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  Close Combat Player's News - July 2016
Posted by webmaster on Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:00 am (Read More... | 2 comments | Player's News | Score: 5)
Close Combat Player's News

Gateway to Caen Schnellemeyer has ported the Gateway to Caen explosion graphics to eight other versions of Close Combat. Its a small mod which only replaces the Effects file. It can be installed as a submod on top of other mods or overtop the default installation. Download the GTC Explosions mod for CC3, CC5, CCMT, COI, TLD, LSA, WAR and RTB. Check out the video below for a demonstration of the explosion graphics.

The Longest Day News Dfox has created the Battle for Tunisia mod for The Longest Day. This is the first full modification to The Longest Day. The grand campaign covers the Northern part of Tunisia from November 1942 until May 1943.This mod features all new isometric vehicle graphics, new unit icons, new mortar units and many new sounds. All the maps are a blend of new, modified and rarely used maps. There is a brand new strategic map with four campaigns and seven operations. The mod comes packaged in an autoinstaller, after you run the EXE file an icon will be placed on your desktop. For more information please read the mod manual included in the installer archive. Download TLD Battle for Tunisia v1.0.

Southern_Land has been working steadily on creating new themed maps. These maps will potentially be used for the upcoming mod Winter War for The Longest Day. To get a preview of the maps and other details visit Southern_Land's Winter War post.

  Close Combat Gateway to Caen Released
Posted by webmaster on Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:13 pm (Read More... | 6 comments | Player's News | Score: 5)
Close Combat Player's News

Gateway to Caen was released June 5th at Matrix Games. You can purchase the digital download at Matrix Games or Steam for about $40. There is a one week promotional discount that happening to. The physical copies will not be shipped until 19 June.

The Steam forums are very active with players posting opinions, reviews, screenshots and videos. You also visit the Matrix GWTC forum and our own GTC forum here at CCS. Matrix and Slitherine staff are responding regularly at the Steam forums.

Product description from Matrix... Gateway to Caen focuses on the largest, concentrated British offensive since the Normandy landings in an attempt to penetrate the German lines west of Caen and cross the Odon River to get the stalled advance moving again. Players can experience the desperate situation of the outnumbered, but well-armed Panzergrenadiers, or the daunting offensive mission of the fully-supported British infantry advancing across the treacherous Odon Valley. At your command are Churchill, Cromwell, Firefly, Sherman, Stuart tanks and more. Panther, Tiger, Stug, and Mk.IV tanks will arrive to support German Panzergrenadiers as they try to hold the line against a concerted British attack.


  Close Combat Player's News - March 16th 2014
Posted by webmaster on Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:49 am (comments? | Player's News | Score: 0)
Close Combat Player's News

The Longest Day News Drizzt has completed porting the Kharkov mod from Invasion Normandy to The Longest Day. Kharkov is a complete overhaul to TLD and brings you to the Eastern front during the Russian spring offensive in 1942. You can play as the Russians or Germans using many of the time periods armour and infantry teams. Drizzt has included a very detailed readme doc listing many of the changes and some issues. There are also documents explaining the medals and the battle and operations included, as well as a graphical depiction of the front lines in 1942, to see these browse the /Close Combat The Longest Day/Kharkov/Extras/ folder. The mod is an auto installer, simply run the EXE file and an icon will be placed on your desktop. Download TLD_Kharkov_v2.2_installer.zip.

The Battle for Caen mod now has an auto installer. If you are not familiar with this mod, its basically Gold Juno Sword modded onto The Longest Day. The auto installer simply places an icon on your desktop, no modifications are made to your original install as plugin would do, you can play TLD normally with BfC installed. Battle for Caen is as close to playing Close Combat 5 you will get with all the bug fixes included. You can read about Battle for Caen in this After Action Report. Download TLD_BattleforCaen_v0.93_installer.zip.

There is a public Meuse 1940 Grand Campaign ongoing. Anyone can join. We are currently on day and the main line of French defence has been broken. We are fighting as German vs the AI. Theres four of us playing currently but everyone is welcome to join. Its all in fun as we know we can beat the AI. Our goals are to eliminate French armour and command teams and make it West as soon as possible. If you want to fight with us please read the joining instructions.

Close Combat Modern Tactics News Are you interested in having a four player (or more) game of Close Combat Modern Tactics? If you have CCM or CCMT and are interested please sign up here in the forums. We'd like to get as many playing as possible and record the game for Youtube.

Close Combat Cross of Iron News Matrix Games have released patch v3.61 for Cross of Iron. This patch adds another game menu with a note beside the MMCC3 button stating for Windows XP only. The MMCC3 files will not be removed from your installation, the old command center game menu will stay as well. You can still playing MMCC3 single player if you can get it to run. The MMCC3 servers were shut down long ago as Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, which MMCC3 is based on, is no longer supported by Microsoft and not compatible with any of its modern operating systems. The patch also fixes a bug where your anti tanks guns will constantly traverse and not engage targets. Download COI_Patch_v3.61.zip.

Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy News Caruso has released a small vetmod for Invasion Normandy's Gold Juno Sword mod. This GJS vetmod is meant to be played as Germans vs Allied AI. The goal was to combine some of the Salhexe's improvements to the EXE, weapons, SAI, and other values, into something even more challenging for the human player. The mod in a plugin, unzip the PLN file to your /Config Manager/Plugins folder, ensure GJS4.4 is installed prior. Download CC5_GJS4.4_VetmodPlus1.0_plugin.zip.

Close Combat Multiplayer News Gameranger is still trucking along. It remains the primary meeting point for all versions of Close Combat except Panthers in the Fog. Games are played daily there, the most common versions played are Invasion Normandy, Cross of Iron and the Longest Day.

Closecombatseries.net News TheImperatorKnight has setup his own Youtube channel with many Close Combat videos. TIK has been reporting on current Close Combat news and showcasing different versions for months now. He has also started a new website called Close Combat Fanatics. You can see videos, news and he's currently hosting a Panthers in the Fog tournament which is already underway. I am sure we can expect TIK to publish the first videos of Gateway to Caen when its released!

The CSO site has been recently resurrected. The forums are back online and Sulla is still busy recreating the downloads and news section.

A big thanks goes out to our members 0202243, Miker1 and one anonymous person for donations in February.


  Close Combat Player's News, Jan 1st, 2013
Posted by webmaster on Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:00 am (Read More... | 3 comments | Player's News | Score: 0)
Close Combat Player's News

Panthers in The Fog Panthers in The Fog was released on December 6th, 2012. You can purchase the game at Matrix Games for the electronic copy for $42.99 CDN or $52.99 CDN for the boxed & electronic copy. Third party reviews have been so-so to average, when you get down to it, its still the familair Close Combat we all know. Following the release there were many problems reported about save game files crashing out with an "Internal Error" message. A hotfix has been released which you can download here. The online lobby was said to be extremely laggy and virtually unplayable for most everyone. Since then, the lobby has been fixed however there are still some players reporting of lag issues continuing. The online lobby provided is the only way to play head to head. You cannot use GameRanger, Hamachi, LAN connection or any other of the traditional methods for connecting.

A patch is in the works. It will fix the save game issue and give you an option to turn the fog off in game, rather than editing the campaign.txt file. If you want to turn the fog off now, visit this turning off the fog, be aware though, as it will change all days of your campaign to clear skies. Thank you davidss for this work around.

Wacht Am Rhein Wacht Am Rhein has also been updated to WaR v45015b. This is a small update addressing save game crashes, weapon calculations and other minor bugs. Refer to the Whatsnew.pdf file included for all the change details.

The Longest Day The latest patch for The Longest Day is now v5.50.14b. Download The Longest Day Patch v5.50.14b. New bug comments or bug reports can be reported at Matrix Games forum or right here in our The Longest Day Forum.

Tejszd's Meuse Crossing mod has been converted to work with The Longest Day. If you are unfamilair with the Meuse mod, it takes place in the early days of the German invasion into France, 1940. An entire new strategic map, with maps are added. Included are operations and GC's for playing the AI and H2H. For each side you will be able to use historic equipment which include many of the battles light tanks and vehicles. Ensure you have TLD v5.50.14b installed. Installation of Meuse is simply unzipping and running the installer. An icon will be placed on your desktop to play. Download Meuse Crossing 1940 v3.5.0

Battle Selection Strategic Phase, Day 1 Force Selection Map Deployment
Infantry Assaults Infantry Takes Building Many Casualties Both Sides Battle Results

Last Stand Arnhem Last Stand Arnhem has also been updated to 5.60.53b. Several major issues are fixed with this update. These mainly include fixes to the grand campaign and operation supply lines and battlegroup movement. Read the Whatsnew.pdf file for the full list.

Cross of Iron Cross of Iron has been updated to v3.60 in June of 2011. Included with this patch are improvements to the pathing of vehicles and soldiers. AI was modified to take advantage of the pathing changes also. Download the Cross of iron v3.60 patch.

Closecombatseries.net News A small application has been added here for editing your saved games. This is a simple save game editor for, WAR, TLD, LSA and PITF. It is a small unfinished EXE file in alpha version. You can change sides, realism settings, battle ending conditions and difficulty levels. Download the Save Game Editor

I have been catching up on some old business here at the site. Updating the trouble shooting guide for common errors and keeping the mods and patches current in the download library. You can bypass the Matrix Games support section and download all the latest Close Combat patches here now, all the old patches are there as well if you login via FTP. The downloads section continues to be streamlined with a naming format the same across all versions.


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In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
found this site to thier liking. I hope you had time to check out some of the great Close Combat
mods and our forums. I'd also like to thank all the members of our volunteer staff that have
helped over the years, and all our users that contributed to this site!