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Do incapacitations count as a soldier's kills?



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  Warm Up Operation Completed
Posted by webmaster on Sun Aug 09, 2020 11:44 pm (Read More... | 1 comment | Multiplayer | Score: 0)
Multiplayer Online The Warm Up Operation concluded August 9th, 2020. The operation used the Gold Juno Sword v9.1 mod for Last Stand Arnhem. This Warm Up Operation was played as a precursor to a full grand campaign in order to iron out house rules, file sharing and teams. Teams were split up roughly 10 vs 10. A total of 44 were battles played. Allies achieved a minor victory, the final score being 165 vs 134.

All organization took place on Discord. Games were played using RAdmin VPN and GameRanger. Recorded games are on Youtube at Warm Up Op. Live streamed games were played at MOOXE's Twitch. We expect more live streaming and recorded games for the Grand Campaign. If you want to join or are looking for more information on how to join or watch the Grand Campaign contact Irishwolf75 of RD_Viceroy on Discord.

Final Results

  Strategic maps help during combat!
Posted by webmaster on Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:38 pm (Read More... | 1 comment | Multiplayer | Score: 1)
Multiplayer Online Have you ever found yourself in a battle and not sure which exit VL you need? There's no way to check while you are in combat. Your opponent may know exactly which exit VL provides you supply, and which exit leads to an uncontrolled map to freely conquer. That's good intel, and its unlikely your opponent will have it. I have taken seven maps from Invasion Normandy mods and placed the VL values, road network and heavy support range on them. These have helped me so much while gaming online. I know what map is more valuable for overall victory, I do not forget which exit VLs to capture so I can advance quickly and I know when to expect heavy barrages. These maps are all printable. My advice to you is print them off and place them by your desk somewhere for quick reference!

Fall Sverige
Der Kessel


  Cross of Iron MMCC3 - Bloody Omaha (Beta Test)
Posted by webmaster on Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:50 am (Read More... | 1 comment | Multiplayer | Score: 0)
Multiplayer Online A new MMCC3 campaign has been started, Bloody Omaha. If you are new to MMCC3 let me explain. First of all you need to have Cross of Iron installed. MMCC3 stands for Massively Multiplayer Close Combat. A strategic map is shown divided into many squares, each square represents a map. Many gamers will be fighting the campaign at the same time, either versus other players or the AI. You can select any map along the front line and choose to attack it, you can also select to defend other maps where an opponent is waiting for a real player. Thats the main idea, now lets get into Bloody Omaha....

Download and install the Cross of Iron v3.51.

Download and unzip MMCC3 Bloody Omaha Client to the C:/Program Files/Close Combat/plugins folder.

Download and unzip the MMCC3 Bloody Omaha Map Pack to the C:/Program Files/Close Combat/Close Combat III/Maps folder.

Now install the Bloody Omaha MMCC3 client through modswap.

Open up the MMCC3 application and insert the IP port 2108.

Choose a map and fight it out!

  Two campaigns to play!
Posted by webmaster on Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:28 am (comments? | Multiplayer | Score: 0)
Multiplayer Online There are two multiplayer campaigns ongoing now. The first one has been started by Davidssfx for The Longest Day. Already half way through the Germans have been pushed back against the wall, not giving up the fight though they have inflicted heavy losses to the Allies. Joining this campaign is simple, post your intentions in the AAR Thread and make sure you read the rules. You will need the OnGroundFX sound mod to play.

The second Campaign takes place in the Ardennes with Wacht Am Rhein. This is a public stock GC vs AI, where the public plays the Germans. The intention of this campaign is to demolish the AI and push the Allies back to the wall in the fastest possible way. It has just beed started. To join, simple play a couple games and post the file back to the forums with a short AAR. Visit the AAR Thread, read the rules and help continue the campaign!

Select Page of 3 pages.
News ©

In August of 2004, Zappi, Homba, Bambam887, RedScorpion and MOOXE all pitched
in to create this Close Combat site. I would to thank all the people who have visited and
found this site to thier liking. I hope you had time to check out some of the great Close Combat
mods and our forums. I'd also like to thank all the members of our volunteer staff that have
helped over the years, and all our users that contributed to this site!