concrete as to get him impeached. He won't be proven innocent or guilty. If anything is going to bring Trump down prior to four years, it will be something he's done post inauguration.

Fair enough. Media in favour of Trump. The only media that I saw from an international perspective that favoured Trump and predicted a Trump victory was Fox. NYT and Wapo from print media and CNN, and the rest appeared to heavily in favour of Clinton in the final race. Remember CNN passing the questions of a debate to the Clinton camp. Collusion.........well no one will go to jail and I still say no evidence will ever be presented. Without a trail Trump can only ever be innocent.

Trump is learning to play the game so his lobbyists will be kept happy - he's safe. USA will continue to lose friends internationally - Philippines, Qatar, Turkey etc. But at least the domestic ecionomy will pick up. Not sure if everybody will benefit from it though.
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:38 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

When I say media I mean it as a whole. Like social networks, website comments and news but not the actual manipulation of published articles/shows on major news outlets. However the former can and probably did influence the latter.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:36 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

mooxe wrote (View Post):
When I say media I mean it as a whole. Like social networks, website comments and news but not the actual manipulation of published articles/shows on major news outlets. However the former can and probably did influence the latter.

Cheers for clearing that up.

I had a good laugh while reading this on going issue from this so called journalist - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/louise-mensch-donald-trump-sex-trafficking-hoax-claim-claude-taylor-twitter-a7918446.html
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Rep: 42.6

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:14 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Citrus wrote (View Post):
Left or right.  They're all the same.  Left is full of contradictions but so are the right.  Take this statement for example:

"The left always do this to people who sit on the right wing of the political spectrum. They label many conservatives (like me) as being racist and homophobic etc."

The person who said this rightly calls out those in the left who make gross generalizations, then proceeds to defend making gross generalizations of their own, about the left, because the alleged generalized left do it.  Is this person trolling or am I meant to take their hypocrisy as a rational position?  

To me this is the entire problem with Trump politics.  People excuse shitty behavior and saying shitty things because they can point to some example, however obscure, that someone else has done and claim they can now do it as a general practice, no matter how much they supposedly disagree with that behavior or type of statement.  Really it's just an excuse to be shitty and laying the responsibility on someone else.

Excuse me mate, I'm not a troll, I'm just speaking my mind if that's okay with you. I agree with you, it is true that both the left and the right can be hypocrites, but then hypocrisy isn't rational at all. Using Brexit as an example of the left calling people who voted to leave the EU is not obscure at all.

Winner of the Close Combat fanatics 'Panthers League'
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Rep: 3.9
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:02 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
So why then does the US Govt act upon the so called evidence they can't once again release before the completion of the investigation - shutting Russian consulates and openly accuse Russia til the investigation is complete etc. Is that guilty before being proved innocent and we all know how that went for Iraq last time - illegal invasion.

The closing of Russian consulates is part of the tit-for-tat posturing between US and Russia.  Only weeks ago Russia closed US diplomatic buildings.

Your question about US Government and evidence to act raises a critical point about government power e.g.  How is that US government under Bill Clinton can order missile strikes against Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factories in Sudan without providing sufficient evidence of threat to US national security, yet the Russian investigation drags on?

In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.
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Rep: 3.9
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:18 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
Fair enough. Media in favour of Trump. The only media that I saw from an international perspective that favoured Trump and predicted a Trump victory was Fox. NYT and Wapo from print media and CNN, and the rest appeared to heavily in favour of Clinton in the final race. Remember CNN passing the questions of a debate to the Clinton camp. Collusion.........well no one will go to jail and I still say no evidence will ever be presented. Without a trail Trump can only ever be innocent.

Trump is learning to play the game so his lobbyists will be kept happy - he's safe. USA will continue to lose friends internationally - Philippines, Qatar, Turkey etc. But at least the domestic ecionomy will pick up. Not sure if everybody will benefit from it though.

Apples and Oranges.  Collusion with news media to influence outcome of a debate is highly unethical but does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal.

I have yet to see anything that could bring Trump down.  Most of the news about him on both sides is bluster and distraction.   Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal or anymore controversial than previous presidents.  The difference is he revels in controversy; whereas others try to avoid it.

I dislike Trump because he says some of the most stupid things and behaves like a child.  I also like Trump because he exposes the political system for what it is - a power game between society's elites (including Trump) where the opinions and wishes of the people ultimately do not matter.  Sure, people get to vote, write to representatives and protest.  But the game is ultimately played among the rich and powerful and the voice of the people are just another tool in their arsenal that they wield when it suits them and dismiss when it doesn't.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:35 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.[/quote]

Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today - https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the ground...................lol. Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6TGkpi_vVE

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

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Rep: 3.9
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:49 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.

