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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 91.3
votes: 4

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2022 7:46 am Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

The turret armor on the panther will be a little bit lower giving a green circle for the T34/85 (is now yellow) but will still be very difficult to knock out frontally.
Soviet tactic should be to flank the panther and shoot at side or rear.
To be honest i haven't done very much research into the mechanics of the reserve system but i guess its 3 infantry teams and 1 support team that can be borrowed.
I'll take a look into crewed weapons i have to investigate wich is best all members coded as crew (no rank icon displayed ingame) or code 1 member as assistant leader (crewed weapon may not get passed down when operator is dead).
Soviet vehicles where created from scratch for the mod but based on and inspired by resized soviet TLD stalingrad vehicles, german vehicles are all standard LSA but i may change a few of them for the next version.
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Rep: 62
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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2022 3:32 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Maybe someone can answer a riddle for me. I have noticed that the Russian troops are pretty much fearless in attacking about any German tank within about 50 meters to disable, or if possible destroy it. I have had so many tanks disabled in this way that I am just wondering if the Russians were especially adept at this kind of warfare?

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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Rep: 14.2
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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2022 5:04 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Schmal_Turm wrote (View Post):
Maybe someone can answer a riddle for me. I have noticed that the Russian troops are pretty much fearless in attacking about any German tank within about 50 meters to disable, or if possible destroy it. I have had so many tanks disabled in this way that I am just wondering if the Russians were especially adept at this kind of warfare?

do not leave tanks in this mod alone by themselves, it seems cover from terrain and buildings is greater than other mods and makes it more difficult to see the troops. It is a theory I have, I cannot confirm it and I have not looked at the files but it is my impression. Maybe Aetius can clear this up.
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Rep: 91.3
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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2022 6:35 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Indeed, The adjusted elements file made by Schnellemeyer provides more cover for infantry so a huge thanks to him for letting me use it in my mod.

As for historic reality i know early in the war soviets used a lot of AT rifles, molotov cocktails and AT grenade bundles but in 1944 i don't know exactly, i presume they still used molotovs and AT grenade bundles for close range assaults and less AT rifles.
Lend lease bazookas were few in numbers, captured panzerschrecks and panzerfausts where used but i don't think in an organised way.
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Rep: 62
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PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:09 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

The point I was trying to make is I believe someone slipped the Russian troops some Red Bull or something as they seen to be anxious to take on my German tanks, even from the front. Or maybe they have a death wish? I can't get my Germans to do the same thing, even with a flame thrower.

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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Rep: 91.3
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PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2022 8:32 am Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

I see now what you mean, thats probably the setting "always obey orders" that is ticked on the command screen like i suggested in the readme for a better fight against the AI.
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Rep: 62
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PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2022 11:42 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

A number of things I can expect when Germans fight against the AI:

1. Whatever German unit is first spotted can expect to be hammered incessantly by artillery until it is pretty well devastated down to the last man or two, or in the case of tanks, either destroyed or immobilized.

2. The artillery can be expected to have pinpoint accuracy in a small 50 meter or less area—even to the point that is somehow misses Russian units that are in close proximity. (The exception is that the artillery does at rare times hit the Russian units.)  

3. I can have a Russian AT gun (or an infantry unit) being hit from two or three different directions, even from above, and it still manages to survive a torrent of bullets for a considerable amount of time and firing the gun at the same time. (My German units are generally eliminated so fast it makes your head spin.)

4. If I have a German MG in a building or in some other cover, they can be expected to be eliminated fairly quickly by whatever Russian unit is close by—even if the German unit has the element of surprise and the Russian unit is in the open. This seems to happen so often that I am amazed if the German unit somehow survives with very few casualties. (Since I am not that knowledgeable on Russian units, I figure they must possess some awesome weapons that are so much better than what the German Wehrmacht uses so that I loose so many of my troops in close-order fighting.)

Not sure how much of this is built into the original CC game, but I bring this up to make the point, anyway. I am happy to say, the tank on tank combat is pretty balanced. Nothing that I can tell seems out of wack in that regard.

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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Rep: 91.3
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PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2022 6:52 am Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

1/2.Use of arty by AI is hardcoded, it probably uses the arty barrage on the first target its spots.
The arty barrage should cause damage, the accuracy is set at the same value as other mods and the stock game.

3.The german guns are stronger in the next version (1.05) and will now survive longer.

4.Experience/Morale has a lot to do with this i think, did you notice a difference in soviet infantry units Vs german low quality troops or Vs elite SS or FP troops?
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Rep: 14.2
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PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2022 10:45 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

One thing I try to do in my current soviet campaign is attack enemy infantry battlegroups with my armored ones (attack the weak spot), leaving the german panzer BG's to my infantry BG's. My poor frontoviki get a beating but I think it has allowed me to have a faster progress Strategically; the panzer regiments get bogged down while their infantry gets decimated by free roaming T-34's. I'm racing towards the bridges not even setting foot in the Warsaw districts east of the Vistula (Praga?), even bypassing a static BG; it seems such a waste to enter there where the map density is greater and so I believe the soviets will take longer to arrive to the bridges through there... I can already hear polish historians condemning me again for not helping the uprising  Confused .

I doubt that confronting Panzer battlegroups with your own infantry could work in H2H, but who knows, between the better terrain cover and abundance of infantry AT weapons it could be worth a shot.

Also, advance in the predefined axis of attack for each formation because if you deviate a BG to cover another area that was not to be covered by them, you could leave gaps in your frontline plus I like to keep my formations together for roleplaying. Of course situations could arise that you would need to separate a BG from the main formation. For example if you detach an infantry BG from following the armored spearhead (true story that happened to me) then you will let your tank formations alone and will not be able to advance on risk of being cut off. I think the soviets must reach the bridges at all costs as soon as possible and I wish there was something to make the player feel the urgency to do so.

