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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 34.5
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 3:44 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Bungarra wrote (View Post):
I will ask one....

Do you think that the western Allies after investing so much in Ukraine would let Ukraine lose...
I'll also ask...

Do you really think that the eastern allies, having invested so much in themselves (and not in another distant country), would allow themselves to lose ...
and if you research investments, you will probably find that the US has only spent 5% of its military budget so far. The EU is a vassal in this "coalition" and its spending and opinion is secondary or does not matter at all.
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Rep: 34.5
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:59 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

"I'll be back"))) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crVd0uEIe0s&ab_channel=N%26O
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 4:54 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

I notice many parallels of the behavior of the Russian regime led by a Dictator accountable to nobody with old Soviet era.  Or Ivan the Terrible. I view the current Russian regime as a criminal enterprise, Michael McFaul goes a step further calls Russian government a Terrorist State.  Using traditional disinformation techniques, propaganda, bribery, whataboutism, state sponsored murder or silencing key opponents Russian government has reverted to a terrible past that the rest of Europe has not forgotten.  Investigations of the investigators are done to hide criminal behaviors.  Like offering $200,000 USD to FBI agent whom was literally investigating Russian crime.

It is illegal for Russian citizens to "protest" the Special Operation.  So this is like the Stockholm syndrome, feeling empathy for the criminals...the Russian regular people really don't have a choice other than go to jail, die or flee to other countries.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 4:59 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

And mis-labeling themselves "Christian" nation to provide cover and justification for heinous crimes against humanity.  With the false claim of doing in the name of God.  Like a Taliban theocratic state, that's one thing Iran and Russia can wrap their alliance around with flying colors.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:28 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote



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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:40 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Thank you for excellent 'Two Minutes of Hate', dj. Your social rating increased, as for good citizen.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:32 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
Thank you for excellent 'Two Minutes of Hate', dj. Your social rating increased, as for good citizen.

No sir, it is quite the contrary.  I have no such hatred toward the Russian people.  In fact I have studied your culture at University level my professor had his own video of the people protesting in streets of Leningrad when they had hope for a new fresh beginning in Russia when USSR fell.  I have worked and met with many Russian immigrants here, very good people and highly educated.

Please read the wikipedia post.  It is verifiable evidence.  I am afraid for the future of the Russian people reverting back to dark chapter it's history.  And appalled by the casualty rates of your people.  Including the prisoners.  Just because they got sent to jail, doesn't make them bad people or their lives disposable.  Maybe some of them completely innocent just at the wrong place at the wrong time....they are human beings.

My complaint is rather towards the Russian government post-Yeltsin era. The regular Russian people have absolutely no control over their fate it is not their fault.
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:56 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Yeah, capitalist state govt is an organized crime. What a new info. Old gangs are blaming new ones as criminals. Certainly, Cosa Nostra in Hollywood movies looks quite better that Russian mafia in same movies (which was mostly invented by US govt in Obama times and never was actually ethnic Russian in majority). But in reality, things are simpler and complexed at same time: all capital are sourced from crimes. Just take a look at cryptocurrency fetish, now nearly totally revealed as fraud, money laundering, investors scamming and just plunder. But money flown to new pockets and in some10-20 years perspective we will have respectful stories of new businessmen, like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, who already are in school books (but with omitted some cruel truth about their rise to power and prosperity).

About Wikipedia. Wikipedia is just a reflector of mainstream media. And when mainstream media became a propaganda horns, so Wikipedia reflects it. So you can still read in Wikipedia about 600 dead in Mariupol theater strike, because it was first reported and nobody cares about it anymore, and not read about Donetsk mining with rocket-deployed landmines, because western media did not cover it, Russian media are not reliable sources for such events (so nothing happend from Wikipedia point of view).

About Christianity. We seen black US president, Nobel prize nominee for Peace, who, with oath on the Bible, NOT stopped any war, but started at least two new (and supported third one). Thats all we need to know about Christianity. Religion is always on side of real power, its invented to justify the rights of those in power.

Finally, Soviet idealism is in past. Now Russia contributes to the right pyramid:

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Rep: 76.3
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:49 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

I will never ever play a game or mod with the Russians...I thought in my wildest imagination that a country could behave like this. Especially not when you could be the best country in the world with all the natural resources oil, gas, minerals and an intelligent people. It's just sad.....and you will pay for it generations to come...

