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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 121
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:13 pm Post subject: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Report here bugs you have found and/or suggestions.
Please remember that I was the only tester and, even if the mod seems to me already solid, basically it’s like a beta and maybe there are bugs that I don’t have found.
Moreover, there are also (few) bugs properly of TLD (and of course the classic installation/configuration problems that from time to time can happen).
Anyway after your reports I will try to understand if it’s a mod bug or another kind of problem.

Here some things to keep in mind testing my mod:

- To avoid occasional crash follow the hints in the readme file under “Single Player” section: some of them cannot be avoided because they regard the original game, but they are rare and anyway occasional; some others can be eliminated with the windows compatibility mode (of course don’t report occasional crash that are in the readme file list).

- Remember that v 2.1 is not save game compatible with v 2.0: don’t report errors/bugs if you find them continuing old campaigns/ops after have patched the mod.

- In campaign settings I have used “0” and “100” values for the score system: I’m not sure that they can be used so let me know if you have crash problems at the end of the fifth day of the grand campaign (report it also if you play with the mod not patched to v 2.1).

Just because this mod it’s basically a beta I want encourage you all to report constant game crash if you find any of them. If you want help, if/when you find constant crash, try to remove starting 15 units one by one (player and opponent) trying to play each time to find the unit that causes the crash: often the cause of a constant game crash are the bad settings of a single unit (especially guns and tanks).
Anyway, more in general, report the campaign/operation day, the map, and the battlegroups involved. I would also know if there were many wrecks due to previous battles on the map involved in the game crash (I remember an old CC5 bug about this fact, but seems to me to remember that it wasn’t a constant crash).

Finally, testing the mod please take care also these two things:

- the possibility to cross bridges with medium and heavy tanks (if they can't cross, it's a bug): I have already corrected two bridges for v 2.1, let me know if you find some others problems of this kind.
- Victory location names: considering the maps I have used, if you have suggestions about some "historical" generic and/or specific Vls names to augment the variety of them in the maps I will change some of them.


Last edited by Drizzt on Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:50 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

I will be the first:

There wasn't 122mm mortar - it was 120mm Smile
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Rep: 70.1
votes: 6

PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:23 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote


I chose to Soviet elite vs german recruit, (I think is the most playable), never act, full info and always obey on, time 15 min, force morale on.
Starting GC moviment as in image and no deploy barrage or airstrike, the game crash during loading the first battle (belgorod), after tried 4 times, the map load, this no happens if I dont move anything or assign arty or airstrike.
No problems playing as german.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:06 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

to Salhexe: I have tried what you have said but no crash problems for me (5 times consecutively with strong support on Bgs and the movements done as in the picture, than belgorod battle without problems). It doesn't seems a mod problem: you have done some others movements that I don't see in the picture?
I have tried with elite vs recruit, but I suggest to you to play line vs line because some TLD org options are, in my opinion, too much not balanced with elite vs recruit (see readme).

Edit: I have also tried movements without arty/air support: no problems again. I was thinking that hardware not particularly recent (so not particularly powerfull) can cause more crash especially in grand campaigns (because full of Bgs and maps), and especially in the first turn of them: it happens also to me in past.
Another thing: the patch (for org game) you have installed is the last (see readme)? It must be the 5.50.14b (you can find it on this site).

to Dima: thanks, In the next weeks I will build a quick patch with all (in my opinion possible) things suggested in this thread.


Last edited by Drizzt on Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 70.1
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:47 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

yes I moved all the line also tank div, Yes this is not a mod problem and I use xp pro.
In future i think to developed an soviet vetmod (not german becouse here G are powerfull) .
First battle is ok and german ai is hard. Very good
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:55 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

to Salexe: glad you have resolved. Germans are not more strong than russians: see force strength bar info (is the bar in command screen) in the readme file. Moreover, 9 russian divisions can reinforce, all others (german and russians) not (again, readme file).
I write this things only as info: of course you are totally free to do your vetmod, but I really suggest you all to play this mod with the balance that I have set.

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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:05 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

I have found a bug that appears with win7: to exit from soldier screen after have selected only a 10 men squad causes game crash, but if (always in soldier screen) you select a “normal” (no more than 7 men) team, exit, then enter again, you can now select every team you want for the exit from soldier screen without crash problems.
If you have win7, I suggest to you all to set for the CCE.exe file the winXP SP3 compatibility: do it eliminate the bug that I have described now, and also eliminate the “exiting bug” (in the readme of the mod I have described it: game sometime crash when you exit from the game).


Edit: weird, also setting the compatibility with win7 (using already win7) can help to eliminate these two bugs.
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Rep: 6.8

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:50 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

First of all thanks for your work it is great to see cc back on the Eastern Front.