[quote[Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today - https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the ground...................lol. Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6TGkpi_vVE

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

The FBI link you provided is a statement at the end of the investigation.  Also, this statement doesn't provide any specific evidence of guilt.  It's a summary of findings.

Your statements about war are irrelevant to the point I was making about government power.  Furthermore, I essentially agree with you i.e. I said you raised a "critical point about government power," and the example I provided (attack on Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan) was unsanctioned.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, there are much better places online to have mindless disagreements with people than the closecombatseries forum.

Also, no need to make condescending personal statements about "paranoia" and "hatred" (I'm not even sure how you infer that from my statements).  If you want to talk about the issues talk about them.  Your judgments about me personally are unnecessary and laughable, because you know nothing about me except a few short forum posts.  In other words, you know nothing Jon Snow.

And I don't have a "country", so no need to try and twist this into a moral pissing contest.  I live in the United States, but I'm not a US citizen.  And philosophically, I'm anti-nationalist.  In my opinion, nation-states are imagined communities i.e. they only exist and are maintained in the minds of those who willingly believe or are unwillingly forced to accept that their established institutions represents a united population with shared values.
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Rep: 41.8
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:39 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

If I was an American I would be very worried about what is happening to the 'brand' of USA and also of the POTUS. USA wasn't really that popular even under Obama, Dubya managed to make USA one of the most hated nations in the world. It's not a question of Muslims hating USA but pretty soon everyone will. This will reflect into economy, commerce, politics, etc. USA is hampering protection of the environment that has a huge global effect and is starting wars left and right. IMHO this cannot continue.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:55 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Citrus wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.

[quote[Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today - https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the ground...................lol. Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6TGkpi_vVE

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

The FBI link you provided is a statement at the end of the investigation.  Also, this statement doesn't provide any specific evidence of guilt.  It's a summary of findings.

Your statements about war are irrelevant to the point I was making about government power.  Furthermore, I essentially agree with you i.e. I said you raised a "critical point about government power," and the example I provided (attack on Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan) was unsanctioned.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, there are much better places online to have mindless disagreements with people than the closecombatseries forum.

Also, no need to make condescending personal statements about "paranoia" and "hatred" (I'm not even sure how you infer that from my statements).  If you want to talk about the issues talk about them.  Your judgments about me personally are unnecessary and laughable, because you know nothing about me except a few short forum posts.  In other words, you know nothing Jon Snow.

And I don't have a "country", so no need to try and twist this into a moral pissing contest.  I live in the United States, but I'm not a US citizen.  And philosophically, I'm anti-nationalist.  In my opinion, nation-states are imagined communities i.e. they only exist and are maintained in the minds of those who willingly believe or are unwillingly forced to accept that their established institutions represents a united population with shared values.

Embarrassing, that link I provided states "  the FBI is completing its investigation " - as in not yet finished. You must remember that at the time Comey was roundly criticized for releasing this information / evidence ? Anyway here is another link explaining more of this - http://www.newsweek.com/james-comey-clinton-emails-investigation-grassley-658122
I disagreed with " Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but NOTHING ILLEGALl ". If you don't like me proving you wrong again don't write such school boy statements, naive in context and lacking in facts. Then try to hide behind pathetic rants like keyboard warrior when you have been proved wrong - acknowledge them and move on.

My statement of "What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth'. If you haven't already started to realize is a thing called a general statement. Once again it is given away by the words " some people ". Also if you have read some of my previous post you will see that I have mentioned the meaning to this many times. Also how is a general statement a personal attack on you.............that is paranoia.............welcome to the western disease. General statements are used regularly in the English language - hope that helps.

Lastly I'm not really interested in your homeless life story.....it would be as boring and mindless as you are. See that is a personal attack and you can clearly see that. I did gather and say you were American by the use of " your country holds " and that's my mistake. See how easy it is to admit to a mistake. Now lets see how you get on once you have read those links.

Now that you reside in the USA, it would be a good idea to catch a couple of English classes to improve your sadly lacking English Comp. Or if this helps and don't take offense my Spanish isn't very good and used Google  - Ahora que usted reside en los EE.UU. sería una buena idea para coger un par de clases de Inglés para mejorar su tristemente falta Inglés Comp.
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Rep: 3.9
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:17 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
Citrus wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.

[quote[Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today - https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the ground...................lol. Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6TGkpi_vVE

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

The FBI link you provided is a statement at the end of the investigation.  Also, this statement doesn't provide any specific evidence of guilt.  It's a summary of findings.

