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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 87.2
votes: 6

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:43 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

You were never anti American? Well its bloody-well a good time to start. Because the country is a fucking hazardous mess.

Was was and still am anti current US Foreign Policy and anti the so called free media ( mainstream media )

Is that it?
Surely not, otherwise that would be a gross blind-site to a long list of problems. Your Anti Obama and media? Lol, there must be more problems than Obama and the media. Granted the media is a big one.

The first ( FP
Sorry, what is FP?

This has happened while the likes of the Establishment Politicians of Bush's, Clinton's and Obama have been in power or controlled some power. A media that has continued to fail their public from the truth on no WMD's in Iraq, no sarin gas use by Assad in Syria, failing to mention the illegal invasion of Iraq, illegal bombings in Syria, the truth on the Ukraine, Clinton's payt's by the same guys who pay IS and Al Nusra wages - SaudI A etc. that's just a little part. To say the truth isn't anti particularly when the real anti Americans are those perpetrating these dirty deeds as Democracy and providing freedom........lol. Not to mention how Clinton can wipe hard drives and lose emails, connections to Libya, massive mistakes as SOS and that's accepted.

No, you will find those people are self confessed believers in America exceptionalism and strong patriots.

To criticize Trump as President. I think first he must at least be inaugurated, passed or been party to failed policies like his predecessor's, in this case increased national debt, created further enemies of the state. Til then anyone else who says otherwise is foolish and shows themselves out to be naive. Trump hasn't created the American issues but is an elected head of state and must be given the respect of time to prove otherwise . He could still very easily prove to be a failure. Clinton most definitely would have been as she wanted BAU on domestic and foreign policies.

There is perfectly good reason and ways to asses him before he takes office. And its not looking to promising. There are alot of unknowns, a few good things, and alot of really bad things. And then there is well educated guesses. And its looking terrible.

Clinton was a well confirmed failure, no doubt... I agree with that.?But doesn't that step over your "He at least needs to be inaugurated" position.
But thats no excuse for defending Trump in my opinion.  

Can you admit this for me. The trump administrations appointment's are inline with what Mike Huckabee administration would be.
What are your thoughts on Mike Huckabee? Do ya like him?

Americans far right are a fucked up dangerous people. They are immensely terrified of many different things. They publicly and openly ponder if torture works! They talk about the need to strike terror and fear in the world. The unashamed imperialist.

Im not giving Trump the respect of time. He has had plenty of time. Many decades, all most half a century to prove him self and prove him self he has done! I was young in 2008, but anyone who was switched on was actually able to predict the how bad Obama was going to be on the day of his inauguration.
We were fooled, people who actually understand Americas problems were not!
The idea this guy (Trump) will or might or could be a good president is wrong!

It appears you still make the mistake of Repub and Democrat's differing policies. They are the two sides of the same coin. Trump isn't their boy yet. That's one of the reasons lots of Repub's sudden grew morals over Trump while ignoring Repub candidate failings and Clinton's. Lucky the US public to a degree saw through her 30 years of revenue gathering for the Clinton Family coffers and the Clinton Fraudation.
They voted for Trump for the same reason they voted Obama. He was running on a change platform.

As for the Democrats are the same republicans... Well.

YES.. and no.

I respect the frustration with the democrats and i want them dead for what they have done. And there are similarity's between them. But they are better on issue.
Lets start of with the greatest threat to humanity ever.
The republicans are unified with there consensus that its not real! This matters.  
The republicans social policy's are disgusting and destructive.
They are extremely nonsecular. Have major white nationalist tendencies, im sorry, but the democrats are better.

Stab Obama in the face. Hang the Clintons. Sure! But the party as a whole just isnt as bad.

The bipartisan consensus are terrible. (foreign policy, wall street, money, statuesque in regards to the 2 party system ). But the republicans are far worse.

Look at it this way. Its not that they are the same. Its that the democrats are republicans and the republicans are hardcore extreme republicans.
America has shifted so far to the right that any thing left wing is practicly dead in the water.

