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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:31 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Another ignorant post.  Whatever Trump said is shared amongst the international community. Nicholas Madura actually donated 2x to the Trump election campaign in order to change US political policy that has hurt Venezuela.  The only reason why Trump spoke out against Venezuelan govt is because he was told to do so by his advisors.  

The Republican Party chose to dance with the devil to advance their agendas and are now paying the price.  The Alt Right and their radical racist right-wing supports have been attempting to hi-jack the Republican Party for decades.  Never have they been this close with the head of Brietbart working in White House.  Trump refuses to denounce because he needs their political support as his base starts to crumble.  If he keeps their support, he might get re-elected as rise of xenophobia & hate groups spreads with dog whistle politics.  Nazi's , KKK and their "Unite the Right" rally ended up in disaster yesterday.  Trump refuses to denounced his racist supporters & that is rallying his radical base and "real news" websites like  jasonkessler.net
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:35 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Trump's close ties to Nigel Farage and rise of radical right wing other places like Poland also feeds this narrative of association with right wing extremist groups.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:06 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Another ignorant post.  Whatever Trump said is shared amongst the international community. Nicholas Madura actually donated 2x to the Trump election campaign in order to change US political policy that has hurt Venezuela.  The only reason why Trump spoke out against Venezuelan govt is because he was told to do so by his advisors.  

The Republican Party chose to dance with the devil to advance their agendas and are now paying the price.  The Alt Right and their radical racist right-wing supports have been attempting to hi-jack the Republican Party for decades.  Never have they been this close with the head of Brietbart working in White House.  Trump refuses to denounce because he needs their political support as his base starts to crumble.  If he keeps their support, he might get re-elected as rise of xenophobia & hate groups spreads with dog whistle politics.  Nazi's , KKK and their "Unite the Right" rally ended up in disaster yesterday.  Trump refuses to denounced his racist supporters & that is rallying his radical base and "real news" websites like  jasonkessler.net

DJ I see you are still batting for the wrong side. No other country has even come close to share Trump's views on Venezuela. The truth is Venezuela has the world's biggest oil reserves and 4th largest natural gas reserves. This is the real reason for US interference in yet another country. Actually this isn't the first time either not by a very long way. USA were involved in the attempted coup of ousting Chavez in 2002 plus much more. A very good documentary exists on this also - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id--ZFtjR5c

Maduro along with many others including myself thought very wrongly that with the the of Trump that US Foreign Policy would change for the better ( "unlike other candidates for the presidency, war and aggression will not be my first instinct"- Trump ). Trump like very nearly very President since WW2 has acted for big business over country. Hillary Clinton would have been no different given her track record as SOS - Libya etc.

Poland's far right neo nazi's only reflect peoples frustration at continued domestic failings - Ukraine's the Right Sector. Remember that group I was saying to you guys about during the coup in Ukraine. And who trained those guys in Poland - CIA ( Ukraine on Fire - Oliver Stone ).

For some reason you still believe in a difference between Repub's and Democrats. They are the two sides of the same coin. You even said Trumps advisers told him to make that speech on Venezuela. He is just a figurehead as most Presidents are and are influenced by big business Org's. It's nothing new. As for Trump picking on minorities - democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch - Ben Franklin.

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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:55 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Yet another completely ignorant post so typical... DO NOT put words in my mouth.   You again pull  your info and "news" obviously from Right Wing propaganda websites.  You think Trump is draining the swamp?  What a complete bunch of bullshit.  He is swimming right in the middle of it and filling it up.  Deep State is what Roger Stone and the Right Wing use to smear the government.  They want to discredit the investigation.  "Wrong side"?
Again you just a troll and have no idea what you are even talking about and are just making things up.  Do you get all your education from cartoons or from Alternative fact propaganda videos?  What Partisan website did you find this?  Do get all your info from Breitbart or Alternative News?  

You just showed how truly stupid you are to pull a cartoon from a Partisan cartoonist whom is a radical right wing nut.  Figures you were promoting fake news they were peddling, like the Pizzagate conspiracy that Clinton had child sex slave shop  at Pizza store.  And Seth Rich story was retracted by Faux News and even one of their own paid contributors just filed lawsuit for intentionally hustling this story.  Keep on living in your alternative universe with make believe facts.

Ben Garrison views have been described as libertarian, and his cartoons often portray President Donald Trump in a favorable light. He has also drawn cartoons promoting the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory.More at Wikipedia
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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:04 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

You need to learn that Trump only cares about one thing.  Making as $ as he possibly can for himself and his family businesses.  That's it.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:17 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Yet another completely ignorant post so typical... DO NOT put words in my mouth.   You again pull  your info and "news" obviously from Right Wing propaganda websites.  You think Trump is draining the swamp?  What a complete bunch of bullshit.  He is swimming right in the middle of it and filling it up.  Deep State is what Roger Stone and the Right Wing use to smear the government.  They want to discredit the investigation.  "Wrong side"?
Again you just a troll and have no idea what you are even talking about and are just making things up.  Do you get all your education from cartoons or from Alternative fact propaganda videos?  What Partisan website did you find this?  Do get all your info from Breitbart or Alternative News?  