I'm ashamed that I contributed to making the mod Battle of Berlin and Karelia, sorry for this...

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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:13 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Au contraire Mats!  This is the reason why I always play as the German side in Battle of Berlin + they were the underdog.

@JFF - like Mats said, the opinion of the rest of the world is relevant.  When you live under Autocratic state, it is very easy to have your opinions shaped by the constant propaganda, lies and denial of common sets of facts.  So when you equated Wikipedia as "mainstream" media, that's code in our vocabulary as someone seeking to evade the truth.  

The rest of the world west of Russia which Putin calls "the West" hoped for new beginning and opportunities in Russia after the fall of Soviet Union.  Instead, that never happened and Soviet Union morphed into something worse.
My psychological analysis of Vlad is that he clearly reveals in the past modeling his rule similar to the Soviet Union copying criminal conduct of Jospeh Stalin and Nazi's alike.  It is important to note first, the extensive rap sheet of war crimes and atrocities committed by the Soviet Union, many pre-dated the German invasion of 1941. This behavior continues and evidence has been documented and collected by the international community.

Nikita Khrushchev had the integrity to expose the war crimes of Josef Stalin. So you can't say these are lies when your own Soviet Government acknowledged. Unfortunately Vladimir has impossible conflict of interests as elite Soviet official whom is running Russia in the shadows of Stalin-like ruthless policies, complete with genocide, war crimes, murder of his own rivals and of the same old tired rhetoric of blaming it all on the "West".  The Soviet Union essentially never really ended just transformed.  Also I notice some Russian tanks flying the Soviet Union flag instead of the regular Russian Federation flag, kind of says it all.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:48 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):

About Christianity. We seen black US president, Nobel prize nominee for Peace, who, with oath on the Bible, NOT stopped any war, but started at least two new (and supported third one). Thats all we need to know about Christianity. Religion is always on side of real power, its invented to justify the rights of those in power.

Not following the critique of Obama administration.  He didn't start any "wars".  What country did he invade with American troops?  And he couldn't stop Iraq or Afganistan at the time.  Because ISIS emerged and posed a threat for almost everyone, including other Sunni muslims in Iraq.  Obama did reduce forces in Afganistan and largely de-escalated after we got bin Laden.  Obama was certainly not the first to complain about Russian mafia.

No nation has 100% capitalism and not every business is corrupt or engages in crimes.  I have to pledge every year at my job to follow ethics and business conduct rules...employees that do not are terminated including managers.  As for Crypto, it is a scam and bulllshit yes.  I think it is popular with criminals and corrupt governments also to hide tracks.  Russian Govt made bad decision to invest in it.  We put Crypto criminal in jail recently proof that we don't tolerate business criminals.  Whereas Russia has bizarre Oligarchy monopolistic system only one man is allowed to have complete control over industries.  And they sometimes get killed or align with organized crime?

As far the "Oath" on bible yes many Presidents such as Obama were Christians but not all.  But they follow Constitutional law of keeping "Church" separate from "State".  Obama never tried to wrap himself around religion as justification for policies.  Same with almost every other American Christian President.  The "Oath" is just a traditional formality and we pledge allegiance to the Constitution not to a dictator or religion.  Just to be clear, American founding fathers were almost 100% Freemasons, not Christians.  Also Franklin Roosevelt was Freemason.
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Rep: 34.5
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:47 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Like at kindergarten))) "You are no longer my friend, you are no longer my pal, take your toys and don't pee in my pot".
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:33 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

When you live under Autocratic state, it is very easy to have your opinions shaped by the constant propaganda, lies and denial of common sets of facts

Well, you really not familiar with current Russian state propaganda. Victims of it acts completely different BTW. Also, try to apply your logic to US itself.

So when you equated Wikipedia as "mainstream" media

Its exactly how Wikipedia work, what is 'reliable source' constrain, how to suppress unneeded opinions with 'orires' claim and what is a 'controlled content'. I was an active contributor until 2009. BTW, Wikimedia is a US Florida NGO, and subject to US law. Not PeterPans from Wonderland.