Your statements about war are irrelevant to the point I was making about government power.  Furthermore, I essentially agree with you i.e. I said you raised a "critical point about government power," and the example I provided (attack on Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan) was unsanctioned.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, there are much better places online to have mindless disagreements with people than the closecombatseries forum.

Also, no need to make condescending personal statements about "paranoia" and "hatred" (I'm not even sure how you infer that from my statements).  If you want to talk about the issues talk about them.  Your judgments about me personally are unnecessary and laughable, because you know nothing about me except a few short forum posts.  In other words, you know nothing Jon Snow.

And I don't have a "country", so no need to try and twist this into a moral pissing contest.  I live in the United States, but I'm not a US citizen.  And philosophically, I'm anti-nationalist.  In my opinion, nation-states are imagined communities i.e. they only exist and are maintained in the minds of those who willingly believe or are unwillingly forced to accept that their established institutions represents a united population with shared values.

Embarrassing, that link I provided states "  the FBI is completing its investigation " - as in not yet finished. You must remember that at the time Comey was roundly criticized for releasing this information / evidence ? Anyway here is another link explaining more of this - http://www.newsweek.com/james-comey-clinton-emails-investigation-grassley-658122
I disagreed with " Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but NOTHING ILLEGALl ". If you don't like me proving you wrong again don't write such school boy statements, naive in context and lacking in facts. Then try to hide behind pathetic rants like keyboard warrior when you have been proved wrong - acknowledge them and move on.

My statement of "What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth'. If you haven't already started to realize is a thing called a general statement. Once again it is given away by the words " some people ". Also if you have read some of my previous post you will see that I have mentioned the meaning to this many times. Also how is a general statement a personal attack on you.............that is paranoia.............welcome to the western disease. General statements are used regularly in the English language - hope that helps.

Lastly I'm not really interested in your homeless life story.....it would be as boring and mindless as you are. See that is a personal attack and you can clearly see that. I did gather and say you were American by the use of " your country holds " and that's my mistake. See how easy it is to admit to a mistake. Now lets see how you get on once you have read those links.

Now that you reside in the USA, it would be a good idea to catch a couple of English classes to improve your sadly lacking English Comp. Or if this helps and don't take offense my Spanish isn't very good and used Google  - Ahora que usted reside en los EE.UU. sería una buena idea para coger un par de clases de Inglés para mejorar su tristemente falta Inglés Comp.

You hang your entire opinion on a turn of phrase?   Laughing

Did you actually read the press release, or did you look for words that suit your opinion?

What evidence of guilt is actually released in the FBI statement?  Remember your complaint was that no evidence of Russian collusion had been released.  Yet you have not provided any example of evidence release before completion of an investigation.

This discussion reminds me of another problem of Trump politics: he has given every ignorant loud-mouth the courage to express their vapid, ignorant, bigoted or regressive opinions.  Likewise, it is amusing how you use the same tactics as Trump - feigning innocence about making a personal insult, then follow it up with another insult "as boring and mindless as you are".  

Also, I'm not Mexican.  And I have more degrees than you could ever achieve in a lifetime.  Like I said above, there is no need to make condescending personal statements.  If you want to discuss the issues, discuss them.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, you might have more fun on reddit.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:03 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

A turn of phrase - more like proof that evidence is release during an on going investigation " For example, when one of Secretary Clinton’s original personal servers was decommissioned in 2013, the e-mail software was removed. Doing that didn’t remove the e-mail content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor. The effect was that millions of e-mail fragments end up unsorted in the server’s unused—or “slack”—space. We searched through all of it to see what was there, and what parts of the puzzle could be put back together". - That is evidence that only the investigation team would have known. It's not evidence of guilt as we all know however it is evidence from an on going investigation...............lol. Just admit you were wrong - it is so embarrassing to see a very well education person make themselves look so dumb. You certainly didn't need my help.............well done. Even Trump was spouting off things that only the Investigation team could have known.......................where were you..............south of the border.

If you don't like being insulted or your intelligence ( the jury is still out on that one or under investigation should i say ). Try not to trade in the very thing you say I'm doing. Words have meaning not emotion but a very well educated person like you would know that.

Try using facts is always a start but admitting when you are wrong just shows you aren't a little man in mind and stature. You wanted an example I provided the very thing and now you are in denial. Maybe you shouldn't converse with the adults child.

