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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:07 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Thanks Russia.  Ironically US has to rely on Russian media to inform people what our President is doing.  White House refuses to even tell our own media that Trump is planning to meet with Vladimir in Paris.  Yet Russian media had no issues letting the rest of the world know.  Ooops I guess Trump could not keep that quiet thanks to Russia.  I wonder if Putin did that on purpose to show off his power.  Trump I guess doesn't want to do another press conference again like in Helsinki.
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:36 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Nothing will be happen in Paris. There are no simple ways to solve current disagreements about Syria, Ukraine, Europe gas market, Iran, North Korea and so on. For my side of view, Putin should meet not with Trump, but with Talibs, Yemeni Hussites, Kim Jong Un, btw, meets with California and Texas Separatists will be great too. May be for last two he should give some Kalashnikovs and AT missiles,  in help to their fight for Freedom.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:06 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Well no need to arm separatists in USA, only 4% of world population and nearly 50% of world small arms supply.  We have enough guns for each of the 300M population x2.  Not sure Russia or China really wants to bother with that.  We can not even police our own people over 300 mass shootings this year alone.  Russia set-up embassy for CA separatists. lol
California is not Ukraine.  Left wing fanatics want to break away from Trump dictatorship.  But they won't have to because his party lost control of Congress.  Texas is the opposite...right wing extremists in that state will go ape shit if Bernies Sanunders wins in 2020.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:12 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

USA media doesn't even bother to tell us Trump met with Putin in Paris today.  Jesus Christ.  Well at least Russia told us (again):

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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:48 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Well no need to arm separatists in USA

That part was sarcasm. Although, in general build-up relations with CA and TX secessionists (using semi-official persons, like Prigozhin) should be an option for Russia, both as revenge for Ichkeria embassy in US during Chechen wars, and to make pain to some bitches in DC...may be some of them will even die from heart attack.

BTW, thanks to Russian Hackers for voting on midterm elections.

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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:44 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Maria Butina pled guilty.  Incredible success, lightly trained by Torshin as contractor not even a real agent.  Yet used her charm like a million women in history before her to seduce gullible dumb old men into elite circles within NRA and Republican Party.


Got Trump to say he would remove sanctions.  What are the odds he would call on her or even have that opinion?  I give Russia credit though.  Can't imagine if she was regular Intelligence agent instead of contractor what she could have accomplished.  

Now we hear reports allegedly Russia is massing forces near Ukraine border.  The gasoline and supplies to station all those forces is not free.  Wonder what is going on?  And 2 white swan bombers landed in Venezuela as show off force.

Putin wants to use external threats or poke a fight with little Ukraine as distraction.  USA does that too but so far Trump has not been war hawk.
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Rep: 15.1
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:14 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

dj - Very interesting story this one. I wonder what or who put the US Intel Community onto her. This story in it's fullest will be an interesting read.

Ukraine is a mess. Did you see the latest pics. What were the Ukrainians thinking.

Look for the SS emblem.
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Rep: 15.1
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:16 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

3rd SS.

What is going on over there.
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:57 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

I have no words... Will wait for 'small experiment' explanation of Skripal`s case.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:08 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Interesting...well did you realize Russians were amongst some of the original investors in Facebook?  I new that Putin sent Dmitri to meet with Zuckerberg at least a few times.  But when I read this article I was surprised to see Russians helped fund.  So U.S. media does not even bother to tell people Facebook has billions of $ in stock value owned by Russians.

"Russia is also home to two large and early Facebook investors, Alisher Usmanov, a steel tycoon, and Yuri Milner, an expert on monetizing social network traffic in emerging markets. The two partly cashed out in the initial public offering of Facebook stock earlier this year but still own billions of dollars’ worth of shares."
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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:32 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
Will wait for 'small experiment' explanation of Skripal`s case.

It's the $$$...looks like someone bribed Skirpal, cost him his life.  Not smart to cross Boss Vlad.  But Vlad got his revenge big-time vs the West. 14 Americans took the $$$ or whatever other goodies were offered.  Including Jill Stein.  Nobody even bothers to mention she took the $50K also to appear at RT dinner.  Maybe that is 15 Americans that took $$$.  Ritz Carlton Moscow had videos of westerners with hookers as leverage too.  Oldest trick in the book in the spy biz.

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Rep: 15.1
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:17 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
Interesting...well did you realize Russians were amongst some of the original investors in Facebook?  I new that Putin sent Dmitri to meet with Zuckerberg at least a few times.  But when I read this article I was surprised to see Russians helped fund.  So U.S. media does not even bother to tell people Facebook has billions of $ in stock value owned by Russians.

"Russia is also home to two large and early Facebook investors, Alisher Usmanov, a steel tycoon, and Yuri Milner, an expert on monetizing social network traffic in emerging markets. The two partly cashed out in the initial public offering of Facebook stock earlier this year but still own billions of dollars’ worth of shares."

