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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:30 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Nobody outside of Russia or China believes anything the Russian state says.  I hope this is clear.  Whatever Russia says, I assume the opposite meaning.  For example they said we will not invade Ukraine a year ago.  Then they invaded.  They keep calling Ukraine Nazi's and the only ones behaving like Nazi's are the Russians.  Whom as reminder were allies with the real Nazi's and invaded Eastern Europe together from 1939-1941.  Here are the real dead children killed by Russia.  And ICC has charged Russia with war crimes taking children away against their will and relocating to Russia.

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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:44 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Correction a few others believe Russian state besides China.  Iran, North Korea, Serbia (as always) and Putin puppets: Trump, Lukashenko, Urban, Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard.

Basically everyone else in Europe, UK Commonwealth, USA, United Nations, Japan, South Korea and does NOT believe anything Russian state says.
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Rep: 29.4
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 5:47 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Whatever Russia says, I assume the opposite meaning.

Wise policy. I do the same, just changing  "Russia" for "USA".
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Rep: 29.4
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 5:50 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Seems Bakhmut is nearly encircled.

But my guess is Ukrainian forces will not be trapped, they will retreat before.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:29 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Besides the Iraq lies, any specific evidence of USA government lying in international relations?  The issue with your "policy" is that all the rest of the Europe (minus Belarus + Serbia) corroborates USA media sources with their own independent journalism.  Thus take away USA and you have the same exact facts.

Russia just arrests foreign journalists as leverage for over 400 spies already identified and expelled.  Just to be clear...there is no such thing as journalism in Russia.  Something to take into consideration when you compare sources of information.

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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 6:16 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Actually...not only is journalism banned / censored and illegal in Russia it can get you killed.  Literally minutes after I posted this Vladlen Tatarsky, known Telegram blogger was killed in St. Petersberg bombing.  He was known to be critical of war tactics on his blog commentaries. Not safe for Russians to express even their opinions in Russia.  Thus impossible for accurate reporting in Russia, whether foreign journalist where you'll be accused of spying or Russian national where you might be handed a bomb at cafe.

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Rep: 29.4
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:42 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

My opinion is that in every country (and the form of government does not matter: one-party dictatorship or liberal democracy, monarchy or republic) there is a ruling class. The moment you endanger the interests of that class, prepare for the worst.

That being said, I don't want to discuss politics but rather the strategies of each side and how they conduct the war.
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:20 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Pooh! Been a while, another visit to China and preparations for first visit to DPRK, that is a time-consuming process. Happily, here nothing is changed, as well as in the frontlines.

International Criminal Court warrant arrest for Putin.

ICC once again reveal itself as clowns. Keep going falling into oblivion, like UN.

And ICC has charged Russia with war crimes taking children away against their will and relocating to Russia.

I'm visited past year some summer camps for refugees children's and already described the situation here. After Russia large depart from ukrainian territories in autumn, a lot of children, evacuated from combat zones and close regions, was separated from their parents, who was left on abandoned territories. Ukraine provide no ways to exchange even information, not to about return of childrens, even children ombudsman links between countries lost. Summer ended, there was no possibility to keep childrens in camps, so they was moved further and spread to cities, declared as orphans temporarily. In ukrainian side, parents unable to obtain information or organize return, ukrainian govt just doesn't care.  There are a bad joke, that the quickest way to got some information about your child for Ukrainian father is to join NAVOZ regiment, suddenly Nazi's have enough power and links both in Ukraine and with Russian officials, as clearly shown with POW exchanges.

ICC just do their job in information war. Good dogs.

First of all we have virtually no "State" media in the West.  Whereas that is the ONLY source of information in Autocratic states.  UK has BBC, USA has PBS and NPR.  But in there are at least 50 independent major private media companies including "newspapers" (now Digital online).  Not state-censored control of media.

And private ownership do not help a lot. Like 6 corporation own 60% media at all, 7 corporation own more than half on newspapers, and Big Tech Five controls most of Internet channels reach. Sometimes that become funny, like with 'Sinclair script' or clone wars in newspapers.

Actually, as i remember from [totalitarian] Soviet times, it was a very hard task to Kremlin to unify newspapers and TV content country wide, in cases like death of Chernenko (second to end leader of USSR, before Gorbachev). Faxmile sendings only covered large cities, to smaller there was need to transfer scripts and covers in paper by men couriers, who spent all the night jumping trains and planes, and rely on communist party and soviet militia to mobilize local press to first morning issues. And, despite all the efforts, not all news was identical, some local newspapers comes out without necrologies, 7am TV news aired like usual and so on. Thanks to private initiative, unification of news is in a click away from bosses, who also controls most of public policy.

Vladlen Tatarsky, known Telegram blogger was killed in St. Petersberg bombing.  He was known to be critical of war tactics on his blog commentaries.

The smoke is not ended still, with over 40 victims of blast, but looks like he was killed similar with Daria Dugina case, with multiple people involved. Bomber is detained, its women, wife of former opposition party leader who fled from Russia some years ago, but seems like was under narcotics, with partial memory loss and health issues.

