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  Multiplayer: Gold Juno Sword Campaign Finished with Allied Minor Victory!
Posted on Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:02 am by webmaster
Last Stand Arnhem The Gold Juno Sword team campaign which began 31 July 20 has finished 27 Oct 20 after 284 individual battles. The game ended on the 23rd of June 1944 with an Allied minor victory. There were eight days and 15 strategic moves left. The Axis surrendered only a day or two after the Allies achieving the minor victory. The game was organized via Discord. All Allied and Axis AARs are publically viewable now on the Discord, follow https://discord.gg/ufKxftbn to join.

Many of our battles were streamed live for team mates and opponents to watch. 197 recorded battles are posted on the Gold Juno Sword Team Grand Campaign playlist. There are a few battles were you can watch both sides.


MOOXE  RD_Steiner
RD_Viceroy Gamerat


Pzt_Crackwise irishwolf75
Mad_Matx Tigercub
RD_Knights DAK_Mapache
Krasmikaze Pzt_Chessmaster
Reindeer dundee Guzzi85
KG_Loki Dima


Allied Plan

Grand Strategy - Overall the Allies were aiming for a minor victory. The initial strategy for the Allies was to bypass the beach maps as quick as possible taking whatever losses they had to advance. Clearing beaching was secondary. It was critical to capture Bayeux and Buron in meeting engagements. Bayeux and Buron were both attacked the morning of 7 June. Bayeux was cleared in the afternoon. Buron entered a long drawn our battle against Panthers leading to the Allies being disbanded early on, but still leading to the eventual fall of the map for the Axis. Strategy from 7 June onwards was bringing the front forward in line with Bayeux and Buron, stabilizing it with defensible deploys and grinding out German tanks. Once stabilized the next priority was to remove Axis lateral movement. Stacking BGs in Last Stand Arnhem enabled both sides to move laterally between the front line. Once lateral movement options for Axis were removed, the Allies moved west. The maps south of the Orne River in the Airborne section were largely set to defence. The minor victory would come from the North maps and the strategy in the South was simply to tie up Axis BGs.

Armour Tactics - Allied armour outnumbered Axis by about 5-1. In the beginning race to establish the Bayeux and Buron front Allied armour losses were not a concern. Eventually when the Axis Panthers and BGs with many Panzer IVs arrived a tactic had to be established. Quickly the Allies decided to tag team enemy tanks. Tag teaming meant engaging any Axis tank with two or more Allied tanks. This tactic served two purposed. First, it greatly increased our chances for a knockout. Secondly it forced Axis players to reposition their tanks to avoid this tactic. Our second tactic was to assign air support to all Axis BGs that had Tigers, Panthers or JagsD tanks. Air support was always an RAF Typhoon strike. Air strikes knocked out tanks maybe 20% of the time and damaged them occasionally as well. Our final armour tactic was to damage and withdraw. Immobilized tanks or tanks sustaining other damage were removed from the force pool at battles end so they were equivalent to knocking them out.

Infantry Tactics - Allies did not employ any special infantry tactics. Allied infantry vastly outnumbered Axis and the majority of Allied infantry in the force pools was not used. As we had to stay mobile, and most of our maps we needed to continue attacking on, support teams were not used as much. Vickers MMG, snipers, recce teams, PIATs half sections and a few others did not see much battle. Instead Allies took the larger full 5-7 man squads for assaulting. Anti-tank guns were sparsely used as we remained mobile throughout the campaign.

Axis Plan (from Allied perspective)

Grand Strategy - The Axis fought a long delaying action. This delaying action was helped by lateral movement and BG stacking. The Axis placed their best armoured units on maps they considered anchor points of their defence. Lingevres held with Panthers, Buron held out with Panthers for days until retreating to Abbaye Ardenne. Tiger tanks held the South flank in Bavent. Very very few counter attacks were made and almost no Allied controlled maps were attacked. In general once ground was lost few attempts were made to take it back.

Armour Tactics - Axis armour tactics played hand in hand with the long delaying action. Tanks were deployed for defensive battles. On some occasions they were deployed in areas offering little movement acting as a stationary turret with line of sight towards likely enemy positions. In the first weeks of the campaign the Axis kept five tanks per map on the line while not utilizing anti-tank guns as much. As armour dwindled, more anti-tank guns appeared, more armoured cars and shreks did as well.

Infantry Tactics - Infantry also played into the delaying role of the Axis strategy. No notable tactics were seen except a lack of counter attacking. Allies did notice how powerful the German MG42 was when compared to our Vickers MMG. The MG42 took could take out open topped armour and lightly armoured cars. In the later stages of the campaign shreks were employed and quite useful at killing tanks.

Final casualties and positions.

To play the Gold Juno Sword mod for Last Stand Arnhem, download it here GJS 9.1 Plugin.

"Gold Juno Sword Campaign Finished with Allied Minor Victory!" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Gold Juno Sword Campaign Finished with Allied Minor Victory! (Score: 1)
by GameRat on Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:48 pm
(User Info | Send a Message)
Thanks Mooxe for posting the GC results. And like being able to watch the battles on your youtube.

Re: Gold Juno Sword Campaign Finished with Allied Minor Victory! (Score: 1)
by mikwarleo on Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:30 am
(User Info | Send a Message)
Nice :o)

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Gold Juno Sword Campaign Finished with Allied Minor Victory!

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