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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:18 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

If all you Right-Wing fans are eager to bring up all these 20 year old conspiracy theories from Breitbart and Alex Jones...then what about the 4000 Americans that sacrificed their lives in Iraq based on WMD lies?  At least 30,000 Iraqi civilians died.  Dick Cheney and friends make boatloads of $ peddling a bullshIt story of lies.  And gets away with it?  I love how everyone wants to talk about Clinton going to jail for emails...yet conveniently they forget about the pack of lies peddled by the Republican War Hawks.  If anyone should go to jail it should be them.  And how many trillions of $ are added to the debt from a war based on lies?  Nobody even wants to go there.  The Iraq war has no end in sight either.  Even Donald Trump said it was bad idea.  So the Republicans get a free pass for the worst blunder in U.S. history and the biggest blatant lie?
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:27 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

The 60 Minutes Deception (full length, official documentary) How Clinton affects the media - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQTj53xN4TU

A bad luck run for people working for the Clinton's - still it's not evidence just coincidence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0Xl9Nb_TU0

Although this one is about Ukraine. In the near future more will come out of Hillary's connection to the US figures mentioned - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9hOl8TuBUM

IS possible little helper - John McCain - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vItuKKuz_7Y

These are the guys Trump needs to go for.

Non US - Stealing a Nation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zhGvId4fcc
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:38 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

The John McCain clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipd6xvoyzsM

- Shows IS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. This clip which was originally captured by Reuters journalist at a training camp in Saudi A. They also ran a story outlining how ISIS as it was called were meant to oust Assad Govt. They went rogue and found easier pickings in Iraq as well as Syria. Reuters refused to pull their article to this day and back it 100%. - never sued. Why the denials.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:43 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
If all you Right-Wing fans are eager to bring up all these 20 year old conspiracy theories from Breitbart and Alex Jones...then what about the 4000 Americans that sacrificed their lives in Iraq based on WMD lies?  At least 30,000 Iraqi civilians died.  Dick Cheney and friends make boatloads of $ peddling a bullshIt story of lies.  And gets away with it?  I love how everyone wants to talk about Clinton going to jail for emails...yet conveniently they forget about the pack of lies peddled by the Republican War Hawks.  If anyone should go to jail it should be them.  And how many trillions of $ are added to the debt from a war based on lies?  Nobody even wants to go there.  The Iraq war has no end in sight either.  Even Donald Trump said it was bad idea.  So the Republicans get a free pass for the worst blunder in U.S. history and the biggest blatant lie?

You are right DJ. No one should be exempt. Sadly til these US elections the Repubs and Democrats were the two sides of the same coin. Bush donating millions to Clinton Campaign through Carlyle Group etc. Senior Repub's never backing Trump and going out of their to stop him. Even the Brit's need to be investigated for their roll in Iraq, Libya, Syria. as do France, Italy, Germany and others.
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Rep: 29.4

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:39 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

I lived on 2 sides of the Pond: 12 years in USA. I'm back in NL since 2010 again.
I think it's great what is happening. Many people at my work in NL also think it's good.

Why? They are tired of politicians that do exactly the opposite of what the majority of people want.

Trump is very weird in his behavior but he is not an idiot. See through his outer behavior. He is collecting people around him with talent and proven record tp get the job done. No ideologues, because it doesn't work. Things have to get better for all people.

I read a piece from Banner about capitalism. He says there is about 3 kinds: state capitalism (China, Russia), establishment or globalistic capitalism (the super rich get richer supported through influence in governments and creating trade rules that benefit them) and then there is the old capitalism were company owners invest in growth that benefits all people, communities and companies that take part.
That's the kind that made the town were I live great.

Frits Philips founded his little light bulb company in my city early 1900's. He did good and it grew to a company that gave jobs to one time 30.000 people in my city alone. He built schools, transportation, sport clubs, housing, gave scholar ships to ALL families that worked for Philips.
Philips is the last European company that does electronics and still is one of the best in the world

I believe this is the kind of capitalism that Trump believes in and he is collecting a diverse group of established thinkers, owners, etc to get this back in the US. Trying to stop the flight of companies out of the US.
His statement towards China is a clear sign that he is going to do that: call China what they really are and end the power that earn their money by benefitting from China's fraud, like Zuckenberg who wants to help China indoctrinate their people through Facebook. Disgusting.
And Hillary was in for it, together with the other media moguls from Twitter and Google. Very dangerous.

