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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:24 pm Post subject: how do u install pacific mod? Reply with quote

As the title says,

How do i install the pacific mod, bear in mind this is the first time of install a mod, so go easy on me guys & gals.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:21 pm Post subject: Re: how do u install pacific mod? Reply with quote

same question
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Rep: 2.7
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:18 pm Post subject: Re: how do u install pacific mod? Reply with quote

Hi to everyone here still enganged in CC2-modding!

First think you must know, there are two different original installation concepts:
- installing under Windows95,
- installing under System 7.5 on a Macintosh.

Clearly, today we use newer operating systems. So you will find these two typical situations today (2011):
- a PC with WinXP or Win7,
- a Mac with MacOS-X 10.4 or newer.

Let's talk now about PCs (although most of you know that I have no real idea of what a PC really is...):

CC2-installer software from the original CD allows you to make different installations. If you want to mod the game (on HD) later on, you must choose always "Full Installation" during the installation process. The CC2-modding community invented a plugin-management tool, which I'm not familiar of.

The basic routines of installing ANY CC2-mod on a PC is this (as taken from my CC2-Afrika-Mod-ReadMe):

How to install on PC:
- place original game CD in your CD-ROM drive,
- make a full install of CC2,
- download the latest CC2 updater from the Internet (v2.0b),
- update the file "CC2.exe" to v2.0b using this updater,
- duplicate the folder where CC2 is installed,
- give the duplicated folder a suitable new name like "CC2 my mod",
- all operation described now must be done inside this duplicated folder:
- unzip all the mod's map files and place all the files
  named "BGMap###", "OVMap###", "MMMap###", "Bridg###",
  "Roof###" (where ### stands for three digits) into the
  subfolder "Graphics\Maps", replacing the original files,
- do the same with all other graphical files of the mod and replace
 the original files in the folder "Graphics",
- do the same with the sound file "Sounds.cc2"of the mod
  and place it into the subfolder "Sounds",
- modding files of folder "Data" must replace the existing
  subfolder "Data" files. This folder contains the latest updates
  for Map###/Map###.los files, too,
- the files of the mod's folder "Games\Battles”
  must go into the subfolder of the same name,
- modding files "CC2.exe" and "cc2rsrc.dll" must go into the
 main folder of the installation,
- place the original CD in the CD-ROM drive, double click
  the new "CC2.exe" and after first launch of the mod disable
  videos (use "F8" to get to the menu).
- in case the intrinsic battlemaker functionality is disabled
 by the mod, you can use my tool CCBmaker.exe. I recommend
  to place it inside the mod's folder.

In case of the CC2-PacificFront-mod, the PC-version comes along in a self-extracting archive, and the resulting files must be placed accordingly their names into the "to-be-modded" installation. Understand the file hierarchy and you will understand how to mod CC2.

Now let's talk about Mac-installation of CC2-mods. First thing is: you need a PPC-Mac. And MacOS-X 10.4 with Classic-environment running Mac-OS-9.2.2 (or a real PPC Mac under MacOS-9). SheepShaver didn't worked for me. On the Mac, the installation is never "full". But you can make several installation folders if you like, too. And the MacOS gives you an easy ability to create CD-images. Most of the CC2-modding on a Mac must be done on such a CD-image of the original game CD. The files of CC2-mods will go in this case into the approbiate folders of the CD-image. So here is my universal text for installing CC2-mods on a Mac:

How to install and use Maps or Mods for CC2 under MacOS:
1. Take your original CD.
2. Place it into your CD-ROM-drive.
3. Install the program on your harddisk (small install).
4. To use Mods it is not necessary to change the installed files.
5. Replace the main program "A Bridge Too Far" with the updated version found on the web site of Microsoft (version 2.0b).
6. Increase the memory for "A Bridge Too Far" from 19408 KB up to 48000 KB if you want to
use very large new maps like the "Airfield"-map by Adam "The Man" D'arcy or my map "FireBaseCC2".
7. Create an uncompressed disk image file from the original CD using "Disk Copy" or something
else. Be sure not to make it read only. The volume's name must remain "Close Combat".
8. Place the Mod-Files at the correct places on this image as described in the author's ReadMe-files.
9. Strip all "LF"-chars from the "TXT"-files of the Mod, if they are coming from PC´s.
10. Remove the original CD from your CD-ROM-drive.
11. Leave the disk image mounted (activated).
12. Start the main program "A Bridge Too Far" from the harddisk.
13. If the program asks for movie-files (xxxxxxx.mpg not found), press the "abort"-button and
click the mouse or double-click it. Even if the program asks for the CD in the SCSI-drive press
the "abort"-button. Do not make a search, it will fail!
14. The program will now start, showing the new maps (or battles, campaigns), when you scroll
down through the menu. Not replaced old maps will be also shown.
15. Select in the "Preferences"-option "Videos off", and you will be no longer asked for the CD or
movies, but now the intro-picture will be displayed starting the game next time.
16. If you run into error message "out of command space", quit the program, quit all other applications except of the Finder and then start the program ABTF again.
17. After finishing the game, you can delete the disk image or leave it for the next day,

In case of the CC2-PacificFront-Mod, I have posted a Mac-version of the CC2-PacificFront-Mod with Taki's permission on my site: http://closecombat2.fortunecity.com/PacificFront.html

I hope this helps a little bit.

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Rep: 3

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:59 pm Post subject: Re: how do u install pacific mod? Reply with quote

Mafi, Thank you veru much! finally!

Why version 2.0b, but not 3.4?
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Rep: 2.7
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:34 pm Post subject: Re: how do u install pacific mod? Reply with quote

Edward75 wrote (View Post):
Mafi, Thank you veru much! finally!

Why version 2.0b, but not 3.4?

Hi Edward,
I have not tested v3.4 of the community patch with PacificFront-Mod. The update v2.0b is the last "official" update by Microsoft/Atomic (it is changing the EXE file). Taki made his mod around this update. The PacificFront-Mod might incorporate some of the experiences by the community pre-2001, but it is older than the community patches (which are "only" data changes).

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