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Close Combat Trouble Shooting Guide

Close Combat was designed in the late 1990's for Windows 95. There are many errors that we come across now on the new Windows platforms. This guide is an attempt to cover all the most common problems we are faced with. Most problems can be avoided by keeping CDROM clean, keeping your video card and DirectX drivers up to date, staying current with Windows patches and by following the proper mod install procedures. If you problem is not listed here please use the Technical Support forum.

Cant find the directory: Videos. Please reinstall...

Informs Direct Draw that the previous blt... or can`t access surface for lock

Unable to continue play because the disk is full.... or unable to open file C:Program FilesSSIInvasion NormandyMaps*.*

Unable to open file for streaming or game freezes after starting

Game scrolls to fast

Cannot host games in GameSpy, Power Lobbies(aka BHQ) or GameRanger

Game runs to slow and scrolling is choppy

Config Manager returns error code=5 during mod installation

Game freezes when videos start, or other general video errors

Cannot find my saved game in the /Battles/Save folder

Cant find the directory: Videos. Please reinstall...

This error appears after you've installed certain plugins. It is wise to copy your videos over after a fresh install. Heres how to fix the error... Copy the Videos folder and all of its contents from your Close Combat 5 CDROM "/Data/Videos/" to "C:/Program Files/SSI/Close Combat Invasion Normandy" Refer to the picture below. Alternatively, you may simply create an empty videos folder.

Creating videos folder

Informs Direct Draw that the previous blt... or can`t access surface for lock

This is a very common problem with Close Combat. The simple fix is to disable your direct draw features.

1. Click START

2. RUN

3. Type: DXDIAG (press enter)

4. now click DISPLAY

5. Disable DIRECTDRAW ACCELERATION (refer to image below) It will ask you to confirm, press "OK"

Direct X Diagnostics and Setup for Windows XP

Unable to continue play because the disk is full.... or unable to open file C:Program FilesSSIInvasion NormandyMaps*.*

This error is generated when map files are missing or corrupt. If the map file is from regular CC5 then you must reinstall. If the map file is from a mod, simply redownload the maps and place them in your C:/Program Files/SSI/Invasion Normandy/Maps folder or your equivelent. Sometimes however you will not recieve an error, Windows will just dump you back to your desktop when you try to open a map.

Unable to open file for streaming or game freezes after starting

This error happens when windows cannot open the videos. The quick fix is to disable to the videos when you start CC5. Hold down the Control key when you start CC5 and the options dialogue will appear. Uncheck the videos option. Refer to the picture below. You can also install the video codecs you may be missing. Download and install intelv5setup.exe.

Turn videos off

Game scrolls to fast

Close Combat was not intended for the next generation 3D accelerator cards. Aside from settings your scroll speed to low and setting compatibility modes, there is only one other option to employ. You can download the following progams from thier website to slow you CPU down while playing Close Combat.

http://www.cpukiller.com/download.html - This program is freeware.

http://www.hpaa.com/moslo/ - You must purchase this program.

You can also use your arrow keys to scroll in game. Each press moves the map incrementally in that direction.

Cannot host games in Hamachi, BattleHQ, Game Ranger or Gamespy Arcade.

This problem is generally due to your firewall blocking the ports Close Combat to play. All versions except Wacht Am Rhein and The Longest Day require the ports 47624 (for UDP and TCP) and the port range of 2300 to 2400 (for UDP and TCP) to be open. Wacht Am Rhein and The Longest Day need ports 6073 (for UDP and TCP) and 2300-2400 )for UDP and TCP) opened. Also make sure in your all the games are added Windows Firewall Exceptions. Usually a pop-up window will appear on the 1st time you load the game, always click allow. If you are having problems configuring your router visit ---> http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm.

Game runs to slow and scrolling is choppy.

This is a common error on new systems or systems using Windows versions above Windows 95.

1. Right click the Close Combat shortcut

2. Click Properties

3. Select Compatibility (refer to image below)

4. Enable Windows 95 Compatibility mode. If that doesnt work choose another verion untill Close Combat will run.

Close Combat Compatibility Options in Windows XP

Config Manager returns error code=5 during mod installation

Config Manager attemped to write files to the C:/Program Files folder and was denied permission due to Windows security settings.

1. Open Windows Explorer and go to the folder /Config Manager/

2. Right click CfgV13.exe and select properties

3. Select the compatibility tab

4. Under Privilege Level enable "Run this program as Administrator"

Config Manager with Vista Administrator Enabled

Game freezes when videos start

The quick fix is to disable your videos. As soon as the game begins loading press CRTL+F8 quickly. This will disable the videos in all places of Close Combat, any version. If you want to watch the videos, try installing the Intel Codec patch.

Cannot find my saved game in the /Battles/Save folder

This explanation is for save game files under the /Battles/Save/ folder within the /Program Files/ folder. With the release of Windows 7 (32 and 64bit) files under the /Program Files/ folder are saved to another folder termed the Virtual Store. For Close Combat 5, your saved games may be going into the C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/irtualStore/Program Files/SSI/Close Combat Invasion Normandy/Games. This may be the case for all classic versions of Close Combat, Road to Baghdad and Cross of Iron. To stop Windows from saving it to that position you need to turn off User Account Control (UAC). Refer to the image below on where to, and what settings you should have.

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Copyright © by Close Combat Series All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2006-02-19 (71270 reads)

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In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
found this site to thier liking. I hope you had time to check out some of the great Close Combat
mods and our forums. I'd also like to thank all the members of our volunteer staff that have
helped over the years, and all our users that contributed to this site!