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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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Shout Box History
GeneralSauce: i got CCMT to work. i have to run some errands but PM me and we'll give it a shot.
12-10-2019 2:18:pm
GeneralSauce: I do... ive never done it like that. that would be sweet. last time i tried to get CCMT installed it didn't work. ill give it a try again.
12-10-2019 1:17:pm
FreeKing: Unless GeneralSauce has CCMT, get a little 2 on 2 fights going
09-10-2019 11:31:pm
FreeKing: Yo, ScnelleMeyer. You got somebody else you can pull in on the game? My cousin wants in this weekend.
09-10-2019 11:31:pm
GeneralSauce: I down for weekend to play TLD, WAR, LSA, COI. PM me.
08-10-2019 7:41:pm
FreeKing: Hell yeah, buddy. I'm in.
08-10-2019 1:39:pm
ScnelleMeyer: Cool Freeking, How about in the weekend?
07-10-2019 4:51:pm
FreeKing: ScnelleMeyer, I'd be donw for CCMT tomorrow.
06-10-2019 11:01:pm
FreeKing: ScnelleMeyer, I'd be donw for CCMT tomorrow.
06-10-2019 10:59:pm
FreeKing: GtC small map mod is up and ready for download.
06-10-2019 10:58:pm
andyinkuwait: Just installed mod for Poland 39 on COI. Getting a CD warning. Any know how to overcome? Using Matrix version. I am a dummy as I did not install maps. Now works fine
29-09-2019 3:22:pm
johnswat3rainbow: korea
28-09-2019 6:33:am
ScnelleMeyer: Its on sale now mate:) As well as all other CC Matrix titles
27-09-2019 9:48:am
sacia4: I don't have CCMT, i'm waiting to buy the Blood First.
26-09-2019 8:04:pm
ScnelleMeyer: Would you be interested in playing CCMT?
26-09-2019 6:30:pm
sacia4: We could organize games at the weekends? Even if only 1x per mounth? What do you think guys? And someone play Hearts of Iron 4 here?
26-09-2019 5:03:pm
KG_Loki: @Prototype_alpha sent you a pm
24-09-2019 9:56:pm
prototype_alpha: Been gone awhile... used to be a top player. Want back in!
21-09-2019 5:43:pm
WillKnott: in "does not exist" issues..i found that newer winstalls use (x86) version of "program files" the plugin is not expecting. I simply copy my files to the non x86 folder and fix my shortcuts and regedit the folder in registry
13-08-2019 8:30:pm
lestat07: Hi all! Can you help me please? I cant install plugin for Battle of Berlin. Message "Failed to copy C:\Program Files\SSI\Close Combat Invasion Normandy\Data\Battl es\Acqueville because C:\Program Files\SSI\Close Combat Invasion Normandy\Data\Battl es\Acqueville does not exist"
30-06-2019 6:24:am
PanzerWerfer: how do you play online with game rangers in mods version? game ranger does not see the mods installed
27-06-2019 6:26:pm
longnez: ZAPPI4 can u help me for install mod Frecnh1940 in CCIII?
25-05-2019 8:04:am
longnez: I have an error in launching the France 1940 "Game \ Data \ Base \ 'uoNmaes.txt mode (emphasis on the u and o strikethrough). What are the modifications to do if there are any?
25-05-2019 8:00:am
Antony_nz: Good question. CC5, CCTLD CCLSA CCGTG maybe? Hard to say on a shout box lol.
25-05-2019 12:45:am
hungmanmoojoo: i played a bit of CC back in the day and enjoyed the GJS mod for CC5. if i want to play cc again what version of the game should i get?
27-04-2019 6:25:am
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In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
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