The rest of the world west of Russia which Putin calls "the West" hoped for new beginning and opportunities in Russia after the fall of Soviet Union.  Instead, that never happened and Soviet Union morphed into something worse.
My psychological analysis of Vlad is that he clearly reveals in the past modeling his rule similar to the Soviet Union copying criminal conduct of Jospeh Stalin and Nazi's alike.

I`m in no dispute, that main Putin's motive is to somehow recreate USSR, although the main driver behind is a second gen of oligarchs, who at some point met with the real internals of global world order, and, just as German moguls in late XIX century, came to nearly inevitable thought that the only way to increase their economic share is a territorial expansion by military control. Just as Marx wrote century and half ago, capitalists transforms into imperialists, and drive their nations to war. This is clear for remaining communists in Russia, unfortunately, they fall into same troubles, like their predecessors in Germany before and while WW1.

About West hopes about Russia after 1991. Popular joke is that so called 'Dalles plan' is unique, because while it is not exists, its works exactly. Considering 'reforms', made under West supervision on former USSR place, the real target was rapid pauperization of people, intense rise of crime and arson of historical confrontations and resentment. This all should drive former USSR into Somalia-like states, mired in civil wars, trades natural resources cheap (or even giving up it at virtually no cost at all, by so called 'Production Sharing Agreements') and never be able unite or to pose a threat to West. Unfortunately, there was some 'miscalculations', like that was did with Iran before, when DC and CIA planners obtain an unpredictable result and headache for decades. But generally, plan still proceeds very well. Any continental alliance between Russia and Europe is no more possible, a centuries nightmare for 'Oceania'. Europe now tied up to US like after WW2, with total depend on weapons supply and energy (and soon will be in large monetary debt to Unkle Sam of course). Post-USSR is divided and in fire of wars. Also, there are clear outcome on China issues - its ally now weaken, and their 'Silk Way' project just sank with Titanic fanfares.

Not following the critique of Obama administration.  He didn't start any "wars".  What country did he invade with American troops?

Libya, Syria. In Libya was TWO direct US-NATO invasions: in 2011 and in 2015. And US supported allies in Yemen war, fueling them weapons, logistics, intelligence, even leasing warships at 1 USD tax.

Obama never tried to wrap himself around religion as justification for policies

No-no, God is in every speech of US president. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNYmK19-d0U for example.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:44 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
[quote]Well, you really not familiar with current Russian state propaganda. Victims of it acts completely different BTW. Also, try to apply your logic to US itself.

what is 'reliable source' constrain, how to suppress unneeded opinions...I was an active contributor until 2009. BTW, Wikimedia is a US Florida NGO, and subject to US law.

I`m in no dispute, that main Putin's motive is to somehow recreate USSR, although the main driver behind is a second gen of oligarchs, who at some point met with the real internals of global world order....Just as Marx wrote century and half ago, capitalists transforms into imperialists, and drive their nations to war. This is clear for remaining communists in Russia.

Libya, Syria. In Libya was TWO direct US-NATO invasions: in 2011 and in 2015. And US supported allies in Yemen war, fueling them weapons, logistics, intelligence, even leasing warships at 1 USD tax.

No-no, God is in every speech of US president. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNYmK19-d0U for example.

First of all, no I do have good understanding of "current" Russian state propaganda.  Ironically even more so due to the Special Operation.  With frequent interpretations made by Russian immigrants such as Garry Kasparov and award winning journalists whom are banned in Russia.  Or people like Michael McFaul fluent in Russian language whom Putin demanded his "surrender" to investigate for alleged crimes.  And yes every nation has propaganda but it is the responsibility of citizens to be INDIVIDUALS and do own research with legitimate facts.  Paratmar has a good opinion about government lies, assuming certain % automatically will be lies by default.

Truth has only one binary set of facts with corroborating evidence.  Truth is not what someone wants it to be, or opinions, or framing dis-information narrative, or what we feel like it should be.  There is just one truth.  If you attempted to dispute evidence on Wikipedia or any other format, you can't just say it you must prove it with real evidence.  As far as your dispute of authenticity of Wikipedia, does it even matter where I chose to list sources of Soviet and post-USSR Russian war crimes?  Stalin also disputed the Katyn massacre to his grave continued to lie blaming the Germans.  Putin clearly likes to copy Soviet talking points particularly Stalin-era lies.