They want to determine what we can read and say and make us believe what they want.

Give me Trump. I give him a chance.
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Rep: 29.4

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:45 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

NL = the Netherlands
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Rep: 29.4

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:00 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Btw out of Philips came 5 engineers in the 1980's. They borrowed 5 million and started a company that makes machines that print computer chips: steppers en scanners.
This company is called ASML and is now the biggest provider of machines that print computer chips in the world. It's value has increased 1000x.
Still operating right next to the town where Philips was founded: Veldhoven next to Eindhoven (the Netherlands) where Philips was founded.

More then 100.000 people have a job here because of them. That's the capitalism that I like.
They could have moved to S.Korea or China. But they didn't because they understand what Mister Philips has done.
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Rep: 0.1

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:51 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

If you have a strange feeling you are being spied, perhaps, your suspicions are not groundless, this source proves that now there are numerous ways to survey any person http://bigessaywriter.com/blog/paranoia-can-be-real-10-ways-technologies-are-spying-on-you
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:55 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

There's major signs of change coming. The Carrier deal he made probably isn't the capitalism you like. Give tax cuts to one company in a state your VP-elect is still Governor of.

Usually you base your trust in a person from their history. Especially true for politics as they are public figures. Lacking a political background means there's no history to base your trust on, so you use his business history, hence, give him a chance.

You say he's surrounding himself with people without ideologues. The reason Americans are angry is partly to blame on this, the GOP has been very uncompromising in the last eight years. Trump is surrounded by these people.

Whether or not his change will be good remains to be seen. Its a big gamble.
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Rep: 87.2
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:28 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Lol, Donald Trump is going to usher in a era of Scandinavian style of Democracy and capitalism. Dont think so mate.

Nothing about this is really looking good. A week after the win i wasn't sure how but its going to be. Now its more clear than ever that its going to be terrible.
Everything bad about America is magnified ten fold with this new administration.

The closest thing we can try and compare this too is Ronald Reagan. (Celebrity, stupid, harmful?damage? terror). The only difference is Reagan had a history of politics and had a clear ideology.
Trump has neither and he is clearly just winging it.
Sure, he has a little bit of intelligence. Cunning.. But the guy is in other ways very simple and must be stupid. If not, it cant be denied the guy has absolutely no morals what so ever.

You guys are fooling your self if you think this guy is going address some of Americas problems.  He is politically illiterate. He is a businessman (Scum).
But first and foremost he is a reality TV star.

He will be loyal to the following:
Big business.
Evangelical Christians
Wealthy elite
Corporate conglomerates
The military
Washington insiders
Mike Pence and all the people around him showing him the ropes. Neocons/neolibs

If you think anyone of these things would be beneficial (As so many people consciously or subconsciously DO) then your being a optimistic fool.
Their is every reason to believe this is going to be a terrible corrupt backwards administration. The people who he has assigned to governmental positions are appalling.  

You are fucked.

You had a chance to assign a experienced, progressive, honest, popular, democrat (Former independent) who was polling better than Clinton, whos presidential campaign was unprecedented and set records in many respects... But it was fucked. Fucked by the people. The democrats. The media especially...  

I will just mention that the American president is often under control by forces that i dont care to go into right now.
Jimmy Carter (Very moral, pushed for radical nuclear disarmament) probably committed serious war crimes. Crimes will be committed of regardless of who is president. Its just with Trump their is even more reason to be concerned.

His administration is fulled with (For example) people who want to go to war with Iran. I mean, are you just stupid? War with Iran would clearly be a complete disaster.
The Iranian revolution was justified and a US attack would be uncalled for and illegal. Their are a lot of psychopaths and neo fascist in America.
Im sorry, but its true. I have seen the interview with them. We are so used to listening to things from our perspective that we dont stop and realize that they are actually evil fascist psychopaths.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:46 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Carrier "deal" is a complete bait and switch.  It is corporate welfare and just an excuse to place more of the tax burden on the working class.  Carrier gets at least $700 million in tax breaks or what I would call corporate welfare.  Yea I don't think so.  Trump is the ultimate con-artist and master of bait and switch.  He is said to have changed his political positions over 100 times during the campaign.