Two issues I have are related to crashing.  I have windows 7 with 64 bit and reset cc.exe file to windows xp sp3 compatibility mode.  I still had the issue.  I have other mods installed for TLD and do not recall having the issue before.  Also saw the error code 18. Looked it up on Matrix forums in TLD and they said the same thing as you did.  Will continue to see what will work.  Saw maybe turning off AV program helps.  Will try and let you know.  It happens sporadically.

Other issue and impacts gameplay is I am unable to add artillery to a unit on the strategic map.  I can add air support and mortars but not artillery.  Seen this happen before with other cc games (I have them all except for CCMT).  But able to get it added to a unit.  Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thanks again, you did a nice job!
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Rep: 6.8

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:30 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

I believe the issue with crashing could be due to the antivirus program by disabling mine it seemed to work fine.

Also realize that you do not allow artillery on all maps.  What is good program for opening tga files?
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:44 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi mg422, glad you like the mod: a good freeware program  to open tga files it's IrfanView (good because it's a light program). To have artillery support available only in some maps it's normal: every mod I think has been set in this way, and of course the original game. To set a total support is not good for gameplay and strategy (in the mod artillery support replace original naval support).


Edit: remember that you have 3 turns per day to use all the support, but anyway yes, sometime, it can also happen that you can't use it all because the number of battles on supported maps in a day can be lesser than the artillery support available in a day (for example in a small operation with limited number of maps available, and more in general it can depend to movements chosen by you and the IA).
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Rep: 14.2
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:33 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Great mod, what I feel very different is that you start with almost all of your forces already on the strat map. It feels weird playing with full german squads this time of 10 men. I love the maps.

Any ways, I've too experienced the odd crash but have yet to find a cause.

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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:00 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi Pzt Kanov and thanks again for the feedback. Yes, german ten men squads are uncommon in CC: I like how battles are with them (I mean the fight against ten men russian squads).
About the number of Bgs immediately on the ground: 2nd battle of kharkov it’s really big so needs many Bgs to cover all front; moreover, I have tried to preserve the salient to be reconquered by germans too fast refilling it of russian Bgs.
To be honest, besides the crash bugs explained in this thread and in the readme file, I don’t have odd crash: with more details maybe I can help you.
A small advice (for all): it’s better to wait the first patch before play the grand campaign: I’m not sure that will be 100% savegame compatible. Anyway I will set future patches to be fully savegame compatible (and I will release not savegame compatible things, if any, in the last patch in some moths time from now).

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Rep: 155.2
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:32 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

yeah I'm really enjoying the big squads... blood everywhere   LOL
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Rep: 15.7
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:38 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Fantastic. I thought that can not make a mod worse than BoB. I was wrong.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:11 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Nikin, don’t expect to have seen the worst, there is always something more worse (and of course the opposite). Don’t forget it again, it's a simple rule.
I like BoB, please don’t use it in a “negative way” in this thread (not because I like it, but because it’s anyway the wrong place).
Of course, fire as you prefer on my mod: I have asked to Dima to work with me because I perfectly know that the mod can be really improved (I have asked his help in this forum: it’s easy to verify it).

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Rep: 155.2
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:59 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Had a double CTD on the attached GC

It's a German offensive from the left side of the strat map
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:23 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Thanks for the save Southernland: when exactly game crash? I can enter in the battle without problem: I must fight? You suggest it's better to lose or to win to see the bug crash? I need more details, thanks in advance: very usefull the save because in this way I'm totally sure if something happens also to me or not.
A small advice (that interests all): my stratmap.txt has been a little bit improved (in the last post of "TLD Kharkov Mod Download" thread there is a regularly updated list of the changes made by me for the first patch), so there is a possibility, even if very small, that I don't have this bug due to these changes. Of course this is valid only if the bug crash happens entering in the first map available for the battle (Bogodukhov: 36/14 Pz vs 227 Rifle): I await more details.

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Rep: 155.2
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:02 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

5-10 seconds in both times, though just played through perfectly now
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:45 am Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Glad to see it's not a constant crash Southernland.
Anyway, I have played the battle three times: first time I have finished it (no CTD); second time only 5 minutes covering all the map with my troops in the best possible way (no CTD); third time I have used all the teams in forcepools that don't were in the starting 15 teams for both sides (5 minutes of battle: no CTD). All seems ok.

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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:50 pm Post subject: Re: TLD Kharkov Mod bugs report and suggestions Reply with quote

Hi to all, when you test the mod, as well as possible bugs , please take care also these two things:

- the possibility to cross bridges with medium and heavy tanks (if they can't cross, it's a bug): I have already corrected two bridges for v 2.1, let me know if you find some others problems of this kind.
- Victory location names: considering the maps I have used, if you have suggestions about some "historical" generic and/or specific Vls names to augment the variety of them in the maps I will change some of them.
About Vls I have also this question: I suspect that almost all Vls that I have named “Fortress” are instead orthodox churches but I’m not sure (see the squared shape big buildings): someone can confirm?

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