Do you have any evidence or examples that Russian oligarchs are to blame for Putin ambition to re-create Soviet state?  I find this comment to be yet another blame game that it's the West's fault with Oligarchs allegedly trying to form new globalist elite conspiracy and that it is their fault not Putin's [for the war?].  The old Communist idealism of Karl Marx and Lenin is completely obsolete and was always used as propaganda not based in reality. there's no such thing as pure Capitalist / Socialist / Communist state.  Rather every state is a hybrid system led by elites. In your case, by Autocratic Putin inner circle & Oligarch's approved to remain in control.

You continue to make false statements about Libya and Syria I assume to equate to illegal invasion of Ukraine.  Incorrect, Libya was never an "invasion" but rather no-fly zone and a few small air strikes.  And quite the opposite of what Russia does.  It was actually United Nations mission with consensus of many other nations. Regardless Obama did admit it was his biggest mistake.  Would Putin ever admit a mistake?  Same with Syria - ISIS was in both Syria + Iraq and we had extremely limited intervention.  NOT an invasion like or like how Russia flattened Aleppo to rubble.  It was the right thing to do, or would you have preferred ISIS take over?

You are conflating comments about God with some type of attempt to show America as theocracy.  God is believed by all major religions, including the American Freemason founding fathers (Franklin Roosevelt also).  That doesn't mean we are trying to wrap ourselves around religion as justification to invade another rival nation be annexed within our borders.  To save Eastern Europe from hordes of "Western" Transgenders or non-Christians.  Real Christians don't preach hate and certainly not genocide.  Never heard a preacher say that when I went to Church.  It's the opposite actually, suppose to be thy brothers keeper and help the ones less fortunate than us.
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Rep: 34.5
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:40 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Great and smart idea! Mobilize the refugees, train them and send them to the southwestern outskirts of Russia. So as not to transport them twice) https://t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/21983
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:16 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

This is good website to help keep liars accountable.  We don't have one of these for Russia yet but it does track some lies related to Russia.  I will say Corporations and businesses also should be monitored and can be harmful to people.  Like Crypto scam and the cigarette business for many decades lied and covered up health risks.

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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:58 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Do you have any evidence or examples that Russian oligarchs are to blame for Putin ambition to re-create Soviet state?  I find this comment to be yet another blame game that it's the West's fault with Oligarchs allegedly trying to form new globalist elite conspiracy and that it is their fault not Putin's [for the war?].

One cannot be without another. To start a war, Putin needs support from his 'partners' - 2nd gen of oligarchs. And his partners had enough examples of bad treatment by West, starting from denial Opel and Arcelor bargains directly by political reasons (and many less known) and including Ukraine, when West overturn their 20-years 50-bil investments, allowing Ukrainian oligarchs to rob them, with full support of international arbitrage system, and even just by force seizure. Russian oligarchs in return supported grabbing a Crimea, earning a lot of money on govt contracts (like Crimea bridge) and on replacement of Ukrainian businesses, and even rob some Ukraininan oligarchs back on their Donbass assets. Also, i'm already posted somewhere here a Russian 'think tank' opinion from 2014, completely equal with Germany opinions before WW1.  

The old Communist idealism of Karl Marx and Lenin is completely obsolete and was always used as propaganda not based in reality. there's no such thing as pure Capitalist / Socialist / Communist state.

Communists ideas about future society are dead, looks like completely, can explain on someone`s wish, especially after several visits to China. Bot communist theories as a tool to prosect capitalism - are still very useful. For example:

With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent. will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent. certain will produce eagerness; 50 per cent., positive audacity; 100 per cent. will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent., and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged.

The volume of Chinese rare earth metals shipped on trains across Russia surged to 36,074 tons in the first nine months last year, more than double the amount transported in all of 2021, according to European Union data seen by Bloomberg News. The value of that trade rose by more than fourth-fifths, to €377 million ($408 million) through September.

The fact that the poorest country in Europe has become the main supplier of fuel for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is also eloquently evidenced by another fact - from December 5, 2022, the G7 countries and the EU imposed a ban on the sea transportation of Russian oil. For some reason, an exception was made for Bulgaria. Moreover, Sofia was allowed to export to Ukraine "as a sign of solidarity" certain petroleum products made from Russian crude oil. First of all, diesel and aviation fuel, without which Ukrainian tanks cannot start and fighter planes cannot fly.