Here is a courageous Republican.  Whom had the guts to confront his own party.  He is one of our Electors whom will use his Constitutional authority to reject the Trump vote.  Here is his Opinion Editorial featured in the NY Times.  Christopher Suprun is his name.  He was spot on about conflict of interests.  Taking Sales calls for his family business while claiming meetings while double-dipping claiming meetings are for political reasons.

"...Hamilton also reminded us that a president cannot be a demagogue. Mr. Trump urged violence against protesters at his rallies during the campaign. He speaks of retribution against his critics.

..Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Mr. Trump’s pick for national security adviser, has his own checkered past about rules. He installed a secret internet connection in his Pentagon office despite rules to the contrary. Sound familiar?

Finally, Mr. Trump does not understand that the Constitution expressly forbids a president to receive payments or gifts from foreign governments. We have reports that Mr. Trump’s organization has business dealings in Argentina, Bahrain, Taiwan and elsewhere. Mr. Trump could be impeached in his first year given his dismissive responses to financial conflicts of interest. He has played fast and loose with the law for years. He may have violated the Cuban embargo, and there are reports of improprieties involving his foundation and actions he took against minority tenants in New York. Mr. Trump still seems to think that pattern of behavior can continue.

And he lied about Boeing.  General Flynn and his son also profusely lied about sick story about Clinton running a sex slave ring from underground bunker below a Pizza store.  You can't make this stuff up.
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Rep: 29.4

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:38 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

mooxe wrote (View Post):
There's major signs of change coming. The Carrier deal he made probably isn't the capitalism you like. Give tax cuts to one company in a state your VP-elect is still Governor of.

Usually you base your trust in a person from their history. Especially true for politics as they are public figures. Lacking a political background means there's no history to base your trust on, so you use his business history, hence, give him a chance.

You say he's surrounding himself with people without ideologues. The reason Americans are angry is partly to blame on this, the GOP has been very uncompromising in the last eight years. Trump is surrounded by these people.

Whether or not his change will be good remains to be seen. Its a big gamble.

Of course it's a gamble. Sometimes people have good intentions but the powers that surround them do not allow them to bring change. Or everybody gets fooled. But I see positive things and I want to give it a chance. Trump is promising things I want to see changed. Hillary says whatever will get her elected. It's not about the people for her, but about herself and her special interest friends.
Trump still has to make friends it seems.

But for me it was clear that the kind of politics that Clinton was going to bring were not going to make it better. It was going to be establishment enrichment over the back of small bisiness and worker again. Obama already raked up enormous debt by immens spending on the credit card of the people. National debt ballooned from 11 trillion to 20 trillion. I remember the criticism Bush got about his war spending. This is more then double, but no one complains.
Foreign policy totally screwed up with pacifistic bow down to the tyrants of this earth policy. Withdrawing troops from Iraq caused Isis. Nuclear gifts to Iran endangered world peace.
This has to change. Diplomacy from a position of strength is needed. No bow downs. Putin, Iran and China were walking all over Obama.

About fake news: I remember the video that caused the attack on the US embassy in Libya: fake news strait from the White House right before the elections. Do we here about that in the debate?