Trump will undoubtedly make America go from "Sitting and walking right" too "Jumping and sprinting right". So that they will be even further on the radical extreme right.  
And all the inevitable poverty, inequality, corporate power, greed, damage and reckless imperialism that follows with it.  

Ill just get it out in the open. I think right wingers are the enemy. They are scum! They are the enemy of humanity and the future.
And listen to your self. "I dont like the media, Americans having enemy's, national debt".
I think you have been listening to, too many right wing bandits.      
Clinton was right.
Bush was right.
Clinton is far right.
Obama was center. Right leaning.  
All of these administrations had a lot of veritable s and NeoCs and NeoLs in there ear.
And finally Trump who is extreme right. Not what America needs. Not what the world needs.

The only thing I do agree with you this time on is that the US finds itself in massive debt, losing friends and creating many more enemies sadly.
First off, i dont give a fuck about the debt. Its not a issue at the moment. And besides the military ( Except) the national debt is just a excuse to practice this right wing agenda of robbing the American people of a better life and services.
There are some very real issues with the national debt, but thats a thing in the future.

Your friend Donald J Reagan gave the ideological frame work that caused the debt... as well as Bush with his tax cuts and war.
Sorry but the national debt under Obama was due to the 2008 financial crisis's.

So what Trump going to do with national debt? Massive rich and corporate tax cuts and increase Americas military spending. Nice one!
How do reconcile that?

How do you reconcile Mitch Mconnell, Jeff sessions, Andrew Puzder and... uh.. Ben Carson? How do you do it?

Just maybe something a leader like Trump could turn some of these around................maybe.

What are your thoughts on Maybe not?
Maybe not is a good one with alot of evidence.
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Rep: 87.2
votes: 6

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:49 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

You were never anti American? Well its bloody-well a good time to start. Because the country is a fucking hazardous mess.

Was was and still am anti current US Foreign Policy and anti the so called free media ( mainstream media )

Is that it?
Surely not, otherwise that would be a gross blind-site to a long list of problems. Your Anti Obama and media? Lol, there must be more problems than Obama and the media. Granted the media is a big one.

The first ( FP
Sorry, what is FP?

This has happened while the likes of the Establishment Politicians of Bush's, Clinton's and Obama have been in power or controlled some power. A media that has continued to fail their public from the truth on no WMD's in Iraq, no sarin gas use by Assad in Syria, failing to mention the illegal invasion of Iraq, illegal bombings in Syria, the truth on the Ukraine, Clinton's payt's by the same guys who pay IS and Al Nusra wages - SaudI A etc. that's just a little part. To say the truth isn't anti particularly when the real anti Americans are those perpetrating these dirty deeds as Democracy and providing freedom........lol. Not to mention how Clinton can wipe hard drives and lose emails, connections to Libya, massive mistakes as SOS and that's accepted.

No, you will find those people are self confessed believers in America exceptionalism and strong patriots.

To criticize Trump as President. I think first he must at least be inaugurated, passed or been party to failed policies like his predecessor's, in this case increased national debt, created further enemies of the state. Til then anyone else who says otherwise is foolish and shows themselves out to be naive. Trump hasn't created the American issues but is an elected head of state and must be given the respect of time to prove otherwise . He could still very easily prove to be a failure. Clinton most definitely would have been as she wanted BAU on domestic and foreign policies.

There is perfectly good reason and ways to asses him before he takes office. And its not looking to promising. There are alot of unknowns, a few good things, and alot of really bad things. And then there is well educated guesses. And its looking terrible.

Clinton was a well confirmed failure, no doubt... I agree with that.?But doesn't that step over your "He at least needs to be inaugurated" position.
But thats no excuse for defending Trump in my opinion.  

Can you admit this for me. The trump administrations appointment's are inline with what Mike Huckabee administration would be.
What are your thoughts on Mike Huckabee? Do ya like him?

Americans far right are a fucked up dangerous people. They are immensely terrified of many different things. They publicly and openly ponder if torture works! They talk about the need to strike terror and fear in the world. The unashamed imperialist.