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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:23 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Me thinks there is trouble in Russia described as a "split". And yet again Russian government lied attempting to blame on Ukraine. Interesting that head of Wagner group use to be the owner of the same cafe.  He also disputes the allegations it was Ukraine's fault.  As in the case of Daria Dugina, it appears to be political retribution for criticism.  Daria allegedly called Putin "evil".  Ukraine's spokesman said “spiders are eating each other in a jar”.  Typical some Russians attempting to blame Navalny supporters how convenient.  Nalvany denies this.

The ICC has extensive documentation and collection of evidence.  I believe the charges to be authentic, it has been widely reported by many different nations Russia is doing forced re-occupations of Ukrainians to Russia including children. Unless if military POW's, it is illegal under international law to relocate civilians to another country against their will.
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:47 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

The cafe was a meeting point for pro-Kremlin movement 'Cyber Front Z', participating in information war and collecting aid to military forces. Several wounded are Prigozhin employes, so there will be his own investigation, what, considering his influence and power, can get results even quickie that official ones. Blast in center of Saint-Petersburg and 40 victims is also too much colleterial damage for internal powers. More likely, that target was Prigozhin himself, that explain the huge risks accepted by someone, and its obviously best for Ukraine interests first of all. Performer was paid with cryptocurrency for last months, which is nearly impossible to convert into live money inside Russia for usual people, facing sanctions and barriers from main cryptocurrency exchanges.

Unless if military POW's, it is illegal under international law to relocate civilians to another country against their will.

Yeah. its better to leave them wandering on ruins and minefields under artillery strikes. Meanwhile Ukraine again deployed antipersonnel mines using rocket-artillery and terror squads: https://vk.com/video-213182100_456251606 , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48VTuFheLpE , using traditional defense 'They mined their cities themselves' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isNiDUuwKFU - script authors made common mistake in official classification of so-called 'Zakharchenko' brigade, confusing with famous unit of Red Army during WWII.
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Rep: 157.5
votes: 9

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:16 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
The cafe was a meeting point for pro-Kremlin movement 'Cyber Front Z', participating in information war and collecting aid to military forces. Several wounded are Prigozhin employes, so there will be his own investigation, what, considering his influence and power, can get results even quickie that official ones. Blast in center of Saint-Petersburg and 40 victims is also too much colleterial damage for internal powers. More likely, that target was Prigozhin himself, that explain the huge risks accepted by someone, and its obviously best for Ukraine interests first of all. Performer was paid with cryptocurrency for last months, which is nearly impossible to convert into live money inside Russia for usual people, facing sanctions and barriers from main cryptocurrency exchanges.

Unless if military POW's, it is illegal under international law to relocate civilians to another country against their will.

Yeah. its better to leave them wandering on ruins and minefields under artillery strikes. Meanwhile Ukraine again deployed antipersonnel mines using rocket-artillery and terror squads: https://vk.com/video-213182100_456251606 , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48VTuFheLpE , using traditional defense 'They mined their cities themselves' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isNiDUuwKFU - script authors made common mistake in official classification of so-called 'Zakharchenko' brigade, confusing with famous unit of Red Army during WWII.

So the media feedback I've heard of the killed Telegram blogger in cafe was that he was too critical of commanders.  Allegedly called them "idiots".  That is not smart to make powerful people angry especially if rivalry between Wagner and regular Army.  If Prigozhin really did say don't blame Ukraine for bombing, that was also very brave of him and risky politically.  It's like his style to be Maverick and different I suspect.

As far as the alleged war crimes vs Ukrainian civilians, yes I suppose there are some circumstances where Russian troops tried to help them not take them as prisoners.  Just like not all Germans were Nazi's or committed war crimes.  And even some Germans lost their lives trying to kill or bomb Hitler.   MSNBC showed Ukrainian boy helped out of crushed car and let him free.  Although tragic Russian APC killed his parents, the Russian soldiers did the right thing in that case by helping him out of car with his dead parents.  Then let him free where he was rescued by local Ukrainians in village.  That is the proper thing to do.

Regarding Media, there are problems with very large privately held or companies such as Twitter owned by one Billionaire (like an Oligarch style).  However there are dozen or even hundreds of smaller companies that have freedom to conduct investigative journalism.  Autocracies do not have that freedom and it can cause journalists to get murders. The Saudi's cut one of their own into pieces.  Russia has a long list of journalists that have been killed for many years.  82 until 2018 even more last few years.


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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:59 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Army is powerless against criticism. The best they can is to 'suddenly' lost papers of Strelkov when he tried to return into military in past august. The only person who can retaliate to critics with death force is Kadyrov, but Fomin never address any critics toward him, and also bombs are not Kadyrov style - shots from car or kidnap may be, but not a blast in public place.

https://tsargrad.tv/articles/horoshij-ispolnitel-novye-podrobnosti-ubijstva-tatarskogo_755856 - this is a right-wing media, with often opposition to Kremlin in areas like policy over minorities and so on.

