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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:35 am Post subject: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube

Welcome to Gus McDoll Games (Strategy & Tactics), and thank you to our subscribers!

In this series we play Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far, a game based on the Battle of Arnhem, Operation Market Garden. We are playing the Allied Grand Campaign at the Veteran level of difficulty.

We use each mission to illustrate aspects of WW2 infantry minor tactics at the company level and below, using actual WW2 US and UK doctrine: frontal and flanking attacks; use of indirect fire; suppressing fire; enfilade and defilade; infantry/tank cooperation; defensive positions; ambushes; and so on.

Each episode we conduct basic mission analysis (mission, enemy, terrain, troops and time), develop and analyse courses of action, then execute the plan in real time, followed by lessons learned.

Check out the playlist at:
Check out Gus McDoll Games (Strategy & Tactics) at:


Very Happy
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:54 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 1, Arnhem Rail Bridge, a British airborne company from the 1st Airborne Division must secure the Arnhem Rail Bridge in order to clear a route along the Rhine to Arnhem Bridge. Allowing the Germans to destroy the rail bridge eliminates any contingency plan in case the Arnhem Highway Bridge is lost.

This first episode is one of the hardest in the campaign. Find out why...

Last edited by GusMcDollGames on Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:48 pm Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 2 Son Town, an American airborne company from the 101st Airborne Division must clear the town of Son in order to advance to the Son Bridge. If we are unable to clear the town on our first attempt, the element of surprise will be lost and the Germans can prepare to blow the Son Bridge.

"If possible, light machine guns should be employed to place flanking or oblique fire on hostile defensive positions opposing their own company or adjacent units. Such fire places the greater part of the beaten zone on the target and is more effective than frontal fire."
United States Army, Field Manual FM 7-10, Infantry Field Manual, Rifle Company, Rifle Regiment (1942), Chapter 2 Offensive Combat, paragraph 17h.

Last edited by GusMcDollGames on Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:37 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 3, Schijndel Road, an American airborne company from the 101st Airborne Division must clear and hold Schijndel Road so that XXX Corps can advance quickly to Arnhem.

"Broken terrain limits the defender's field of observation and flat-trajectory fire and offers cover by which attacking foot Infantry may approach a hostile position."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5 Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion, para 46.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:39 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 4, Veghel Bridge, an American airborne company from the 101st Airborne Division must secure Veghel Bridge, the second of the key bridges on the road to Arnhem.

Using frontal fire and flanking assault to envelop
"The advance of some units outflanks resistances holding up other elements and thus facilitates enveloping action. Units held up direct their reserves into the gap to envelop the enemy or gain his rear. These islands of resistance are thus reduced by combined frontal and flanking action."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5 Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 78c.

Last edited by GusMcDollGames on Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:19 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 5 Son Bridge, an American airborne company from the 101st Airborne Division must take the Son Bridge before the Germans blow it or suffer a massive delay.

Using smoke to screen movement
"When employed to screen an advance or to cover troop movements, smoke is most effective when placed directly on or immediately in front of the enemy's front lines or on his observation posts."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5 Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 196c.2.

Last edited by GusMcDollGames on Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:22 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 6 Schijndel Dunes, an American airborne company from the 101st Airborne Division in the vicinity of the Schijndel Sand Dunes must clear the town and keep it open for XXX Corps.

Defending the main line of resistance
"All defensive preparations are related to the main line of resistance. The basis of the defense is constituted by the fortified supporting points of the main position of resistance forming closed works organised for all round defense."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5 Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 97.1.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:24 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 7 Veghel Town, an understrength company from the US 101st Airborne Division must clear Veghel Town in order to secure the main supply route for XXX Corps.

Attack of villages / capture of lateral edges
"The lateral edge of the village may be captured at the same time as the near edge when the situation and terrain favor a converging attack...the exterior rifle units...reach positions adjacent to the near edge of the village about the same time as the interior unit. The exterior units then move forward along the lateral edges."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5 Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 152.2c.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:05 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 8 Defend Groesbeek Heights, an understrength company from the 82nd Airborne Division must secure the Groesbeek Heights as long as possible to allow the XXX Corps troops unhindered access into Nijmegen.

Defense / Mission of Infantry
"The mission of the Infantry in sustained defense is, with the support of the other arms, to stop the enemy by fire in front of the battle position, to repel his assault by close combat if he reaches it, and to eject him by counterattack in case he enters it."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5 Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 92.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:08 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 9 Oosterbeek Landing Zone, an understrength company from the British 1st Airborne Division must defend the Oosterbeek Landing Zone. The landing zone is your primary supply source until XXX Corps arrives.

The Defence
"The adoption of the defensive does not necessarily imply weakness or inferiority...It may also be desirable to induce the enemy to commit himself to ground favourable to the counter-offensive and to waste his strength in attacks on a well-prepared position"
United Kingdom, Field Service Regulations Volume 2 Operations-General (1935), Para 67.2.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:12 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 10 Veghel North, an understrength company from the 101st Airborne Division must open a corridor for XXX Corps at Veghel North and hold it after they pass on through. It is Day 1 of Operation Market Garden, 1600hrs on 17 September 1944.