You have embarrassed yourself today.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:11 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
A turn of phrase - more like proof that evidence is release during an on going investigation " For example, when one of Secretary Clinton’s original personal servers was decommissioned in 2013, the e-mail software was removed. Doing that didn’t remove the e-mail content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor. The effect was that millions of e-mail fragments end up unsorted in the server’s unused—or “slack”—space. We searched through all of it to see what was there, and what parts of the puzzle could be put back together". - That is evidence that only the investigation team would have known. It's not evidence of guilt as we all know however it is evidence from an on going investigation...............lol. Just admit you were wrong - it is so embarrassing to see a very well education person make themselves look so dumb. You certainly didn't need my help.............well done. Even Trump was spouting off things that only the Investigation team could have known.......................where were you..............south of the border.

If you don't like being insulted or your intelligence ( the jury is still out on that one or under investigation should i say ). Try not to trade in the very thing you say I'm doing. Words have meaning not emotion but a very well educated person like you would know that.

Try using facts is always a start but admitting when you are wrong just shows you aren't a little man in mind and stature. You wanted an example I provided the very thing and now you are in denial. Maybe you shouldn't converse with the adults child.

You have embarrassed yourself today.

It's proof of nothing- the term is clearly a turn of phrase.  The investigation was closed in July.  The statement was made in July.  The investigation had come to an end, and the press release was a summary of findings.  

It's bizarre to me, how I agreed with your initial comments, yet you're trying to find any disagreement you can with me; all because I said "I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed."  If you're offended by that statement, please accept my apologies.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:54 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

It's proof of nothing- the term is clearly a turn of phrase.  The investigation was closed in July.  The statement was made in July.  The investigation had come to an end, and the press release was a summary of findings.  

It's bizarre to me, how I agreed with your initial comments, yet you're trying to find any disagreement you can with me; all because I said "I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed."  If you're offended by that statement, please accept my apologies.[/quote]

Actually the press release was a day before the official ending of the investigation. Comey's release of information was 5 July 2016 and the Investigation was closed on the 6 July. As I have said before the investigation had concluded.I guess you already knew this and was a reason why i used this example as it was still fresh. Others like the Dutch MH17 Investigation - 9 Sept 2014 a preliminary report outlined evidence. The a final report 13 Oct 2015 was released. But it really isn't new to release information / evidence during an investigation. It's common practice by the Police among many others.

No way Jose, I disagreed with what you had said post my comments. It has little to do with you agreeing with my comments. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

When you were talking of degrees I'm sure you mean a degrease. Everyone needs a good mechanic whether he's Mexican or not. No need for apologies just an admission of making a mistake.
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:04 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Anyone who attempts conversation with Sod eventually gets called paranoid, has their intelligence insulted and Sod will reply dismissively to what others people say.

This is not a thread about Donald Trump, this thread is Sod's trap. Sod is not able to have a discussion without adding all the rhetoric which only derails the topic  and his own points, turns people away and shows his real intent.

He is why the Russia thread was ended.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:20 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Yes USA is evolving into a Banana Republic that is manipulated by foreign powers with immense financial & political leverage over us.  True, USA lost international credibility over waging a war based on lies and illegal invasion of Iraq.
Then Obama made some limited progress to restore our reputation but failed to close Guantanamo and honor pledge to end the endless wars in Iraq & Afghanistan.  The rise of India and China as economic powers has further weakened USA as our educational system and infrastructure falls apart.  While China and Russia use USA to launder many Billions of fraudulent $$$ into real estate including Trump and Kushner holdings.  Plus "loans".  Flynn asked for immunity already.  Mannafort now was said to have received $100M to work as lobbyists on behalf of pro-Russian interests and virtually guaranteed to launder the $ via Bank of Cyprus and lie to the IRS.  The investigations take years not months especially of something of this scale.

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
If I was an American I would be very worried about what is happening to the 'brand' of USA and also of the POTUS. USA wasn't really that popular even under Obama, Dubya managed to make USA one of the most hated nations in the world. It's not a question of Muslims hating USA but pretty soon everyone will. This will reflect into economy, commerce, politics, etc. USA is hampering protection of the environment that has a huge global effect and is starting wars left and right. IMHO this cannot continue.
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Rep: 3.9
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:53 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

mooxe wrote (View Post):
Anyone who attempts conversation with Sod eventually gets called paranoid, has their intelligence insulted and Sod will reply dismissively to what others people say.

This is not a thread about Donald Trump, this thread is Sod's trap. Sod is not able to have a discussion without adding all the rhetoric which only derails the topic  and his own points, turns people away and shows his real intent.

He is why the Russia thread was ended.

I thought Sod was a Russian operative and they forget tell him Trump's election campaign is over.   Wink
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