I give Trump a try even though I cannot vote in the US (my wife can).
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:39 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Trump's pull back on Foreign policy and stopping Regime change around the world can only be good for everyone. Also looking to protect the US economy with the likes of Carrier can only be good. Companies only go overseas to make more money not because they are in hardship. He has a massive fight ahead though. Lobby groups who have sponsored Establishment Politicians of the likes of Clinton's, Obama and Bush's ( or even their own companies - Carlyle Group ) etc - https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2016/global-arms-industry-usa-remains-dominant
Foreign Debt of $20,000,000,000,000 and 104.17% of GDP will be the real task and challenge for anyone. How anyone could think Obama and Clinton have been successful Politicians is beyond the realms of reality. Obama first became President the FD was just over $10 Trillion.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:43 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Mind-boggling ignorance.  When Bush became President the USA has a budget surplus.  USA has spent over $6 Trillion in Mid-East wars that were never paid for.  Trump has appointed a bunch of Elitist billionaires, millionaire and 3 Generals.  USA is suppose to be a civilian-controlled democracy.  He is turning it into a Fascist State.  Attacking his critics daily on Twitter.  Attacking the First Amendment.  Attacking the Press.  Spreading lies and misinformation.  ExxonMobil CEO whom is personal friends with Vladimir Putin is being interviewed for Secretary of State.  He has dealt with Putin for years and trying to close a $500B deal for Russian oil before the Crimean invasion.  It is against the Constitution to accept gifts from Foreign Leaders.  This is going to be the most corrupt US Government in history.  Theodore Roosevelt fought against the big Oil Monopoly.  Now 100 years later we are being ran by their people.   You think these people are NOT the establishment?  Trump said Obama founded ISIS and is not a Citizenship with fake birth certificate.  Now he is consulting with Obama for advice?  NUTS
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:42 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Mind-boggling ignorance.  When Bush became President the USA has a budget surplus.  USA has spent over $6 Trillion in Mid-East wars that were never paid for.  Trump has appointed a bunch of Elitist billionaires, millionaire and 3 Generals.  USA is suppose to be a civilian-controlled democracy.  He is turning it into a Fascist State.  Attacking his critics daily on Twitter.  Attacking the First Amendment.  Attacking the Press.  Spreading lies and misinformation.  ExxonMobil CEO whom is personal friends with Vladimir Putin is being interviewed for Secretary of State.  He has dealt with Putin for years and trying to close a $500B deal for Russian oil before the Crimean invasion.  It is against the Constitution to accept gifts from Foreign Leaders.  This is going to be the most corrupt US Government in history.  Theodore Roosevelt fought against the big Oil Monopoly.  Now 100 years later we are being ran by their people.   You think these people are NOT the establishment?  Trump said Obama founded ISIS and is not a Citizenship with fake birth certificate.  Now he is consulting with Obama for advice?  NUTS

You might want to read my statement again when you are less emotional. Bush family politicians are mentioned as Establishment nothing to do with the foreign debt. the current Govt isn't military run, that's scaremongering. Who past Govt's have been owned by " Big Business ". That's one reason for for Arms Industry backing for Clinton and Obama's Foreign Policy. War is money even if you are losing them and even if you are selling to all sides even better. Your media needs to be attacked after all it's failings from Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, US Election etc.

What about the Clinton Fraudation being paid by the Saudi's - donation and more http://www.huffingtonpost.com/medea-benjamin/hillary-clinton-the-podes_b_11779826.html
I guess that's all fine and dandy, it was a donation and to the foundation - yeah right. You go on about big oil money and who do you think has been propping up the Clinton's through the Foundation - oil, mineral and gun companies. Obama was around when these pics were taken - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipd6xvoyzsM

The Russians aren't taking over, you are giving in to little better than Corporate Propaganda. Trump is receiving a " handover ", which is normal practice in any business.
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Rep: 29.4

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:59 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Mind-boggling ignorance.  When Bush became President the USA has a budget surplus.  USA has spent over $6 Trillion in Mid-East wars that were never paid for.  Trump has appointed a bunch of Elitist billionaires, millionaire and 3 Generals.  USA is suppose to be a civilian-controlled democracy.  He is turning it into a Fascist State.  Attacking his critics daily on Twitter.  Attacking the First Amendment.  Attacking the Press.  Spreading lies and misinformation.  ExxonMobil CEO whom is personal friends with Vladimir Putin is being interviewed for Secretary of State.  He has dealt with Putin for years and trying to close a $500B deal for Russian oil before the Crimean invasion.  It is against the Constitution to accept gifts from Foreign Leaders.  This is going to be the most corrupt US Government in history.  Theodore Roosevelt fought against the big Oil Monopoly.  Now 100 years later we are being ran by their people.   You think these people are NOT the establishment?  Trump said Obama founded ISIS and is not a Citizenship with fake birth certificate.  Now he is consulting with Obama for advice?  NUTS

Trump is not appointing establishment. He is hiring people with great talent that have worked and became rich in that world. To use their skills to bring back the US to the greatness where it once was. The great economic and military power that once brought prosperity and world peace for a long time.
He doesn't hire ideological people, but people who know how to get things done in a PRACTICAL way.