Im not giving Trump the respect of time. He has had plenty of time. Many decades, all most half a century to prove him self and prove him self he has done! I was young in 2008, but anyone who was switched on was actually able to predict the how bad Obama was going to be on the day of his inauguration.
We were fooled, people who actually understand Americas problems were not!
The idea this guy (Trump) will or might or could be a good president is wrong!

It appears you still make the mistake of Repub and Democrat's differing policies. They are the two sides of the same coin. Trump isn't their boy yet. That's one of the reasons lots of Repub's sudden grew morals over Trump while ignoring Repub candidate failings and Clinton's. Lucky the US public to a degree saw through her 30 years of revenue gathering for the Clinton Family coffers and the Clinton Fraudation.
They voted for Trump for the same reason they voted Obama. He was running on a change platform.

As for the Democrats are the same republicans... Well.

YES.. and no.

I respect the frustration with the democrats and i want them dead for what they have done. And there are similarity's between them. But they are better on issue.
Lets start of with the greatest threat to humanity ever.
The republicans are unified with there consensus that its not real! This matters.  
The republicans social policy's are disgusting and destructive.
They are extremely nonsecular. Have major white nationalist tendencies, im sorry, but the democrats are better.

Stab Obama in the face. Hang the Clintons. Sure! But the party as a whole just isnt as bad.

The bipartisan consensus are terrible. (foreign policy, wall street, money, statuesque in regards to the 2 party system ). But the republicans are far worse.

Look at it this way. Its not that they are the same. Its that the democrats are republicans and the republicans are hardcore extreme republicans.
America has shifted so far to the right that any thing left wing is practicly dead in the water.

Trump will undoubtedly make America go from "Sitting and walking right" too "Jumping and sprinting right". So that they will be even further on the radical extreme right.  
And all the inevitable poverty, inequality, corporate power, greed, damage and reckless imperialism that follows with it.  

Ill just get it out in the open. I think right wingers are the enemy. They are scum! They are the enemy of humanity and the future.
And listen to your self. "I dont like the media, Americans having enemy's, national debt".
I think you have been listening to, too many right wing bandits.      
Clinton was right.
Bush was right.
Clinton is far right.
Obama was center. Right leaning.  
All of these administrations had a lot of veritable s and NeoCs and NeoLs in there ear.
And finally Trump who is extreme right. Not what America needs. Not what the world needs.

The only thing I do agree with you this time on is that the US finds itself in massive debt, losing friends and creating many more enemies sadly.
First off, i dont give a fuck about the debt. Its not a issue at the moment. And besides the military ( Except) the national debt is just a excuse to practice this right wing agenda of robbing the American people of a better life and services.
There are some very real issues with the national debt, but thats a thing in the future.

Your friend Donald J Reagan gave the ideological frame work that caused the debt... as well as Bush with his tax cuts and war.
Sorry but the national debt under Obama was due to the 2008 financial crisis's.

So what Trump going to do with national debt? Massive rich and corporate tax cuts and increase Americas military spending. Nice one!
How do reconcile that?

How do you reconcile Mitch Mconnell, Jeff sessions, Andrew Puzder and... uh.. Ben Carson? How do you do it?

Just maybe something a leader like Trump could turn some of these around................maybe.

What are your thoughts on Maybe not?
Maybe not is a good one with alot of evidence.

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Rep: 87.2
votes: 6

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:26 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

You were never anti American? Well its bloody-well a good time to start. Because the country is a fucking hazardous mess.

Was was and still am anti current US Foreign Policy and anti the so called free media ( mainstream media )

Is that it?
Surely not, otherwise that would be a gross blind-site to a long list of problems. Your Anti Obama and media? Lol, there must be more problems than Obama and the media. Granted the media is a big one.

The first ( FP
Sorry, what is FP?