And even direct trade between enemies: https://customs.gov.ua/en/statistika-ta-reiestri#statistika

Again, a lot of such happened during WWI and WW2. Like trade with Vichy France, while parties completely understand, that final destination of goods will likely be a Nazi Germany. EU also practically legalized schemes of trading russian oil as so called 'mixes' - there are already Latvian mix, Singapore mix, soon we will see more 'mixes', when russian oil is combined with someone's else and - bingo - a new product arose.

Meanwhile, Prigozhin gave an interview, where admits, that with current temps of war, it will took three more years to reach Dnepr river. So popular slogan of russian state propaganda '[We] Can repeat!" (about Great Patriotic War) comes to reality - 4 years of war on sigth. Will post a link to video with english subtitles, when it become available.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:47 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

"Idealism" of the Soviet Union and all the propaganda that Bourgeoisie capitalists = bad and Communism = good all based on lies and distortion of facts.  For centuries nations have always been controlled by Elites whom want to control and protect their power and control people via propaganda narratives.  It's a moot point what form of government is because we ALL live in global market controlled by supply, demand and attempts to monopolize industries to maximize prices.  Every nation suffers from corruption and crony capitalism.  Communist China must adapt to the global demands that does not make them less Communist or a capitalist bot.

As far as the Oligarchs, you do realize that the rest of the world west of Russia had placed bans on them and we don't want to do any business with them by design.  Because most of the Russian Oligarchs are simply proxies acting on behalf of the Russian State specifically whom Putin approves.  I don't understand the connections with Russian organized crime. It seems that SOME Russian mafia gangs have allegiances to specific Oligarchs.  Other Russian gangs are like independent and answer to nobody.  We also very easily can trace your Oligarchs activities...follow the money very simple.  We see the bribes, we see the Crypto trades, we see the connections to syndicates.  The $ does not lie.

Meanwhile, we are expecting Russia to launch new offensive soon before the snow melts and before the Western tanks arrive.  Malcom Nance, whom is 60 years old just finished a tour of duty as volunteer in Ukraine army.  One of just six Black soldiers to volunteer in Ukraine from the entire world. Yet Russian State lies as usual showing his footage as evidence of "NATO" intervention.  He's been retired from military for decades laughable accusation.  Nance said volunteers from 52 nations have served in Ukraine to help defend from the Russian invaders.  Nance has been collaborating with Garry Kasparov, whom says about Putin: "there is nothing to negotiate".


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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:09 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

You previously mentioned Yemen.  Many Americans had complained about our involvement siding with the Saudi's for years.  And we successfully ended that very bad policy.  Saudi's are very persuasive and normally get what they want to have Yankees help fight their wars against their hated Iranian rivals.  Bernie Saunders and maybe others have always been critical.  Regardless, it was the Saudi's not Americans whom invaded...so kind of off-topic.

And completely untrue the accusations that America and West wanted Russia to suffer and fight with each other after fall of Soviet Union.  That is classic old Putin talking point used to justify his "revenge".  Now Russia suffering far more than it did at anytime since WW2 and no....don't think even half of Russian population believes the Great Patriotic War analogy.  Against their own former Soviet brothers?  Only Russia is attempting to create divisions and chaos to weaken Western Democracy.  Not sure what China is doing - they are notorious for playing both sides.  Reason why Soviet Union posted troops along the China border for many years....suppose to be Communist brothers.
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:39 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

If you attempted to dispute evidence on Wikipedia or any other format, you can't just say it you must prove it with real evidence.