For sure Trump is not establishment and like Kissinger said: "Trump has no baggage". So his idea's are not rooted in the establishment to benefit them.
Bush, Cliintons and Obama are for sure establishment.
So we go a new course with Trump.

Btw the Bush and Clinton family are friends. So don't see Bill and George as opposites. Bill had been waging contrversial war in Yoegoslavia and Middle East

Ofcourse we have to watch Trump and correct him if he takes a wrong path. But let him first try and not write him off before he starts.
To me the people who fight him show more insanity then people who support him.
Trump already has accomplished more positive change without being president then Obama during his 8 years. He even listens to his opponents. With respect.

And I'm not even an American. Living under the socialist yoke of heavy taxes and national debt to the all powerfull banks of the world.

I don't get it: leftist hate capitalism and banks but always borrow unlimited money from them to accomplish there progressive socialistic non-profitable goals. Raking up debt to "the people". Basicly making themselves totally dependent on banks. Giving the power to the banks. Mind boggeling.
Now you understand why Wallstreet and banks love socialist.
And subsidies are free money you do not have to invest/work for to get hold of it. Just have your lobbyists in place and it will come to you.

That has to change. In US and Europe.
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Rep: 87.2
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:14 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Sod 98. You need to stop right there when it comes 2 Trump. I'm the kind of guy who was so anti Clinton, that I would tell Sanders supporters to "Vote Trump" just out of spite. But now that he has actually won the election, we should acknowledge him for what he is.
Its nice to defuse the tension at the Russian border because the new president "Likes Vladimir Putin". And Clinton would of undoubtedly been terrible. But this isn't a "My guy is not as bad as your guy competition.". A Trump presidency is a fucking disgrace, even if its not Hillary.
How did you go from being anti American to defending Trump? You mustn't realize OR be against the things that are so wrong with America.  


Anthony - " America's move away from Communism ". Surely you mean from Socialism. US has for the most been in a right leaning political sphere. Look no further than the Rockefellers, Prescott Bush, Herbert Walker etc whose families today were the backers of the Clinton campaign. Also their historical influence upon the US since pre WW2 ( Henry Ford awarded the Grand cross of the German Eagle etc ). Oddly Trump was a Democrat with no allegiances to the Establishment. So it is easy to see how Trump can be seen as more Left Wing. I guess he thought it easier to get to the White House through the Repub's nomination than the Clinton Dynasty maybe.

Americas move away from communism.
It was a reply to WilliamThessilent who mentioned the people wearing the colors of communism. Its a reference to how Americas political system has been shaped by its war with anything remotely communist-alleged. I'm telling him he needs to stop that stupid mentality. Because its ruined his country.  
As for your comments are KKK, this is ridiculous. I'm replying to the nut case, Williamthesilent. He is implying that the democrats are the racist party and afiliate them with the KKK. That is nonsense from a guy who was building a stupid case. The republicans are the most hostel towards minority's.
Refer to Williams original comments, and you will see the case he making.

Mike Pence has been described as boring but hardly does that make him a " nut case ". Founder of the KKK was a Democrat - Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was also a Confederate Officer during the Civil War not that that has any bearing on this.
YES! Mike Pence is a nut! And being boring has nothing to do with it. You mustn't care or know about how ridiculous and insane these evangelical republicans are. Anyone who doesn't view these extreme right wing southern Cristian Baptist republican looneys as a threat, doesn't have good judgement.

If Trump didn't run for the right reasons then what - strongly non Establishment. It's a dangerous job to ruffle the wrong people as JFK found out possibly, just for the power. The real danger being the media backed Clinton's seem to have some still believing she is a saint. Another fake story to go with the Bosnian snipers and the " jackup " interviews. Such a coincidence.
He is not going to be anti establishment. He is just going to run the fucking country like presidents do. This one is a republican. He has appointed a large corrupt group of bastard republicans.
Are you aware that he has appointed Ben Carson to Urban housing development? BEN CARSON!
Do you know who this man is? Do you know how extreme and stupid the republican party is?
Trump has appointed WWEs Vince McMahons wife to cabinet! A comical example of his intuition and susceptibility's. Trumps a guy who has no idea what he is doing. This has happened before in Americas history. A president sitting down with no idea of what hes doing. Its happened 2 other times in Americas history. And the damage done to America and the world was horrific. Now its happening again.