Girl who bring the bomb likely was used in blind, someone catch on her anti-govt position, and there was clear a group: someone prepared and masked IED, someone monitored and remotely triggered bomb, someone prepared ways to leave country (girl was instructed to change appearance and had airplane tickets to leave Russia). And there was a strange, controversial landing of small plane in Bryansk region next days : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhQ9x3LilUQ , what may be a failed attempt of air lift to ukrainian operative involved.

Meanwhile, another moment for bad face of war: https://www.lostarmour.info/news/vsu-failed-evac  . In this war medevacs of both sides do not even tries using red cross and possible cover of it - actually, there is no such cover in war anymore, with both sides shoot to any enemy`s movement, whatever colors they holds.
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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:12 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

However there are dozen or even hundreds of smaller companies that have freedom to conduct investigative journalism.

Yes, but they are hardly in wide reach to auditory. Youtube can wipe their channels in a blink of the eye (and do not hesitates to do this), Google lowers their pages in search outputs, Twitter and Facebook de-rate or censor their posts and so on. Also, Evan Lambert can openly tell police, that they will pay for their actions, having large news corporation with army of lawyers behind, small journalists have no such protections, and will face punitive govt machine nearly alone, spending years in courts and even jails sometimes. Putin for a long time was also easily afford some opposition media, even fund them via Gazprom, knowing, that their reach will be minimal in comparison with state TV and oligarch's media and Internet resources.
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Rep: 221.7
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:54 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

How does the beheading video fit the narrative of today?

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Rep: 78.8

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:31 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Nobody outside of Russia or China believes anything the Russian state says.  I hope this is clear.  Whatever Russia says, I assume the opposite meaning.

Meanwhile both Russia and Ukraine prepare to tighten restrictions over possible conscripts:

measures includes electronic notices and presumption of receiving writ
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Rep: 29.4
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 2:35 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

A pro-Russian mole inside US intel? Leak by Ukraine to increase the Western weapons influx? Or deception like Operation Mincemeat? Who knows.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:51 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
Nobody outside of Russia or China believes anything the Russian state says.  I hope this is clear.  Whatever Russia says, I assume the opposite meaning.

Meanwhile both Russia and Ukraine prepare to tighten restrictions over possible conscripts:

measures includes electronic notices and presumption of receiving writ

It's been repeatedly de-bunked that Kremlin propaganda of "NATO" troops in Ukraine are lies.  Yet Russian State kept showing the Black Man Malcom Nance as fake evidence NATO was in Ukraine.  When he as 60 year old man risked his life as volunteer on his own free will.  Malcom Nance was repeatedly shown.

Yes American and NATO shares intelligence and sends some limited weapons but no troops not even advisors in Ukraine.  About the leak it appears that someone hacked likely something like a Box online folder or shared drive.  Then after the breach, it was posted on Discord Gaming site forums.  Smart people like us on Gaming Forums!

So the leak was very old data and some people think some tricks or dis-information mixed with real information.  Also the leaks go both ways.  Russia now knows they have serious problems with defectors, spies or sabateours working for Western Intelligence agencies.  And leaked docs said Ukraine air force critically short... like saying the sky was blue today.  American intellligence has very deep connections within Russian government exposed by the leak.  One thing to keep in mind..."leaks" are sometimes on purpose, like how journalists get gifts from sources whom want revenge or want to be whistle blowers.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:54 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Berger wrote (View Post):
A pro-Russian mole inside US intel? Leak by Ukraine to increase the Western weapons influx? Or deception like Operation Mincemeat? Who knows.

Actually as of today, we do know the answers.  He was NOT Russian asset inside because today he was arrested by regular FBI.  If active duty military caught conducting Espionage, they get arrested by the Military Police and go to Military Jail subject to death sentence.  The Washington Post had very good reporting on what happened.  He was posting to Discord private chat server like a gang literally named "Thugs".  Washington Post also alleges gaming sites are "magnets" for Spies...really???  I think some of you Russian guys or maybe all of you work on behalf of Russian Govt like for a supplier or defense company, but not spies.  And I'm NOT trying to recruit you guys to be American asset.  But I have worked for supplier for Defense agencies many years and other related Govt agencies.  

This explains why some of the documents were related to Ukraine Air Force as the suspect worked for Air Force intelligence unit.  Does not explain why he had other unrelated documents, such as Egypt attempting to sell Rockets to Russia.  Typical Egypt famous for playing all sides.
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Rep: 157.5
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:58 am Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

Also the private chat group on Discord had both Ukrainian & Russian nationals as members amongst other foreign nationals.
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Rep: 29.4
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 7:08 pm Post subject: Re: War in Ukraine? Reply with quote

That reminds me of the case of that British soldier who revealed secret data about the Challenger tank in a World of Tanks forum. In order to win an argument on the internet, there are people who risk everything.

We are all fans of extreme realism and accuracy, but it is safer to want it in ww2 games.
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