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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Rep: 121
votes: 9

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:29 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Ok, thanks for the info. If you find a bit of time, It would be good if khrkv04copy and khrkv03 maps will be finished (or also one map: khrkv04copy). I write this smaller request only to let you know that I really like your maps: if you will not find the time to work on them I understand.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:02 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

TLD Kharkov mod update, may 2013

The main maps work is finished and all battles have been also created.
Recently I have decided to re-create all 64 txt maps files: TLD have all cc3 elements (and many more) so maps elements will be finally all corrects. I'm also adjousting and/or adding some elements in cc3 custom maps used in the mod.
My cc5 maps was coded when, years ago, I was less confident in map coding: for example, in a map, furnitures of a church are coded like military equipment, in another map there are beach obstacles instead wood debris, in another one the variety of trees is limited ecc. The limited number of cc5 elements in relation to cc3 elements surely don’t helped me in past, but, as I have said, I was also less confident about map coding. Now, for TLD, all this errors will be resolved: I’m at half of this work.
TLD Kharkov maps, if/when necessary, have been (already) reworked in bgm, ovm, mmm, and rfm files. All Btd files are news. Only all los files will be cc3 custom maps original files (I have never re-worked or created this kind of file).

Finally a thing that I forgotten to say last time: CC5 1.2 version will be released at the same time of the TLD 2.0 version (2.0 because after all it’s an evolution of the cc5 version).

Next Steps:

- to re-verify all btd exit locations number and to do “final check-refine work” to the victory locations.

- to write the points maps readme for the extras folder: it’s only for reference and it will show the number of victory points for every map (and the total) in grand campaign.
In extras folder, already done, there are also a tga file that show maps arrows connections and artillery availability for both sides, and a WAR compatible link for who have WAR.

- to verify all arrows in stratmap (graphically).

- to build firstly the grand campaign, then others campaigns and operations.

- to take a definitive decision about score settings in grand campaign and the reinforcement system (do them will be very quick, the problem is only to decide the better way to set them).

- Final general testing.

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Rep: 133.6
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PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:55 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Thank you for he update Drizzt!
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Rep: 57.9
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PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 11:03 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

GL, really looking forward to this one too.
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Rep: 28.4

PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 9:38 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Nice update! I'm eager on this one, the eastern front has always been my main interest.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:54 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

TLD Kharkov mod june update

Hi to all, finally I’m in the final testing phase and it will be enough quick because, as I have said, will be the community to deep testing the mod.

The delay of cc5 version is due to some new bugs about data files that I have discovered using TLD version. Particularly I have discovered and corrected some random crushes (non constant crashes but sure annoying) due to number of crew not identical in two different adb files. Other bugs were only small and very secondary things (without crash problems), anyway to wait the tests on the TLD version has been the right choice.

Here some considerations about TLD campaign options that I have tested (not deep testing, so is not sure that my considerations are totally corrected):

About reinforcement system: according to the manual and some quick tests, it seems that battlegroups don’t lose too many teams when disbanded, so I have decided to set one reinforcement for russian rifle divisions (to respect historical russian superiority in men) and no reinforcement for all others battlegroups.

About the grand campaign historical score I have set it but I‘m not fully satisfied: in my opinion independent settings for allied and axis score would have been better (I mean independent each other, to cover better historical situations very different to the normandy).

“Battlegroup retreat on rout”: this option is good and it works so I have decided to use it.

“Maximum distance from starting map a BG can look for a supply depot to reform on”: I had planned to use this option because strategically is a good idea, especially in connection with the usage of the “battlegroup retreat on rout” option, but finally I have decided to don’t use it because a battlegroup that exceed the number of maps set, it will be disbanded even if it have a potential escape way on a friendly map, potential because this friendly map is occupied by a friendly battlegroup: Lose forever a battlegroup not encircled by the enemy is not a good idea.
In my opinion a more smart functioning of “retreat on route” option is needed to make more interesting this option: the first free friendly map should be considered good for the retreat (instead the disband) when linked with the map where your battlegroup has been defeated (I mean linked indirectly, by one or more friendly maps that are occupied by your battlegroups).

“BGs that start on a friendly depot map can only reform on maps linked to starting map by friendly depots”: this option remains the more doubtful because there are too many variants in the game to considerer and the option himself has been written in not so much clear way. For sure it means that a battlegroup that starts on a friendly depot it will reform only on a friendly depot, but the others that don’t start on friendly depots? I thought that normally all battlegroups can reform only on friendly depots. Another thing not clear is if we must consider only big depots (as in cc5) or not: after testing it seems to work in the usual way. Anyway the more strategic aspect seems to be the fact that theoretically, with this option and a smart distribution of depots, it’s possible to set “delimited starting areas” for disbanded battlegroup: it’s good for the respect of the historical deployment, but I repeat that I’m not sure how works all the aspects of this option.

I think it’s all for now. If I will not find big problems in this final testing, the mod will be ready soon (I prefer don't give a release date).

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Rep: 34.5
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:52 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

What's version of TLD patch is compatible for this mod?
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:15 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to paratmar: the 5.50.14b patch.

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Rep: 34.5
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:14 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to Drizzt: thx a lot.
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Rep: 29.4

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:20 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

That's great news: a reworked Kharkov. I understand that it also is going to be CC5?
It is my second favorite mod for cc5 (Meuse is one).
The maps look great.
Even tho I think the Russian tanks are far too powerful it is a great game. You really have to play the retreat and then counterattack game. Very hard also.

