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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 32.1
votes: 3

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:32 pm Post subject: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

After Action Report Grand Campaign

Mod and Sub-mod: Gold Juno Sword True Realism Sub-Mod 982

Players: Tigercub versus CC_CO

Short on the rules
    20 minutes rounds (using CC-reg)
    95% realism
    Strength settings Elite
    Morale is off
    Never act on initiative
    2 minutes warning
    No BG movements in Turn 1

Extended list of all the rules can be read here TRSM GC Looking for opponent

Morning battles 6th of June - 5 battles in total

Gold Beach; all exit VLs taken The two bunker VLs are still in German hands. Own casualties light. Enemy casualties very heavy. Lots of suppressive fire, Naval artillery and Air-support broke the enemy positions. Enemy lost 5 or 6 guns.

Almost all Victory Locations taken on Gold Beach.
Perhaps this will be an easy campaign?

Juno Beach; cleared 100% Own casualties fairly light. Enemy casualties almost 100%. Tank support and mortars broke the otherwise deadly enemy fire, killing 3 full allied squads and 1 Stuart. Enemy lost 3 or 4 guns.

The evil strong-point, so cowardly killing 3 allied squads has Finally been captured. From here - we move inland!

The Heroes from the battle. Our strong support tanks will continue to break the enemy ranks!

Courseulles-Sur-Mer; no exit VLs taken. Progress here is slow and bloody. Own casualties heavy. Enemy casualties light. Naval artillery took out several enemy units. We are still not sure how many, but several enemy units, including his mortars, silenced after the Navy had done their job. Enemy lost 2 or 3 guns.

Sword Beach; no exit VLs taken. Progress here extremely slow and extremely bloody. Enemy casualties very light.  Own casualties devastating high! To make things worse, a Sherman tank was apparently captured by the enemy, somewhere in the town. We are still trying to figure out exactly where? Sword Beach is so far a meat grinder for our infantry and tanks. However, High Command feels it is important to continue the attack, despite any losses taken.

Tigercubs clever defence at Sword Beach decimate my fine troops.
Notice how I am not able to spot his units, even though all my units are under fire.

The battle result speaks for it self.

Quistreham; one of Two exit VLs taken. Progress here fairly easy. Enemy casualties light. Own casualties fairly light. Naval artillery broke the enemy strong-point leading to my breakthrough into the town. Enemy lost 1 or 2 guns.

The enemy beach-units and the 21st Panzer Division
In overall the enemy has deployed the amount of poor-quality units as reported by the French resistance. So far no contact with the 21st Panzer, located somewhere in the CAEN area. Our paratroopers have successfully dug in and awaits the reinforcements.

Bugs and crashes: 0
Player mistakes/misunderstandings/issues: A BG was unfortunately moved in turn 1, however, the error will be corrected in Turn 2, where the same BG wont move.

June 6th operational Losses from the five morning battles. Infantry-losses has been much lighter than expected. Only on Sword Beach has the casualties exceeded the forecasted percentage.
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Last edited by CC_CO on Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:45 am; edited 16 times in total
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Rep: 87.3
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:55 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Nice read Smile
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Rep: 32.1
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:44 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Thanks Dima. Great mod!
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Rep: 63.1

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:24 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Thanks for posting your AARs...  Cool

Sports Freak/ CC Commander/ Panzerblitz Commander
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Rep: 27.4
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:40 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote


GL to your both.
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Rep: 32.1
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:11 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Thanks dgfred Thanks Stalky
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Rep: 24.5
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:19 am Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Good Luck to you both and keep them coming.

"percute et percute velociter"
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Rep: 32.1
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:22 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Evening battles 6th of June - 4 battles in total

Courseulles-Sur-Mer; still no exit VLs taken, however progress was made over open ground. A few buildings on the German side of the harbour was captured, but at a high cost. Progress is still slowly and very bloody. Own casualties heavy, especially the Tank losses. Enemy casualties fairly heavy. Enemy lost 1 or 2 guns, of which one was the 88 PAK.

The second result on this beach-map is a disaster. I'm only moving yard by yard here.

Mistakes and successes in the second battle of Courseulles-Sur-Mer

First of all, I was too bold with my support tanks, using them as spears after their initial pounding on the enemy held buildings facing the harbour. I should have pounded my tubes empty and the asked for a truce, instead of assaulting.

When I used my support-tanks as spears, I instantly lost 2 of them to already identified PAK positions, which my mortars regardless of effort, couldn't knock out but only suppress.
However, one of my AVREs did actually cross the centre bridge alive, and then drove into the park in the middle of the town. At that point, it seemed Tigercub was redeploying his units, to counter this new armoured threat, thus I boldly ordered two infantry squads to cross the bridge without smoke cover. It fortunately worked out, cause only 3 of those 11 soldiers was shot down on the bridge. The reaming 8 made it into the nearest buildings on the opposite side where they soon came under heavy fire from nearby buildings. Somehow though, they managed to hold off Tigercubs infantry attacks. I used all the tank support I had, to help those two squads.

Then I made my second big mistake; I send over a command squad to reinforce the two squads. But this time Tigercub had deployed accordingly, and within a few seconds the entire squad was killed or wounded. A big mistake on my side, sending them across without smoke.