You just showed how truly stupid you are to pull a cartoon from a Partisan cartoonist whom is a radical right wing nut.  Figures you were promoting fake news they were peddling, like the Pizzagate conspiracy that Clinton had child sex slave shop  at Pizza store.  And Seth Rich story was retracted by Faux News and even one of their own paid contributors just filed lawsuit for intentionally hustling this story.  Keep on living in your alternative universe with make believe facts.

Ben Garrison views have been described as libertarian, and his cartoons often portray President Donald Trump in a favorable light. He has also drawn cartoons promoting the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory.More at Wikipedia

Calm down DJ. That cartoon was to go with how Trump promised changed and to drain the swamp which he hasn't but has added to it. Try reading the article in context to the cartoon and you might see the picture..............lol. It's your answer to everything that doesn't fit into your very shallow way of life and thinking. I haven't nor would put anything into your mouth. You said " Trump spoke out against Venezuelan govt is because he was told to do so by his advisors". That suggests Trump isn't in total control of the country. Is that not true ? He's a figurehead.

Really DJ read other countries news article and see what their people think of the US today. In NZ, US foreign policy is roundly disliked and mistrusted ( not the people ). We are allied to your country. Read the Daily Mail where they are far more ruthless, Rueter etc. Germany and France aren't saying great things about USA either over Venezuela, Nth Korea etc. You appear to be insular in thought and mind. You hate Trump and all he stands for. But because of your tainted views, refuse to accept what your countries foreign policy has been like. How numerous US Presidents have acted as war criminals illegally bombing and invading countries based on lies. Everything about you is a contradiction of facts.

Your paranoia is first class. You really need to read context, use facts and stop guessing. I'm soLeft Wing but keep my eyes open and not blinkered like some here. You reflect what others perceive to be USA today. Not sure if they should be more feminine or manly. democracy or hypocrisy, rich or poor and says it wants peace........by bombing everyone that disagress with them.

Seth Rich story doesn't end or start with the MSM but with Wikileaks who have offered up a reward for information on Seth's death. How many other deaths have they done that for - none. Your so called free media is anything but free let alone accurate. But don't let me get in your way of your paranoid thoughts and rants, naive and apologistic statements, lowly educated understanding of posts. My mistake was thinking that a US leader could tell the truth and make good Foreign Policy change - it's a myth just like your intelligence.

To summarize DJ you are pathetic.
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Rep: 11.6
votes: 5

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:24 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
You need to learn that Trump only cares about one thing.  Making as $ as he possibly can for himself and his family businesses.  That's it.

DJ - I have reread my post and for the life of me how did you come to that conclusion that I like Trump " Trump like very nearly very President since WW2 has acted for big business over country". That cartoon fits perfectly with his deciet.

Sorry that post went right over your head. Perhaps you can help add in the few missing countries from this chart. I hear Iran might be Trump's next excursion.

How can stating facts be trolling. I suggest it's you who has the problem.................with the truth.

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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:45 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Surely this isn't true. Ukraine is a Democracy post the coup and backed by some Western countries - http://abcnews.go.com/International/ukraine-denies-north-korean-missile-components-state-owned/story?id=49206153
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:27 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Divider in Chief gave worst press conference ever using Right-Wing extremist talking points defending people were carrying Confederate & Nazi flags (it's on video).  Every other Republican President has said they don't want the support of the Nazi's , KKK or other extremist groups.   He has crossed the line today but giving shelter to the people carrying Tiki torches like the Nazi's did in Nuremberg.  And what the KKK had done in the 1800's.  The Alt Right, David Duke and right wing extremist groups are fired up now and planning to start more fights in Liberal stronghold cities.   Really pathetic to watch USA fall apart, like the 60's all over again but potentially worse. Nixon and LBJ never gave shelter to Nazi sympathizers.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:34 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Divider in Chief gave worst press conference ever using Right-Wing extremist talking points defending people were carrying Confederate & Nazi flags (it's on video).  Every other Republican President has said they don't want the support of the Nazi's , KKK or other extremist groups.   He has crossed the line today but giving shelter to the people carrying Tiki torches like the Nazi's did in Nuremberg.  And what the KKK had done in the 1800's.  The Alt Right, David Duke and right wing extremist groups are fired up now and planning to start more fights in Liberal stronghold cities.   Really pathetic to watch USA fall apart, like the 60's all over again but potentially worse. Nixon and LBJ never gave shelter to Nazi sympathizers.

You are the most negative person I have ever encountered. Trump didn't defend the White Extremists. He said both sides were guilty of committing acts of violence. The Far Right rally as planned were confronted by the anti Far Right. It's like a match to petrol. Try using facts as your continued bias really is showing how pathetic and paranoid of Trump you are.