Defense / Selection of Position
"The defense seeks to see while not being seen. The main line of resistance should cover terrain features essential to observation of the foreground of the position. As far as practicable, it should deny to the enemy facilities for observation over the approaches to the position from the rear."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5, Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 94b.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:12 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 11 Arnhem Suburbs, the remnants of my British 1st Airborne Division forces from the Arnhem Rail Bridge must assault the Arnhem suburbs. It is Day 1 of Operation Market Garden, 1600hrs on 17 September 1944.

The elements of tactics
"The most important [duty of a commander] is always to endeavour to surprise and distract the enemy, since an enemy thrown off his guard by an unexpected blow or a skilful feint is at a serious moral and physical disadvantage."
United Kingdom, Field Service Regulations Volume 2 Operations-General (1935), Chapter 2, Section II, paragraph 3.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:16 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 12 Arnhem Tree Road, the British 1st Airborne Division must fight through the Arnhem Tree Road on their way to Arnhem Bridge. It is Day 1 of Operation Market Garden, 1800hrs on 17 September 1944.

The Attack / General considerations
"An attack launched without adequate reconnaissance and preparation is unlikely to succeed: on the other hand, when a favourable position for the attack has been gained, delay and hesitation are fatal, and enable the enemy either to strengthen his defences and complete his arrangements to meet the attack or to avoid the blow by withdrawal."
United Kingdom, Field Service Regulations Volume 2 Operations-General (1935), Chapter VI, Section 55, Paragraph 8.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:17 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 13 After Action Review Day 1, I review progress on day one, draw out some lessons learned, and consider what tomorrow will bring.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:57 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 14 Groesbeek Landing Zone, the US 82nd Airborne Division must secure the Groesbeek Heights Landing Zone in order to ensure resupply and reinforcement to the Nijmegen sector. It is Day 2 of Operation Market Garden, 0600hrs on 18 September 1944.

Anti-Tank Platoon / Employment in Defense
"The primary mission of the antitank platoon of a front-line battalion is the antitank defense of the main line of resistance. The guns of the platoon are emplaced to cover, in conjunction with mines and other obstacles, the most likely avenues of hostile mechanized approach, and to fire effectively on each hostile tank before it can reach the main line of resistance."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-35 Antitank Company, Infantry Regiment and Antitank Platoon, Infantry Battalion (1944), para 94b.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:59 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 15 Nijmegen City, a company from the US 82nd Airborne Division must seize Nijmegen City in order to secure the southern end of the Nijmegen bridge. It is Day 2 of Operation Market Garden, 0600hrs on 18 September 1944.

Village Fighting
"More solidly built villages, particularly those in which houses are not widely spaced, have many of the military features of woods. They are easily defended and present a considerable obstacle to offensive action."

United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5, Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 150b.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:41 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 16 Oosterbeek Landing Zone, a company from the British 1st Airborne Division must defend the Oosterbeek Landing Zone to ensure resupply and reinforcement to the Arnhem sector. It is Day 2 of Operation Market Garden, 0600hrs on 18 September 1944.

Protection against armoured fighting vehicles
"Commanders must always coordinate the system of anti-tank defence within their areas, so that all available means of defence-weapons, mines and obstacles, both natural and artificial-may be used as effectively and economically as possible."
United Kingdom, Field Service Regulations Volume 2 Operations-General (1935), Paragraph 39.3.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:42 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 17 Arnhem West Approach, a company from the British 1st Airborne Division must clear the Arnhem West Approach in order to advance to Arnhem Bridge. It is Day 2 of Operation Market Garden, 0700hrs on 18 September 1944.

The Attack / General conduct of the attack
"If a large wood, village or town has to be attacked directly, operations must be methodical and carefully prepared, if they are to succeed; it will usually be advisable to divide the objective into areas, each of which will be captured in turn."
United Kingdom, Field Service Regulations Volume 2 Operations-General (1935), Chapter VI, Section 57, Paragraph 5.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:10 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 18 Nijmegen Bridge, a parachute infantry company from the US 82nd Airborne Division must seize Nijmegen Bridge in order to prevent its destruction by the Germans. It is Day 2 of Operation Market Garden, 0800hrs on 18 September 1944.

"Constant reconnaissance is conducted to permit the commander to make appropriate dispositions for security, movement, and combat. Reconnaissance in force is to be regarded as a special rather than an habitual means of action."
United States Army, Field Manual FM7-5, Organization and Tactics of Infantry The Rifle Battalion (1940), para 58.
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Rep: 11

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:11 am Post subject: Re: Allied Grand Campaign in HD on YouTube Reply with quote

In Episode 19 Arnhem Bridge, a parachute infantry company from the British 1st Airborne Division must seize Arnhem Bridge in order to allow XXX Corps to cross the Rhine. It is Day 2 of Operation Market Garden, 1200hrs on 18 September 1944.

Fighting Troops / Infantry
"Infantry units or formations are organized in two echelons, an echelon of riflemen and an echelon of supporting fire for these riflemen. The principal weapons of the echelon of riflemen are the light machine gun, rifle and bayonet. Infantry units also carry a supply of smoke and H.E. grenades...The supporting echelon is equipped with machine guns and mortars, and may also include anti-tank weapons, if armoured fighting vehicles are likely to be met."
United Kingdom, Field Service Regulations Volume 2 Operations-General (1935), Chapter I, Section 4, Paragraph 3.
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