This has happened while the likes of the Establishment Politicians of Bush's, Clinton's and Obama have been in power or controlled some power. A media that has continued to fail their public from the truth on no WMD's in Iraq, no sarin gas use by Assad in Syria, failing to mention the illegal invasion of Iraq, illegal bombings in Syria, the truth on the Ukraine, Clinton's payt's by the same guys who pay IS and Al Nusra wages - SaudI A etc. that's just a little part. To say the truth isn't anti particularly when the real anti Americans are those perpetrating these dirty deeds as Democracy and providing freedom........lol. Not to mention how Clinton can wipe hard drives and lose emails, connections to Libya, massive mistakes as SOS and that's accepted.

No, you will find those people are self confessed believers in America exceptionalism and strong patriots.

To criticize Trump as President. I think first he must at least be inaugurated, passed or been party to failed policies like his predecessor's, in this case increased national debt, created further enemies of the state. Til then anyone else who says otherwise is foolish and shows themselves out to be naive. Trump hasn't created the American issues but is an elected head of state and must be given the respect of time to prove otherwise . He could still very easily prove to be a failure. Clinton most definitely would have been as she wanted BAU on domestic and foreign policies.

There is perfectly good reason and ways to asses him before he takes office. And its not looking to promising. There are alot of unknowns, a few good things, and alot of really bad things. And then there is well educated guesses. And its looking terrible.

Clinton was a well confirmed failure, no doubt... I agree with that.?But doesn't that step over your "He at least needs to be inaugurated" position.
But thats no excuse for defending Trump in my opinion.  

Can you admit this for me. The trump administrations appointment's are inline with what Mike Huckabee administration would be.
What are your thoughts on Mike Huckabee? Do ya like him?

Americans far right are a fucked up dangerous people. They are immensely terrified of many different things. They publicly and openly ponder if torture works! They talk about the need to strike terror and fear in the world. The unashamed imperialist.

Im not giving Trump the respect of time. He has had plenty of time. Many decades, all most half a century to prove him self and prove him self he has done! I was young in 2008, but anyone who was switched on was actually able to predict the how bad Obama was going to be on the day of his inauguration.
We were fooled, people who actually understand Americas problems were not!
The idea this guy (Trump) will or might or could be a good president is wrong!

It appears you still make the mistake of Repub and Democrat's differing policies. They are the two sides of the same coin. Trump isn't their boy yet. That's one of the reasons lots of Repub's sudden grew morals over Trump while ignoring Repub candidate failings and Clinton's. Lucky the US public to a degree saw through her 30 years of revenue gathering for the Clinton Family coffers and the Clinton Fraudation.
They voted for Trump for the same reason they voted Obama. He was running on a change platform.

As for the Democrats are the same republicans... Well.

YES.. and no.

I respect the frustration with the democrats and i want them dead for what they have done. And there are similarity's between them. But they are better on issue.
Lets start of with the greatest threat to humanity ever.
The republicans are unified with there consensus that its not real! This matters.  
The republicans social policy's are disgusting and destructive.
They are extremely nonsecular. Have major white nationalist tendencies, im sorry, but the democrats are better.

Stab Obama in the face. Hang the Clintons. Sure! But the party as a whole just isnt as bad.

The bipartisan consensus are terrible. (foreign policy, wall street, money, statuesque in regards to the 2 party system ). But the republicans are far worse.

Look at it this way. Its not that they are the same. Its that the democrats are republicans and the republicans are hardcore extreme republicans.
America has shifted so far to the right that any thing left wing is practicly dead in the water.

Trump will undoubtedly make America go from "Sitting and walking right" too "Jumping and sprinting right". So that they will be even further on the radical extreme right.  
And all the inevitable poverty, inequality, corporate power, greed, damage and reckless imperialism that follows with it.  

Ill just get it out in the open. I think right wingers are the enemy. They are scum! They are the enemy of humanity and the future.
And listen to your self. "I dont like the media, Americans having enemy's, national debt".
I think you have been listening to, too many right wing bandits.      
Clinton was right.
Bush was right.
Clinton is far right.
Obama was center. Right leaning.  
All of these administrations had a lot of veritable s and NeoCs and NeoLs in there ear.
And finally Trump who is extreme right. Not what America needs. Not what the world needs.