DJ In fairness though NGO's aren't what they make themselves out to be. In fact they often are the opposite, yet don't mention their links  ( funding ) from US Govt. Both have influence upon Govt's. Facebook is just another legal way the US spies upon people, influence elections through social media while gathering users metadata. This is all nothing new I'm sure. Very true about the honey trap hookers. But everyone uses that trick too. Israel used it successfully.


The same old trick used on the same old weakness - sex.
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Rep: 15.1
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 11:20 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

What's Trump doing playing straight into Syria, Russia. Iran and Turkeys hands. The withdrawal from Syria of US forces has already resulted in the Kurds surrendering one city to prevent the Turks attacking it - Manbij. It sounds as though the Kurds feel betrayed by the US and ready to sign over to the Syrian Govt. Giving up any hope of a Kurdish state...............again. Allies aren't easy to find in the Middle East but dumping allies sends a clear message for others.

Afghanistan possibly next. The Taliban's demands were for US withdrawal is an indicator of their success after a stalemate period.

DJ - maybe you could make another post - What is going on with USA ? Has Trump gone rogue or was he already rogue just controlled by some until now.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:19 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Well nobody will know precisely what the "real" intentions were about Trump at this point.  Yes it reinforced negative stereotypes about U.S. hanging Allies out to dry.  Investigations need to Audit all financial records including wire transfers, "loans", Trump D.C. Hotel and real estate.  Already the lawyer Cohen admitted to setting up shell company to hide the hooker....errr....porn star pay-offs.  In reality use of shell companies, anonymous LLC's and dirty banks like BCCI has been done for decades by like-minded corrupt Business and Government leaders.

It is definitely not normal for U.S. Defense Secretary (hand-picked by the President) to resign in protest.  Clearly this was related to Syria withdraw. Then he sought petty reprisal to force him to leave immediately vs smooth transition.  Instead the replacement has zero experience, just a businessman worked at Defense industry supplier.

Honestly I feel like USA has drifted into Banana Republic as many others in his cabinet had to resign over looming investigations.  Putin is looking more and more like a genius but my opinion is that Putin ironically did us a favor. The corruption had always been there he just exposed it.
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Rep: 15.1
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:02 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

DJ  - As long as that corruption is cut out somehow. Otherwise all of this is for nothing but the corrupt become more greedy and powerful. It is a worry reading about other potential Hollywood candidates for the next US election. Who are the real people behind Trump ?
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 3:57 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

So it begins...evidence of money laundering and tax fraud.  Funds conveniently hidden in shell companies to purchase real estate in NY.  Just the tip of the iceberg.  So the question is...did Putin know about the tax evasion ?
I thought this Russian "lawyer" worked for the Russian government.  Most corrupt dirty business in the world, Real Estate.  Not only Russians but increasingly China is doing this in U.S.  American real estate business is hopelessly corrupt they would never dare let auditors look at the books to see who the anonymous buyers or shell companies are.   China I believe is stealth-subsidizing and dumping their manipulated $ into real estate.

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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:24 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

dj wrote (View Post):
So it begins...evidence of money laundering and tax fraud.  Funds conveniently hidden in shell companies to purchase real estate in NY.  Just the tip of the iceberg.  

BTW, such activities are greatly hurt by gov. shutdown, may be shutdown was a last measure for Trump to stop 'investigation'.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:28 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Yes absolutely that is top of mind, if he is doing shutdown as Scorched Earth desperation tactics.  Pretty smart, stall for time while using Wall as distraction and excuse.

Explanation or lack thereof also telling to remove sanctions for oligarch Oleg Deripaska.  I guess Mnuchin could think of good excuse so they changed their minds instead of providing justification. What a weasel.

BTW - interesting they said the American immigrant whom served as interpreter for U.S. State Dept was asked to surrender the notes from meetings.  And Private 1:1 meetings between Trump / Putin at G20 and other meeting were kept quiet.   Interested to know from the interpreter what they wanted to keep secret.

What do they say in Russia lately?  It was only due to Russian media we got Oval Office photos or notification of secret G20 meetings.  Jesus Christ our own news media can not even tell us we have to keep relying on Russian state media.  Thanks Russia good job.
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Rep: 15.1
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:15 pm Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Without sounding too skeptical, when is the hard uncompromising evidence of Trump / Russia collusion going to happen. So far the only convictions are vaguely related to this massive investigation. The cost to the tax payer may have been better off on a wall, fence or barrier. To an outsider the wall business alone looks like the Dem's are talking sour grapes still. They once backed a wall under Obama. What a mess and the situation surely can't get any worse before getting better.

Then that Buzzfeed rubbish on Trump. Surely the US can shut down pure propaganda sites like this, that publish before investigating.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:51 am Post subject: Re: What is going on with Russia? Reply with quote

Active criminal investigation can not show their cards - many audio recordings, texts, video evidence, counter intelligence.  Lawyer will testify in public next month on his way to jail.  Just wait until tapes released, that's what ended Nixon.
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