Then I made my third big mistake; in the midst of the fight, trying to hold onto those two buildings, It seemed I would loose both, thus having now lost the command squad, facing a defeat in those two buildings, I decided to move away my AVRE from the park, to the Perriers Ridge VL, which the AVRE captured without fight. It seemed Tigercub had no troops down in that area, and a few trying to cross a road getting there, was killed by my Sherman fiireing down the road to the VL.

With this threat removed, as well as those heavy fightings in the two buildings, I decided to move back the AVRE to the park. Tigercub waited until it had returned and then recaptured the VL. I thought - no! so I moved the AVRE back again and tried to recapture the VL, which for a while seemed could work, until the AVRE somehow got immobilised, making the AVRE-crew surrendering to the enemy!

Thus 3 Big mistakes in few 20 minutes. Bad.

It is said that one mistake is often followed by another. In this battle - that was exactly what happened.  

What I should have done, was having a Sherman or a Stuart ready (cant remember if that BG has any Stuarts), however, eventually any tank with a normal Rate Of Fire. The AVRE has such a lone ROF that it is useless in doing any urban-fighting on its own.  

Hopes for June the 7th
Hopefully my Naval support can unlock this bad situation.

Image from the start of the battle

Image from the end of the battle.
My AVRE is about to return to the Exit VL

Sword-Beach; The exit VL to Courseulles-Sur-Mer has been taken! It wasn't easy. Own casualties very high, especially the Tank losses, loosing 2 out of 3 deployed tanks. Enemy casualties light. Enemy perhaps lost 1 gun, or at least half its crew. Progress still slow and bloody.

I am beginning to find it useful to simply fire my most heavy weapons on anything suspicious, even though no enemy has been identified. Naval support is very needed on this map.

Result of my progress in the second battle of Sword Beach

Creully; No exit VLs taken. Progress slow and costly. I was ambushed in the forest when pushing towards the Thaon exit and lost 2 squads when Tiger used his mortars in combination with some grenadier squads in a counter-attack. At the Garrison Barracks VL I had to fight building for building, however, I did capture this VL.  

Ranville; Tiger attack with the local 21. Panzer Grenadier BG. He does pretty well. He doesn't insert his full force initially, but only make use of a skirmish spear. He pushes south towards the Church and the southern exit, however, I am able to hold him off, although most of my troops in this sector is wiped out. In north he makes a push for the bridge to Pegasus, and I react to slow and not proactively enough, before its too late that is, thus he gains a good deal of terrain here, that shouldn't have been possible for him to capture. I made one mistake after another in the bridge sector.


Ranville - 21. Panzer attack my fine paratroopers.
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Creully - a very slow, a too slow advance against the 352nd BG, with one of my best BGs. I need to rethink what I am doing here - and how.
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Last edited by CC_CO on Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:18 am; edited 2 times in total
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Rep: 27.4
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:34 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

More plz..

Very Happy
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:38 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Nice, thanks.
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Rep: 32.1
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:33 am Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

June 6th ended with 9 battles in total. As you can see I have only captured 3 maps, thus still lots of beach-fighting ahead. I don't think I could have pushed through to Creully and Bennouville without that Naval support.

We experienced a crash at Courseulles-Sur-Mer, just 58 seconds before battle-end. I had captured the Exit VL to Hillman, but at a really high price, like 80% of my team wiped out fighting that 1 bridge and 1 building next to the exit VL. Tigercub had huge losses too. We decided to replay and had no crash. The replayed battle is the one posted in the AAR.

Tigercub also experienced a PAK bug on this map. His 88 - I think it was, wouldn't fire on its targets.

Maps captured in the second turn of the 6th
The reason I so far own Bennouville, is that Tigercub moved a BG to the map in turn 1, not allowed in the rules, thus he had to move it out again. Otherwise we should have had a meeting-engagement there, and as well as he plays, I don't think it would have been possible for me to capture it in one meeting battle.

We wont play on the campaign as agreed
We are sadly not going to play the campaign full-force. Tigercub apparently didn't have the time available anyhow, so I am back on track looking for a more devoted opponent. I will post again in the thread. Perhaps we will play on in this campaign, however, casual play-only.

Good battles so far though and Tigercub is a well-playing tactical opponent. He has tricked me, assaulted me, counter-attacked me and fought in a delaying manner as well. On Creully he fought delaying actions until a certain point had been reached and my support was tracked. Then he counter-attacked me and wiped out two of my veteran infantry squads. I also think my Naval Artillery has had its share to make his operational losses higher than mine, during this first day of the campaign.

On Courseulles-Sur-Mer he used a single Mg-34 I think it was, to wipe out 3 of my squads.

GC0026 CRASH at the hillman exit (2).jpg
Some few 6 minutes before the crash. Losses are still light, compared to the end of the round, where almost all my BG deployed units had been fighting that building.
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GC0026 CRASH at the hillman exit (2).jpg

June 6th Total operational Losses. Infantry-losses has been lighter than I expected. Same goes for the tank-losses. Sword Beach is the map where I so far have lost most infantry and tanks.
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Rep: 33.1

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:34 pm Post subject: Re: TRSM Tigercub - CC_CO Grand Campaign Reply with quote

Very nice reading material, there stuff to learn out of it 2

you guys make After Action Videos 2? Or are there on the site.. there is still much to learn about attacking properly on my part

I'm going to play some battles with tigercub soon, in order to prepare myself on a campaign


Part of being a commander is knowing when to smile, make the troops happy
even if it is the last thing in the world you want to do
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