Wikipedia is not about evidences, facts. Wikipedia is something different. For example, in 2009 Bill Browder made a series of interviews, where he called Sergei Magnitsky as his friend and famous lawyer. Browder openly lied, they met only several times strictly on business issues, and Magnitsky never was a lawyer, he was an accountant. He was not a public figure, so nothing else was known at that time, and all major media wrote about Magnitsky as lawyer, so Wikipedia article also stated that. Then, at one point more information become available, and some people start argue, that Wikipedia article should drop declaration of Magnitsky as lawyer. But there was a lack of reliable sources - reliable according to Wikipedia terms and practices. And Russian sources was claimed as less reliable then Western. You also need some quantity to rewrite a Wikipedia article - if 10 sources claims Magnitsky as a lawyer, and you have only one or two with another info, that not enough to change article. With five you can at best get a single word like 'Controversy' with a link. When Magnitsky documents was published in internet, with clear info, that he not had a degree in law and never was on duty as lawyer, that was also not enough, Wikipedia had special rule against raw documents - documents should be studied and re-published by - bingo -some reliable sources. At some point in discussion proponents of Magnitsky as a lawyer pointed at publications, that Magnitsky helped to inmates with writing of applications. That argument was silly, because profession and duty of lawyer have nothing with jail hobbies, but the argument comes from more equal animal Wikipedian, and discussion was closed once again. Overall, it took TEN years for Wikipedia to admit the facts - it happens because at sad jubilee of Mannitsky's death major Western media published several articles, where Magnitsky was correctly called as accountant and auditor. And that just a tip if iceberg. Many, many pages of Wikipedia are written by so-called 'teams' - dedicated groups, for whom it is a duty. They well aware about Wikipedia rules and wisely uses rules to suppress any opposition to preserved point of view. Wikimedia well knew about teams, some times it was exposed by independent journalists - but train still moves on rails. And some content is completely locked from editing, except for some defined 'curators', and such pages are known as 'controlled content' - formally, due to controversy or sensitive nature, like Holocaust, but it also guarantee, that even facts in reliable sources will find no way to obstruct established state. With war everything become even worst. Russian wikipedia is declared all media, based in Russia, as not reliable, so Russian wikipedia contain not a bit of Russian point of view about Russia and Ukraine, but only Western point of view about Russia and Ukraine (India and Arab world are too far to take their media into consideration). Ukaraine officials clamed that Russia airstrike kills 600 people in Mariupol theatre - that replicated in Western media - Wikipedia article means 600 was killed, period. And for 'teams' during the war rules are much less critical, and they use even propaganda sources and raw documents in articles freely. For example, on attempt to point that no information about 600 corpses in theatre ruins was published, and so the numbers are in question and should be noted in article, 'curators' included a post from low-level ukrainian official in social media, that russian army extracted and buried all the corpses in single night, with no links or photos. Actually, Wikiipedia have a strict rules about social media posts, but appeals to rules fruitless - you already dismissed. So, Wikipedia mirrors not only media, but our society as well - many bright declarations about freedom and equality, but brute force and casuistic laws make sure that things will proceed on a single, right way.

Same with Syria - ISIS was in both Syria + Iraq and we had extremely limited intervention.  NOT an invasion like or like how Russia flattened Aleppo to rubble.  It was the right thing to do, or would you have preferred ISIS take over?

Raqqa was also made into rubbles - that ONLY possible outcome of battle over a city, at least at current state of technology.  Also, the ISIS was defeated more than four years ago - why US forces are still present in Syria? Protect kurds from Erdo?an - turks seems like kills kurds everyday as usual (with very little concern from Western politicians). May be they protects oil fields? Here comes the money, again.

Because most of the Russian Oligarchs are simply proxies acting on behalf of the Russian State specifically whom Putin approves.

Russian oil oligarchs was depraved from buying several assets during 90s, when there was no Putin. OK, they was rightly discovered as crime lords or their proxies. But result is still the same - when you unable to proceed with economic and diplomatic measures, you will proceed with war. The information war and attempts to bribe some Western politicians failed - so more traditional war comes to place.

And completely untrue the accusations that America and West wanted Russia to suffer and fight with each other after fall of Soviet Union.  That is classic old Putin talking point used to justify his "revenge".  Now Russia suffering far more than it did at anytime since WW2 and no....don't think even half of Russian population believes the Great Patriotic War analogy.  Against their own former Soviet brothers?  Only Russia is attempting to create divisions and chaos to weaken Western Democracy.

Again, declared intentions is one thing, what was done in reality - completely different. Browder was one of servant of real plan. Or Western politicians was extremely dumb with their dealing with Russia and post-Soviet states. Although, dumbness likely was also a part of the plan.
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In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
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helped over the years, and all our users that contributed to this site!