There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that either Pence or Trump will be worse than their predecessors - Libya, Somalia, Syria etc. That's sheer speculation based on bias and fear. He has been democratically elected and until voted out or removed the rest is history or will be.

Who cares.
And of course we don't have a way of looking into the future to gather evidence. We can only look at what we have now. And it doesn't look good at all! The war on terror, drugs and crime follow a massive roll back under trump.
Again, i wanted to see the death of the democratic party! But it cant be denied that republicans are worse on every issue! Including war, military a intervention!
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Rep: 87.2
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:53 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Btw, who do you think killed Kennedy?  Sod98?

Confederate States switched parties.  That was over 50 years ago.   Since that time the Republican party took them in with open arms and adopting a Southern Strategy which has kept the entire South firmly under their control ever since.
That's right. They use it as a voter bass to continue the extreme agendas about dismantling the nation and feeding it to the corporations and high finance.

The democrats are doing it too. But they are nowhere near as insane as the republicans. Again, Sod98, i cant overstate my hatred for the democrats. Any democrat supporter can get a punch in the face, okay. But the republican party and this president is not going to change the nation for the good in anyway. And William trying to imply the Dems are the "True" racist party is a pathetic and unrealistic revisionism. We know Lincoln was a republican they freed the blacks. But that doesn't mean the Republican party isnt by far the most hazardous towards blacks.

IMO.... The anti-establishment point is a cop out for everyone who was voting for him to remove the immigrants, build the wall, ban muslims etc. They were on board well before "drain the swamp" ever became a thing. Trump is establishment.

I think the racist vote was a huge factor. Americans just like stupid, crazy, bad people. The American people are a dangerous people.
Remember there are many reasons why Trump won! But the things you mentioned were a huge factor.

Trump is very weird in his behavior but he is not an idiot. See through his outer behavior. He is collecting people around him with talent and proven record tp get the job done. No ideologues, because it doesn't work. Things have to get better for all people.

Your just wrong. Of course the people he has appointed have ideology's. They are really fucked up ideology's.

. Trump is not appointing establishment. He is hiring people with great talent that have worked and became rich in that world. To use their skills to bring back the US to the greatness where it once was. The great economic and military power that once brought prosperity and world peace for a long time.
He doesn't hire ideological people, but people who know how to get things done in a PRACTICAL way.

For sure Trump is not establishment and like Kissinger said: "Trump has no baggage". So his idea's are not rooted in the establishment to benefit them.
Bush, Cliintons and Obama are for sure establishment.
So we go a new course with Trump.

Btw the Bush and Clinton family are friends. So don't see Bill and George as opposites. Bill had been waging contrversial war in Yoegoslavia and Middle East

Ofcourse we have to watch Trump and correct him if he takes a wrong path. But let him first try and not write him off before he starts.
To me the people who fight him show more insanity then people who support him.
Trump already has accomplished more positive change without being president then Obama during his 8 years. He even listens to his opponents. With respect.

And I'm not even an American. Living under the socialist yoke of heavy taxes and national debt to the all powerfull banks of the world.

I don't get it: leftist hate capitalism and banks but always borrow unlimited money from them to accomplish there progressive socialistic non-profitable goals. Raking up debt to "the people". Basicly making themselves totally dependent on banks. Giving the power to the banks. Mind boggeling.
Now you understand why Wallstreet and banks love socialist.
And subsidies are free money you do not have to invest/work for to get hold of it. Just have your lobbyists in place and it will come to you.

That has to change. In US and Europe.

Leftist don't like banks.