The germans were able to knock out T34 and Kv1 from 1200m's with Pak40:
"Penetration ability of the long 75mm gun KWK 40 /L43 panzergranate 39 against the T-34: The T-34 is cleanly penetrated at every angle that it is hit at ranges up to 1.200 meters"
"T34: The T34 that was far superior to the German Panzers up to the beginning of the Spring of 1942 is now inferior to the German long 5 cm Kw.K. L/60 and 7.5 cm Kw.K.40 L/43 tank guns. After the Russians attacked the German Panzer forces in several battles with the T34 and received heavy losses, they didn't send the T34 tank against the German Panzers so long as they had a chance to with-draw"
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Rep: 121
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:42 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

To William the silent: pak 40 gun is not in kharkov v 1.0, but will be in kharkov v 1.2 (and of course in TLD version). Speaking in general in past I have corrected various things about tanks and guns: I can’t assure that now all is perfect, but for sure many things about them have been improved.
About maps, some years ago and mainly recently, I have reworked many maps and created some new files for all maps, but I think that the compliments about maps must be all for the mapmakers: they have done a real great work. Another thing about maps: recently I have reworked them only for TLD (and this is my only regret about new 1.2 kharkov version).

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Rep: 87.3
votes: 16

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:00 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote


one of the main problems of T34 in spring of 1942 was a shortage of 76mm AP shells so a standard AT shot was cannister and HE set on impact which could deal with 30mm armor at 200m hence uparmoured Pz38/PzIII/PzIV with 50mm frontal were real die hard targets for T34.


Take in mind that in spring 1942 the main ammo for PAK40 was HEAT shell Wink.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:17 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to Dima: corrected, thanks. Even if in these years I have learned many things about my mod timeline, for sure these aspects, like that one you have explained me, are my “most big weak point” in modding close combat. Some help to reach the total realism that close combat requires is always welcomed. When the mod will be available for download, if you have will and time, take a look to vehicles.txt and weapons.txt files: I have totally affiance in your knowledge about weapons range, vehicles armour thickness, ammunitions type and others technical aspects like them.
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:17 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

TLD Kharkov Mod August Update

Hi to all, I have finished my final testing: it has not been deep, but enough for release the mod and let the community test it. Now I only must finish some sections of the readme file and after these all will be ready.

During final testing I have found these three bugs (I think all imported from cc5):

The 0:00 chronometer bug is still there: during the testing, for 2 times on a total of 4 attempts, the game has crashed (50% of times: really annoying).

The first battle crash is still there: From time to time, when you try to play the first battle of a grand campaign (especially if in the maps there are many battlegroups) the game crash. This bug, as in cc5, affects only the first battle of a campaign (probably also a big operation) and occur only from time to time, so it’s not a really annoying bug.

The quit crash is still there: like in cc5, when you enter in a campaign and exit from it without play the first battle and then exit from the game, the game can crash (sometime, not always): it’s not an annoying bug because the game crash when you quit, so the result it’s only another kind of exit from the game.

In my tests I have discovered that the options in campaign.txt (or at least many of them) work only for the grand campaign (or, I suppose, also for an operation with all 64 maps: but I not tested it) so I’m enough sure that the .exe is coded to consider a grand campaign only the campaign with all the 64 maps. To be more specific, I can say that I have tested that “retreat on route” option works in grand campaign but not in south-western front campaign (and for me this is not a good news), and the  “Allies/Axis suprised (on moves on turn 1)” option works only for the grand campaign but not for others campaigns and operations.
In the mods ported from CC5 to TLD a grand campaign is accepted with only 44 maps because in the stratmap.txt file the maximum number of maps is 44: in another words I think that the .exe has been coded to consider a grand campaign every campaign with the maximum number of maps chosen by programmers/modders.

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Rep: 28.4

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:22 am Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Looking good Drizzt!
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Rep: 133.6
votes: 19

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:33 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Thanks for update Drizzt and for all effort!!!

Don't have much, if any influence, with Matrix and or Steve but still have his email address so will send your bug notes/reports his way....
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Rep: 37.5
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:28 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

Yes, thank you very much for your update info, Drizzt.  I really appreciate all of your work and effort!
(hope that you will have a CC5 version.... Smile
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Rep: 121
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:21 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to Tejszd: ok, thanks. About bugs I want to specify these things: chronometer bug in CC5 was very rare but in my mod seems happens more often (org TLD I don’t know: normandy... I play it very few). About the third bug I’m not 100% sure that was also in CC5 (seems to me to remember yes, but maybe was only with win7).

to Tripwire: Yes, of course I will release also CC5 kharkov v 1.2 (I have forgotten to speak about it, I’m sorry). CC5 version has many new things and/or corrections about graphic and data, and it has also some of new things that I have created for the TLD version (for example a video). But CC5 version doesn't have a new stratmap and the maps corrections (that I have done for the TLD version), and of course doesn't have some others specifics TLD things (modded for Kharkov).
If you have TLD or WAR I suggest to you to download (when will be ready for download) the TLD version; anyway the CC5 v 1.2 version is very better compared to v 1.0, so also if you have only CC5 I think you will enjoy with this new version.

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Rep: 28.4

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:50 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

I also got the chronometer bug in BoB for TLD after I started fiddling with the data, but after correcting some minor errors like ammo counts and team size not matching numbers of soldiers it showed up less and less. I'm just very happy to see a new Eastern Front mod, after replaying Normandy over and over again.
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Rep: 121
votes: 9

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:15 pm Post subject: Re: Kharkov mod for TLD Reply with quote

to DoktorPaj: Thanks for the suggestions. About "Team size compared to etc." I think it's perfect in my mod (not only good, perfect). Ammo count... for it I have chosen a "quick solution" that I have seen in some other mods (and that I consider a smart way to avoid a long and almost useless work): I have set it to "1" for every soldier and teams. I don't know if ammo count can cause chronometer bug: when you say "less and less" you bring me to think that for sure it's not the heart of the problem: I hope that it can be resolved in some other way.

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