The only thing I do agree with you this time on is that the US finds itself in massive debt, losing friends and creating many more enemies sadly.
First off, i dont give a fuck about the debt. Its not a issue at the moment. And besides the military ( Except) the national debt is just a excuse to practice this right wing agenda of robbing the American people of a better life and services.
There are some very real issues with the national debt, but thats a thing in the future.

Your friend Donald J Reagan gave the ideological frame work that caused the debt... as well as Bush with his tax cuts and war.
Sorry but the national debt under Obama was due to the 2008 financial crisis's.

So what Trump going to do with national debt? Massive rich and corporate tax cuts and increase Americas military spending. Nice one!
How do reconcile that?

How do you reconcile Mitch Mconnell, Jeff sessions, Andrew Puzder and... uh.. Ben Carson? How do you do it?

Just maybe something a leader like Trump could turn some of these around................maybe.

What are your thoughts on Maybe not?
Maybe not is a good one with alot of evidence.
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Rep: 11.6
votes: 5

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 3:48 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Anthony a lot to respond to. FP - Foreign policy.

"America exceptionalism and strong patriots" is just playing to what some people need to hear ( some US citizens ). Politicians are great at feeding off weaknesses and patriotism is a big one for recruiting. Just look at old news clips from 911 to this this in action. Certainly not exclusive to the US - China, GB etc.

" The trump administrations appointment's are inline with what Mike Huckabee administration would be". Well I'm guessing somewhat here. But I would say Trump will reward those who have backed him in the elections. If I remember correctly 1/3 of all US voters were noted as Christians. So yes any Trump Administration will have Conservative Christian politicians and lots of them. Trump didn't one day decide to run for President. People of influence have persuaded him - Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and the like. It does show to a degree the feeling about " draining the swamp " and that is started somewhere elsewhere.

"Stab Obama in the face. Hang the Clinton's. Sure! But the party as a whole just isn't as bad". Of course that is correct but unless you are willing to aid these Establishment Politicians you go no where in politics. It's always who you know not what you know. Example how the Clinton's have lasted so long without being prosecuted for their many shady dealings and acts. US politics is far right and further right again. Just like Chinese politics is Capitalist Communism and Conservative Communism all in the same party.

"First off, I don't give a fuck about the debt". Well you should as this drives the failed Foreign Policy in a indirect way. That said US with 20 trillion dollar debt - ( 1045of their GDP ) - that is shocking and can lead to extremism of actions. It's not beyond recovery but it would require cutbacks - military is always the biggest waste. Four thousands Military bases in the US and another thousands around the world. It's quality and not quantity. Security services - how many in the US ? GB is in a far worse position at 10 Trillion - 569% of GDP. How GB survives to keep racking up debt is a joke. I guess Trumps formula will be to produce - sell more than they spend like any business - trade their way out. Of which they are capable of. It also has to be "maybe" on Trump, as I can't predict the future any better than you can and time will tell. At least it's a chance of hope. Many years without a chance of change have gone before so it has to be good.

Facts aren't anti American ( FP ) it's just some have a hard time seeing what has happened to their country, media and leaders. It's understandable - 24 / 7 in your face rubbish with little alternatives does that to anyone. You still haven't given your JFK theory............front up.
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Rep: 11.6
votes: 5

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:18 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Anthony - A couple of doco's you might like - Ukraine on Fire - Oliver Stone
                                                         - Coming War on China - John Pilger
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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:57 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Countdown to the most corrupt President in USA history?  

Numerous campaign promises already broken before he even begins.  Sec of State getting ready to sign another 1/2 Trillion $ Big Oil deal with Vladimir Putin.  No wonder Vladimir wanted Trump to win!

Drain the swamp by filing it back up with a bunch of Goldman Sachs executives, Billionaires and nepotism?  

News conference to explain Melania was really NOT an illegal immigrant for years?  He promised a news conference months ago never happened.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/02/weeks-after-pledging-answers-big-questions-about-melania-trumps-immigration-status-linger/?utm_term=.abdf7a963ca2
"...In early August, Trump pledged that his wife, Melania, a native of Slovenia, would hold a news conference explaining how she managed to navigate the onerous process of getting a green card. He made the pledge after a number of outlets raised questions about the timeline of her entry into the country."