Americans are the most frightend people in the world. It has a history that goes way back. And like all animals, they are the most dangerous when they are scared.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:35 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Antony - I was never anti American. Was was and still am anti current US Foreign Policy and anti the so called free media ( mainstream media ). The first ( FP ) has been the greatest help to the rise of Terrorism around the world, destabilizing sovereign Govt's ( regime change ) and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. This has happened while the likes of the Establishment Politicians of Bush's, Clinton's and Obama have been in power or controlled some power. A media that has continued to fail their public from the truth on no WMD's in Iraq, no sarin gas use by Assad in Syria, failing to mention the illegal invasion of Iraq, illegal bombings in Syria, the truth on the Ukraine, Clinton's payt's by the same guys who pay IS and Al Nusra wages - SaudI A etc. that's just a little part. To say the truth isn't anti particularly when the real anti Americans are those perpetrating these dirty deeds as Democracy and providing freedom........lol. Not to mention how Clinton can wipe hard drives and lose emails, connections to Libya, massive mistakes as SOS and that's accepted.

To criticize Trump as President. I think first he must at least be inaugurated, passed or been party to failed policies like his predecessor's, in this case increased national debt, created further enemies of the state. Til then anyone else who says otherwise is foolish and shows themselves out to be naive. Trump hasn't created the American issues but is an elected head of state and must be given the respect of time to prove otherwise . He could still very easily prove to be a failure. Clinton most definitely would have been as she wanted BAU on domestic and foreign policies.

It appears you still make the mistake of Repub and Democrat's differing policies. They are the two sides of the same coin. Trump isn't their boy yet. That's one of the reasons lots of Repub's sudden grew morals over Trump while ignoring Repub candidate failings and Clinton's. Lucky the US public to a degree saw through her 30 years of revenue gathering for the Clinton Family coffers and the Clinton Fraudation.

Check a little history to see how the Democrats passed bills and acts against blacks and minorities in the US. History is written by the victor. It doesn't mean that it will be correct. I can give many examples if you need them. What's the difference between a dumb leader and a unscrupulous leader - the presence of malice. What one do you think is worse.

The only thing I do agree with you this time on is that the US finds itself in massive debt, losing friends and creating many more enemies sadly. Just maybe something a leader like Trump could turn some of these around................maybe.
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Rep: 11.6
votes: 5

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:24 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Anthony - Who do I think killed JFK ? Lets go through the obvious choices.

1 Cuba under Fidel - What did they have to gain, nothing. Killing JFK would destroy one of their chances of legitimacy as a state.

2 USSR - Even less as the USSR had found someone they could negotiate with. Unlike what some say they killed him over the failings of the USSR during the Missile Crisis - flawed history.

3 Mafia - JFK's father had links to the mafia. The mafia were displeased with JFK over Cuba. The mafia lost mega millions in assets in Cuba due to the revolution - casinos, bordello's, hotels etc. JFK refused to back another " Bay of Pigs of which the mafia were heavily involved.

4 Cuban exiles - As above, JFK refused to back another " Bay of Pigs ". Removing JFK would provide hope for future chances.

5 CIA - Have worked with both the Mafia ( Sicily in WW2, Cuba - " Family Jewels ", Central and South America, Sth East Asia and even Afghanistan during the USSR time, the Cuban Exiles ( Cuba, Congo, Central and South America ).

Lee Harvey Oswald was meant to be a pro Castro Cuban sympathizer. A couple of issues with that. Oswald was given Russian language training in the marines - just before defecting to the Soviets - how many Marines back then got that training, Pro Castro Org worked out of the same building as Bannister in New Orleans ( anti Communist ) who recruited College students. This same building was surrounded by the likes of Naval Intel - the guys who trained operatives in languages like Russian. Bannister was also ex Naval Intel, CIA, FBI, the Secret Service. Rafael Cruz a Cuban American seen in pictures with Oswald at pro Castro meetings - CIA.

First the story of 1 shooter dispelled some years later as definitely at least 2 shooters. Many witnesses and the Zapruder film make a total nonsense of the original shambollock investigation. Lost or note noted interviews with witnesses and Oswald just add fuel to the fire. Then there is the vilification of Jim Garrison, the only person who really wanted to get to the truth. There is still far more parts of the puzzle.

CIA, Mafia and Cuban Exiles looks a great bet for me. They have a history together on many targets like Castro. What's yours Anthony.
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