I love the battles, the setting, the units... I can't get enough! I want to drive all the way to Berlin now.

A general outline of the battle and how far the soviet unit advanced.
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You can see here how the Soviets managed to advance through a narrow corridor (3rd Tank Corps) but where stopped everywhere else. Weird that the 3. SS-Panzerdivision is not shown, maybe it was too far east from this map.
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Rep: 91.3
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 12:58 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

The "lexicon der wehrmacht" site has some great situation maps (although some are missing):


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Rep: 91.3
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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 3:15 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

situation map from the soviet side: attack on Siedlce:
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Rep: 62
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2022 10:28 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

(The first paragraph was posted previously with the "LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes." Both campaigns were fought against the AI)

The first map is the result of my first "Radzymin44" campaign, where the Germans counterattack, starting with version 1 and then later after about three days upgrading to version 1.04. At the beginning my Panthers took many kills as the JSIIs and ISUs guns were overpowered. As I played, I restarted the battles a number of times, maybe up to 10 over the course of the campaign which could account for the number of destroyed Russian tanks as opposed to my German losses. I also tend to play pretty conservatively as the Germans generally have smaller force pools. With the settings that Aetius recommended the Russian forces were pretty much more aggressive resulting in more overruns of my forces and generally more losses. I generally would stop the battle after the Russians would sue for a "Truce." But after the decimation and disbanding of one of my units early on and the massive numbers of Russian tanks I decided to have no mercy, so many times Russians units were disbanded.

The second map is my latest campaign, again based on the German counterattack. I was much more aggressive this time even to the point of using infantry units to attack nearly any area containing a Russian armor unit, which is a strategy I never used the first time. After finding out the strength of the unit I would then maneuver an armored unit to take it on. The difference in the amount of Russian armor destroyed probably has something to do with spending less time destroying Russian armor, piecemeal as opposed to the first campaign where I would try to rack up as many destroyed tanks as possible, and also taking advantage of the unit disbanding when the morale was too low after considerable losses.

Radzymin '44 1.png
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Radzymin '44 1.png

Radzymin '44 2.png
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Radzymin '44 2.png

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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Rep: 91.3
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:07 am Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Thats some heavy fighting going on there.
Do you know wich day of the campaign you won total victory?

I'm updating the mod now, in the next version the soviet 11th Tank Corps will be relieved after taking Siedlce (as was historically so) around 1st of august, so a lot of soviet armor will be removed on a certain turn in the campaign making the soviet GC harder.

I found an exellent Polish site (i use chrome translate to read) where the battle is explained in detail:

Info from that site is very usefull to finetune my forcepools.
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Rep: 62
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:09 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Yeah, I timed it to be the very last day and time the campaign ended. Probably the only way I was able to have enough of the Panthers left to take on the JSII and other heavy armor was to use MkIVs and assault guns whenever they were able to take on the Russian armor on fairly equal terms, which probably accounted for my larger loss of armor this time around.

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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Rep: 14.2
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:37 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Aetius wrote (View Post):
Thats some heavy fighting going on there.

I found an exellent Polish site (i use chrome translate to read) where the battle is explained in detail:

Info from that site is very usefull to finetune my forcepools.

Great site. Very thorough in the day-by-day recounting of the battle. It gives a more chaotic but detailed picture of what transpired, giving compositions and names of the various formations (Kampfgruppen) that participated. 10/10
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Rep: 41.2

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 8:37 am Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Can this mod be used for WaR?
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Rep: 29.4
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:05 am Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

qwaqwe wrote (View Post):
Can this mod be used for WaR?

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Rep: 62
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:53 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

THIS MOD IS MY NEWEST ADDICTION!!! Playing for the third time now.

Have to say though, that my biggest blunders as the Germans has to do when I start a tank moving and then forget about it as my attention is distracted to some other skirmish or other that is going on. (Is this something that the A. I. can sense that can be used to distract? I am amazed that at times the A. I. can put up a number of good ambushes.) Then that tank more often than not runs into an ambush that is hard to get out of without being destroyed or disabled. Need to limit the distances I have the tanks travel during the phase I am currently using to discover enemy units—same with infantry.

"No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." Moltke
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Rep: 91.3
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:00 am Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Glad you like playing the mod.

I'm now working on an updated version V2.01 who will not be compatibel with older versions due to the many changes:

-MRB and Panzergrenadier regiments have vehicle column instead of infantry column
-IS2 ammo numbers lowered
-Mod version on mainscreen
-Mortar teams now have 2 mortar tubes and are a little more deadly
-Mortar and arty strike made more deadly
-All LMG's more ammo
-AT guns better cover and more deadly
-IS2 gun little more deadly
-Panther armor decreased a little bit
-StuG42 more deadly
-Airstrikes more deadly
-New rank icons
-Uniform colors adjusted
-Pak88 gun icon corrected
-SU-76 and MarderIII armor increased
-Armor of all light vehicles increased

Changes in progress or to be done:

-All BG's reviewed/changed
-Adjusting of force pools to be more historically correct
-All 11TC BG's will be relieved on a certain turn in the campaign
-SU-57 and Valentine IX added to some soviet BG's
-Flakpanzer 38t and PzII ausf L (Luchs) will be added to some german BG's
-Some new vehicle graphics for german armor
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Rep: 14.2
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:25 pm Post subject: Re: LSA Radzymin '44 mod Reply with quote

Nice! I put on hold my current campaign since you announced the patch.

I was going to comment on the ammo for the IS-2, all sources said it had like 28 rounds because the shells are so big And in the mod I think it has like 50+ Plus the reload time should be very slow, these things weight like 25Kg
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