New conference on December 15th he promised to explain his plan to resolve illegal conflict of interest issues prior to taking office.  It is against the Constitution for Presidents to take money from foreign governments.  Again he flaked out and lied.  There was no press conference on December 15th.  Conflicting his own statements and numerous tweets:

"Trump used his favorite method of communicating with the public -- Twitter -- to announce plans for a "major news conference" on Dec. 15 to discuss plans to leave the Trump Organization.
His adult children, whom he has said he will put in charge of the company, will be a part of the news conference.  Trump owns or has a position in more than 500 companies, according to a CNN analysis. That includes about 150 that have done business in at least 25 foreign countries, including Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.  There have been growing questions about the potential conflicts of interest posed by Trump's continued business interests and his role as president. A poll by CNN found that 6 in 10 Americans believe Trump is not doing enough to address conflicts of interest."

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Rep: 11.6
votes: 5

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:46 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

" Countdown to the most corrupt President in USA history " - guess work and scaremongering at best. Clinton signed off on a Russian mining deal in the US.........is she owned by Moscow too.
Billionaires running the country.....what's changed - Bush family oil wealth, Kerry China drug money, Clinton's Fraudation and " Pay to Play " etc.

Trump's use of Twitter is a direct result of a partisan MSM even to today. If they have chased Hillary half as much as they did trump they may have found out about the destroyed hard drives, lost emails, Benghazi / Libya - arms for Jihadists and the mountain of news worthy opportunities to chase. To quote CNN - Cartoon News Network is like asking WAPO or NYT to write a column on Assad's use of Sarin Gas..................lol.

MSM have been outed for what they are. A mouth piece for Corporate America to sell it's foreign policy to the US public with the former Govt doing their dirty work.

You might as well add how Trump backed the Russian's over the hacking. I see the report contained no evidence and only suppositions. Did you see the disclaimers on the accuracy of the report. It's a work of fiction for the scared and hapless.

Let Trump take a seat in the WH before placing him in the same light as Obama. He could still go the same way, but that is only guess work unlike Hillary's crooked past.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:48 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

A couple of Obama's broken promises in case you thought he was a saint.

   Obama abandoned his commitment to "unprecedented" transparency.
   Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
   Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
   Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
   Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
   Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
   Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
   Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
   Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
   Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.  

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Rep: 221.7
votes: 25

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:17 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
A couple of Obama's broken promises in case you thought he was a saint.

   Obama abandoned his commitment to "unprecedented" transparency.
   Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
   Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
   Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
   Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
   Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
   Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
   Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
   Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
   Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.  


Every president has a list of things they did not accomplish. Considering how the system works though, its not fair to just leave out the context. You copy and pasted this list from another website while at the same time saying MSM is partisan.

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Rep: 221.7
votes: 25

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:51 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

If they have chased Hillary half as much as they did trump they may have found out about the destroyed hard drives, lost emails, Benghazi / Libya - arms for Jihadists and the mountain of news worthy opportunities to chase.

As far as I remember, Clinton was chased, chased to the very end of the campaign about emails. Chased years prior with multiple investigations in Benghazi. Threatened to be chased further. Are you implying you did not get the result you wanted?

Anyways, Clinton is done. Why compare to Trump any further.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:05 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Anyways, Clinton is done. Why compare to Trump any further.[/quote]

Totally agree all Presidents break promises and no president or leader can please everybody.

Clinton was chased but through social media. MSM bought into the idea that the info released through the likes of Wikileaks was illegal so wouldn't investigate. They did release watered down passages - hardly living up to delivering a balanced view while singing her praises. Possible exception Fox News but they were in favour of Trump.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:01 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Another example of Fake News - http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/88315559/russia-has-compromising-and-salacious-information-on-donald-trump-cnn-reports
All third party Chinese whispers and no evidence. What happened to investigating an issue to gather evidence before publishing. Too much embedded journalists printing verbatim articles from those in power.
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Rep: 221.7
votes: 25

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:22 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Its fake news if CNN just totally fabricated everything. It doesn't sound like THEY fabricated everything.