It's an easy thing to do....................stop using emotion or viewing things emotionally. Report what is actually in front of you. Just because your media says Trump defended them listen to the facts child. Trump isn't the only cause but one of many - Obama, Bush etc. It's social issue caused by successive failed Govt policies.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:59 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

DJ I think you will find your statement about " Nixon and LBJ never gave shelter to Nazi sympathizers". During their periods in office and not really even a poorly hidden secret. What's the say - actions speak louder than words. Although this report never became official due to errors ( errors never explained ) - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/14/us/14nazis.html

Geez kid you really need to learn your countries history, it's become very embarrassing.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:20 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

There are no sides and it was not a far right rally your are an idiot.  It was planned by Racists.  I saw the video from Vice news, they chanted "Jews will not replace us" with their Nazi style tiki torch marches some wearing Trump hats.  Many Republicans have complained about what Trump said yesterday.  One group was Neo-Nazi / KKK hate groups, the other group protested their presence and one got murdered.  You have no fuking clue what you are talking about TROLL.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:59 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
There are no sides and it was not a far right rally your are an idiot.  It was planned by Racists.  I saw the video from Vice news, they chanted "Jews will not replace us" with their Nazi style tiki torch marches some wearing Trump hats.  Many Republicans have complained about what Trump said yesterday.  One group was Neo-Nazi / KKK hate groups, the other group protested their presence and one got murdered.  You have no fuking clue what you are talking about TROLL.

You are certainly losing it DJ. Calm down for both of our sakes otherwise you will get kicked and I won't have anything to laugh at. In the US you have a thing called the freedom of speech. I do believe this also covers the likes of this rally. Another group of haters ( possibly friends of yours ) also turned up creating the stage for the violence. Putting two groups of haters together.............see what I mean. The rally was legal. Trump condemned both sides - facts..........very easy.

You get too excited over very little when it comes to Trump and it exposes your naivety, gullibleness and paranoia. Like I have said in the past stick to facts. Like you really are thick DJ just going off these post - fact.

Please post something that reflects your intelligence...............or maybe you just have. Why are you such a stranger to the truth.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:28 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

The bleeding heart Liberals are at it again. Lets hope they don't pull down ones like this.

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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:42 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

I actually love that confederate statues fall in U.S. For years US-backed NGOs and politicians in eastern Europe applaused for Soviet monuments demolitions, and US state department officials made a fake surprised faces when that leads to public riots (like in Tallinn, Estonia) or Ukrainian civil war. Now US citizens take the lesson right on their own ass, and that newslines are...priceless. That plans for clearing-up Capitol building and lustrations of Arlington War cemetery from former confederates looks very promising, i`l should prepare a wagon of popcorn for moment of that procedures. And you know who is next? Columbus! Someone should tell to that morons that G.Washington was an owner of tobacco plantation...with slaves of course. How much work still left!
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:56 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
I actually love that confederate statues fall in U.S. For years US-backed NGOs and politicians in eastern Europe applaused for Soviet monuments demolitions, and US state department officials made a fake surprised faces when that leads to public riots (like in Tallinn, Estonia) or Ukrainian civil war. Now US citizens take the lesson right on their own ass, and that newslines are...priceless. That plans for clearing-up Capitol building and lustrations of Arlington War cemetery from former confederates looks very promising, i`l should prepare a wagon of popcorn for moment of that procedures. And you know who is next? Columbus! Someone should tell to that morons that G.Washington was an owner of tobacco plantation...with slaves of course. How much work still left!

Exactly. Destroying history and rewriting history and bad lessons for all.
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:19 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

Another broken US / Trump broken promise - 4000 more troops for Afghanistan - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/21/donald-trump-address-nation-outline-new-afghanistan-strategy/
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Rep: 11.6
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:53 am Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

More madness - https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/other-sports/96082576/espn-announcer-robert-lee-removed-from-virginia-football-game-due-to-name
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Rep: 3.9
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:35 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
Someone should tell to that morons that G.Washington was an owner of tobacco plantation...with slaves of course. How much work still left!

To be fair, confederates are traitors and enemies of the Union.  If anyone wanted to put up a statue of Osama Bin Laden, I'm sure that would get the same response.  

George Washington on the other hand was a US President, despite the awkwardness of his private interests.
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Rep: 42.6

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:58 pm Post subject: Re: Donald Trumph Reply with quote

sod98 wrote (View Post):
More madness - https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/other-sports/96082576/espn-announcer-robert-lee-removed-from-virginia-football-game-due-to-name  

It's always feelings that comes first in a leftists' mind. So what if his name is Robert Lee? I'm pretty sure his parents didn't intentionally call him 'Robert' so that idiots could just moan about something for a day. Just let the guy be. If the world is going to turn out with feelings coming first, a guy called  'David Cameron' will be publicly humiliated because he offended a dead pigs' feelings.

Winner of the Close Combat fanatics 'Panthers League'
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