"The hotel was known to be under FSB (Russian secret service) control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to."

From your link... oh dear.

For anyone who didn't read that article or are unfamiliar with this... The Russians are suspected of recording video/audio from a hotel in Moscow of Trump interacting with prostitutes. The information is apparently from a former MI-6 agent.

Plausible that Russians would hold back compromising information for later release? Definitely.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:04 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Seems like an episode from the Twilight Zone.  You can't even make this stuff up.  Trump is a month late for his press conference to explain how he will weasel his way out of conflicts of interest and illegal conduct.  Nepotism is illegal.  Taking money from foreign governments is against the Constitution.

No wonder Trump loathes the intelligence community when they briefed him on his own conduct.  Alleged dossier has been compiled by Russian intelligence - absolutely Russia has all the leverage.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:06 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

What about the Tax returns Sod?  Nobody can comment on exactly how many business holdings Trump has because he refuses to disclose his taxes.   No doubt it is because he zeros out and pays nothing in taxes with all his write-offs.
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Rep: 19.4
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:03 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

There never will be a 'presidential' pivot. Our Siberian Candidate will ensconce himself in the Oval Office next Monday in 5 alarm dumpster fire mode that no 3am tweets will ever extinguish. Nixon is cackling in his grave at the prospect of being demoted to second worst presidential felon.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:53 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Once again the proof is in the pudding - no pudding. The Russians are saying it's lies already. So where did this latest story come from.................. It has become obvious that MSM will print anything as there are no repercussions upon them once the truth is out - WMD's is a classic or even the Russian Govt hacking scandal that never happened.
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Rep: 19.4
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:59 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

The US intelligence community isnt rushing to claim there is no 'pudding'. In fact it seems to be their consensus that there very possibly is a humongous $#!+ pudding in the offing. We'll get a better feel for this soon judging by how much speed and emphasis Trump employs to 'reorganize' the intel agencies. At a minimum this sets the stage for an epic shoot out between the traditional 'patriot' faction of the GOP (McCain, Graham, et al) and the newly empowered shape-shifters whose only true ideology is self-benefit. At a not so far-fetched maximum given Pence as fallback, we'll see impeachment hearings this year.

Comey is looking quite the partisan hack out of this. He resuscitates the (non-)issue of Clinton's emails at a critical moment but suffocates what, as Harry Reid correctly claimed, was 'bombshell' info concerning Trump until after the fact.

The swamp grows murkier by the day.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:51 am Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

Too late - it was Fake News and always was going to be - Buzzfeed and John McCain.Sadly once again MSM won't apologize for the mistakes and or smear campaign. When will some people learn that MSM is outright propaganda. No investigative checks by journalists just verbatim printing of lies - WMD's and Russian hacking story again. McCain the guy who won't talk about his connections to Al Baghdadi

No pudding people, just egg on some peoples faces - MSM.

This makes sense - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4110700/PIERS-MORGAN-hookers-story-cheap-lazy-journalists-ran-fake-Trump-sleaze-urinate-presidency.html
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Rep: 19.4
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:23 pm Post subject: Re: US Elections 2016 Reply with quote

It stands to reason that the Daily Mail is the only MSM outlet exempt from dishing 'outright propaganda'.

What distinguishes this story from the vast majority of fake news is how well it dovetails with known facts, chief among which are Trump's irrational refusals to publicly accept, before today, that Russia hacked (hijacked?) our election process. Toss in his ongoing Putin bromance, his NATO comments, discrediting the CIA, a SecState nominee with offshore Russian business ties, senior campaign staff with serious Russian connections, generally doubling down his pro-Russian stance since Nov. 8th... The Trump dossier Buzzfeed released has all the earmarks of plausibility, down to the point where "grab 'em by the pussy" and golden showers can be seen as flip sides of the same tarnished coin.

Even Trump's birtherism fits the profile of an agent intent on disrupting our democracy at Putin's behest. The cosmic irony lurking over the horizon is that the chief propagator of the spurious assertion Obama is a fake American may turn out to be the fakest American of all.
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